PACE 4 RURAL ENTERPRISE GLOBE, Albany AUG. 1», Notice! Community Meeting i There will be a community meet­ ing at the Pine Grove school house | Saturday evening August 21. Ice cream and cake will be served. Ladies are requested to bring cakes. AMERICAN YOUTH Statewide News Items (Continued from page 1) reported by the observer. This is the lowest mark recorded since the start of taking of the measurements August, 22, 23, 24 a number of years ago. Two hundred and fifty head of cat­ tle are reported to have died in an alarming epizootic, which for two S. P. Makes Special Rates weeks has been depleting herds near Corbett, Damascus, Troutdale, Boring. The m ightiest epic of all »get— The Southern Pacific announce Gresham and Springdale. The disease special rates for the “ Trail to R ail” s diagnosed as hemorhagic septicemia. blood red drama that sweeps the The Jackson county court has of­ celebration, August 19th and 20tb. height* of dramatic achievement fered a reward of $500 for the arrest Final return limit August 24th. io measure! of smiles and tears Kates for rouod trip, adults $1.00 and conviction of forest firebugs to be :oupled to the 9500 offered by the state unforgetable. children .50 cents. No atop overs (or the same purpose. The action was We are proud to offer this one. allowed. Special train to Eugene taken following the setting by an in­ approxim ately 9:80 a. in. Re­ cendiary of six fires on Evans creek Comedy With Felix - turning leave Eugene 7 p. m. An average of one deer a week is being killed on the highways of Ore­ U. P. Moody, Agent. gon by reckless auto drivers, accord ing to E. F. Averill, state game war­ Job Printing at this office. Recital Scheduled for Sept. 2 den, who has given game wardens instructions to arrest drivers for reck­ Mrs. E40; Emmet J. Fay, $1.50 an hour for spare time. In ­ holders Now mining laws, which have Reedsport, and Leslie R. Hale, La troducing Finest Guaranteed Hosi­ Just gone Into force, wUl have tremen­ Grande, 930; Fernando Fergonia and dous effect on raining Industry In Thomas L. Parker, Portland and Utley ery. 126 styles and colors. Low First-class W oi T o O b t a in H e a lt h y a n d T h r iv in g P u l l e t s ^ which hundreds of millions of dol­ N. Beckley. Silverton, 925; John A. prices. Auto furnished. No capi- lars of American money have been Paterson. Charles Thompson and tai or experience necessary. J- w . S T E P H E N S O N . Invested. Oliver Jones. Portland, Stephen A. W ilknit Hosiery Company Dept, Clark. Warren, and Arthur Grimstead, ,14-47 Greenfield, Ohio. Waludo, 920. TUSSI NG & TUSSING New Canadian Bonier Ban Looms. Winnipeg. Man. — Labor Secretary Bids for the construction of approx­ LAW YERS PIA N O — High grad e piano near Davis of the United states here In­ imately 41 miles of road and one Halsey will be sold to reliable specting conditions as to alien and bridge will be opened at a meeting ot Halsey and Brownsville In C o n n e c tio n W ith K e r r ’s S c ra tc h . * other smuggling into his country the state highway commission to be party at big saving, $10 monthly Oregon across the western part of the south­ held in Portland Thursday, August 26. Liberal Discount on Ton Lots or Moro. The W ern boundary of Canada, announced Projects for which bids will be open­ will handle. A real buy, write at once for particulars. Tallm an measures against contraband will ed follow: Benton county — Alsea Feed That (¡¡vos Results. V/ that Piano Store, Silent, Oregon. 16 be enlarged and strengthened. The mountain Philomath section of the United States. Davis said, will add Alsea highway, 6.13 miles of grading. many customs and Immigration in­ Benton and Lincoln counties—Eddy­ SPECIAL BARGAIN! House Laundry sent Tuesdays spectors along the border. The visitor ville-Blodgett section of the Corvallis- and small barn and six lots in Agency Hub Cleaning Works will go from here to the Pacific coast Newport highway. 16.7 miles of broken North Brownsville. Price for of his own country. stone resurfacing. Jefferson county— A B E ’S P L A C E quick sale $550.00. Act quickly Rubble masonry parapet wall construe Fires Blacken 20.000 Acres of Tim ber. tlon In Ogden park on The Dalles- and secure a home before this of­ Bend. Or. — Approximately 20.000 California highway near Terrebonne fer is withdrawn. Leslie L. Has- acres of central Oregon timber have Lake county-Drews valley Lakeview kin, 309 Lyon St., Albany, Ore. D ELBER T STARR been blackened by flames from a gi­ section of the Klamath Falls Lakeview I uneral Director and Licensed gantic ftre that has been raging in highway. 16 1 miles of broken stone Embaimer this vicinity. surfacing. Tillamook county—Wheel- L A D Y A S S IS T A N T er-Brtghten section of the Roosevelt Oregon Gasoline T a x Total Up. Brownsville, Oregon Sale m. O r.-S tate taxes on motor coast highway. 2A6 miles of grading A lb a n y Jackson county — Bridge over the We have about 20,000 used sacks ranging in fuel oils for June nmounted to f 3.19 - A s s o c ia tio n 688. according to Secretary of State Rogue river on the Pacific highway at C re a m e ry price from 7c to 11c. Don’t overlook these bar­ Koser. This amount represents an In­ Gold Hill requiring approximately 440 crease of approximately 15 per caBt cubic yards of excavation. Manufacturers of W . L W R IG H T gains. over receipts fnr June. 1926 senate siuanFund Com m ittee Adjourns “The Greater Glory” W. L. WRIGHT Chevrolet Motor Cars Pageant and Celebration HALSEY GARAGE HUDSON & ESSEX A u g u s t 1 9 -2 0 HALSEY STATE BANK BARBER SHOP Jjj I Use Kerr’s {¡Sf’"* « 2 $ - A Modern Barber Sho] I O. w . F R U M • SACKS! SACKS! Superior Sack Twine, 75c per lb. T. J. Skirvin Seed (§. President Favors "Forget-M e-N ot" Day W»«h!ngton. D. C President Cool l«lg* indorsed the annnal "Forget-me- not day” ot the Dlsahlcd American Vet- •rent, on September 2». the eve at tM eighth anniversary of the start of the Meuee-Argunae effeasive Chicago—After diacloeing expendi­ tures of nearly 91.000.000 in the Illinois primary, the senate “slmth" commit- tee has adjourned until November when it will cite three principal wlt- ne.xe. t0 the United States M. . tc for contempt. because they refused to Wei^BpiatOr fleed'g auaatUnn LINN BUTTER FUNERAL DIRECTOR m id B u y e rs o f Eggs I’ t . ROSSMAN, Local Manager Lady Asaistaat A b a n n e rs’ Co-operative Creamery All calls answered day or night Phone Halsey, Oregon