7 ENTE A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k McAllister-Kutchinson Starts Music Classes Mrs. Grace Hutchinson and Mrs. Jess Cross will begin her William R. McAllister were quiet­ teaching season, September 17th, ly married Tuesday evening at tbe by having her pupils, inclading home of Mr. and Mrs. George those receiving high school credit, Hoffman with Bert S. Clark, jus. register at her home any time on tioe of the peace officiating. Only that day Her Harrisburg and members of the immediate family ! Shedd classes started September were present. j 13th and 14th. Mrs. McAllister came from Mi- • - ____ ami, Oklahoma about six weeks Pine Grove Items ago to visit with her friends, the Hoffmans snd later tilled the po­ (By an Enterpiise Reporter) sition of house-keeper at the Mc- , Hoyd Nichols and family were shop- Allister home. The groom is w ell' P"’K 1,1 Albany Thursday known here and is a prosperous ^Ir' and Mrs' Art*lur Springateof near farmer liv in g n o rth e a st of town Kowland Vlslted E- ®- Hover’s Sunday. Notice of Mass Meeting Red Cross Banquet at Harrisburg Notice is hereby given that on Thursday evening, September 30th, 1926, a t 7:30 o'clock, in the Coun­ cil Rooms, will be' belt! a mass meeting of the legal voters of the City of Halsey. Held for the purpose of nomi­ nating city officers, to be elected at the coming November election. By order of the council. E- F. CROSS, Recorder. Mrs. 0 . A. Archibald of Albany, Mesdames D. G. Clark and Jay Moore of Harrisburg and Miss Frances R. Cameron, Red Cross executive for Linu county were in Halsey Monday in behalf of Red Cross work and to enliven interest io a get-together banquet to be held at the Harrisburg hotel, F ri­ day evening at 6:80. There will be an interesting program of a musical nature. Miss Jan e Doyle, guest at the C. R. Evans home. Rev. W. B. Smith, our new pastor. secretary of the Portland chapter preached here Sunday morning and at will be present. There will be no Peoria in the evening. solicitations at this meeting, a On Thursday afternoou about twenty large delegation from Halsey is The newly m arried couple went a t , .A; 1'eh2 SOD drove to BaDki Mon- day taking Mis. Nora Pehrsson to her five ladies met at Mrs. Lvrnan Palmer's hoped for and 50 cents a plate will .____ once to their home. to pick wool and visit. Mrs. J. W pay the bill. school there Evans and Miss Leone assisted in serv­ The Enterprise extends congratu­ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hover and Robert ic e refreshments. Prom a a large bas­ lations and good wishes. drove to Lorane Thursday to visit Mr. ket filled with well and neatly wrapped and Mrs. Marion Pike, returning Satur­ packages, each guest selected a gift, day. which, when unwrapped proved to be Rev. Ted Mitzner preached at the edible, practicable, and otherwise adding B. E. Emerick, Held agent for Pine Grove church Sunday evening. much merriment to the occasion. the A lbertina Kerr nuisery and A large number of well wishing friends Our school will begin next Monday, the Louise home for wayward girls surprised Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover at September 20. Mrs. Geo. Ledgerwood at Portland, was soliciting funds Ilert Haynes home Monday night. They is to be the teacher. here Saturday and Monday and announced their arrival with such musi­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Owen and Mr. and cal instruments as dinner bells, cow Mrs. Walter Baumgartner spent Satur­ made a very interesting address at bells, tin cans, circular saws, etc. day evening in Corvallis. the M. E. church Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sylvester and Eu Mr. Emerick wag formerly presi­ nice, are visiting Mrs. Sylvester's par Alford Arrows dent of the Philom ath college eu ts at Beaverton for a few days. Pine Grove church notice: (Enterprise Correspondent) Carl Hill. Delos Clark and H ar­ Sunday School 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs: B. E. Cogswell