HURAL ENTERPRISE income tax measures exactly alike except that one provides for a GRECIAN DANCERS A T TH E SESQU1 urday until Monday. Published Every W ednesday, property offset and the other does Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith ol B y Hi uert L. A lmon not. It is generally conceded that Portland called at Cheater Curtis* EDITOR AND PUBLISHER after the Grange people drafted an Monday. They had been here to income tax bill tbs opponents of Wednesday, Aug. 25, 1926 attend the burial of their brother- income tax initiated another ex­ in-law, Joseph Lyons, of Reeds­ actly like it except for the property SI a year in advance port. Arrearages. 12J£c a month offset in the hope of confusing the Mrs. J. F. Isom of Oakridge, A dvertising, 20c an in c h ; no discount voters and dividing the vote. Now, for lim e or space ; no charge (or com- if you favor an income tax the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leslie of W il­ •osition or c hanges, mington, California, and Mrs. safe way is to vote for both. sa "P aid-for Paragraph»." to a Ila». Cleona Smith or Los Angeles, visit­ There will be no confliction it both Ma ad vaiilaing dlsgula»d as s tir s ed at the E. D. Isom home Mon­ become law and this is a good way day. to beat the sm art politicians at The Business o f Farming their own game.—H arrisburg Bui Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck letin. spent Monday evening at the H. Of necessity, the farmer is ttie L. Straley home. and return greatest business speculator in the The most convincing arguments United States. Adverse weather are those bearing out your own J. H. Rickard and family a t ­ For u se F r id a y , S a tu r d a y conditions, insects and numerous theories. tended a conference of the M. E a n d S u n d a y • » r e tu r n pests may ruin crop prospects Church at Corvallis Sunday, lim it T u esd a y almost In a day. As the situation Did You Ever Stoo to Think Lee Ingram and family called at is becoming more fully appreciated v. E. W hitbeck’s Thursday after- 15-day ro u ndtrip tickets farmers are leirning the value of By Edson R. Waite, Secretary, Shawnee. noon. on sale daily at slightly organizing, and otherwise safe­ O kla., Board of Commerce. higher fare perm it stop­ guarding their financial future. That private enterprise is the overs. Notice of Appointment of Ad In 1923, over two billion dollars very life o f a community. ministratrix. C onvenient trains going worth of sales, including live stock, That where private enterprise is and returning. were handled through farmere' or­ encouraged, you will find a pros­ Notice is hereby given th at the under- j ganizations. This was aluiost one- perous people; where it is hamper­ signed by an order of the C onnty C ourt Travel in comfort quarter of the total business of the ed, you will find business at a of Linn County, Oregon Iras been ap­ industry. and safety standstill. pointed A dm inistratrix of the estate of The speculative nature of farm ­ T hat our railroads, telephones, Edward N. Fairo deceased, (whose true ing has caused food prices to rise and the majority of our power name was Norman Neal Rogga and who at a rate in excess of those of gen­ companies are private enterprises served in the U nited States Army under eral commodities, but as agricul­ aud owned by m ultitudes of people. name of Edward N. Fairo.) All persous tural becomes better organized, That some utilities are munici These dancers have selected for their graceful perform ance the keystone having claims against said estate are re­ foodstuffs may he expected to be­ pally owned. Some misguided shaped pool in the court yard of the Pennsylvania S tate Building at the Sea­ quired to present them w ithin six gal-Centennial International Exposition in Philadelphia, which eelohrates 15(1 come more stabilized, because large people think they should be state years of A m erican Independence. The spot is one of the m ost beautiful a ' i Clay P. Moody, ’ nonths from the date of this notice^ unsold surpluses may be conserved | owned. These people usually artistic on the exposition site. The Exposition continues until December 1. A gent with the proper vouchors, to the under! to meet demand. have failed to study the situation iigned at the office of T ussing & Tus In the solving of m