PACE 4 KURA«. < ¿ ... /R IS E SEPT, 1 Senator Robert N. Stanfield (Continued from page 1) Pine Grove Church GLOBE, Albany Septem ber 5-6-7 Colleen Moore IN Statewide News Items Sunday school 10 a. ro. Preacbing, 11a. di . Mias Mitz­ ner. Preaching S p. in. Mias Mitzner Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p. u>. sugar beets, reports M. B. McKay, plant pathologist of the experiment station at Corvallis. The disease In some cases has damaged 50 per cent of the crop, he says. Establishment of the boundaries of a proposed road Improvement district sought in petitions submitted to the state highway commission by resi­ dents of Polk and Lincoln counties will he considered at a hearing to be held by the commission at Falls City on Saturday, September 11. Weeks of undercover work gather­ ing evidence and obtaining "buys" came to a head at Klamath Falls when city, county, state and federal officers combined In one of the big­ gest liquor raids ever held in south­ ern Oregon. Thirty were taken In the wholesale raids, including ten wo­ men. Church of Christ “ I t M u s t be L o v e ” C O LLEEN ’S Most Beautiful, Moat Gorgeous Picture to date You'll like thia one we are sure COMEDY THE LINN County Fair A p a n o r a m ic d is p la y of th e A g r ic u ltu r a l, L iv e ­ sto c k , I n d u s tr ia l a n d E d u c a tio n a l r e s o u rc e s o f th e c o u n ty . Is Only Three Weeks Away A re y o u p la n n in g to bo r e p r e s e n te d w ith a n e x ­ h ib it in o n e o r m o re o t th e v a r io u s d e p a r t ­ Senator Robert N. Stanfield who ments? was defeated in the ptitnary last Sunday School 10. Job Printing at this office. May for ^nomination on the Re­ Preaching 11. publican ticket to the United States Sullivan A Sullivan of Portland Christian Endeavor 7. Senate by Frederick Steiwer of have completed their contract for w ill b e m e a s u r e d b y y o u r lo y a lty a s a n e x h ib it- Preaching 8. grading fire mllea of railway exten­ Pendleton, announces be will be a Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. sion into the national forests pear o r. candidate at the coming general Cottage Grove for the Anderson A Local Agent for election as ar. independent candi­ Middleton Lumber company, which M. E. Church will start this year upon a cut of 40,- date. Mr. Stanfield alleges unfair 000 annually for ten years in federal Robert Parker pastor. a n d h e lp m a k e th is th e g r e a te s t f a ir in th e h is ­ Sunday school, 10. , , , | *» pf- campaign tactics on the part of timber. Preaching, 11. to ry o t o u r c o u n ty . Mr. Steiwer and the leading Re­ Using finger prints along with the Juoior League, 2:30, publican newspaper of the state— signatures of all persons issuing checks apparently la the only means Epworth league, 7, The Morning Oregonian. D. C. Rossmaa, Salesman of halting the flood of worthless paper Preaching, 8. that la now being floated in different Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 8. H alsey, O regon Ex-Editor Now Feeding Chickens sections of the country, according to Bible StuJy 'Tuesday, 2. Louis Olson, who Is in charge of the It is a newspaper office tradition bad check division of the Salem po­ that some time or other every news­ lice department. paper man becomes disgusted with Citizens of Pendleton will be given his occupation and an nonces he is an opportunity at the November elec­ tions to vote on an amendment pro­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : ‘‘going to quit the job, and go into viding for bonding special lighting dis­ I Truck the chicken business." Very few tricts and la the first step in the C a rs PIANO:—Will sell reasonable, 1 Line of them ever do, but according to plan of the Pendleton Commercial as­ Earl Stanard, Brownsville’s young sociation merchants* committee fbr Rosewood finish, Storey & Clark DAILY SERVICE a modern business district piano. Write Mrs. Adda Leeper poet, one editor has succeeded in obtaining G e n e r a l R e p a ir in g a n d B a tte r y W o r k street lighting system. Route all freight, Auto Freight Ter­ 527 West 2nd. st., Albany. bis ambitious. Stanard, who is A ll w o rk d o n e r e