and son old M uller drove to Oak Ridge Pleaching, 11 am ., Miss Mitzner. Philip drove to Eugene Sunday to visit Preaching, 8 p. rn., Miss Mitzner. Sunday for a visit with their old their daughter and sister, Mrs. Richard Prayer meeting 8 n. m.. Thursday. college chum, Wm. Corcoran. Stanton. A. M. Snodgrass and family, Bert Mrs. Ruth McKee of Eugeue is visit­ Haynes and family, and Mrs. Mary Me­ wed were callers at the E. B. Hover ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rickard. home Sunday afternoon. Soliciting Funds We have the “ W ea r- EverX French 98c Earl Albertson and Harvcv Wallace E. D. Isom and John Willbanks left finished their work af the Fagy prune Wednesday of last week for Oakridge lor a hunting trip. dryer near Oakville Monday. Mrs. Rnbv Dorsey underwent an Henry Brock of Lake Creek spent operation for appendicitis at a Salem Sunday at the Chester Cortis home. hospital Monday. Coralek zsooil, of Halsey speut part of Mrs J R. Mode and son Raymond last week with Beverly Isom. went to Salem Monday to be with her A. E. Wliitbecks were Sunday evening daughter, Mrs. Dorsey. callers at B. E Cogswell's. Lake Creek Locals School Open» September 20th Many needed repairs have been made on the school durin® vaca­ tion and P. J. Forster who will again serve as janitor, has every- thing spick and spau and leady for the registration day, Friday, September 17th. The opeuing day proper is September 20, John K. Standish and wite were; in town over the weekend. They ; were on their way to Reno, Nev., j where he has a position as linotpye 1 operator. Glenn W illiams bus moved his family heie from Sheld aud will be employed in a local store for a while. H ere From Newport Missionary Society Meets The Womens Missionary society met Tuesday afternoou at the aid room of the C hristrian church. Twelve members and two visitor» were present. Miss Genevieve Wells favored the society with a solo with Miss Georgena Clark a t ihe piano. Plans were made for a silver tea to be given in the near Mi s Josephine Mulkey of Salem future. Genevieve Wells handed was visiting Miss Willmina Cor­ in her name as a new member at coran Sunday and was also a this time. guest at the home of Mrs. Frank Stafford. Mrs. Addie Leeper, with her two i sisters, Mesdames E ltha T urner E. B. Peuland and wife started and Gela Shedd are making pre­ for B* rkleley, California, in their parations to move to Albany the new Studebaker Sedan Tuesday last of the week, where they will morning where they will visit their rent rooms. Mrs. Leeper baa son, Dr. Hugh Penland. rented tbe lower part of her H al­ The Epworth League members sey residence to Miss Maude F er. did a little missionary work a t the gmon who will teach in Halsey box car homes of (lit Mexican high this winter. Mrs. Ed Kizer workers near Shedd, Sunday after­ will occupy the upper room*. noon. While making an address, D E. Skirvin and children of Rev. Parker was assisted by one of the workers who made an able in ­ Junction City were guests of his terpreter. brother, T. J. and wife Sunday. Mrs. Fanny S tarr has been shak­ ing hands with Halsey friends this week, having come over from New­ port Thursday. She finds the coast climate very beneficial to her health and is anxious to get back as the valley climate seems to have a bad effect on her heart. HARRISBURG CLEANERS Ira T. Burns, Proprietor All kinds ('leaning and Pressing at Eugene prices H ats C leaned and Blocked We pick up your clothes at Stephenson’s Barber Shop io Halsey, Moudays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. An extra rush of job printing and advertising the past two weeks has crowded a considerable bunch of live news out of the Enterprise. A T rial is A ll W e A sk Georgena Clark speut the latter part of the week in Lebanon visit­ ing relative). HALSEY n , HUDSON GARAGE “ & ESSEX Cars John Salash spent a couple of J. H. Rickard and family attended days in Portland this week Regular price church at Lake Creek Sunday morning (By an Enterprise Reporter) and then spent the rest of the day at Notice To Creditors Lyman Palmer and wife and son visit­ their ranch across the river. This French Fryer consists of Notice is hereby given that the under- one “Wear-Ever” Aluminum ed at the Burt Haynes home Sunday. Mrs. E. D. Isom, daughter Beverly and signed has been duly appointed bv the 214-quart SaucePan and durable N. H. Cumnaings and family spent Coralea Moody visited at the home of wire basket o f special design. County Court of the State ol Oregon for Sunday at Waterloo. Mrs. Isom's brother, Frank Bond, near Linn countv, administrator of the estate It’s just the thing for French- Jay Suitar and wife spent the week Rowland Friday. fried potatoes, doughnuts, of Elizabeth A. McNeil, deceased, and French-fried oytters,croquettes, end at Wendling. Mrs. E. D. Isom and daughter Beverly haa qualified. fried fish, corn fritters, etc. Mrs. T. S. Nicewood and children called on Mrs. E. E Gourley and Miss All persona having claims against said shopped in Albany Friday, Willmina Corcoran Saturday afternoon. estate are hereby required to present A lso Carter Allingham and wife of Port­ Chester Curtis and family visited Mrs. them, duly verified, with the proper A new land visited at C. S. W illiams' Sunday. Curtis’ mother at Harrisburg Sunday vouchers within sis (6, months from the size date ot this notice, to the undersigned Mrs. G W Hockensinith and daugh­ evening. Double administrator at tbe office of Hill, Marks ter Jessie will go io Corvallis, where Boiler Mr. and Mrs. George Starr and daugh­ & McMahan, in the Cusick Building, Jessie will go to high school this year. (Capacity ter Ionise, were callers at the n. D. in Albany, in Linn County. Oregon lVi quarte) Martin Cummings and family visited Iscm home one evening last week. (Regular price Dated and first published this 15th relatives in Benton county Sunday. $2.50) While Mr, and sirs. Michael Rickard day of September. 192b. Kenneth Miner of Lebanon is taking were at Lee Ingram's sale, someone en­ ThU tpecial offer is good only W. G. M c N E IL . f r o m S e p te m b e r 9 to 1 8 care of the farm during tbe absence of tered and ransacked their house. A Adm inistrator. Jay Suitar. little loose change was taken, but noth­ Hill; Marks A McMahan, Attorneys for Administrator. Mrs. Whealdon of Salem has been a ing of value was missed. Tires, Tubes and Accessories G e n e r a l R e p a ir in g a n d B a tte r y W o r k All work done reasonable and guaranteed 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan in splendid condition. Ford Touring Car with Good Rubber for $35 HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU R PLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited HILL & CO. Í2 f or 5c A R egular 5c T ab let may be bad at this price while they last. ?: W e have a complete line of School S u p ­ plies, except text books. ALSO Hear the New Victrola. stration on thia new reproducing instrument. Record? just in anil also New Vocalion Victor Records You Mustn't Miss It This Year! Linn County Fair “T H E B E ST Y E T ” GetU?r Exhibits-Better Sports-Better Crowds The ‘lowdown’ on J ? ¿¡n R N E U S IV D IIR S h ir ts Y ou want your shirt to look well, always, t rue— the only part that inoat folks see is tho little “V" above your vest. Hut th at “V” be­ speaks the style, the quality o f your entire shirt. You want inbuilt value, below tho “V” and in the fashioning. Sm art lines. Deft tailoring of shoulders, cuff» ar.d sleeves. We have a large assortment of these — Ask to hear them. AND There are still a few GRAB BAGS For Friday and Saturday^ Halsey Pharmacy We are There Day and Night WoJerful Sports Programs Wednesday, Thursday and Friday a fternoons S e p t . 2 1 -2 4 S m the style show of N eustadler shirts at Our Store. Neustadt»r Brothers, E-tabllsbed 1853, Fortlaud San Francisco, New Yorit. F IN E S H IR T S , M L > A l i l i it / fi A lbany, O regon M. V. KOONTZ CO. “ Everybody’s Going” Halsey, Oregon