arketing' and have based their opinion on ing, at Halsey in I.inn County, Oregon. prohlam#, sgriculture is conspici- what some Dated and first published this 25th day spell-binder says. PIANO:—Will sell reasonable, of August, 1926. ously weak in comparison with Spell-binders are usually after Rosewood finish, Storey & Clark ELLA ROGGA, other industries. It is only something for themselves, seldom piano. W rite Mrs, Adda Leeper. A dm inistratrix Aforesaid. while the pump was running. through solution of these problems taking into consideration the wel­ Pine Grove Points Considerable damage was done to Tussing & Tussing, Attys. for Admx. 527 West 2nd. st., Albany. th a t stabilization of agricultural fare of the public. the building which housed it, and income will be made possible. (By Special Correspondent) That the growth of public utili­ a large cement trough alongside As each year passes, the farmer ties has been amazing, and the Albert Heinrich and Bill Carver is strengthening his position, and greatest growth and success has came down from Valsetz to spend the building was cracked by the force of the explosion. eventually the element of specu­ boen made by those utilities that Sunday at their homos. Russell Knighten and Mrs. Elsie lation will in a large measure be are privately owned. Miss Eunice Sylvester came from removed from the indnstry. Private enterprise has done the Monmouth F nday evening to spend Davjs of Albany were at the Knighten farm Thursday. most tor the convenience and the week end at home. Among the 19 tneusures to be happiness of the people. Mr. and and Mrs. Charlie Syl­ placed on the ballot for the Nov­ ORE than nine million Bibles were sold or Rrivate enterprise has made it vester of Portland visited at the Alford Arrows ember election will be found two distributed in 1915. possible to light the smallest home Fred Sylvester home last week. measures almost identical. Two as well as the largest. It has made (By an Enterprise Reporter) Would you not love to have companion volumes to P. A. Pehrsson was a Junction it possible to help business, light« n Those attending the “ Trail to City visitor Saturday. help you discover the treasures in that Wonderful labor, and when you come to think R ail” celebration at Eugene from Book? Miss Elanor Heinrich ol Corval­ of it, the cost of electric power is this community were Lee Ingram lis spent the week end with her probably the smallest single item and family, Michael Rickard and in the cost of living or the cost of parents. wife, E. D. Isom and family and L. E. Eagy and family and Mr. J. H. Rickard and family and Mr doing business. [1688-1772] Private enterprise should be en and Mrs. Ben Ivey and son visited and Mrs. B. E. Cogswell and son couiaged, for iu it rests our pros friends in Eugene Friday. Philip. explained the Bible’s practical application to daily life; how it perity. describes the life hereafter; what the Bible parables mean when Misses Pearl and Grace Pehra- Joseph Lyon ol Reedsport was spiritually interpreted. COPYRIGHT, 1926. son came home from the Harris­ buried in the Masonic and I. 0. O. His theological works—as issued by himself— lave been pub' burg hop yard Saturday, returning F. cemetery Sunday. lished by the Houghton Mifflin Co. in most modem transla­ t-a Sunday evening. \ « Ida and Delta Curtis spent the tion from the original Latin, in the Rotch Edition of 32 volumes. Mr. and Mrs. I*. A. Pehrsson weekend with their grauilmothtr, The first twenty give the spiritual sense of Genesis and visited Mr. and Mrs. 0 . Becker Mrs. C. N. Tandy. Exocus as understood in Heaven; and volumes 26, 27, 28 give oear Monroe Sunday. likewise the spiritual sense of the Book of ReveWion. Beverly Isom spent several days Mrs. Floyd Nichols and Mrs. the first of the week with Coralea Volume ao, Ntorriaae Love, views from the union-of the Divine E. E. Hover attended the social Moody. Love and the Divine Wisdom the Law of Sex th .-oiRjhout all crea­ Save Your afternoon given by the missionary tion. It shows the crown and jewel of the C hristian Religion, Chester Curtis and family visited the union of one with one only. Price $i.oc i. ladies in honor of Mrs. Tate at ¡Truck and Tractor his uncle, Jack Curtis, near Peoria Peoria Wednesday afternoon. V^umes xo j j , 33, contain a full statec ent of the True Sunday. 