^ /^ b a n y j2 )ire c to ry "1 he Philadelphia of O ur Ancestors i m p e r i a l R u s s i a n C o s s a c k C ir c u s C o m p o rt­ e d in J t s C O uge T h u is good ad v ic e : “ it you live in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you hve in some other town, trade in that tow n." B u tin these automobile day s many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of th eir buying in the larger town. T hose who go to Albany to transact business will find the firm named below ready to fill th eir require­ ments with courtesy an I fairness. 7 ) i r e c t ,7 r o r r C o n d o n Q ty tn p ia . t>y ^ A C itte r CJBrotk ( r s I ositively the Largest and Most Sensational Feature Ever Imported by an American Amusement Enterprise. This Cossack Circus Held all Loudon Enthralled for Weeks as a Separate show. It is Just a Fart of the Mighty 101 Ranch 1926 All-New Program. I nparalleled ¡a modern circus history is the feat of Miller Bro- thera in contracting the entire Im­ perial Russian Cossack circus, which showed the London Olympia ENTRAL TIRE SHOP all winter as a sensational and Tire V ulcaninug- Battery re­ P ortland, Or.—W hether the United charging. 221 W. Second. complete show of unprecedented State3 is going to give Sand island, E d Falk, Flop. hugeness and novelty, for their 101 valuable seining ground in the low er avenport Music House. ranch real wild west and great far Columbia, back to th e sta te of Oregon, or will re tu rn some 3350.000 paid by 409 West 1st Street East. “ Fianos, Organs and ail musical in stru ­ fisherm en to the governm ent in past This mighty attraction, assembl. years. Is to be determ ined In large part ments of the very best makes. Ilrop in and look over our stock, we sell on terms ed in the Balkan and other border through hearings held a t A storia and that will please you. ijcij countries from scattered Imperial Ilwaco, Monday and T uesday by the astb u rn Bros.—Two big grocery A lbert C. W illia m » of Texas, ap­ hosts of the late Czar of all the subcom m ittee of the public lands com­ stores, 212 W. F irst and 225 South m ittee of th e senate. pointed by President Coolidge a t head Russia«, was acclaimed by the Main. Good m erchandise at the right , H ere Is shown a section of “High S treet," a reproduction of P hiladelphia’s Y ears ago th e sta te ceded Sand Is­ the farm loan bureau to succeed prices. London Daily Graphic as “ the land to the federal governm ent for of famous M arket street In the days of 1776. It Is one of the outstanding fe atu re, Robert A. Cooper, resigned. of the Sesqul-Centennlal International Exposition now being held in P h i £ finest show of its kind that London m ilitary uses. The governm ent never C’lite Cafeteria and confectioner} tion h ‘f i° com m em oral® the 150th anniversary of the signing of the D eclare has ever had.’’ The London Daily put th e island to th e use intended in Home cooking, l’leasant surround­ tlon of Independence. Every building has been built to actual size and In the act of cession, but. In tim e and as ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. actual arch itectu ral detail. The furnishings of each building are exact repro­ Express said: “ One of the most We make our own candies. thrilling spettacles ever tern in the salm on fishing in d u stry grew, leas­ ductions of those used in the R evolutionary days. Many of the pieces on ed th e Island to seiners. The annual W. S. D uncan . orl?ln al* and tod&r are w or,h thousands of do'lars hecatua London opened at the Olympia last lease ren tal ia now approxim ately 340,- of th eir historic value. The Exposition continues until December L night. The riding feate of the 000. A ltogether th e governm ent has ord sales and service | cowboys at Wetnby were outdone received som e 3350,000 for such re n t­ S eattle, W ash. — G overnor H artley Tires and accessories Repairs rem oved C. A. F ecb ter of Y akim a as by 260 lean, tough Cossacks.’’ als. K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . R ecently a controversy grew up be­ a regent of the U niversity of W ash­ he London Daily Mail remarked: tw e e n th e sta te s of O regon and W ash­ ington. 