rA G E 4 R U R A L E N T E R P R IS E News Items From Entire State A M E R IC A N Y O U T H C A N D ID A T E GLOBE, Albany YOUR OWN County Fair The crop of pears Is so heavy in the Harrisburg vicinity that orchardists I Herman Pohle, who died at Salem are asking people to come and carry, recently, left an estate valued at $82,- August, 29, 30, 31 110. them away at their own price. Grant Balderee, 22, of Mill City, was A gold brick, estimated to be worth $15 000 has been on display at the drowned in the Santiam river near Basche-Sage hardware company’s store j Ender when he slipped and fell from In Baker. The brick Is from the Buf­ A thrilling, mystery melodrama, September 10 will be the opening falo mine. taken from the stage play by I date for the deer hunting season in Harry C. Peterson of Brookings, con­ Oregon, unless drought conditions con­ the game name. Written by fessed to District Attorney Buffing­ tinue, according to an announcement ton of Curry county at Gold Beach, from the Oregon fish and game'com­ Mary Roberta Rinehart. that he had set fire to bis wife’s house mission and E. F. Averill, state game Three Days Only at Brookings. warden. The season will continue un­ With hundreds of exhibits in place, til October 20. COMEDY Bend held Its 13th annual flower show, A mass of huge boulders and up­ A c o m m u n ity enterprise w o rth y of all th e the leading prize, the Bend chamber rooted trees was swept by swollen and of commerce trophy, going to Mrs. waters of the White river against the F E L IX support you can give it. Ralph Spencer. bridge that spans the stream on the The Sternberg tannery at Albany Mount Hood loop highway and carried W rite for prem ium list, and begin to plan that was recently destroyed by fire away two sections of the bridge. The Jo b P rin tin g at thia ollice. will be rebuilt, business men having bridge is located about six miles above your exhibits for this g reat event. A raised $15,000 as a loan for six years Government Camp. without interest. T. W. Norcross, chief engineer of d ep a rtm en t for every exhibit. A petition was filed with the pub­ the national forest service in com­ Miss Halen F. Dodge of Pennsylva lic service commission by the city of pany with F. H. Brundage, in charge nla. bolder of a Carnegie medal for O th e rs have found it w o rth w hile. G e t heroism, has been nominated as a Marshfield asking for an order requir- of trail and road work in national for­ candidate for the American Youth nig the Coos Bay Water company to ests of Oregon and Washington, and Local Agent for the exhibit h ab it and bring som ething to Award established by the directors o[ extend its service. Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor of the the SeBqui-Centennial Internationa] A proposition to issue bonds to the Cascade forest is inspecting construc­ Exposition, which la to be held In help swell the big displays. Philadelphia from June 1 to Decem­ amount of $1500, with which to install tion work in that forest. a water system, septic tanks and Mystery of the rapid and unpre­ ber 1 in celebration of 150 years of M a rk the dates on y o u r calen d er in red American Independence. Miss Dodge, electric lights in the Boring school- cedented fall of Lake of the Woods, the daughter of George H. Dodge of house, was voted down. near Klamath Falls, which has left 5944 Walton avenue, Philadelphia, D. C. Rossman, Salesman letters. Esther Motanic, full-blood Cayuse motor boats and piers stranded high Jumped into the Toms River at Ocean Indian maiden of the Umatilla Indian and dry on a barren expanse of mud Gate, N. J., fully dressed, and, while reservation, will be queen of th e Pen­ flats. Is believed solved In the discov­ Halsey, Oregoa having use of only one arm, saved the dleton roundup September 15 to 18, in ery of a large fissure in one end of the life of a drowning girl. elusive, it is announced. lake into which waters are pouring. The property of the Eastern Oregon There are 159,521 acres of land open state hospital, In Umatilla county, has to homestead entry within the Port­ been set aside as a wild ga.me and land land district, comprising Yamhill, bird refuge, according to a proclama­ Washington, Polk, Tillamook, Marion, tion issued by Governor Pierce. Lincoln, Linn, Clackamas. Columbia, : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : Clatsop and Benton counties, accord­ Truck In a rage because she refused him funds to attend the Trall-to-Rall cele­ ing to a recent list of vacant lands PIANO:—Will sell reasonable, Line bration in Eugene, Joseph Planz, 39, compiled by the Portland land office. Rosewood finish, Storey & Clark shot his wife twice in the back and The state- irrigation securities oom- piano. Write Mrs. Adda Leeper DAILY SERVICE G e n e r a l R e p a ir in g ; a n d B a t t e r y W o r k killed himself at Klamath