Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, September 01, 1926, Image 1

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    y S
electric sign erected on the roof
■ Local and Personal Mention - the
Some Tourists are Locating
News Items From Entire State
Several Halsev people went to
several days with them. He left
Turning to Oregon as the most
Sunday and Monday even­ promising country to serve as their
| es of the Broadway bridge in Port­
ing to see **The But,” showing at
In an effort to cut down expenses, land.
haven, many farmers of the Owens
Mrs. Clarice Gormley of Coquille the Globe theater.
Contracts for grading and surfac-
valley in California are seeking the government Is going to do away
with Ita rat killer at Portland.
arrived here last week to visit at
I ing 41 68 miles of Oregon highway for
and finding homes in this state.
Silver creek falls, a few miles a total cost of >328.925 were let or
the Ernest Gourley home. She
Brush Prairie, Washington arrived These men who have sold their 1 south of Silverton, may become a referred to the engineers for letting
had previously visited in Portland.
Thursday and were guests of the farms near Bishop, California, to national park, according to word re- within a few days by the Oregon state
Mrs. Paul Popman returned former’s sister, Mrs. O. F. Neal. the city of Los Angeles, iu a much I ceived.
j highway commission, meeting in Port­
Clyde B. Altchlson of the interstate land.
Sunday morning from a two Friday, the party went to Newport agitated water rights controversy,
A. W. Tyler of Olympia, W ash,
are visiting aud locating in all commerce commission spent last
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Newton months visit at different points in returning Sunday.
week In Wallowa county resting and was elected district governor of the
who have been visiting at the P.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Southworth A recent arrival from Owens val­ viewing the scenery.
Kiwants clubs of Oregon. Washington,
J. Forster home and also with Portland.
The prune harvest is on through­ ! British Columbia and the panhandle
are moving into the property re­ ley is J. S. Wilson who purch ased
out Yamhill county with many times ot Idaho, at the closing session o,
other relatives, returned to their
Mr. and Mrs. Frauk McCaalin cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs.
80 acres of Klamath county land. entire families working in the orch­ the ninth annual convention at Eu­
home in Portland Sunday.
of Portland spent the weekend Leighton Henderson. The South,
Charles Matlich has shipped a car­ ards. Growers uniformly report a gene.
Postmaster Karl Bramwell and with the latter’s parents, Mr. and worths are former Halaey residents load of his household effects end heavy yield.
Some 125 officers of Rotary club
The spring salmon fishing season towns and cities In the states of Ore­
family motored to Albany Satur­ Mrs. N. T. Sueed and other rela­ but moved to Brownsville some­ equipment to Grants Pass. lie
gon, Washington, Idaho and British
day evening on business and pleas­ tives. They also transacted busi­ time ago.
was accompanied from the valley In the Columbia closed at noon Wed­ I Columbia,
met at Astoria for tho an­
ness in Eugene.
nesday and marked the end ot one of
The W. F. M S. of the M E. in the southern state by a neighbor the poorest seasons In the history of nual two-day conference of executives
Barnett Sneed, a millwright at ceurcb will hold their meeting who also purchased a place on the the Industry.
I of the first district Rotary interna­
Mrs. Mary King spent Friday
arrived Saturday for a Friday afternoon at the church, Grants Pass irrigation project.
Wounded by a stray bullet two tional.
with Mrs. Eliza Brandon, driving
The Tillamook city water commis­
weeks ago while hiking on a lonely
over from Crawfordsville with her visit with his parents, Mr. and the mite boxes will be opened at
mountain trail. Lew Lawson of sion has filed with the state engi­
daughter and eon-ju-law, Mr. and
Galice, 45 years old, died in a Grants neer application for permission to ap­
Mrs. Georga Finley who went on nesday taking with him his three program has been arranged by
Pass hospital.
propriate water from Fawcett creek,
A new movement in the Oregon
to look after their ranch near Mon­ children who have been spending Mesdames Frank Hadley and S. J
An oil lease covering 1160 acres of for municipal supply, and for storage
the summer with their grand par­ Smith.
poultry industry, balled as the land near Merrill in Klamath county of 200,000 gallons of water at an esti­
ents heie and will put them in
important advance in recent has been taken by Charles G. Adams. mated cost of >35.000.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. C. H. Koont* and
The federal power commission has
Miss Maude Ackley made a trip school.
