rectory FAMOUS ARTIST INSTRUCTS MEXICAN REBELS ARRESTED IN U. S. Milk Give« Most Food Value At Least Cost T h u is good advice; " I f y >u live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if jo u live in some other town, trade in that town.' ♦ But in these automobile .lays many re siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of th eir buying in the larger town. T hose who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill th eir require m ents w ith courtesy an I fairness. Milk gives more food vaine for ess cost than any other food known to San Diego, Cal.—Facing charges of man. according to plotting a revolution in Mexico, 150 Herbert C, Hooks, men, headed by General Enrique Es­ secretary of the trada. former Mexican secretary of Evaporated Milk war. were in the county Jail here as association. the result of a widespread round-up. “Dietitians are Along with General Estrada, hla unanimous In afl- chief of staff. General Aurelto Sepul­ rocatlng the use A Ibauy Floral Co. Cut flowers of milk by men. veda and Earle C. Parker, local hard­ A * and plants. Floral a rt for every women and chil­ ware and arms dealer, also were cap­ and all occasions. dren,” said Mr. tured. Flow er phone 458-1 H o o k a “M ilk Agents of the United States depart­ a n d evaporated ment of Justice, aided by city, county fE N T K A L TIR E SHOP milk supply some Gen. A. C. Dalton, assistant quarter- and other federal officers, captured "“z Tiie Vulcantziug- Battery re of all the mate H. C. Hooks. m aster general of the arm y, recently what was to have been an armed party charging. 221 W. Second. r i a l s necessary E d Falk, Flop. for the growth and maintenance of named president of tha Emergency of invading lnsurrectos only threw miles from the Mexican border. In­ the body; they furnish energy for Fleet corporation. avenport Music House. work, play and warmth. formation gathered by government 409 West 1st Street “Milk helps repair the wear and agents led them to the appointed ren­ Pianos, O rgans and ail musical instru tear of the body. It Is a> good ns dezvous at Dulzura where General Es­ m ents of the very best makes. Drop in meat for building muscle. Moreover, and look over our stock, we sell on terms trada and his staff were concentrating It is cheaper. A quart of milk will that will please yon. their forces preparatory to a descent supply as much protein as seven upon the towns just below the border. ounces of sirloin steak or four large astburn Bros.—Two big grocery An armored truck, two 10-ton truck stpres, 212 W. F irst and 225 South eggs. Milk, particularly evaporated Dixon, 111.—The Illinois primary law loads of rifles, machine guns and am­ Main. Good m erchandise at the right milk, which has twice the mineral con­ prices. tent of market milk, is one of the best has been knocked out by a decision munition, other trucks for the trans­ portation of men and supplies, and and cheapest sources of lime, which of the circuit court here. is a form of calcium. Infants and Invalidation of the law has no bear­ about 150 Mexicans made up the ma­ Lplite Cafeteria and confectionery W illiam de Leftwlch Dodge, famous mural artist. In his studio at the growing children need lime to build ing on the huge "slush fund” disclos­ terial and personnel of the captured Home cooking. Pleasant surround Sesqul-Centennlal International Exposition grounds In Philadelphia where bones and teeth. It is Just as neces­ ure of the senate committee meeting expedition, while government agents liigs. Courteous, efficient serviee the 150th anniversary of signing the Declaration of Independence ‘will be We make our own candies. celebrated from June, to December, of thia year, giving Instructions to a grout, sary for adults to keep their bones In here last month but. unless the court’s also captured documentary evidence W. S. D uncax . good condition. One quart of milk, or of young artiste who are creating the “Rainbow City." Mr Dodge is the decision is reversed by a higher tri­ and complete sett of plant for the In­ color expert for the exposition, and every bit of color work' don. must be one pint of evaporated milk, furnishes bunal, Illinois may have to devise a surrection. as much calcium as ten large oranges, P O R D SALES AND SERV ICi approved by him. thirty-two eggs or twenty pounds of