'The Cossacks piled thrill upon ortmiller Furniture Co., furni­ ington as to w hether the Island was F echter. who had sought to have the thrill. They take away your w ithin the boundaries of W ashington regents continue a building program ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges.. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First | breath; they are almost too much or of th is state, and th e suprem e court which the m ajority, consisting of H a rt­ street, Albany, Oregon. W ashington, D. C. — C ontroversies H oover D e c la re s S upport of arising out of the enforcem ent of the for your eyes. They must be seen of th e U nited S ta te s held it to be ley appointees, postponed until a fi­ nancial survey Is com pleted, was re­ be believed.’’ The London w ithin th e O regon boundaries. Volstead act and Interpretation of rum olman & jackson O ther S ta te s Needed fo r Two hills a re pending In the senate placed by J. M. P erry of Yakima. Grocery—Baker; treaties now constitute one of the Morning Poet stated: “ The whole a t this tim e, a lte rn a te In term s, one O usting of F ech ter leaves tw o re­ E verything in the line of eats D evelopm ent. m ost prolific sources of litigation immense production is something requiring th a t the U nited S tates return gents In office when H artley became Opposite Postoffice reaching th e suprem e court. S csttie. '.Vasa.—uoaetrocaoo. cz iz-r entirely new. Nothing like it ba« to Oregon th e re n ta ls received, not governor In January, 1925. The cases pending cover a wide Columbia basin irrigation project, ever been seen in London before. having used th e Island for m ilitary To prevent G overnor H artley's audi­ MPERIAL CAFE, 209 W. First which would w ater 1,750,000 acres of range, from attem p ts to nullify rum purposes. T he o th er provides th a t the to rs from Inspecting records of ths Harold G. M urphy Prop. The performance is simply prodi­ land in central and eastern W ashing­ treaties which G eneral Andrews re­ Phone 665 governm ent reconvey title to th e state, U niversity of W ashington alum ni as ton should be placed before congress gards as one of the most effective gious. The feats of horsemanship though retain in g the rig h . of m ilitary W e never close soclatlon, 20 men entered the office instrum ents In com batting bootlegging, at Its next session, It was voted here must be seen to be believed.’’ use In case of necessity. , of th e organization and rem oved the by the Columbia Basin Irrigation to technical questions in ra th e r ordi­ agneto electric co . That was Loudon’s opinion of The subcom m ittee of th e sen ate pub­ correspondence files and other papers. PH ILCO B A TTER IES league during its fifth annual session. nary cases. lic lands com m ittee, of w hich S enator the Cossack circus as a show in The group failed to heed a formal with the famous Diamond-Grid p late Seizure of th e Canadian steam er The league accepted S ecretary of Stanfield Is chairm an, was directed to protest ag ain st taking the records from priced to suit the consum er. 423 W Firs Commerce H oover’s suggestion th at Q uadra off th e Farallone Islands, tself—a huge circus In a mighty conduct h earin g s and rep o rt as to the cam pus m ade by C om ptroller H ep completion of th e project no longer liquor laden, on the ground th a t she city. Now, Miller Brothers are w hich of th ese m easu res should be bert T. Condon of th e university, a c t­ TV/Jen and money are best whet Involves engineering puroblems, for was w ithin one hour’s sailing by her adding this saute Imperial Russian enacted. Thia com m ittee consists of 4'-*- busy. Make your dollars work ii ing as rep resen tativ e of the board ol own power of the California coast, Cossack circus—horsemen, band, our savings departm ent. A lbany ST a TI they all have been m et." S enators S tanfield of O regon, Dill of regents. B ank . U nder governm ent supervision Mr. Hoover, on his arriv al in S eat­ will be th e basis for testin g th e ju ris­ choir, acrobats, tumblers, dencers, W ashington, N orbeck of South Dakota, A. H. B. Jordan of E verett, president tle had completed a to u r of 3000 square diction of federal courts to try cases C am eron and A sh u rst of Arizona. of th e regents of th e U niversity ol cavalry units and all—to the huge alleged to have originated outside the miles of land Included In the Colum­ IVIARINELLO PARLORS T hree will be present at th e hearings, W ashington, declared here a fte r a , territo rial lim its of th e United States. 