1 At very small cost you can Christian Religion as revealed from Heaven. $> .ao the set The time for glasses—is right at A. F. Albertson and family were save many dollars cm re­ Lee Ingrams were Sunday after­ pairs and depreciation by the begining of the trouble with Albany visitors Wednesday, painting your truck, trac­ noon callers at theU pm eyer home. The whole ja volumes in half-morocoo at $1 1, jin buckram, $40. your eyes. Delays are dangerous. tor, wagons am, other farm H. L. Blood and family were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts implements with I-O W E The eye is the most delicate mem- county seat visitors Wednesday. ♦--------------------- * * ----------------------- BROTHERS TR U C K children of Toledo, and Mr. Rob her of the hitman body and every A N D T R A C T O R P A IN T . Floyd Nichols and family a td : are thc4 r ^ ,r‘troductory bocks to the FAevela- Y o u'll find it easy to ap­ moment you delay after the trouble Mr. and Mrs. Estes B a is and child­ e rt’s brother and family from tiooaof SwBDENBoao. They are in large prir ,t, bound in buck­ ply. I t dries quickly, and east visited at Michael Rickards ram, and contain from ado to 48, pag»a is very touah and weather- ' starts you are getting just that ren spent Friday evening at the ' Suuday. resisting. The Aluminum much toward possible blindness. finish is esjtcvudiy g'xxi for Eagy home. Pientice and Vyron Isom of motors and engines be­ Ì Ì Come in today and let us examine 1 l E A \ EN A N D HELL from things ketrrd end teen $1.25 L. E. Eagy and family and Mr. Oakridge visited at the home of cause It srithatands a high your eyes. degree of heat. and Mrs. Ben Ivey visited Albany J Angelic Wisdom Concern ing— Onr new address—313 West First and Salem Wednesday. He/ure you p ain t, are us T H E D IV IN E PR O V ID EN C E. which gevtm , the Uni«™» st., next door to Western Union. sndffit Heaven, and the Helix th sle a a ^ w S b Kay Hover and Mrs. Kosa Over-1 r f all thing, in creatnn. and ln the everyday Ufc of» nan $1.25 ton were married in Albany Satur­ T H E D IV IN E LOVE A N D / day and are now “ somewhere io I tied fnw pt*il»hed in Latin at Amatenfcni iTrtv l . i Optometrists and Manufacturing the northwest” on a short wedding j ** 8001 '’fir-7 ffiL.^ Opticians tour. Tiie community meeting I ALBANY OREGON $1-25 Saturday evening was well attend­ Price of all three at me time, including portage $2.75 ed. A feature of the program wm , *------------------------------ — ---------------------------------- - a debate, “ Resolved, th at old; bachelors are more undesirable in a j A thorwujS cultural proirM M nal acSolar community than old m aids.” The •hip n (he ouU M nSinf cSarsckriatlc o l the desirable qualitys of old maids Stale University T r a in in f »« o ff s - r j m Personal Service by an||Experienced Printer were ably presented by Nora Pehn* son, Agnes Chandler ami Clara- 22 departments of the College of of Suvdm. Ik maatesed jm Literature. Science and the A rts. I b 'll Blood in costumes such is I Bring \ our Next Order to the Enterprise KN k <1 j , y .L i * b ‘ “*vl WW 4 the tno« .«.-/ui old maids wore in days when “ old ■ Architecture and Allied A rt»— I Business Administration — Educa- Of»’ k. Mau K Jtart ',uai "I*™1- nt «ids ' were “ old maids,’* with | bbcc*«’» ka rui, rh/ h/e after Won—Journalism—Graduate Study j N wt Cumming-, Clarence Eagy. It iwJqu mjrned„i4>Eg iang, aue/ul U j((a. —Law—Medicine—Music—Physi­ and Roy Owens representing the cal Education—Sociology - S o c i a l Send order* Dr tnqurif.e» to A ny Girl in I rouble btchelors. Needless to say the V o r k — Extension DiMsion women won. may comm unicate with Ensign i r e of th< Salvat1 ¡the j $3.90 To P o r tla n d Southern Pacific, Neighborhood News The Most Wonderful Book in the W orld M S wedenborg Hill &Co. Meade & Albro Jeweler«, Job Printing Who Was Swedenborg? I L White Shield Home, 563 Mayfair avenue, Portland. Oregon. J 51« tear Opens Septemher 27. W’6 Tbs 300 gallon pressure tank to ( the water system at the Knighten 1 farm blew up Thursday afternoon fa rm tin T h n r a .ls n . i i . . _ _____• A sr o - evioioftw u —-(< Ä«Si«-vr. tZ»,pr-««y o/ B. A. W hittemore , Agent 13? B owdoin S treet , F^oston-g, Ittiass. Cwpoo £u,m> Orr a».». H i.] si .ifcassTsaw«7! W k sk su i