Albany Dr. Mellenthin RUPTURE September 19-20-21 Specialist TRAMP TRAMP TRAMP in Internal Medicine for the past fifteen year- Harry Langdon’a first Big Fea­ ture Length Comedy. I t ’e gp’at—Howls of Laughter and side-splitting moments. HOTEL ALBANY F. H S 'h \ , of Chicago and; M l.d .ln h i. „ .,r Philadelphia, the noted I L expert, will personally be at the Albany hotsL «ud will remain in Albany,, \\ ednesday only, September 22nd Mr. Seeley says: “ The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture F le e t l y but contracts the opening GLOBE, Albany C o m in g to Sunday Monday and Tuesday D o e * N o t O p e r a te Wl|lb eat IIÍV T T ? ! A T O A K T V ^ ba„y j0 ,r e c to r v E x p e rt H e re S, ‘SX Being a vast advcncernsnt over A LB A N Y BAKING CO- 405 U est First BUTTER-NUT BREAD a Jbany Floral Co. Cut flowers 2a. an,j plants. Floral art for every $3.90 and all occasions. Flow er phone 458-f. to P ortlan d -------------------------- _ -------- ---- p^^stburn Broa. — 1 wo big grocery r . ..... a n d return all prices. Being a vast advcncernsnt over ail former methods—exemplifying in- For use Friday, S aturday a n d Office hours 10 a. tn. to 4 p. tn. ataneous effects immediately ap­ C^lite Cafeteria and confectionery S u n d a y 're tu rn lim itT u esd ay preciable and withstanding any Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Courteous, efficient serviee. strain or positiou no m atter the ings. 15-day ro u n d trip tic k e ts o n COMEDY sale daily at slightly higher fare size or location. Large or difficult We make our own candies. 1 W. S. D uncan . No Charge for Consultation cases, or inci.donal ruptures (fob perm it stopovers. C onvenient lowing operations) especially soli­ tra in s g o in g a n d r e tu r n in g . r. Mellethhin is a regular gradnate F O R D SALES AND SERVICE : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : in p medicine 1 Tires and accessories and surgery and is licensed cited. TRAVEL IN C O M F O R T AND SA FETY Caution—All cases should be by the state of Oregon. He does not Repairs Piano For Sale Near Halsey:— operate for chrouic appendicitis, gall cautioued against the use of any K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or elastic or web truss with under- Strictly high grade piano partly adenoids. pii«l tor must be fold for balance He has to his credit wonderful results straps, as same rest where the F o rtm ille r Furniture Co., furni- in diseases of the stomach, liver, bow­ lump is and not where the opening _ ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. left. Wonderful bargain and terms els, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys, is, producing complications neces­ Funeral directors. 427-433 west F irst bladder*. tied wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, sitating surgical operations. Mr. street, Albany, Oregon. $10 monthly. if interested rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rec­ particulars, write Cline Piano Co., tal Seeley has documents from the C IN T E L WRECKING CO- ailments. 66 Front St. Portland, Ore. 2l Below are the names o f a few of his U. S. government, Washington. D. * 436 W est 1st C , for inspection. Ha will be many satisfied patients in Oregon Used Parts for all cars LIGHT H AU LING:—Any dis Mrs. W. J. M artin, Moro, high glad to demonstrate without charge Local Agent for or fit them if desired. Business P R A N K G. W ILL, Jeweler tance, any time. Harry G. Brees, blood pressure. * 326 west 1st street demands prevent stopping at any Mr». Peter Westburg, Coltoo, ler. Si Por w osderful values in sparkling gems, other place in this section. stomach trouble. gold and silverw are of very best quality N. B —Every statem ent in t h i s ________________ ________ Mrs. Halvor Nelson, Chinook, FOR RENT:—Unfurnished or notice has been verified before the O O L M A N & JACKSON Washington, goitre. partly furnished housn.geeping G ro c e ry -B a k e ry Martin Jorgesson, Astoria, nerve Federal and State courts.