101 ranch real wild west and great S enators N orbeck and C am eron hav­ m eeting of the regents th a t court ac­ ■*-’A (A beauty aid for every need) bia basin project. Automobile com panies In Alabama far east. St. Francis Hotel “I have been deeply Im pressed with ing been compelled to re tu rn to th eir tion will likely be sta rte d against 20 W inifred Rcse Prop the serious purpose of th e Columbia and W ashington state are questioning This is the greatest circus impor­ homes graduates of the university. basin irrigation league,” he said. "But the right of the governm ent to sell tation in all history. autom obiles seized In illicit traffic OSCOE AMES HARDWARE this project is only one of m any th at So, Miller Brothers’ 101 ranch R U D O LP H V A L E N T IN O D IE S are being urged and no one of these when title to the cars has not passed R IV E R FU N D S ALLO TTE D The W inchester Store real wild west and great far east to those purchasing them 6n deferred can succeed standing alone. F or ex­ Death O ccurs at New Y ork Hospital Provision Made fo r Oregon and Wash ample, It is doubtful w hether in con­ paym ents. The authority of Oregon comes to Eugene, Saturday, Sep. from Infection Follow ing O peration Ington Improvements. T ,1 E MARTIN LUDWIG SHOE gress th is Columbia basin project to prohibit Insurance com panies from tember 4, with a tremendous big New York, N. Y.—Rudolph V alen­ Geo. L. H urley, P r iprietor and would have the support of any state Issuing policies to Indem nify autom o­ show program, with 1,400 people, tino, original "ah aik ” of th e movies, W ashington, D. C.—Army engineers announced the allotm ent of funds fot Manager. Warm air furnaces, plumbing other than W ashington and perhaps bile companies against loss through cowboys and cowgirls, picturesque died h ere Monday. A total of 3460,000 was set aside fot and sheet metal work, tin and grave1 Oregon. The Big Boulder canyon pro­ such seizures also is under litigation V alentino camo e a st sev aral weeks and exotic; with 600 horses, ject would have the support only of roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal ago to attend the B roadw ay prem iere riv er to C hesapeake bay. D elaw are and elephants, camels, buffalo (from B R IE F G ENERAL N E W S vanized ir o . work, metal skylights am th e little group of states th at are In­ of his la te st p ictu re a n d to bid fare­ the inland w aterw ay from Delaware terested in the Colorado riv er develop­ the ranch herds,) burros, oxen well to his brother, w ho w as re tu rn in g riv er and harbor works. cornices, pumps of all kinds. A irplanes will be throw n Into th e M aryland, and o th er allotm ents Includ­ 136 Ferry street, A lbany. Phone 127J m ent; all the rest would be against It. aud longhorns; with every famous to his hom e in Italy a fte r a visit. ed: So of any project th a t m ight be named. offensive against rum sm uggling In He collapsed In his a p a rtm e n t here Indian chief and warrior in Ameri­ ‘But If th e efforts of all states can North A tlantic w aters w ithin a few C ascades canal, Columbia river, a week ago Sunday a ftern o o n and was T H E HUB CONFECTIONERY weeks. ca among its contingents of 300 W ashington. 