1 Ss DOOM TRAIL Juggins,” I exclaimed as the door Improved Uniform International dosed behind his grandmother. "Re­ member that. And let me not Imperil fur one moment two friends of my ____ f father, who revere bis memory as I had - B ,- j not supposed any did. save myself.” tures under the candles tht t shone Arthur D. Howden Smith He pushed me down Into my chair from the mantel shelf. ! by the fire. A u th o r o f “Is he In danger?” she asked breath­ "There Is no question of claim, sir PORTO BELLO COLD, Etc. lessly. i 'Tls a privilege. Do you tell me now Find Lydia E.Pinkham’s V egetable Compound BBV P B f it z w a t e r , d d . r>**» by Brentano’* "The watch were after him when he of your present plight. Fear not to ( B of r r»ajf a n d E v » n t n * H< h o o e . M ood y B ib le W N U tf«r V lea came to my rescue,” replied Juggins. be frank with me. Master Ormerod. 1 I n e t l t e t e o f C h ic a g o ) a Dependable Medicine r l* 2 ( W e s te r n N e w s p a p e r U a l o a . ) "Yet he came." do not mix in politics. I am none of Lydia E Plnkham’« Vegetable Com­ She patted my cheek with her hand. ; your red-hot loyalists who would hang STO R Y FRO M T H E S T A R T pound. and it did her a wonderful "That was a deed which you need [ a man because he remarks that our Lesson for Sep tem b er 19 lot of good. She had been out of never be ashamed of. Master Ormerod, ' worthy king Is a Hanoverian by birth. H a rry O r m rr o d , p ro s c rib e d school for four months I read the | and you shall win free to safety, what­ t r a i t o r to th e B r lt ia h c ro w n a * But on the other hand I'll have (Temperance Leeton.) advertisements of the Vegetable ever It may be or wherever. If Robert < naught to do with these plotters who a M tu a rt p a r tis a n , r e t u r n in g fro m Compound and slDce she has taken F ra n c e to London w ith o u t and I have any wits between us. Sit fume over the exiled Stuarts. it she has Improved and has gone O B E D IE N C E TO LA W f r ie n d * or p ro s p e c t*, re s c u e * A l­ yourself down. Master Ormerod, and back to school again. I recommend "The Stuarts went. sir. because they d e rm a n R o b e rt J u g g in s fro m a * you shall have a draft of mulled ale I overtaxed the forbearance of a long- the Vegetable Compound to other •a n in n w h o had w a y la id h im T h e L E S S O N T E X T — L e v itic u s 2» 1-4» mothers with girls who are not as and a dish of deviled bones and there- I suffering people. They might have re- , G U L D E N T E X T — D o no i d r in k w in s a r r iv a l o f th e w a tc h p u t* an end strong as they should be.”— Mas. to th e a ffa ir , an d H a r r y te lls h i* afterward a bed with sheets that have j turned ere this, as you know, had they Bor s tro n g d r in k , th o u , g io r th y sons n e w a c q u a in ta n c e o f h i* f o r m e r A u cg L outhan , Route 2, Charles­ w ith thee. lain In Dorset lavender. Hath It a I possessed the good sense to appreciate i P R IM A R Y T O P IC — D a n ie l C hooses a c t iv it ie s as a s o ld ie r in th e ton, Illinois. welcome sound to you?” j what their whilom people required. I the R ig h t. s e rv ic e o f th e H tu a rta an d la te r "My daughter was out of school The tears came Into my eyes. an o ffic ia l a t th e “ c o u r t ’’ o f th e J U N IO R T O P IC — T h e S e lf-C o n tr o l o f j But they lucked that good sense. Mas­ two terms. I have known about ■ o -c a lle d K in g J a n ie * th e T h ir d . "I am happier this night than I have t e r Ormerod. and with all deference I D a n ie l. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com­ been any time since Charles and I left i say to you they will never return un- ! IN T E R M E D I A T E A N D S E N IO R T O P pound all my life and finally decided 1C— W h y O b ey th e L a w Foxcroft," I said. "But pray tell me i less they learn that lesson very soon.” , T O l'N Q P E O P L E A N D A D U L T T O P that she should try IL Three bot­ why you two, who are strangers to CHAPTER I— Continued tles helped her In various ways for I leaned forwurd I i my chair and IC — E n fo r c in g th e L a w . the next couple o f years,"—Mas. W. me. should be so interested In an out­ Interrupted