It is thought drilling operations will
son Herman are spending the years, by many breeders, is tho I start this fall.
authorized the Issuance of a prelim­
to Albany Saturday.
organization recently of the Ore­
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker ard week at Newport.
Mrs. Helen Kyron, 37, of Warren inary permit for two years to the
gon Accredited Hatchery and ton,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vannice family made a business trip to Eu­
committed suicide following a Prairie Power company of Prairie
Mrs. Effie Wesley and son Dan Breeders association.
motored to Salem Tuesday. Their gene Tuesday.
quarrel with her husband, John Ky­ City for a proposed project on Straw­
iel have returned from an all gum. P. A. Pehrsson of the Pine Grove ron, an employe of the Warrenton berry creek In Grant county, with
daughter Roberta is planning on
1000 horsepower capacity.
A very pleasant time was bad at mere’ visit with relatives in and district west of town, was one of Lumber company.
entering Willamette University
Damage estimated at >100,000 was
around Minburn, Iowa. They re the first breeders of the state to
Hulling of alfalfa seed will start
this fall.
caused when tire starting In an aban­
Sneed Sunday, when several of port a pleasant trip.
become a member of tbe rew or­
doned shed owned by the Edlefsen
Quarterly meeting was held at their children with their families
ganization and is remodeling his 300 acres have been laft for seed Fuel company spread to three build­
and about 30 acres of sweet clover
the M. E. church Friday afternoon spent the day there. The day was
poultry buildings and yards to seed Is to be hulled.
ings occupied by the Crown Mills,
with Dr. Cheney, district super­ turned into a picnic and dinner
manufacturers of flour, cereals, poul­
conform to the requirements of
intendent presiding.
try and dairy feed, at Portland.
was served under a large maple
John R. Gould, 92 years of age, ihe rules and by-laws of tbe new her oompany and the Dallea-Mosier
Width of tho right of way for the
Present were
Mrs. R. K. Stewart of Pleasant tree on the lawn.
Timber company were sold by the
a retired gea captain and resident incorporation.
highway now Is In dispute
H ill, and two grandchildren have’ Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCaalin of
The organization is patterned
of Oregon for the past quarter of a
between the Linn county court and
been visiting at the homes of Mr. Portland; Barnett Sneed and century, died at his home near after tbe one in Washington that inenta of about >150,000.
Some damage to fruit cropa was the state highway commission, ac­
and Mrs. Karl Bramwell and Mrs. children ot Marshfield; Mr. and Peoria Saturday. Funera1 services has been operated successfully for
reported at Roseburg as a result ot cording to members of tbe county
They also visited old Mrs. S. J. Smith and children and were held at the Pine Grove Mon- 3 years. Its purpose is to protect' the recent electrical storm. Pears court. It originally was the under­
neighbors at Lake Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Norton and day.
customers and breeders by provid­ and apples suffered from wind and standing of the court that a 60 foot
highway was satisfactory, but now It
ing rigid supervision of breeding rain wlilfl^ -aused a heavy drop and is understood the state wants an 80-
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Patton family of HaUey.
foot road.
ami two daughters are taking a
Miss Clarissa Walton and friend
Fred R. Baumgartner, about 60 docks and batelleries of members.
The city of Estacada filed applies
Remarkable work In tbe control of
final two-weeks vacation in Port­ Miss Veda Beougher of Albany years of age, a resident of Harris­
tlon In the offices of the state engi­
land, before the school term stuits with a party of friend» from Bend burg and a native of Benton county breeders by giving official credit neer for permission to appropriate forest fires has been done In the Pa­
cific northwest, where the worst fire
Both of their pareuts reside in are enjoying a two weeks outing at died in an Albany hospital Sun­ for highclass breeding, and wifi water from Fall creek for municipal season was experienced since 1919, In
day and was buried in tho Piue
the opinion of J. C. Klrcher, forest
customer by insuring him against development was estimated at >40,- Inspector from Washington, D. C.. on
Mrs. H. P. Willis and children
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Porter Grove cemetery, west of Halsey at diseased and misrepresented slock. 000.
Inspection tour along tho Pacific
are visiting Mr. Willis at Daytou, were visitors at the John La Rue two o’cclock Tuesday afternoon.
Joseph Klppea, about 35, a miner coast.
In other worda when you deal
employed at Cornucopia by the Gold
where he is railroad agent.
home Sunday.
