THE RURAL ENTERPRISE V o l u m e 15 Joint Meeting of Church Societies An especially interesting meet­ ing of the W. F. M- S. wa< held at the M. E. church Friday after­ noon. The occasion being a joint iueeliDg of the Standard Bearers, King's Heralds, Light Beareis and the members of the missionary so­ ciety. Mite boxes from all societ­ ies were opened and the proceeds amounted to $33. An interesting program had been arranged by Mesdames S- J. Smith and Frank Hedley consisting of readings and solos. Refreshments were served. To Make New Home in Canada C. E. Smith and wife and son left Halsey, Tuesday morning by automobile for Olds, Alberta, Can­ ada, where they will locate and make their future home. The Smiths recently sold their farm west of town, and they have a host of friends here who would welcome them back if they should ever decide to return to this com­ munity after a few seasons in the nqrthland. Arm Badly Injured Thursday morning, while adjust­ ing a belt on the gas engine that operates a wood saw, E. S. tiayes had the misfortune to get his arm caught between the belt and the pulley while they were running at iull speed and as a result bis arm was seriously torn and bruised. Dr. Marks dressed the injured member. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Holt and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill motored to Eugene Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Foote and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Tooth of Litch­ field, Ohio, have been guests for a few days of A. E. Foote and wife at Creswell. Mr. and Mrs. Tooth have taken apartments at Eugene and will remain in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Brown and son, and Leander Orr of Portland and Miss Doris Talent of near Brownsville were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Almoo Monday. Halsey was well represented at the two performances of fhe 101 Notice is hereby given that the ranch show at Eugene Saturday, Board of Equalization will meet at Mrs. George Starr and daughter the Linu county assessor's office, Louise spent the weekend with her Albany Oregon, on the second sister at Juuction City. Monday in September 1920, and to Mr. and Mrs. George Tycer and remain in session for a period of baby were guests of Mrs. Tycer’a four weeks. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bres­ Grant Frotnan, sler while enroute from Portland Assessor. to Grants Pass where they visited Mrs. D. Taylor and son L. D., Mr. Tycer’s parents and other rela­ and Mrs. Anna Drinkard are at tives. horns again after a ten day motor While stepping across a ditch trip to various points in Washing­ Saturday, Mrs. Eliza Brandon ton. made a mis-step and fell wrench­ Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Frum spent ing her arm and hip so badly she the week end enjoying sea breezes was confined to her home for a day at Newport. or two. Notice to Tax Payers Pianos, Player Pianos, Grands, 1 Reproducing Grands and Elec- $ trie Pianos of All Kinds The highest grade pianos made—bar nothing. If you want a piano of real value, buy a R l l ld w i n P i a n o Then you will he sure of having the best. Try other makes and then compare with the Baldwin line and you can plainly see and hear the difference. I promise you a square deal if you buy a piano from us. Two car loads of Pianos now arriving which won't last long—we sell Pianos and lots of them. If in town look over our stock, pick out the one you like aod we will keep it for you until ready—but pick it out now. LEE G. DAVIS, Proprietor DAVENPORT MUSIC HOUSE, «» w . - M aii « , -P R IZ E S - F or Everyone IN THE GRAB BAGS - See Them In Our Windows - Friday and Saturday, September 10 and 11 land spent a few days at the home of I L eila G a n sle w as given a sur- he^coua.n, Mra. Herman Stienke last | priM p #rty , „ t T h u rgJayi th e Pine Grove Points Mrs. Robt Parker who has been ordered to take a complete rest by ~ , casion b ein g h er te n th b ir th d a y . physicians, is being visited by her L. E. Eagy and family and Mrs. Mary The families of W. R. Kirk and J. N. I.