OUR COMIC SECTION 0 w inter | Ing. It la the yietd-to-the-touch cha- peau whlch la making Its debut for autumn and w inter W ith a deft pull w ill wear to protect ns from chilling here, a clever kiuk there aud a dim ­ IndsJ Briefly let the answer be— pling or dentlng-after-lt-la-on of the luxurious plaids, fur-collared, and If (Town milady tunes her headwear to so please you, fu r lined. her own individual style of beauty An Increasing difference In styling from now on or at least until further la manifesting Itself between the notice. sports or u tility coats and the dressier The new exquisitely line felts and types for more form al occasion. velours let their mndlshnesa be ac­ W hile the latter Is taking on all sorts cented through rippling brims and ad­ of new vagaries In the way of fanciful justable crowns. Just as Important sleeves and decorative features, the as the felts and even more so. are the coat which we w ill serve for play, for muchly hestttched. hesniocked and work, fo r school and for all practical heshlrred velvet hats, most of which (lavtime affairs la remaining loyal to are us limber as a wireless. unstlffened OM ES now autumn with not fa r away and wbat has fash C Ion to say In regard to the coats we n * U 1 Ot/r P et Peeve ( USEP TO ¡) q .T_60ESS I cah po it yf r it- I CUT At ROSS -THI5 PASTURE I * WLAJS" WALTiR* •WILLIAM" 'WILBUR ' WARREU” XERXES ’ •XBUBPtOM" “ZED 1 "Z A C H A R Y " a. *? £ ilie regulation slim silhouette, stress­ ing warm deep pile fabrics aud won drous fu r collars and sometimes long revers at the front opening An Inter­ esting Item about some of the lighter weight fur-lined cloth coats Is that they are reversible. Deep, roomy useful patch pockets are a prominent feature for the com Ing season s practical coat. The pic­ ture defines a very stylish model of handsome wool plaid. Ils hrllllHiit col­ ors accented In contrast to the wide, plain hut very elegant sealskin col­ la r The cleverly designed pockets sod cuffs add a pleasing note of varla- stiape can he The m illinery group In the picture records some vastly Im­ portant style Items. The little hat In the lower left cor­ ner of this collection has three out­ standing features, namely. It It smocked. Is styled o f smart-looking suede d oth and explolta the popular beige coloring Ktllching Is one o f the stressed treatm ents for velvet. Sometimes the stitching Is so close that when done In thread contrasting the velvet the ef. feet la of a solid coloring. The grace­ ful velvet hat shown last In the pic­ ture shows a profuse stitching, also THE FEATHERHEADS / FELIX -WAT c H OUTf- T5ÛNT h it TrtoSf LiTriE Bch"S WALKING IN CW. L t HE NINTH FA 1 ß WAV/ BACK "SEAT D 0 l W < A<»A«/4 a ’Ion In that plaid on the bias Is used for trim m ing Among coats for motoring, traveling and general sports fur-lined suede models are appealingly styled. To much cannot be foretold In re­ gard to lavish fu r trimmings, but for the present many o f the fall models show merely the fu r collars. Coats of fu r fabric w ith trim m ing of genuine fu r aro proving an Interesting new subject to the realm of later winter wraps Not this season w ill madame or mlan be expected to put on a hat and w ear It. becoming or not bn om- M illin e r y . one of the uew whimsical soft brims T h e ra n te r model to the left, too. la of velvet and being of the extremely stylish vagabond type It may be bent to become. It la everywhere apparent that b rltn bindings are featuring the newer felt shapes. Note w ith what nicety the brim la bound and the crown be-rlb- boned In the hat Illustrated first. H a tter's plush, please do not forget. Is to lie a lending medium for the styling o f hats. Note Its use for the model shown to the right center. JULIA BoTTUMLET. »EL li t » . W r t t .r a Neweiteeer L'nlont - THE • ET3 KITCHEN 5^.1 0 cabinlt S zí (W. lee«. W eeleis Nawaeapar L o iu S I T h « c o u ra g e to be ju s t, th e c o u r­ a g e to he ho u eet, th e c o u ra g e to re s is t te m p ta tio n , th e c o u ra g e to do one'« d u ty : th is la m o r a l c o u r ­ a g e t h a t c h a ra c te ris e « th e h lg h - eat o r d e r o f m an hoo d a n d w o m a n ­ hood— I t Is th e c o u ra g e w ith o u t w h ic h no g r e a t o r p e rm a n e n t suc­ cess In lif e la a c h ie v e d .