HURAL ENTERPRISE Neighborhood News Published Every Wednesday, B y H ubert L- A lston EDITOR ARD PUBLISHER Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1926 It a year in advance Arrearages. 12j£c a month Advertising, 20c an inch; no discount for time or space ; no charge for com position or c.iauges. Pine Grove Points (B y Special Correspondent) Hop-picking Began at the Mc­ Laren yard Monday morning. ON THE SESQUI LAGOONS qf $3.90 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and daughter Beverly drove to Eugeu Sunday afternoon bringing Doris Robnett borne with them. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Chisholm of Monroe were Sunday afternoon Miss Nora Pehrsson went to Sal­ callers at Lee Ingram’s. em Sunday Sunday to attend the Mr. dnd Mrs. Chester Curtis and wedding of a friend there. u " P a id -fo r P aragrap hs." (e a llae. children visited Mrs. Curtis’ moth • • • a d v e rtis in g dlsgulesd as n a * a W. G- McNeil and family went er, Mrs. C. N. Tandy Sunday to Newport Thursday, returning afternoon. Monday. Did You Ever Stoo to Think Velda, Alice and Delta Curtis Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Chandler and Thelma Ingram visited Wilma By Edson R. Waite, Secretary, Shawnee spent a few days at Newport last Lois and Erma Falk Sonday after' Okla., Board of Commerce. a n d r e tu r n weak. noon. COPYRIGHT, 1936. Pearl and Grace Pabrsson came F o r use F r id a y , S a tu rd a y Frank C. Mortimer, vice presi E. D. Isom and family drove to an d S unday • • re tu rn home from the Strode hop yard dent o* the Citizens bank of bos Albany Monday evening to see Wednesday. li m i t T u e s d a y Angeles, says: “ The Bat” at the Globe theater. Rev. H It. Tate and family of That there is no class io the Mrs. A. E. Wbitbeck accompan 15-day ro u n d trip tickets citizembip of any nation which is Peoria left Monday for Missouri, ied Mrs. Florence Hawkins and on sale daily at slightly entitled to greater consideration having been transferred to that daughter to Eugene Tuesday. higher fare perm it stop­ than the farmer. He constitutes conference. A Rev. Smith is the overs. Miss Lillie Rickard spent part the very Cher of the community in pastor appointed to the Peoria and of last week in Corvallis attending C onvenient trains going Lake Creek charge. which he dwells. conference. and returning. Mrs. Florence Annis visited Mr?. From tho earliest tiller of our Mrs. Wbitbeck and Mrs. Hawk- Bert Haynes this week. soil to our present day farmer, he Travel in comfort Mis. Agnes Chandler was hostess I*?8 Cal,e<1 0,1 Mr8' Lee Iu« rara ° ne has exercised habits of thrift and and safety frugality. And great as is the at a most enjoyable party at ber 'day last week and Mrs. John Rolfe and Mrs, E. D. Isom Monday value of thrift from the point of home Saturday evening. afterooou of this week. economics, yet its value is uot Mre. R. K. Stewart and grand- limited wholly io that field. daughters visited Mrs. N. H. Cum­ Here are Americans, visitors to the Sesqui-Centennlal International Expo­ Weekly Industrial Review The training afforded by its mings and children Monday. sition tn Philadelphia which celebrates the lSUth anniversary of the signing at the Declaration of Independence, riding about the lagoons in an Italian craft, practice calls for the exercise of Frank Gibson began filling Lis Salem—Oregon Linen Mills, Ioc. a gondola, from which they view the buildings and display» from many lands. qualities that are predominantly silo Tuesday. In the distance can be seen the mammoth Sesqui Stadium; to the right ts C la y P . M o o d y , ships in 27 cats of machineiy for the moral in character. It means signal tower of the United States Coast Guard building and exhibit, and The funeral of Mr. Gonld of linen plant. Factory will nse 137 to A gent the left is one of the Japanese pagodas which dot the exposition grounds. self-control. It means self mastery. Peoria was held at the Pine Grove The Grecian pavilion is one of the permanent structures on the site befoiw electric motors. Long ago the farmer learned to church Monday afternoon. Rev. the city government