314,000. be co-ordinated on a definite national * Make it your m eeting place Securities valued at 3200,000, con redskins; with the largest spread rushed to the hoepltall, w here an Im­ Dallea-Celllo canal, Colum bia river, Lunches. Ice cream, Ices, Home Made program of w ater utilization, the strife m ediate operation wait decided upon. candy. Special tvoon Lunch. and jealousies th a t now stand In the signed to Portland, Or., banks, are re­ of cauvas in circus history—Borne Local p erito n itis se t 1 n shortly a fter Oregon, 315,000 R. c. Phillips. Manager. way of developm ent can be rem oved.” ported stolen In the registered mall fifteen acres in all—and a magnifi­ the operation. Canal and locks, W illam ette river, Oregon, 340,600. Mr. Hoover predicted a strong lum­ robbery In Wyoming. V alentino cam e to th is country cent opera chair grandstand which, Check of th e season's forest fire ber m arket for th e next six months. damage shows th at one-third of the with its supplementary tier», seats as an em ig ran t g a rd e n e r and rose to Dr. C harles Eliot Dias at Maine Hom« K anlksu forest on Ihe Washington- 14,000 people. And, ignoring Ihe the heights of fam e as a n actor. at lowest rate of in te re st Hum bly born, th e son o f a farm er N o rth east H arbor, Me.—Dr. C harles Idaho border line has been sw ept over retrenchment policy of the circuses, Real Estate Insurance In Italy, he died w ith ftiur sk illed phy­ W. Eliot, president em eritus of H ap Percival Dodge, United S tates min they bring to town the largest and sicians a t his bedside and with the vani university died at hia sum mer Prompt service, courteous treatm ent iste r to Denmark, failed to ap p ear at W e ' B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank th e royal palace to presen t his cre­ moat picturesque street parade country w aiting each w o n t from his home here. He was 92 years old. builning, Albany sickroom alm ost as if I t w aa th e word dentials when he was expected and ever seen in the land. from th e sickroom of a p resident. TH E MARKET» Mexico City. — Mexico’s b itte r reli­ King C hristian of D enmark has de­ (Paid Advertising) A lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers HEARINGS HELO ON SAND ISLAND DISPUTE and plants, i Floral art for every and all occasions. Flow er phone 458—f. C D E HARTLEY REMOVES U. OF W, REGENT F BASIN PROPOSAL TO RUM QUESTIONS KEEP COURT BUSY GO BEFORE CONGRESS F H I M R FARM LOANS PEACE IN MEXICO BELIEVED NEAR Why suffer Irom headache? Have your eyes examined Dr. Seth T. French w ith F. M. Frencn & Son J Jewelers Optometrists Albany f - Highway Garage - Waldo Anderson and Son, Props (Chrysler Cars Atwater Kent Radios Accessories and Supplies - Day and Night Storage . 1st and Baker Sts. ALBANY OREGON Rural Enterprise 1 year for*! dollar gious controversy, w hich has sorely term ined to let the A m erican envoy strained the business in terests of the wait a while, the new spaper Extrab- country, set the governm ent and Ro­ ladet reports. man Catholic church in srongly oppos-1 lng position and concentrated the Large Apple Crop This Y ear Forecast. anxious attention of the world on this ; Chicago.—An apple crop exceeding republic, appears to be in a fair way the last five y ears’ average production to am icable adjustm ent through p e r-, by 20,000.000 barrels was forecast here sonal conferences between P resident | by the governm ent's local bureau of Calles and the prelates. It Is confi­ agricultural economics. This forecast dently hoped by th e episcopate that fixes the amount of the crop at 2,000, an agreem ent will be reached, unless 000 barrels higher than the figures Issued a month ago. Production for unforeseen obstacles develop. P resident Calles cordially received the last five years has averaged 30. tw o high dignitaries of the church, the 000,000 barrels a year the survey Most Rev. Leopold Rulzy Florez, a rc h -. shows. Locally, early apples a re so bisbop of Michoacan, and Bishop Diaz abundant th a t the price hag dropped of Tabasco, at the presidential palace, as low as 50 cents a bushel. and a statem en t Issued by the epis­ Greek Dictator is Ousted. copate a fter the conference described A thens.