Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, August 18, 1926, Image 2

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    mors money to spend for ru b b e r,
rides, which means that they can
P n b liih e d E v e r y W e d n e s d a y ,
afford to eend their children to
ß y H i B ert L. A l m o »
school for a longer time than any­
I Avery's uncle, C. S. Williams,
Alford Arrows
where else. Which in turn means
' They have motored through Utah,
broader education, better citizens,
N avadaand adjoining states and
Weriaesday, Aug. 18, 1926
a wider, deeper democracy. And
( B y an Enterprise Reporter)
aie now on their way home.
school statistics confirm the de­
Lee Iogram and family visited
Lucila and Russel Herndon visit­
11 a y e a r i n a d v a n c e
A r r e a r a g e s . 1 2 % c a m o n t h ductions drawn
from automobile his nephew, Leonard Ingram and ed at the Harry Davis home Sun.
A d v e r t i s i n g , 2 0 c a n i n c h ; n o d is c o u n t ownership figure«.
family at Venita Sunday.
f o r t im e o r space , n o c h a rg e fo r c o m
Sagebrush or seashore, mountain
Martin Cummings and family
C. K. Mercer of Eugene spent
n o s it io n o r c h a n g e s .
or valley, desert or dank forest,
a» " P a l d - f o i p a r a g r a p h * . '' t e a l in e .
dinner guests at the Thomas
tbe far west is a better place to Saturday nigbt and Sunday at E.
* • a d v e r t i s i n g d is g u is e d a s n « w s
Ardry home Sunday.
live in because it has the demo­
Rev. aud Mrs. H. R. Tate and
cracy of tbe uocrowded spaces—
Those picking bops at tbe C art­
Such is Life in the Far West and wants to preserve that demo­ wright hopyard from this com m un­ children were guests at the Estes
cracy through education.—Septem­ ity are, Mrs. Lee Ingram and Bass home Sunday.
Tbe far west is the beet piece ber Sunset.
daughter Thelma, Lena and Mae
io th e world to lire io, to raise
Kropf and W 'lm a and Lois Falk.
Pine Grove Points
children in, to come to and stay in
Picking began last Thursday.
Be Careful With Fires
because it has more automobiles
(B y
S p e c ia l C o r r e s p o n d e n t)
Little Lois Jean Workinger spent
per thousand of population and
There is this about fire, when Monday and Tuesday at the E. D.
Bert Haynes and family attend­
consumes more gasoline per csr t is loose, yon cannot whistle it
Isom home while her brother Ken­ ed a rennion of tbe Storey ar.d
than any other region of similar
hack again. Unless it is stayed by neth had bis tonsils removed at Hover families at the Everett Hov­
dimensions on the globe. T h at’s
enormous toil of men or halted by the general hospital in Albany and er home at Harrisburg, Sunday.
a real mouthful. Sounds like an natural obstacles, or drenched by
big mother stayed with him.
Mrs. W. G. McNeil and children
old- time booster blurb, doesn't it? rain, it will burn until it no long­
at L. E. Eagy’s Thursday.
Look at it this way: The pos­
er finds materia, for consumption. 0 . Isom’s were Mr. and Mrs. Win.
The Hover and Haynes thresher
session of a car per family indi­
In passing through the coast Wahl and daughters Dehua and
finished threshing Saturday even­
cates a huge purchasing power ii.
range of mcuntaine on the way to
every stratum of tbe population. Newport one sees the ghosts of Wilma.
Lee Ingram went to Portland
Gasoline consumption indicates
The Misses Pearl and Grace
trees that rise from old scars on the
He PehrssoD are at the Harrisburg
th a t the families are using the bus mountains where forest fires have Wednesday of last week.
More families in the far west have been. Nature is replanting very spent the night at the Will Ingram hop yard.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ivev and son
slowly—in fact hardly at all. Men
Orie Kropf and Ed Hnstettler and L. E. Eagy and family were
who were careless with fire put to
Sunday guests at W. G. McNeil’s.
naught the toil of centuries. Be left Monday for Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Commons
careful with tire, t o i l then be more
Mrs. Jessie McLaren and daugh
careful than ever. All the green, and children of Colorado arrived ter Dorothey and Ida Shick were
ery, the coolness, the delightful at the John W illbanks home Tues­ Corvallis visitors Tuesday after
Mrs. noon.
beauty, may be blackened and day and surprised them.
made hideous by a single careless Commons is tbe W iUbauk’s daugh­
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sylvester and
ter and they had not seen h er for
Mrs. Emma Sylvester went to
eight years.
Monmouth Friday, bringing the
Dorothy Corcoran spout Sunday girls home for the weekend.
Tbe Corvallie Independent seem
A thorough < ulturaJ and prt/f raatona I atbUar
much worried because someone, with Beverly Isom.
ah»p m the outatazding charattmatM U the
Albert and Lillian Campbell who
Stale U m v c ftit,
Several weeks ago when B. E. have been visiting their grand
sometime, for tome
T r o t n t n f i« o j f e m j in
reason might be attracted to Cor­ Cogswjll and family were a t Cas­ mother, Mrs. Johnson returned to
22 d e p a r tm e n ta o l th e C o lle g e o f
vallis and establish an industry cadia they caught a young i iwn. thsir home near Grand Ronde
L ite r a tu r « . S c ie n c e a n d t h e A r t * .
with a pay roll. Never mind boy, He has a permit from the govern­ Sunday.