a s o n a b le a n d g u a r a n te e d minal, Door 39. Rhone F.Ast 5004 Silver gray squirrels are proving the Brownsville reporter for the such a pest to walnut growers of Mc­ Leave Portland each dav at 4:00 p. in. Agent wanted in Halsey terri­ Leave Halsey each day at 3:30 p. m. Albany Democrat and the Port­ Minnville that orchardlsts are organ­ 1924 Ford T udor Sedan in splendid condition tory. Sworn proof of »75 per week. Halsey Depot, Swift & Co. land Oregonian is responsible for izing forays to shoot them. The ani­ Ford T o u rin g C ar w ith Good R u b b er fo r $35.00 $1.50 an hour for spare time. In­ mals climb the trees, bite into the the following which appeared in a P o rtla n d , B row nsville and twig holding the walnut and when troducing Finest Guaranteed Hosi­ recent issue of the Oregonian: it has dropped to the ground scurry H a rris b u rg T ru ck Line “ W. II. Wheeler, editor and off to their holes. Considerable dam­ ery. 126 styles and colors. Low prices. Auto furnished. No capi­ publisher of the Rural Enterprise age to the orchard» has resulted. All Ages Just Dote of Halsey for some years past, has Pendleton post of the American ta l or experience necessary. on our deliriously flavored ice sold out and retired from the hard Legion has enlisted Its services with W ilknit Hosiery Company Dept, creams. We have all varieties of labor of getting out a newspaper, those of the police of Pendleton in M-47 Greenfield, Ohio. , attempting to run down r. thief who frozen delicacies. Rich, luscious, and now on bis chicken ranch, among other things, stole a brief F irs l-c la s s W o r l PIANO—High grade piano near scattering grain to clamorous fowls, case from the automobile of F. M cooling, perfectly frozen creams Halsey will be sold to reliable the seventy-slx-year old veteran Bistline, a lawyer of Pocatello, con­ J - W. S T E P H E N S O N . the joy of the heightened eurntner, may dwell down memory lane, and taining records of the proceedings party at big saving, $10 monthly the delight of the festival winter— live over again in fancy expedien­ of the Idaho state American Legion will handle. A real buy, write at TUSS1NG & TUSSING the nil the year delicacy de Inxel cies in newspaper offices which convention at Lewiston. once for particulars. Tallman LAWYERS Two applications by the state high 16 C la r k ’ s C o n fe c tio n e r y ■late back to the year 1868, when way commission of Oregon for ap­ Piano Store, Salem, Oregon. Halsey and Brownsville as a youth of eighteen years lie en proval of bridge plans have been ap­ Oregon SPECIAL BARGAIN! House tered a Canadian print shop as proved by the war department The and small barn and six lots in devil.” department approved revised plans for a bridge to be constructed over North Brownsville. Price for the south fork of Nehalem river, one- quick sale »550.00. Act quickly Men Sues Dry Chief. quarter mile east of Mohler, and for and secure a home before this of­ Salem, Or.— Damages of >50,000 are aaother over the north slough of Coos Laundry sent Tuesdays sought against W illiam 8. Levens bay about four miles from North fer is withdrawn. Leslie L. Has- Agency Hub Cleaning Works state prohibition commlsslcsier, and Bend. kin, 309 Lyon St., Albany, Ore. H a ls e y , O re g o n The Success of the Fair W. L. WRIGHT Plan Your Exhibits Now Chevrolet Motor Cars Remember the Dates S e p t . 2 1 -2 4 HALSEY n,(alcr HUDSON GARAGE P. B. í H. Tires, Tubes and Accessories BARBER SHOP A Modern Barber Shop HALSEY STATE BANK C A P IT A L AND SU RPLU S three unnamed deputies In a suit fll ed In the circuit court by Russell Beckett of Salem, convicted at pos­ session of liquor. Beckett declares in his compaint that Prohibition Commissioner Lev­ ens has threatened to make his life a burden and said he would run Beck­ ett out of town. The deputies used strong arm methods in handling the case, it is alleged. $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savinas accounts Solicited ip T ° O b t a in H e a lt h y a n d T h r iv in g P u lle ts T H E M ARKETS | Use Kerr’s { H oping j 1 In C o n n e c tio n W ith K e r r 's S c r a tc h . * T L ib e ra l D is c o u n t o n T o n