Palls. mission has been petitioned by the Route all freight, Auto Freight Ter­ 527 West 2nd. at., Albany. Acetylene Welding Prank Hooson, 52, sign painter of Eagle Point irrigation district in Jack- minal, Door 39. Phone EAst 50U4 Portland, died in Spokane, Wash., a son county to extend the state guaran­ All work done reasonable and guaranteed Leave Portland each dav at 4:00 p. m. Agent wanted in Halsey terri­ Leave Halsey eacli day at 3:3u p. ill. few hours after his automobile had tee of interest payments on a $400,000 been struck by a Northern Pacific pas­ bond issue for another year. The state tory. Sworn proof of $75 per week. Halsey Depot, Swift & Co. Ford Touring Car with Good Rubber for $35.00 has previously guaranteed interest $1,50 an hour for spare time. In­ senger train near Granite, Idaho. payments on this bond issue for tour If there are no remonstrances with­ troducing Finest Guaranteed Hosi­ Portland, Brownsville and in the next few days, construction will years. Harrisburg Truck Line ery. 126 styles and colors. Low Plans for the improvement of the begin on a $350,000 union high school prices. Auto furuished. No capi­ building at Klamath Palls. The mew Scappoose drainage district have been All Ages Just Dote approved by State Engineer' Luper. tal or experience necessary. school will benefit four districts. on our deliciously flavored ice Practically the entire population, of The Improvements will consist of ap­ W ilknit Hosiery Company Dept. proximately seven miles of dikes to , creams. We have all varieties of Sweet Home, Holly, CrawfordsviRe hold back the overflow from the M-47 Greenfield, Ohio. and Foster is now engaged in picking frozen delicacies. Rich, lusciour, evergreen blackberries. About two Columbia river, and a pumping plant, PrA X O -H igh grade piano near the estimated cost of the entire im­ cooliog, perfectly frozen creams— truckloads a day are being shipped. Halsey will be sold to reliable provement being $293,400. Extensions, Improvements and iiddi J. w . STEPHENSON. the joy of the heightened summer, One of the Southern Pacific passen­ party at big saving, $10 monthly tlons to the Ashland municipal w ater the delight of the festival winter— supply have been agreed upon by the ger trains was delayed north of the will bandle. A real buy, write at TUSSING & TUSSING Tallman the all the year delicacy de luxe! city council. The total cost of the Umpqua river while one of the bull once for particulars. moose which range that territory ran LAWYERS improvements was estimated at 11500,- 16 ahead of the locomotive for three or Piano Store, Salem, Oregon. 000. Halsey and Brownsville Clark s Confectionery The city of Lakeview has filed -with four miles. This interference of train Oregon SPECIAL BARGAIN! House the public service commission a com­ schedule by the moose is not an in­ frequent occurrence and the animals and small barn and six lots in plaint against the service of the Lake- view Water company. It was charg­ are seen often by the train crews and North Brownsville. Price for ed that the service was inadequate, passengers. quick sale $550.00. Act quickly Closer co-operation between the 11 due to a defective flume and o ther an­ western states to combat strong-arm and secure a home before this of­ cient equipment. i Laundry sent Tuesdays fer is withdrawn. Leslie L. Has- Breeders in the Paisley and Bly dis­ salesmen and promoters of undesirable Agency Hub Cleaning Works tricts have petitioned the pu:olic serv­ stocks and securities was forecast by kin, 309 Lyon St., Albany, Ore. Halsey, Oregon ice commission for a reduction of live­ W. E. Crews, state corporation com­ A B E S PLACE Christian Endeavor Conference stock freight rates on the line of the missioner, as the result of action taken Oregon, California & Eastern milroad at a meeting of securities commission­ C A PITA L AND SU R PLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Believing that there is a great between Sprague river and Klamath ers from the various western states at DELBERT STARR need for trained leaders ¡n the San Francisco. Mr. Crews attended Palls, a distance of approximately 40 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited the conference. churches of today, the Oregon Funeral Director and Licensed miles. Etnbalmer The contagion named hemorrhagic Christian Endeavor Union seeks A live deer was brought to Wald­ L A D Y A S S IS T A N T septicemia, which caused the death of port by Frank Johnson, who had pick­ to train young people for leader­ ed it up on his farm. The, animal was more than 250 head o f cattle in the ship, and its annual summer con Brownsville, Oregon of Boring, Damascus, in pitiful condition froin a strange districts ference is one of the means to this malady, believed possibly to be the Gresham and several other localities in the past three weeks, is now un­ end. The conference also offers hoof-and-mouth disease. der control, according to Dr. H. C. fellowship and recreation. T o O b ta in H e a lth y an d T h riv in g P u lle ts $ The Five persons were 1 tilled and 222 Johnson, veterinarian. Dr. Johnson conference will meet this year at W . L. W R IG H T persons ware Injured In 1719 traffic has vaccinated 1500 head of cattle accidents in the state of Oregon dur­ Turner, August 30 to September 6, FUNERAL DIRECTOR since the epidemic started. ing the month of Ai ¿gust, according and promises to be the best ever A complaint has been filed with the D. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager to the report of T. . £ Raffety, chief held by this organization. Inspector for the s tu te motor divi public service commission at Salem Lady Assistant by the city of Vernonia against the In C o n n ectio n W ith K e rr's S c ra tc h . * slon. Juror« S trik e ; No Pay, No Verdict. All calls answered day or night Vernonia Light & Power company, a According to EmlJ Britt, weather ob­ private corporation, formerly owned Decatur, 111.—”No pay do verdict,” Phone 255 Liberal Discount on Ton U ts or More. The st server at Jacksonville, the recent rain by the Northwest Trust company, Port was the ultimatum of seven men com­ Halsey, Oregon broke the longest dry s, jell In Jackson­ land, and now in the hands of the re prising a jury in Justice court here. hoed I hat (lives Results. • V/ ville in more than 40 years. There ceiver, for alleged violations of the The jury had reached a verdict In a was a period of droutli of 102 days, laws regarding public utilities and ask minor case when the ■•strike” was de­ only .05 of an inch fulling In that ing that the commission fix reasonable clared. The defendant attorney ad­ time. rates and charges. vanced the fees, $3.50 In all, and a George R. Reeves. Portland con­ The last piling for the north and verdict of “not guilty" was announced. tractor, was low wit’s a bid of $97,- south Coos bay Jetties has been driven The jury’s action came about because G e n e ra l D ra y in g an d 800 for construction of the first unit and only the rocking remains to be a law provided that the municipality of the Cr lumbia hos' jttal to be erect­ done to complete the estimated $3, Is relieved of costs in a case in a H a u lin g ed at Astoria by th e Columbia con 310.000 job. The money appropriated justice court tn which It loses. ference of the Aug-ustina LuXheran however, will more than finish the synod. Any where-Any time work, and the port of Coos bay is Butler Declines to Run for Governor. The Drager Fruit company of 8a planning for an extension of the north New York. — Dr. Nicholas Murray For quick service i ltmi has made applte atton for permis Jetty for 1000 feet and the south for a Butler, preeldent of Columbia univer­ Phone 16xG | slon to operate a 12c ensed warehouse few hundred feet farther to sea. These sity. prominently mentioned ae a can­ under the federal ws rehouse law This extensions will be asked of congress didate for the republican nomination would be the first federal licensed at the next session. We have about 20.000 used sacks ranging in for governor, in a statement announc­ warehouse to be op« rated in the Sojem ed he would not become a candidate. A lb a n y Oregon farmers expect to plant about district. price from 7c to 11c. Don't overlook these bar- 6 per cent more wheat this fall than He gave as hia reason a desire to con­ C ream ery A ssociation The Mabel Mill « ompany is reported , was planted a year ago, according to tinue hie more than 4« years' service gains. to have purchas »d the 80,000-acre ,-eports received from some hundreds as head of Columbia. Manufacturers of Drew timber trac t above Rolley and of growers, says F. L. Kent, statisti­ Grants Pass— Building so far i will tap the new holdings with a log­ cian, United States department of ging railroad for which a survey al agriculture. It is estimated that R»S.- this year is more than double the ready has been made. As surveyed, 000 acres were seeded to winter wheat 1925 record. and Buyers of Eggs ths line would run from Fox creek, in Oregon last fall, hence an Increase Klamath Falls district will bar- eight mikes east Of Rouey, t0 Mabel in of « per cent would bring the pros­ A 1 armors Co-operative l.ane county, w.' 18re company has pective acreage to be planted thia faji vest nearly 2500 acres of potatoes Creamery thia year. H L«: _ ' - - up to $52,uv0 aorta. “The Bat” an ù Smetter ?7/ian fever VV. L. WRIGHT Chevrolet Motor Cars S e p t. 2 1 -2 4 HALSEY GARAGE H udson in & P. 1 .8 H. I Tires, Tubes and Accessories BARBER SHOP First-class Work A Modern Barber Shop HALSEY STATE BANK Use K err’s 5eavseh,oping 1 < > . W. FRU M & $ w G. G. HAMER SACKS! SACKSf Superior Sack Twine, 75c per lb. T. J. Skirvin Seed (o LINN BUTTER