—F. H. rooms. Also fine studio p ia n o for Seeley. Home office. 117 N Dear­ E v ery th in g in the line of eats rent by the hour, at Hotel Sylvian. trouble. The child who learns easily is D. C. Rossman, Salesman Opposite Postoffice Mrs. James Ellis, Coquille, gal! born St., Chicago.—Adv. the child who sees clearly. De­ stones. For Sale: —Vetch and onte mixed. IM P E R IA L CAFE. 209 W. First fective vision is always a trem end­ Halsey, Oregon James Sues?, Lakeside, ulcers of W. A. Muller, Halsey. Harold G. M urphy Prop. Miss Thelma Dodge of Canby -*• stomach. ous handicap to learning. Phone 665 J. It. Jenkins, SilvertoD, circu­ been selected to teach at the Ro- I t ' S NKVRR C tO S B If the eyes do not seem perfect, Mrs. Karl Bramwell and child­ latory trouble. laud school the coming term. She a thorough examination should be ren, Mrs. Edith R obnett arid ELECTRIC CO. Remember above date, th at con­ arranged for board at the B. M. VI AGNETO at lowest rate of interest. made and glasses prescribed if Investigate the new Prestolite daughter, Louise, Mrs. Velora sultation on this trip will be free Miller. Real Estate Insurance Battery prices before buying. found necessary. Sayler of Tangent aixi John Porter and that his treatment is different Prom pt service, courteous treatment. G. G. Oshurne of the Bell tele­ fy fen and money are best when W m ’ B a in , Room 5, First Savings Batik Married women m ust be accompanied of Halsey were the guests of Mr. phone company at Portland, was by their husbands. builning, Albany busy. Make your dollars work in Porter’s nephew, Joe Quinn of A ddress; 211 Bradbury bldg., Los the guest of his mother-in-law, our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate J e w e l e r s , B ank . U nder governm ent supervision. near Scio, Thursday. Angeles. Cal. Mrs. Eliza Brandon, Friday. He Optometrists and Manufacturing E L L O parlors Opticians was on his way to Belknap Springs A JA R IN (A beauty aid for every need) ALBANY OREGON. All Ages Just Dote for a vacation. St. Francis Hotel. Winifred Rose, Prop. Laundry sent Tuesdays on our deliciously flavored ice Tbad Young of Portland was J^OSCOK AMES HARDW ARE Notice of Appointment of Ad­ Agency H ub C leaning Works ministratrix. ( reams. We have all varieties of visiting with his old friends, Mr. A B E S PLACE The W inchester Store Notice is hereby given that the under­ and Mrs. James Driukard Tues­ frozen delicacies. Rich, luscious, signed by an order of the County C ourt G EA R S GROCERY day. of Linn County, Oregon has been ap­ cooling, perfectly frozen creams— 1st and Perry W. O. Church. Mgr. pointed A dm inistratrix of the estate of Buy where you Dollar buys more Mrs. J. E. True spent Wednes­ Why suffer from headache? E dw ard N. Fairo deceased, (whose true the jo y of the heightened summer, name was Norm an Neal Roega and who day at Harrisburg with her son, Have your eyes examined the delight of the festival winter — served in the United States Army under P. J. True. name of Edward N. Fairo.) All persons ihe all tho year delicacy de Inxel haying claim s against said estate are re­ Perry Bressler and son Clyde of Waldo Anderson and Son, Props. quired to present them w ithin six Chrysler Cars m onths from the date of tins notice, C la r k ’s C o n fe c tio n e ry Lyons, spent Sunday at the home with with the proper vouchers, to the under­ Atwater Kent Radios of J. W. Bressler. signed at the office of fu s sin g & Tus ■ at Halsey in I.lnn County, Oregon. Accessories and Supplies sing, B. M Bond took his mother to Dated and first published this 25th day Jewelers Optometrists Eugene Wednesday for medical - Day and Night Storage - of August, 1926. ELLA ROGGA, A lbany 1st and Baker Sts. treatm ent. A dm inistratrix Aforesaid, I ALBANY OREGON fu s sin g & fu ssin g , Attys. for Admx. $ T h u r u d a v