decided to build the Sesqui at the front door of the £reat Salem—Sixteen local canneries Philadelphia Navy Yard. The Exposition continues until December L forego immediate pleasure for the Calder of Sbedd officiating. will pack more than 1,000,000 sake of some more distaut good. Mr. and Mre. Lee Cjm p of Port- cases this year. Through hardship and toil, on Job Printing at this office. for July reached $657,045. laud are visiting at John Mc­ Springfield — Mountain States Oregon mills use 800,000,000 the frontier and the prairie; in the Laren’,. Chiloquin, ou new S. P. Cas­ Power Company will furnish light feet of lumber for paper making, valleys and on the hillsides, he L. E. Eagy and family and Mr. cade line, needs sash and door and power for Wendling and Mar- Halsey Railroad Time each year. has labored to supply the immedi­ cola. Steam plant generates 3,500 and Mre. Ben Ivey aud son went North South ate wants of his household and Portland leads country west of factory, hardwaro store, small kilowatts. to Belknap Springe Tuesday. The 12, 3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. m. wood working plant, and brick food for the peoples of the earth. Mississippi as cloak-suit center, 16, 5:15 a. ni. 15, 12:45 p. in. That which he has gathered and Eagye returned home Thursday business has grown 330 per cent in nd tile factory. Also needs large New Loud Speaker C arries Ten Miles. 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. ni. and the Iveya started for their 34, 4:08 p. m. hotel badly; many people going to 31, 1:34 p. ni. flat; saved has become the foundation London, Eng. — Senator William three years. Nos. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers home in California, going by way that fust growing town are unable Marconi of Italy, inventor of wire­ of our wealth as a nation. His from south of Eugene. McMinnville — Smith chicken to find any kiud of hotel accommo­ less, has announced the perfection of No. 31, direct connnction for Marshfield steadiness, industry and sobriety of Bend and Klamath. cannery to build large new plant. a wireless loud speaker which can be points. dations. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Hover, Mr. are political virtues which make heard for 10 miles. It is the inven­ Passengers for svuth of Eugene' should Fort Klamath stockmen will for the stability and permanente and Mrs. Everett Hover of Harris­ take train No. 17. Dundee walnut exchange sells tion of a member of the staff of Mar­ burg, Mrs. Florence Annis of ship about 15,000 cattle this fall. Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves Hal­ of our government. coni company and Marconi states has first carload of walnuts in Califor­ sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 snd 8:lfc p in. Portland land district has 159 Salem and Mrs R K. Stewart and already been tried out at Cowles with Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. ui. amt nia. 521 acres af public lands open for success. 3.35 and 8:45 p. ui. Helen and Jeaoette Settle of Pleas­ Gertrude Ederle Greeted by New York homesteading. ant Hill were Sunday visitors nt New York. — Gertrude Ederle was Yoncalla —II. F. Wells gets 90 Elven a homecoming ovation as New E. E. Hovers. York novur buforo has given a woman. pounds peppermint oil worth $12 a Mr and Mrs. Ray Hover spent Packed throngs that witnessed her pound, from one acre. Sunday night at Bert Haynes. triumphant procession up the canyon Medford— Local pear industry of lower Hroadway were estimated as daily payroll is over £10,000 a day Alford Arrow s greater than those that welcomed re­ turning heroes after the world war to 3,000 workers. It was the day of days for the youth­ (By an Enterprise Reporter) Klamath Falls building permits ful swimmer who was the first of her An enjoyable evening was spent sex to conquer the English channel and In a bettor time than any mnn at the Lee Ingram home Saturday had ever achieved. evening when a number of their neighbors and friends met to give them a farewell party. Mr. Ing­ ram s are moving to Harrisburg in the near future. Music and games were the diversions until a late hour when delicious refreshments were served. Those present Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Hawkins aud I o w a C h ilif a tFycv daughter Helen Joan of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Clay Foresman; Tho eye is the main avenue of edu. Defective vision cause? Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wbitbeck cation. Mrs. Chester Curtis and daughter? more school failures than any one A thorough Cultural and prolraatortel » N 4ar ship ta the outatandin« ih a ra v tm a tir o f the Velde, Alice Delta end Elnora and thing. State Urwvergity sone, Charles and Dean; Mr, and We make a specialty of fitting 7>oirwr»f I t o l f t r v j in Mre. Horace Armstrong and the eyes of children and young 22 departments o f the College of daughters, Retta and Hazel; Mr. people, guarantee an accurate ad­ Literature. Science a n j the Arts. and Mre. E. D. Isein and daugh justment of glasses, and take care A rchitecture and A llie d A r t s — ter Beverly; Mr. and Mrs. Lee of the eyes until they reach ma­ Business A dm inistration — Educa­ tion— Journalism—G rs d u a te Study Ingram and daughter Thelma; turity. — Law— M edicine— M u sic— Physi­ Emery and Jess Rickard and I^est- cal Education— Socsdogy — S o c ia l er Green. W h y Bridge-Reach W o r k — Extension Division. J e w e le r s , Mr». II. J. Hawkins ansi daugh­ ^ S u p e rio r” R anges 5ht Vest Opero September 27, 192t Optometrists nnd Manufacturing ter Helen Jean of Fortlnnd are A re P re fe rre d f o r m /onndlion or c a t o io ju t u ' r i t i Opticians i h t h ttllfr u r of vieiting Mra. A. R. Wbitbeck A L B A N Y OREGON Happy is the woman who has a Bridge-Beach Oefu/t ¿uji'ii» Ore Superior in construction—made of Mr, Hawkins also spent line week­ Superior Range in her kitch en -for she knows Superior caat iron—famous for its end here. durability. she will get the results she expects from her cook- Notice of Appointment of Ad mg and b a k in g -lig h t, fluffy biscuits, perfect First cost is reasonable—will give ministratrix. Of bread, juicy roasts, tender steaks and delicious long service without repairs. cakes and pastries. The secret is the scientific Notice is hereby given that the under­ /-JT E a sily op erated — respond in- °'u " L u r.erfect draft controls and the ease with signed by an order of the Coanty Court \J | stantly to draft control —ready for w h ic h the heat is maintained at a constant tem ­ of I.inu County, Oregon has been ap­ cooking as soon as fire is started. perature. If you have not seen the new Bridge- pointed Administratrix of the estate of Beach Superior^ Ranges, we will be glad to show Give healthful, odorless warmth in Rdward N. Fairo deceased, (whose true Personal Service by an Experienced P rinter name you the complete line. winter—permit free ventilation of was Norman Neat Kogga and who To P o r tla n Southern Pacific s uperior" Range BRIDGE-BEACH Meade & Albro The Name is a Guarantee of Quality G Job Printing- —B ring Your Nexl Order to the Enterprise Any Girl in Trouble m a , communicate w ith Lee of t h e J S a l , « ^ W h .ts Shield Homs, J65 M ayfair avenue, Portland, O rv g o .. rved in the United States Army under „ „ w e of Edward N. Fairo.) All persons havi.', K claims against said estate are re­ quired t° present them within six months f.*°tn the date of thia notice, with the pro vouchers, to the under, signed at the o.^*ce Tuasing A Tes­ ting, at Halsey in Linn County, Oregon Dated and first pub.’'*hed this 25th day of August, 192b. El.LA ROOGA, Administratrix Aforesaid. Tussing A Tuaaiag, A tty a tor A d m x Q kitchen in summer, as breezes do not affect the flames. Large warming shelf and cooking su rface on w hich to keep foods warm. Provide an abundance of hot water for all household uses. Safe in the home with children— upset — use fuel that can­ Q cannot not spill, leak explode. or Prices--- $ 6 5 .0 0 to $ 1 2 5 .0 0 Many styles of finish to select fro m —beau- nfully enam eled or plain M a c k -m a n y with nickel trimming. A ll have high closet and are set up from floor on sanitary base. HILL & CO Halsey