Marlon county this year will pro­
The funeral ot R. D. Snell, 60, with an accredited member who Reef Mining company, was killed in duce approximately 8,600,000 poundB
Mona Bond left Saturday for
J. W. Stephenson, J. C. Walton, who died in Albany, was held is under the rigid supervision of stantly when he was flung from a of English rye grass seed, according
Portland where she took a steamer Guy Bramwell and Roy Reynolds Monday afternoon.
Mr. Snell the Oregon Agricultural College bucket of the cable tramway which to estimates made by Harley O.
for Los Angeles and thence by motored to Triangle lake Sunday. was a native of Nebraska and had you will know what you are get­ hangs 700 feet above a mountain can White. The largest previous crop of
this seed was less than 1,000.000
rail to Jerome, Arizona where she
Grftnt Reynolds has been busy been a resident of Oregon for half ting.
The Multnomah county commission­ pounds. The seed Is selling at >4
will teach the coming winter.
this week topping the big trees a century.
ers plan to submit a bond Issue of to >5 per 100 pounds.
Harry Greenwalt, of Pittsburg, that surround the hotel property.
A bean disease is prevalent In the
Robert Forster came over from >281,000 to the yoters at the general
Pa., old friend of Mr. and Mrs. J . Mrs. Johnson who is operating the' W. A. Allen Suffers Paralytic Stroke Yachats Sunday, where l,e has election November 2 to obtain funds northwest thia season which appears
to be used In Improving the approach to be the same as that which affects
C Standish, hag been spending hotel under lease is having an
W. A. Allen who has been in been doing carpenter work the
poor health for some time, was past two months, and stayed a
stricken with paralysis the latter few days at the home of his par­
part of last week and at this time ents.
Mrs. Clayton Smith who ia leav­
ing aoon with her husband for
Canada, was delightfully enter­
tained by her Sunday school class
at the home of Mrs. Veda Bram­
well, Saturday evening. About
twenty-eight members were present
and a pleasant time was bad by
all. Refreshments were served.
G e t ’e m
is in a very serious condition.
Mr. Allen is a native of this
community and has a large circle
of friends who sincerely hope for
an improvement in his case.
The ‘lowdown
A car load of milk cows was
bought up around Halaey Hnd
shipped to Los Angeles this week.
P. J. Forster sold his cow to the
- 50c a pint
All other sprays are 75c a pint
Kill those flies the better way. Fly Foil
will do it for you, and all you have to do
is sweep them up.
Ask to have it demonstrated.
A ls o
Cow sprays at $1.95 gallon.
Grab Bag Sale
Sept. 10 and 11
With every 50c purchase or more you will be entitled to grab one
of the prize bags in our window.
A large per cent of these will have valuable prizes, such as records,
powder. Stationery, Kodaks etc. in them.
They cost you nothing so try your luck.
September 10 and 11
The Halsey Pharmacy
For Your Convenience
Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings till 9
¿ O u sin ess is S o o d
th e ^ / v u r d i ¡e n te rp rise
While we are going along quietly and peacefully—not ex-
peeling to get rich, or reform the world, or to please everybody,
we will have to admit that business is good, and everything is
lovely with the Rural Enterprise,
Four months ago when we purchased the Enterprise and
plant we were a bit skeptical of the future for the paper, but
thought we would place it on a business basis and give it a try­
out, and then, if the field proved too small to support a paper,
no one could deny us the right to load the plant oolo trucks
and move to a larger field that was in mind. Now we have
almost forgotten that proposition. Within two-weeks—and
possibly next week—the Enterprise will go out with two pages
more than you have been receiving for the past few months.
A good live serial story will start at that time, aod several other
features will also be added.
Tbe job printing department ie doing better than usual and
subscribers are renewing at a rate of ninety per cent as their
times expire and new subscribers are coming in last enough to
more than offset tbe delinquents.
So, taken all in all, we are doing very well, thank you.
S h ir ts
You want your shirt to look well, always.
True—the only part that moist folks see is tho
little “V” above your vest. Hut that “V” be­
speaks tho stylo, tho quality of your entire
You want inbuilt value, below tho *’V” and
in the fashioning. Sm art lines. Deft tailoring
of shoulder«, cuffs ar.d sleeves.
See tho style show of Neustadter
shirts at Our Store.
Brothers, Established 1853, Fortland
San Francisco, New York,
F IN E S H I R T S ^
Halsey, Oregon