new method of nominating candidates Tires and accessories beef. Milk also Is a valuable source for public office. Repairs Three times hedore In the history of of phosphorus and supplies a cer­ K i r k -P o h a k M o TOR C o . tain amount of Iron. llllnpjs the state primary law has By some authorities milk la salfl been nullified by court decisions. In Pth$r Projects which TVJen and money are best when said, "will be to build up the machin­ ■“■’A busy. Make your dollars work in approved two routes It recommends bs provide for contracts with Irrigation County Care for Helpless Declared ery that will put Into practical effect our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate laid down, one for a transcontinental districts for the repayment within Failure By Expert. B ank . U nder governm ent supervision. airway from New York to the Pacific the compacts we now have with Can­ a fixed term of years of construction, Des Moines, la —Over the hill to the ada, Mexico, Cuba and tbe European coast and the other for a southwest­ operation and maintenance costs, the poorhouse is a road of needles* misery countries, and especially the agree­ JU A U IN E L L O PARLORS ern service from Chicago to Dallas contracts to be confirmed by a court and degradation. a *A (A beauty aid for every need) and Fort Worth, Tex. ment Just consummated with England. of competent Jurisdiction. This Is the çoalentton of Harry 0. fait, Francis Hotel I plan to establish a new. small bureau In announcing the action of the As a result of those terms, he said, Evans of De» Moines, Iowa, appointed of foreign control, which will have W inifred Rose Prop. president Mr. Hoover expressed the the secretary of the interior must ex by Secretary of Labor Davis to make active supervision of this work.” Something simple yet effecUv-e Is a national survey of poorhouse con D O SC O E AMES HARDWARE belief that within six months full pas­ erclse due diligence to determine Although he would not disclose den­ senger, eapresg ijf)d mall service will whether the projects are such as will the housewife'« (dual fur week-end dirions. Mr. Evans’ report has been tails of the agreement with England, be In operation on the trans-contin­ enable the peemlssors iu tha contracts dishes. The Winchester Store made public here at the conclusion of General Andrews was highly elate« During the warm summer weather, two years of research. ental route. to carry out their terms. He referred with the result of his trip. At the same time he Indicated that to the reclamation law passed by con women should not be compelled to Complete abolition of the system rPH K MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP announcements would be made soon gress two years ago which provides spend hours In the preparation of of caring for the poor by counties Is A Geo. L. Hurley. Pr iprietor and for other commercial airways, provid­ that construction of a new project is meals, when minutes would accom­ recommended by the Des Melees FAST MAIL IS ROBBEQ MsAiger. Warm air furnaces, plum bing ing. in general, lines along the Atlantic not to be undertaken until the Interior plish the same purpose. Planning sociologist. In Its plaça he. suggests and sheet m ejal work, tin and gravel coast, in the Mississippi valley, the secretary has certified in writing that week-end menus should be a congenial task, not a bore. At this time of the leaving the problem entirely under the Robbers Tie Up Clerks and R ifle roofing, general jobbing iu tin and gal Great Lakes region, the northwestern It Is feasible. Registered Packages. year there are a variety of nutritious supervision of the state, consolida­ vanized iron work, metal s k y ljjh ts ana states and the Pacific coast, Including Green River, Wyo. — Two masked vegetables and fruits to choose (rojq tion ul poor relief agencies, preserve cornices, pumps of all kinds. the far northwest. In preparing meals and lb« modern tlon of family life so that Impoverish­ bandits who concealed themselves In 136 Ferry street, Albany. Phone 127.1 Government »«oouragenifnt and as­ UNDRINKABLE ALCOHOL AIM home mnnngur tabes advantage of ed old couples may spend their last a mall car of the westbound fast mall them. The housewife plans her sum­ days together and the separate hous­ No. 6 of the Union Pacific robbsd the sistance