A r c h it e c t u r e a n d A l l i e d A r t s —
there is not much danger as long ment to raise it and it is dcing
Business A d m in is tra tio n — E d u c a ­
as your town is dominated by the floe.
tio n — J o u r n a lis m — G r a d u a t e S tu d y
Flax Proving a Good Crop
— L a w — M e d ic in e — M u s i c — P h y s i­
same “ boosters” and tbe same
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R ickard
cal E d u ca tio n — Sociology — S o c ia l
commercial club who turned down were Sunday afternoon callers at
A recent trip ol inspection over
W o r k — E xten s io n D ivision .
a large paper mill a year or so ago, A. E. W hitbeck’s.
the tiax fields by members of the
5 k t Year O p e « September 27 . 1 9 2 i
with the argument th a t " it would
Brian Perry and family m ade a state chamber of commerce and O.
Aoz in /o rm o tto n or ru fa /o fu * u m u
bring rough workingmen to town. ” trip to the Murdock ptach orch.trtl A. C. showed th at ninety per cent
U n iV t r t t t g o f
O royon.
O rt
of tbe growers have found flax
The Eugene Daily Gard is be.
I.etha Tandy of V'enita ie v:isit- raising one of the best crops from
ing distributed around Halsey. ing her cousins, Alice and V elda the standpoint of profit.
Unlike some little couutry daily Curtis.
From the farms the flax has gone
papers it ie neat, clean and well
George and Tom Heitzm au of to the state penitentiary where its
limited and is easily readable.
•A IM T » * /-'W A R N1SHE3
Portland have been speuding th eir m anufacture gives employment to
summer vacations with their au n t, «•very able bodied man of six hund­
What we need in tbe United Mrs. Joe Cersovski.
red inmates. From the peniten­
Stutes is a week-end th at is not so
tia ry the manufactured fiax goes
Sunday guests at the John Rolfe
destructive of life, liberty and the
o u t to two outside linen mills,
home were George Godwin nud
pursuit of happiness.
which industries are direct results
family of Buena Vista, Mrs. H ale
of prison manufacture. The peni­
and family of Medford and Deo
ten tiary furnishes the mills with
flax products in th at state of manu­
Mrs. E. J. Gottsacker stnd facture necessary for their require­
daughters, Louise and Berni«ce and ments, from where it goes into
their father and grandfather, Iyouis completed products. The Miles
Heitzman, all of P o rtla rd , have linen m ills, a factory 100x14? feet,
been spending the past t ’ ro weeks recently completed, at Salem an­
Save Your
with Mrs. Joe CersovsLi.
A/ j s . nounces it will enlarge to nearly
Gottvacger and daughters will .re­ double present capacity, and an­
iTruck and Tractor!
turn to Portland S aturday, but Mr. other factory, with authorized
[ A t v e ry « m i ll coat y o u c a n
Tbe time for glasses—is right at Heitzman will spend the sum m er
, s a v e m a n y d o lla r « < j o r e -
capital of $500,000, is under erec­
| p a i r s a n d d e p r e c ia t i o n b y
tbe beginiug of the trouble with w ith bis daughter, M rs. Cersovski.
p a i n t in g y o u r t r u c k , t r a c ­
tion. The state prison lias nearly
your eyes. Delays are dangerous.
t o r , w a g o n a a n d ix b e r fa r m
t half million dollars in material
im p le m e n ts w it h L O W E
The eye is tbe most delicate mein,
Lake Creek. Locals i and equipment and is steadily en-
her of the hnman body and every
A N D T R A C T O K P A IN T .
; larging to meet demands, while
Y o u ’l l f in d i t e a s y t o a p ­
(Enterprise Correspondent)
you delay after the trouble
p l y . I t d r ie s q u i c k l y , a n d
about $100,000 was paid to farm ­
Mis» Myrtle Tobey is home from
starts you are getting just that
I t v e ry to u g h a n d w e a th e r*
ers last year for their straw.
r e s ta tin g . T h e A l u m i n u m '
much toward possible blindness. a months motor trip through Cali­
fin is h ia e s p e c ia lly g o o d t o r ,
Many farmers interviewed say
m o t o r s a n d e n g in e s lie -
Come in today and let us examine fornia with friends. They spent t h at fiax raising is the best crop in
c a u s e i t w it h s t a n d s a h ig h '
your eyes.
some time in Los Angeles and ai <bt for profits, as there is a wait­
d e g re e o f h e a t .
Our new address—318 West First crossed tbe line into Mexito. Miss in g ' market and spot cash for tbe
H e /o r a
st., next door to Western Uuion,
Tobey has been re-elected to West
pro lu ct. Prices per ton paid by
Linn high school this year.
the t Late range from $22 for the
Mrs. Lloyd Simons and children very i ’hort fiber to $40 for the long
are helping at the H arrisburg hop straw.