Sept. S e n t 30 til Thursday, ONE DAY ONLY Southern Pacific Clay P. Moody, Agent W. L. WRIGHT Chevrolet Motor Cars FARM LOANS Meade & Albro A Modern Barber Shop -Highway G arage- Dr. Seth T. French f F. M. French & Son % ? s z»\ \lz viz \lz Ils The Triangle Mills, Inc., m anufacturers of Triangle and K err’s Poul­ try feeds, maintain an excellent field service departm ent. This service is free to any pouitryman, simply for (he asking. Ask about it. O. W . FRÜM Ï P. 8.8 8. Mi Truck Line DAILY SERVICE Mz Mz Mz Uz Slz Route all freight, Auto Freight Ter­ minal, Door 39. Phone EAst 5004 Leave Portland each dav a t 4:00 p. tu. Leave Halsey each day at 3:30 p. m. Halsey Depot, Swift & Co. dz Portland, Brownsville and Harrisburg Truck Line TUSSING & TUSSING LAW YERS Halsey and Brownsville Oregon We Can Give You Good Prices on OIL M EAL '"j£" D ELB ER T STARR Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer LADY ASSISTA NT I lig h c s t p ric e s p a id fo r p o u ltr y a n d eggs. W e b u y w h a t th e a n d sell w h a t fa rm e rs th e fa rm e rs h a v e to h a v e to sell BRIIXSE'BEACH buy. uperior Range T. J. Skirvin Seed <§ 4 4 ’' 4 ’‘ 4 4 ’4 4 > 4 ' 4 4 ' 4 4 4 ;4 M * 4 4 4 5 4 » 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 W h y B ridge-B each “S u p e r io r ” R a n g es A re P referred 4, j Pianos, Player Pianos, Grands, f 4 Reproducing Grands and Elec- + | trie Pianos of All Kinds £ Italdxvin Piano* Then you will be aure o, having the beat. Try other makes ami then compare with the Baldwin lines and you can plainly see and hear the difference. I promise you a square deal if you buy a piano from ns. 1 wo car loads of Pianos now arriving which won't last long—we sell Pianos and lots of them. If in town look over our stock, pick out the on* yon like and we will keep it for you until re a d y -b u t pick it out now. * 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 Í4 4 W ÍW R M * * ' First cost is reasonable--will give long service without repair*. Q 1 he highest grade piano* made—bar nothing. If you want a piano of real value, buy a LEE G. DAVIS, Proprietor DAVENPORT MUSIC HOUSE, in construction -mode of Superior cost iron - famous for its GT Superior durability. Albany AT E a sily o p e ra te d — resp o n d in- ■J stantly to draft control -read y for cooking a* soon as fire is started. C Give healthful, odorless warmth in permit free ventilation of Q winter kitchen in sum mer, as breezes do not affect the tfames. ' Large warmme shelf and cookina su rfa c e on w hich to keep foods 1 JL q Q GT Provide an abundance of hot water for all household uses. Safe in the home w ith children— cannot upset — use fuel that < not spill, leak or explode. The Name is a Guarantee of Quality Happy la the woman who has a Bridge-Beach Superior” Range in her kitchen—for she knows she will get the results she expects from her cook- tng and baking — light, fluffy biscuits, perfect bread, juicy roasts, tender steaks and delicious cakes and pastries. The secret is the scientific oven, the perfect draft controls and the ease with which the heat is maintained at a constant tem­ perature. If you have not seen the new Bridge- Beach Superior” Ranges, we will be glad to show you the complete line. P rices---$ 6 5 .0 0 to $ 1 2 5 .0 0 M an y style* o f finish to select fro m —beaa. , ? , ,” 5 led o r Plain W‘ d ( - m « v w ith nickel trim m ing . A ll have high closet and arc set up from floor on sanitary bate. HILL & CO. H a ls e y Brownsville, Oregon W . L. W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR D. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager Lady A ssistant All calls answered day or night J Phone 25o Halsey, Oregon C. G. HAMER G e n e ra l D ra y m g and H a u lin g Anvwhere-An.vtime For quick service Phone 16x6 A lb a n y C re a m e ry A s s o c ia tio n M anufacturers of LINN BUTTER and Buyers of Eggs A J aim ers’ Co-operative Creamery