in the development of com­ y H E HUB confectionery mercial aviation has been made pos­ Prohibition Officials Saek Real De­ mer menus ss that they will suggest ing of criminals, the Insane, paupers registered mall car of an undetermined naturing Substance. coolness, while at the same time tak­ and homeless children. A Make it your m eeting place. sible by legislation which grew out of amount and escaped. Ice cream, Ices, Home Made the Investigation of the entire aviation Washington, D. C. — Something ing Into consideration their dietary According to the story told here by value. A delicious cream soup mnde candy, ¿special noon Lunch. situation by the president's air board stronger than gasoline—just what has from fresh vegetables, or an omelet, a Government Refund Not Tax«». J. Miller and Jack Madigan, the R. c. Phillips. Manager. not been determined—Is to be put in fresh fruit dessert, or a custard, a last winter. Salem, Or.—Funds accrqtsg to Ore­ two clerks in the car, the bandits con­ The immediate program contem­ industrial alcohol In an effort to out dish of Ice cream, or a pudding, nre gon counties under the Stanfield bill cealed themselves in a car used only plates the rendering of the same aid wit the resourceful bootlegger. nourishing Items that should find high are (n the aature of a donation from for storing mail and In which clerks Prohibition officials reached this de favor In the week-end menu. to aircraft that the government now H»e federal government and are not enter only for sacks, which they taks «I lowest rate of interest. The home manager etUo.ya her week­ to be classed as taxes by county courts Into the "working car” for sorting. give» to navigation and anticipates cislon and passed on to government teal Estate Insurance the turning over shortly of tlje trans­ chemists the problem of finding an ends 100 pep cent more when sho has In making up their budgets, Attorney After the train had left Rawlins one rompt service, courteous treatm ent. continental air mail carriage to private effective denaturing prusess. What­ a few moments of leisure. And In General Van Winkle has advised E. N. of the clerks from the registered1 ever is used, It was predicted, prob­ this connection the following recipes Keeley, assessor for Lane county. ,’M' B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank companies. working oar” entered the storage car. builnitig. Albany ably will smell bad. and make alcohol may prove an aid. The two robbers covered him with Creamy Salad Dressing. taste bad, but will be harmless. guns and tied him up. They then TH E MARKETS boiled or milk After a conference with Frank Dow, 1 cup went into the “working car” and got mayoBDal*« q cup cream acting chief of the prohibition forces, u ..?!* i i 1 tbsp. sugar the other clerk whom they also bound P ortlapd • v*P°r» ’«d 1 tbap fruit juice Ì Why suffer from headache? and James M. Doran, chief chemist of Wheat — Big l»end blueatem, hard and brought Into tho storage car. Combine evaporated milk and cream, the prohibition unit. Acting Secretary chill and whip. Add sugar and Juice, whit?, federation, soft white and west­ H aas f.our eyes examined Z Winston of the treasury admitted that then fold Into salad dressing. Espe­ ern white, »1.36; Hard winter, »1.31; W ashington Stats Protests Grain R a t* Salt Lake City. Utah.—States must gasoline and other ingredients put in cially nice for fruit salad}. northern spring. »1.32; western red, Olympia.—Protest against a threat­ ¿’O-operate in making uniform laws gov­ industrial alcohol to render It unfit »1.31. ened freight rate reduction on grain, W’fb m erning taxes on gasoline or, on account for beverage use had not proved suf­ Hay—Alfalfa, »17.5001* ton; valley and grain products originating In Mon­ of the Interstate features Invoked, ficient deterrent! to crafty boqtleg timothy, »17 50(1 18; eastern Oregon tana and North Dakota to tbs eastern: there will develop conflicts making It ' gers, and that a new denaturing sub­ timothy, »21021 60 seaboard was forwarded by the stats* necessary to pass this function over to i stance must be found. Butterfat—42c shippers' track. department of public works to tbs In­ Jewelers Optometrists the federal government. Eggs—Ranch, 27®34c. terstate commerce commission lit Albany This represents the consensus of Continental Steel Trust to be Formed. Cheese—Prices 1. o. h. Tillamook; Washington, D, C., on the ground that opinion of those who attended the J Paris.