-, . , , . McNeil were county seat visitors Wed­ Elliott sp e n t, very pleasant day Sun- ¡ G ‘ meS Were mother, Mrs. H- J. Blythe of Syl­ nesday. day whea they motored to Newport. o i n ic* b ir th d a y « ifts p reseu ted to van, Kaunas, who will oversee the Eunice Sylvester and Mrs. Markham Vincent Came, and family of Sum m it! h e r ’ Ice cream and w aters were house work during her daughters came home from Monmouth Wednesday, spent Sunday at H. L. Straley'». served. Present ware Bessie Rey- iodisposition. for the fall vacation. Mias Ellen Vannice is home for her I oolds, June Layton, Dorothy Cor- Dr. and Mrs T. I. Marks and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nelson of Port­ last vacation this summer. She is leav coran. Fern Rossman, Alice and land are visiting the McLaren». t ,„g ,oon fur Alsea, where she will Mr. and Mrs. George Laubner re­ teach j ean Sturtevant and Leila Gansle. Bert Haynes and George McNeil were school this winter. turned Monday from a pleasant so­ Portland visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Gus Mitzner and son Ted journ at Yachats. Miss Mearle Straley went to Corvallis Bert Haynes and E. E. Hover with Friday and visited triends there until and daughter Amanda and Miss Tom Hover moved his family their families were Sunday visitors at Sunday eveniog when she returned and Ellen Vannice are at Newport this W. E. Hovers near Harrisburg. left the same evening for Harrisburg. | w eej. from Halsey to Monroe Wednes­ George Chandler has built a new silo where she is picking hoos. day. Mr. Hover has been in busi­ and filled it Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. Herman Stienke and Mrs. Ed Kizer who will teach ness in the Benton county town "1 be hoppicking at the McLaren yard children visited Mrs. Stienke'» sister at the 7th and 8tb grades here this for several mouths and decided to was finished Tuesday. T he hops were Eugene Sunday. winter, will occupy rooms at the move over. very good this year and the nickers were Mrs. Cecil Bilyeu and daughter and residence of Mrs. Addie Leeper. able to make very good wages. Miss Mary Carey visited at J. P. Tem­ Piano For Sale Near Haleey: — Mr. and Mis J. W. Lamar, Mr. and pleton's Moaday afternoon. Thomas Miller is working in > Strictly high grade piano partly Mrs Chas Shaw and Mr. Hughes of Pe­ Mrs. J. B. Waggener is finishing pick­ Corvallis and expects to enter O. t paid tor must be sold for balance oria attended church at Pine Grove Sun­ ing her bean crop this week. A. C. this term. day morning. left. Wonderful bargain and terms Leroy Straley and Roy Saflev left Sat- Cliaa. Gibson of Corvallis is spending turday night for Corvallis where they If interested in Mrs. J. E. Jacobson and child­ $10 monthly. will pick hops. a few days at Frank Gibsons. particulars, write Cline Piano Co., ren of Cushman were guests ot the Regular services will be held at the T. P. Templeton and [wife spent Sun­ M Front St. Portland, Ore. 2t C. P. Moody home last week. church next Sunday. Miss Mitzner will day afternoon at Clarence Gillettes. preach both morning and evening. Mrs. J. H. Vannice and daughters, Roberta and Edna are leaving thia week for Salem. Misa Roberta is entering the Willamette University and Miss Edna will enter high school September Mrs. H. J. Hawkins and little daugh­ 20 .Mr. Vannice will remain at the farm ter left Saturday for their home in Port­ of his son. Merwin until the fall work is land after a visit at the Whitbeck home. done. The Vanmces will be greatly Mra. Whitbeck accompanied them at far missed in this community. at Albany. Alford Arrows Fire broke out in B. E. Cogswell’s pas­ ture Saturday afternoon and burned over about 300 acres before the volunteer fire fighters could stop it. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom, daughter Beverly and niece Doris Robnett and Chester Curtis and family and uncle, Jack Curtis drove to Newport Sunday and spent the day. School will start in the Alford district, Monday, September 20, with Miss Agnes Chandler as teacher. Rev. and Mrs. H. S, Shangle of Cor­ vallis visited at the J. H. Rickard home Saturday. Some one entered Chester Curtis' wood shed sometime Saturday evening and took a new auto tire he had juat purch­ ased that day. Joe Ceraovaki ia enjoying a visit from bis sister, Mrs. Mary Breenkamp> and daughter Clara and Mrs. A. Ryan from Colby, Kansas. Mrs. C. E. Mercer and DeEtta Robnett of Eugene called at B. D. Isom's Mon­ day afterneon and took Doris Kobaett home with them. Lake Creek Locals Silo filling, boppicking and sales have been the chief attractions this week, Miss Helen Williams is visiting her sister, Mrs. Manlee Spores near Spring- field and also picking hops nearby. George Ledgerwood and wife are at home again after a motor trip to their old home at Madras, Oregon. They re­ turned by way of Klamath Falls and Ashland and visited Mrs. l.edgerwood s mother who lives at Riddle. Rev. H. S. Shangle and wife of Cor­ vallis spent the week end visiting in the neighborhood and were Sunday dinner guests at the Martin Cnmmings home. Mrs Rannal Brock is at home again after several weeks illness in the Eugene hospital. Her triends were glad to know of her recovery. Mrs. Estes Bass and children were visitors at Martin Cummings’ W ednes­ day. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Coldiron invited a number of their LeelngTam and wife and daughter, friends in to celebrate the birthday an­ Thelma spent Friday evening at A. E. niversaries ot Mrs. Coldiron and G. W Hockingsmith. A pleasant evening Whitbeck’a. Mias Lillie Rickard, Mrs. Michael was spent and every one wished them Rickard and Emery Rickard attended the many happy returns ol the day. camp meeting at Bellfountain Sunday. Mrs. B. E Cogswell and son Philip ar­ rived from Portland Tuesday for a visit at the ranch i Mrs Fred Hough of Portland called at Sunday Monday and Tuesday the Whitbeck home Tuesday afternoon. ¡GLOBE, Albany Spoon River Sparks Miss C.raae Kirk left for Dallas Mon­ day where she will visit friends for sev­ eral days. Mrs. Henry Seefeld and daughters, Esther and Mrs. Lester Powell of Wilcox Arizona visited at Mrs, E. E. Carey'» Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. J, Rike and grand children of the former spent Sunday at the new home of Carl Seefe'id. Mrs. Smith and two children of Port- September 12-13-14 a The Flaming Frontier” you to one of the bags. Something of value in everyone. The Halsey Pharmacy For Your Convenience ©pen Wednesday and Saturday Evenings till 9 OIL MEAL Highest prices paid for poultry and eggs. W e buy what the farmers have to sell and sell what the farmers have to buy. T. J. Skirvin Seed © The iowdown’ on COMEDY - " S h irts n il s ia d i M 40 ROOMS FURNITURE Auction Sale CONTENTS Brownsville Hotel Sat., Sept. 11,9 a.m. day. Including hotel range; e le c t ic wa»her; electric mangle; bedding; beds, springs aod mattre «eg ; dressers; comodes; rugs; carpets; liooleums; office furnitjre; heaters; counters; tables; stands; pillows; liney; kitchen uten»i Is; dishes etc. Everything must go. Nothing reserved, a eban cw for housewives, dealers, room­ ing houses and hotel* to get ju st what you want. Terms cash. All bedding is fuiugated. I .a r t s all Try your luck. We Can Give You Good Prices on The greatest epic of Frontier life in ths 70’» y»t. Picturized, a real western pic­ ture in guper Special form. B row nsville, Oregon A fifty cent purchase or more, entitles FARM LOANS Mr. and Mrs George Drinkard and son Joe of Wasco, arrived at lowest rate of interest. Saturday and visited at the home Real Estate Insurance of Mr. and Mrs, James Drinkard Prompt service, courteous treatment. Wsi B a in , Room S, First Savings Bank and other relatives here. builning. Albany F. N. WOOD RY, SALEM. OREGON You w ant y o u r sh irt to look well, always. T ru e—th e only p a rt th a t m o st folks see is th e little “V” above y o u r vest. B ut th a t “V ” be­ sp eak s tho style, th e q u a lity o f y o u r e n tire sh irt. You w ant in b u ilt value, below th e “V ” aud in th e fashioning. S m a rt lines. Deft tailo rin g of sh o u ld ers, cuffs and sleeves. See the style show of Neustadter shirts at Our Store. Neustadter Brothers, Established 1853, Portland San Francisco, New York, F IN E S H I R T S .^ M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon \IH I R wr