hint, the words bubbling —2— E. G illetti , 986 E. 62nd Place, Los I. Some Fundamental Laws Stated I hart fiinintten my surroundings, cast?" from my lips." Angeles, Calif. "lie does not know?" exclaimed the forgotten the dingy cobble» of Mlnelng “I could not have put neater my (vv. 1, 2). “I have always been sickly, and 1. God alone to be worshiped (v. 1). lane, forgotten the Rtrange circum­ little old lady. own feelings. Master Juggins. When until I was fourteen my father was L O U IS C L O U T N A N God is a jealous God. therefore He "I have told him nothing,” said Jug­ I was a lad not yet of age I risked all stances under which I hart met thia very strict about my perfect attend­ ■ O U T S S. C H A S L S S T O M . IL L IN O IS otrange person who »eemert ho Inti­ gins, smiling. ance at grammar school. I have I had for the Stuart cause. What canrud tolerate a rival. There must "Well, 'tls time he knpw he was came of It? A life of exile that might be no Idolatry. God is to have full From the days of the polonaise to gone to school through hard storms mately versed In my family history. I the days of the radio, mothers have and often taken cold. When I was lived over again the brave rtHya at amongst the right sort of friends," the have ruined me, as It has many a bet­ place lu our lives or no place at all. given this dependable medicine to fourteen I took to my bed and did 2. The Sabbath must be observed Foxcroft when Charles hart lieen mas­ little ludy said. “You are too young, ter man. My family's estate was se­ their daughters. School girls are not get up for eighteen months. ter and I his lieutenant. But the mo­ Master Ormerod, to remember old Pe­ questrated ; my outlawry was pro­ (v. 2). often careless. They get wet feet. Everyone thought I could not live. ter Juggins—” The one who has enthroned God In ment paased, the memories faded, and claimed. I have no place to lay my They overstudy or they tire them­ Just four months ago I began tak­ A light burst upon my addled wits. my eyes saw again the drab buildings selves with too many dances and ing your wonderful medicine, Lydia head, save It be by the bounty of a his heart will reverence His Sabbath. “Why, of course!" I cried. “He was foreigner. of the alley and the odd figure of my The Sabbath was ordained that man parties. They get run down. E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound, Many an active girl of today, like and I could notice a great change deliverer—whom I hart first delivered. stewnrd under my father, and In Ills "Have I secured any moral satis- I might better cherish God In hla heart. the demure maiden of the 1870’s, almost at once. Now 1 feel like a "And you, sir,” 1 said. "May I a s k father's time before him! But you?” faction by these sacrifices? At first I 3. Heverence for God's sanctuury has found that Lydia E. Plnkham's new person. I wish all girls would "Peter was my husband,” she said thought I had. But when I looked j s|iered like yon through the of the- preceding experiences. Each at the same time is about as far as and you wiU have the proportions upon a large hall, similarly decorated, I say, we owe to you." diligence of his own hands and series Is prefaced by the formula, ”1 any man can go. about right. 'All of It. granny." reaffirmed Mas­ brains?" •and through this we passed Into a com­ fortable chamber which stretched ter Juggins himself. "Y'linve not made 1 Master Juggins drew a deep breath will punish you seven times more for your sins” (vv. IS, 21, 24, 28). The It one whit too strong for me. But I across the front of the house. nnd wrung tny hand hard. Master Juggins relieved me of my I would find out before we sleep how j “You'll do. lad.” he said. "Mv help thought Is that each new display of Impenitence on Israel’s part shall be cloak and hat and motioned to a deep I may he of aid to Master Ormerod." i would have been yours on any terms chair in front of the fire. 'Aid?" quoth she. "All that we But you have made It a glad privilege marked by Increasing severity. (1) The rains will be withheld (vv "Best yourself. Master Ormerod. hnve In the world Is his. If he wants for im* to help. you. Doubt not w e 19. 