—Negotiations for the forma­ Triplets, 29%c; loaf 30%c per lb. It would disrupt the markets and give group conference of gas tax adminis­ tion of a continental steel and iron the middle west mills undue advan­ Cattle—Steers, good, »8.00®» 25. trust have been virtually completed. trators from several Western states Hogs—Medium to choice, »J2&14.T6. tage over the mills of this stato. Chocolate Velvet Cream. The agreements will be submitted to >«*• 8h*ep-Lambs, medium to choice, Ite tbep gelatin 1 tep batter Group confetencee will fpllpw at the industrial Interests of France, Bel­ te oup cold water " te tep. »10012. ' Pomsrsns W inner O ver Woman R iv a l. eslt Waldo Anderson and Son, Props. Atlanta August 20 and Philadelphia gium, Germany and Luiemburg, who < eggs, beaten 1 tap. flavoring Columbus, Ohio. — Ohio democrats Osattla. te cup evaporated September 22, after which the organ­ are concerned with them, tor approval te separate oup sugar Wheat—Soft white, western white, have nominated former United States milk combined Chrysler Cars > squares (oa) ization will be complete for the na with Big Bend bluestsm, Big Bend dark Senator Atlas Pomerene to oppose chooolate te cup whipping Miners Trapped 153 Hours Saved. tlonal conference to be held probably northern spring, »1.36%; hard winter, Senator Frank B. Willis, republican, in % cup evaported cream, chilled Atwater Kent Radios Salem. Ky.—Five miners, imprison­ m ilk diluted with and at St. Louis In November. whipped »1.32% western red, »1.81%; northern the November election. Pomerene, A. Kozer, secretary of state ed in the Hudson zinc and spar mine b ouo water Accessories and Supplies for Sam Bosk gelatin in water five minutes. spring, (1.34%; Big Bend dark hard who served 12 years In the senate de­ Oregon, and H. E. Crockett, Utah for 153 hours, were rescued and Mix be«ten egg yolks and sugar, pour winter, »1.83%. feated Judge Florence E. Allen by ap­ of state, were elected to be brought with them a story of prayer heated, diluted milk over* slowly, ¡mt Hay—Alfalfa, »25; timothy P. 8., proximately 20,060 votes. Senator - Day and Night Storage . secretary vice presidents In the national organ, meetings, rather than of human suf­ In double boiler with gelatin, butter »20; do, mixed, »26. Willis was nominated by yi plurality l i t and Baker Sts, izatlcn. Mrs. Henrietta Knlest of Jef­ fering. and salt Oook until the mixture Butter—Creamery, 42 0 43c. of almost 4 to 1 over hla nearest op­ ALBANY OREGON ferson City was elected executive sec­ senate siusnFund Comm ittee Adjourns thickens. Thia takes about 15 mln- ponent. Eggs—Ranch, 38c. Btrnln, beat 2 minutes, let retary. subject to confirmation by the Hogs Prime, »14 35®14 60. Chicago.—After disclosing expendi­ cool. Melt the chocolate over hot wi- other groups. Cattle-Steers, good, »6 50®7.26 Cummins Fortune Left to Doughtor. tures of nearly »1,000,000 In the Illinois Among the delegatee present were primary, the senate “slush" commit­ ter, let cool a little, then add the Cheese—Oregon fancy, 27® 28c; Dos Moines, la.—Senator Albert B. flfcoeolate and vanilla to the mixture James Duce, Colorado; J. W. Walker tee has adjourned until November itandards, 31®2Sc; Washington fancy Cummins left tbe principal portion of «iter It hae cooled. Fold In the stiff and A. H. Augstman, Montana; Co­ when It will cite three principal wit­ his estate of »70,000 to his only child, whites, then the whipped cream. ¡triplets, 24®25c. burn Russell, New Mexico; F E. Lu­ nesses to the United States senate for Spokane. Mrs. Kate Cummins Itawsoa of Dus 1 into a mold and chill at least year Moines. , kins, Idaho, and F. F. McKinnon, Mls- contempt, because they refused to I xjrs. It may bs chilled la lndl- Hogs—Good, »18.50013.75. Cattlo—pteers, good, »7.00®7.50, anirw Senator Reed's Q u e e n ... < - -1 - -o- * a I D PRIMARY LAW OF ILLINOIS INVALID E DEPARTMENT PLANS NETWORKJFAIRWAYS RULING SUSTAINS IRRIGATION POLICY FOREIGN CONTROL OF LIQUOR INDICATED M Effective But Simple Dishes Now In Vogue FARM LOANS UNIFORM GAS LAWS URGED UPON STATES ” Dr. Sett T. french f F. M. Frencn & Son 5 - Highway Garage - Rural Enterprise *1 for"! dollar