lx>ts o r M ore. ® Food T h a t (Jiv es R e s u lts . o. w. h u T h e M/ \t/ m Me ( an Give \o u Good Prices on OIL MEAL "U;r I Iig lie s t p ric e s p a id fo r p o u ltr y a n d eggs. V ^ e b u y w h a t th e a n d sell w h a t fa rm e rs th e fa rm e rs h a v e to h a v e to T. J. Skirvin Seed (g sell buy. Forfeiture of the construction con­ tract entered Into by the Medford Ir­ rigation district and the Rogue River Canal company was authorized by Rhea Luper, state engineer. The for­ feiture was requested by the lrrlga tlon district on the ground that the Irrigation system had not been com pleted In accordance with the con­ tract. The state engineer has auth­ orized the irrigation district to com­ plete the project which w ill cost ap­ proximately »76,000. There were s toiai of 198 arrests for violations of ths state prohibition laws in the stats of Oregon during the month of July, according to a report prepared by W illiam Levens, state prohibition director. Approxi­ mately 145 of these defendants plead ad guilty' or were convicted In the courts. Fines assessed aggregated »23,702.60, with fines paid in the amount of »lt.965.90. A total of 468 gallons of liquor was destroyed and 20 stills ware confiscated by the of­ ficers. Portland Wheat — Big Bend bluestem, hard white, soft white, western white, and hard winter. 11.29; federation, »1.20; northern spring, »1.27; western red »1.24. Hay—Alfalfa, »17 60 3 18 ton; valley timothy, »17.50:318; eastern Oregon timothy. »21 321.60. Butterfat—44c shippers' track. Eggs—Ranch. 29Q 36c. Cheese— Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets. 2954c; loaf 30t4c per lb. Cattle— Steers, medium. »7.0038.00 At a special election held in Barlow Hogs— Medium to choice. »123 14.50. Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice. to determine the matter <7f a location for a proposed new high school build­ »9.50 011.50. ing for the union high school dis­ Oesttle. W heat— Soft white, »13014, hard trict. the 10-acre tract of George H. winter. »1281«; western red, »1.2754; Brown, situated in Canby, was select­ northern spring. »1391«; western ed by a vote of 426 to 14. At this white. Big Bend bluestem. »1.3014; election a straw vote was taken to Big Bend dark northern spring, gat the sentiment of patrons on the »1.31 <4 7 Big Bend dark hard winter, «uestlon of bonding the district for »100,000 or mors for the creation of a »130 Hay—Alfalfa. »25; timothy P. SM hklidlng fund and the expression was almost unanimously In faror of the »20; do. mixed. >28. bend Issue. Butter—Creamery, 42343c. Eggs Ranch, 3S340C. U. P- io Ban Women Worker*. Hogs Prime. »14.60 3 14.80. Omaha. Neb.—Women will be inalig- Cattle Steers, choice. »7.0038 00. Ihle for employment by the Union Pa Cheese — Oregon fancy, 10381c; clflc railroad, according to order* is­ standards, 29c; Washington fancy sued by W M Jeffers, general man triplets, 27c. ager of the road. Women now em Spokane. ployed by the road will not he affect­ Hogs- Good. »1160 3 13 85. ed by the order, but no moru will be Cattle— Steers, good, >7.00 3 '» 9 , hired, it was p.noounced. Ì A B E 'S LIGHT HAULING:—Any dis­ tance, any time. Harry G. Brese- itr. 5t FOR partly rooms. rent by RENT:—Unfurnished or furnished house-keeping Also fine studio piano for the hour, at Hotel Sylvian. W. F. White has just completed a modern and up-to-date chickeo house for O. II. Froman near Fayetteville and is now building a garage for C. C. Jackson. Big Special Dance Monday N ight ^September 6 PLA CE D ELBERT STA RR Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer LADY A S SIS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon W . L. W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR D. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager Lady Assistant All calls answpred day or night Phone 255 Halsey, Oregon G. G. HAMER G e n e r a l D r a y in g and H a u lin g A n y w h e r e - A n y t i m o F o r q u ic k s e rv ic e P h o n e 16x6 T UMBtE INN: C ^ m e r y ‘ ATsociahon Manufacturers of Alio remember .Dancing every Saturday night . t Tumbi, i„„ 01 ========3=^— LINN BUTTER and Buyers of Egcs A- Farmers' Co-operative » C re a m e ry