— S a m u e l E m iles. L E F R E S H lN Q D R IN K 3 M int Is so refreshing In flavor amt so attractive when used as a garnish. th a t e v e n th e word reminds us of d e lic te u s drinks. The fa- . moils mint Juleps o f the South were usually made w ith liquor, but one may serve a drink of fru it Juices with nothing hut pleas­ ure in the consequences. M int Cup.— Express the Juice from five lemons, add the leaves from a dozen stalks of mint, one and one h alf cupfuls o f sugar and one-half cupful of water, cover and let stand th irty minutes. Just before serving pour Into a pitcher over a large piece of Ice and add three bottles of chilled ginger ale. Put a sprig of mint lu the top o f each glass or a bunch In the top of the pitcher for garnish. Pineapple Lemonade.—M ake a sirup hy boiling one cupful o f sugar and two cupfuls of w ater ten minutes, add the Juice of three lemons and a can of grated pineapple; cool, strain and add four cupfuls of Ice water. Ever Ready Lemonade.— Add a cup­ ful of sugar to two cupfuls of w ater and boil together twelve minutes; add a third of a cupful of lemon Juice, cool and turn Into a Jar. Keep In the ice chest and serve w ith a few slices of fresh lemon for a ganilsh. Chocolate M ilk Shake.— M elt four squares of unsweetened chocolate, add one and three fourths cnpfuls of sugar and a pinch o f salt; pour on gradual­ ly, stirring constantly, one nnd one- h alf cupfuls of boiling water. Boll five minutes. Pool and put Into a Jar, keep on Ice. F o r chocolate m ilk shake add two and n h alf tahlespoonfula of the sirup, one egg and two-thlrda of a cupful o f m ilk, w ith two tableapoon- fula of chop|ied Ice. Iced Egg Nog.—T hl . drink Is not only refreshing hut nourishing. Beat one egg for each glass, add n pinch of salt, a little sugar and a few dropa of any desired flavoring. Bout well un­ til the egg has absorbed the sugar. To make It especially good separate the egg and white and stir In the white lightly, add lemon Juice I f desired with a grating of lemon rind, and sufficient milk to fill the glass. Use Iced w ater when (he lemon Juice Is used. A delightful drink which may a l­ ways be at hand for an emergency la grape Juice, w ith ginger ale. T h e com­ bination Is good and the zest of the ginger ale makes a most refreshing drink. Some Choice Recipes. For variety try thia recipe; It Is as pleasing to the palate as It sounds; S t u f f e d Pork C h o p s . — Have pork chops cut one nnd one-half Inches thleli, split each chop to tho h o n e and s t u f f w ith b re a d erumba seasoned well w ith melted butter and eggs and onion, |>epper and salt. Hull In cracker crumbs and beat­ en egg and fry In deep fat until brown on both sides. Now pla<-e In a baking pan and cover with the follow ing: tine small can of tomatoes, one small onion chopped, one tahlespoonful of bolter, a teaspoonful of sugar and on« of salt. Fasten together with a tooth­ pick before frying and bake until thor­ oughly well done. Olive Salad.— Take one cupful of atoned olives, two rnpfula o f celery chopped tine, four hard cooked eggs diced fine. Mix with a eupful of tnay- oonalse and serve on lettuce. Raisin Fudge Cake. Cream together one nnd one h alf cupfuls of brown sugar ami one-half cupful o f butter, add two egg yolks, one eupful of chopped raisins, four ounces of melt­ ed chocolate, one h alf cupful each of hot w ater and sour m ilk, two and one- loilf cupfuls of flour, one teaspoonful of soda, one h alf teaspoonful of cinna­ mon and one fourth teaspoonful of cloves. Bake In sheet pan In moderate oven. Cover w llh boiled frosting, using the two egg whites and two cupfuls of sugnr. adding water to moisten and hull to a thread, pouring over the beat­ en egg white. Kprlnkle a h alf cupful of blanched almonds over the top of the cske. Vegetable Curry.— Mix one cupful each of cisiked eurrola, potatoes, tu r­ nips nnd peas together I ’our over them one cupful of w hite satire, one tahlespoonful o f lemon Juice, one- fourth teaspoonful of curry powder, all cooked In the w hite sauce. On a large p la tter heap seasoned mashed potato, w ith plenty o f butter dotted over It. make a border and brown In the oven Pour the vegetable curry Into the border and sprinkle the whole w llh finely tnlnced parsley. Serve very hot. Cored apples cooked and filled with a m ixture o f chopped nuts, raisins end marmalade, then covered with a meringue and browned In the oven. Is ano'ber attractive way of serving apples. "yVc L iz* > irc/Ä.