—Greece has an o th er dicta­ It as “tru ly satisfactory." The president informed the prel­ tor. Thcodorus Pangalus has been ates th at registration of th e priests overthrow n in a bloodless coup d ’gtat as required by the new regulations and General Condylis, once a corporal was only for adm inistrative purpeaes la the Greek arm y, has taken over the and th at the governm ent did not intend reins of governm ent. Moving as swift­ to in terfere on the questions of dogma ly as did Pangalos when last year he ousted Admiral Condourlotia from the or religion. The episcopate accepted thia declara­ provisional presidency ol Greece and tion and announced th a t as soon as set him self up at th e head of the the churches had fulfilled these legal governm ent. G eneral Condylis had requirem ents there would be no fu rth ­ Pangalos arrested Sunday m orning on e r objection to renew ing church serv the Island of Spetze. w here he was on vacation. He was put on th e destroy Ices, la the m eantim e the church wl|) er Pergam os to be brought to Athena continue Its efforts for eunstltutloaal am endm ent of th e religious clauses At the same tim e all th e minister« through the medium of congress, w ¡ wsre taken in’o custody. U. S. F liers to E n circ le Horn. P ortland , W ashington. D. C .- A flight by fire BOY B A N D IT IS SHO T DOW N arm y airplanes aro u n d South Amer­ W heat — Big Bend bluestem , hard ica la being planned by th e sta te and white, soft w hite and w estern white, Brother, 21, Admits Holdups and war departm ents. F o rm al announce­ 3132; federation. 31.31; hard winter Receives 20 to 30 Years. m ent th a t the a ir pr oject was actually and n orthern spring, 313»; w estern Pueblo, Colo.—The crim e career ol In process of a rra n g e m e n t betw een the red, 3127. P ueblo’s "Baby bandits,” F orest and H ay—A lfalfa, »17 60 0 13 ton; valley L ester Gonce, age 19 and 14, respect sta te d e p a rtm e n t and the various tim othy, 317.60018; e astern Oregon South and C ontra! A m erican govern­ Ively, cam e to a dram atic end tim othy. 321 0 2 1 60. when L ester was »hot and probably m ents concerned w as made In a joint B u tterfat—44c sh ip p ers’ track. fatally wounded by Deputy Sheriff F la statem en t Issued b y the tw o depart E ggs- Ranch, 27034c. m ents. cusa In the heart of the downtown C h e e s e -P ric e s f. o. b. T illam ook; section here. T riplets, 29H c; loaf SO^c per lb. F okker, W ould be U. 8. Citizen. F o rest was captured, unarm ed and C attle S teers, good, »8.0008 25. New York, N. Y — A. H. G. Fokker, pleaded guilty to two charges of high D utch a irp lan e m an u factu rer, has ap- j Hogs Medium to choice, 312014 50 way robbery. He was sentenced tc plied for A m erican citizenship. Speak- ' Kheep—Lambs, medium to choice, 20 to 30 years In prison. lng at a d i n a r given by the W right [ 39 50011.60. "T he reign of te rro r” conducted by A eronautical com pany In honor of Uaattls. the lads began about th ree weeks age L ieu ten an t C om m ander R ichard E. W h e a t- Soft white, w estern white, when they escaped from the sta te in- Byrd and P ilot Floyd B ennett, N orth Big Bend bluestem , Big Bend dark duatrlal school a t Oolden, Colo. This Pole filer», F o k k er said he Intended to northern spring, 81.32H; hard winter, was followed by robberies, gun battles devote b is ta le n ts and ability tow ard 31 29*4; w estern red, »1.28% ; northern with officers, eacapes from posses and m aking thia conntgy the w orld's lead­ spring, Big Bend dark hard winter, the clim ax of the shooting of L ester e r In aviation. »1.31*4. and the a rre st of Forest. Hay Alfalfa, 326; tim othy P. 8., W’sstslngton Legion nalrea Eleot Raffle 320; do, mixed, 324. D ry Foroe le to be Augmented. B utter -C ream ery, 42043c. Lonqvlew , W ash. — The eighth an- New York.—Lincoln C A ndrews, as­ Eggs Ranch, 37c. | cual convention of th e A m erican Le sistan t secretary of the treasury- Iri H o g s—Prim e, 314 35014 50. , glon and Its auxlltary of W ashington charge of prohibition enforcem ent, C attle S teers, good, »4 5007.25. : 'a n x - to an end w ith a parade, ban­ took ac tio s ro tighten th e lines against C heese — Oregon fancy, 30 0 31c; q uet and Initiation staged by the 40 ships or other sources In New York I and 8 society. John T. Raftfa of Col­ stan d ard s, 2»c; W ashington fancy harbor Forty custom s guards and In­ ville. W ash , w as unanim ously elected trip lets, 27c. spectors were detached from th a t serv­ Spokane. com m ander of th e d ep artm en t of ice and sw orn In a s prohibition H ogs—Good. 313 50 0 13.75. W ashington. S pokane was selected fleers. - -_______ . . *L -, « O a ttle Steers, good, 37OO076O. M as th e l,»i7kcpBve«n»un « R /, 5