20). Presently we shall have provender for It ; nve, the clothes off our hacks. Good I shall find a way. (2) Their children and cattle will the inner man ns well. Ho, Goody! night to you. Master ormerod. And ' "Now get you to bed. I shall have be destroyed by wild beasts (v. 22). remember, tills house, poor though It Art abed, after all?” i somewhat to say to you on the mor- (3) This to be followed by war, "Abed? Abed?” answered a thin, Io* for your father's sou. Is to be your l row." pestilence and famine (vv. 25. 26). old voice that was Inexpressibly sweet, home until you hnve a better.” 1 rose and bowed my acknowledg (4) Increasing terror (vv. 29-32). with a Dorset burr that made Master If the previous judgments were no» Robert's sound like the twang of a ments, but I could not speak. My The part played by the inex Londoner "Abed? says lie When did heart was too full. Here In this heeded then severer ones would fol­ hauetlble riches of the American I ever feel the sheets, and not know­ bleak, unfriendly London. which had low so that In their distress they colonies In the machinations of ing he was warm and safe and his greeted me with suspicion and perse­ would eat the flesh of their sons and European politics comes as a posset-cup where It belongs which Is cution, I had found friendship and as­ daughters and their seed should be­ revelation to Ormerod. In his stomach? Abed I Didst «ver sistance. It was almost too good to come waste and their land so deso­ believe. find—” late that even their enemies would bs “I have no clnlin upon you. Master Khe stepped Into the room, a quaint astonished at It. (TO B I C O N T IN V B P I little figure In hodden gray, a dainty- ft. Scattered among the Gentiles (v. cap perched on her wispy white hair, •:*x*>x*:*x<»x<*x*>x*>x4*x*:*x->x*:*x*:*x*:*x*:*x*>x<*x*!*x->x*:*x*:-x->x*>x*:*x*>x*:*xv’*x:* 33). her brown eyes gleaming in the candle­ God would scatter them among the light, the crlss crossed wrinkles of her T i m b e r , S o u n d , T h o u g h B u r i e d f o r C e n t u r i e s heathen and pursue them with a M O T H E R i— Fletcher’» Cas- cheeks shining like a network of fine sword. How awfully this has been lace. In her handa she held a tray toria is a pleasant, harmless fulfilled In the history of that people supporting a steaming flagon and di- ' Furniture made from oak used hy first embankment built by the Ho . _ ,. Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- lera covervui dishes of pewterwarc. f the Homans more than 1,A(X> years mana. The H appiest Homes gone. Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared A member of the society said the Juggins favored me with a humor- , ago In the construction of an em- The happiest, sweetest, tenderest bankment for the Thames Is shortly timbered embankment la 81 feet ous glance. for Infants in arms and Children all ages. "Sure, I grow more troublesome i to l>e added to the historic treasures north of the Homan wall, prohahlv homes are not those where there has been no sorrow, hut those which have of the Mansion house, says the l.on built 290 years later year by year, granny,” he said as she To avoid imitation,, always look for the , ¡«nature of Whole trunks of trees, piled one b«*en overshadowed with grief and paused St sight of me. "Here I am j don Mall - do- Th y ,.c a n , everywhere recommend i t where Christ's comfort was accepted The timber. dlscnTer»*d during exra- above the others, six deep and loektsl come home Inter than ever, bringing a —J. R. Miller. guest with me. Who think you he Is?" vallens behind King William street. by cross-timbers, were found In such E, C., 1» In good condition, although «nod condition that they can still be Site looked at us Inquiringly, Read Your Bible It has been burled for centuries “ 'Tls Master Ormerod.” Used for almost any purpose. « "“ ■ » »fitly » M b and . a l annoying annoy,ng . . ITB. Ea„b| , , - ^ r t 190» b b_ , I. , W C l„ k _ __________ ^ b ln -h ,,„ m Read your Rlble, make It the first •’Ormerod? Not—” It ts In the possession of Mr. Pr«"«n by an» application v. morning business of your life to un­ N a tu r a l Q u e s tio n "Aye; Master Harry.” Thomas J Edwards, a member of the S iL -J lT r- T h ” b* ' <'h - r r la ar rvdited by tha OB'a v