Optometrists and Manufacturing
yard now. ,
Did You Ever Stoo to Think
% Rev H. R. Tate preached his
last sermon bereSuuday morning. |
W a ite , S e c re ta ry , S h a w n e e ,
He will attend annual conference’ BX EJ,on
O kl
b o a rd o f C o m m e rc e .
which will convene at Corvallis
advertising di­
this week, and expects to accept
another charge. They have made
many friends here during the last I
That ad eeritsing is one of the
Personal Service by an Experienced Printer two years.
Henry Cook is employed on th e '
Bring V our Next Order to the Enterprise
Thomas Ardry farm now.
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Spores of Creamerv
Mohawk were guests at the C. 8.
M.anu lecturers of
A n y G irl in Trouble
| Williams home Sunday.
Miss Lillie Rickard and brother
Alford attended church here
m a y c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h E o a ig n L e e o l I h e J S a l v a t i o n A r m y > t ¡ t h e
m id B u y e r s o f Eggs
Sunday morning.
W h i t « S h ie l d M o m « , 5 6 5 M a y f a i r a v e a u e , f o r t ia n J , O r e g o n .
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Avery of A F a n u e r s ’ C o -o p e ra tiv e
Los Augelcs art visiting Mr
C re a m e ry
Neighborhood News
strongest reazons wbv the people
live better, have more comforts
Get this book
and luxuries, and a better tim e
generally than any other people in
the world.
Some folks are all the time won­
dering where the money comes
from to buy ail tbe automobiles,
radio sets, phonographs, good
clothes and good food that tbe
American people use. These folks
do not realize the fact th at thg pur­
chase' by the American people of
all these things keeps the factories
going and furnish wages to help
the same American family buy
more things.
I t ’s a cycle of prosperity th at
couldn't exist without advertising.
‘ Sometimes we think th at there is
a lot of waste in advertising—and
there is.
But there is a lot of waste in
Let us h elp you plan your
everything else in life. N ature
v a c a tio n . G e t a c o p y o f
"O regon Outdoors”—illus­
wastes as much m aterial ns she
trated vacation guide, from
uses but she builds a mighty flue
your local agent.
world despite her waste.
Profit by low sum m er fares
If all advertising could be done
an d fast, com fortable serv­
without waste and failure, life
ice to th e beaches an d o th er
resort playgrounds.
would be entirely too ea6y for tbe
A s k a b o u t th e lo w f a r e s to
merchant aud the advertising man.
C a lifo r n ia a n d th e E a s t.
It is just because there is always
a possibility of waste and fa ilu re
in advertising th at we have to keep
up ou our toes to make our p art in
advertising successful.
I dont know how far advertising
Clay P. Moody Agent
is going to go, but I think the time
will come when advertising will be
used to develop public opinion and
educate tbe people of the world to
Remember the old-fashioned
better habits of thought, better pan-handier who merely asked for
standards of ethics aud better sys­ enough money to pay his fare to
tems of government.
a place where be had a job w ait­
to go this
Sum m er
S o u th e rn
P a c ific
( The Most Wonderful
Book in the W orld
ORE than nine million Bibles were sold or
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Would you not love to have companion volumes to",
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describes the life hiTeafter; what
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spiritually interpreted.
Hill & Co.
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ed by the Houghton
I" ‘
Mifflin Co. in most modem transla­
tion from the original Latin, in the Rotch Edition of 31 volumes.
The first twenty give the spiritual sense of Genesis and
Exodus as understood in Heaven; and volumes 16, 37, 28 give
likewise the spiritual sense of the Book of Revelation.
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Volumes 30, 31, ja, contain a full statement of the True
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C h r is t ia n
The whole 32 volumes in half-morocco at $125; in buckram, $40.
♦---------------------- --------------------------------------------------►
The foUowing are the best introductory books to the Revela­
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Angelic W isdom Concerning—
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Meade & Albro
Job Printing
HEAVEN AND HELL from things heard and itfn$ 1.25
T H E D I V I N E L O V E A N D W I S D O M , th e jr o D im d e s t
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f r a t puhkabed to L a tin «t A n w e w d a ta J M S , d o n g w it h th ia ia the
“ 1 otercourae Betw een that Soul cod the Body “ erst pubhkhed to L i a n
a t Landon 1769.
Price o f all three a t one tim e, inclu din g poet*ge
W ho Was Swedenborg?
B n a m a tl £w adeid»rg, the son
m c f o bSahop, iw w the great Swedish scientist, phito-
« * » range caused E m e r k -i to «arm Him the m attodon
•chetar«. Dr. Pwfc.
OfScwlty cormacood,
rreeiefly earned him the (J n ire rta l G e rm a .
King, iiith the great m in in g in d u rtry
ma w e re l a l f the m a n e » o f h a tim e, and u - x e the r i t t .
st u te fid
on mMaatHrin- mmr-ac«, gediogy. iiatrooomy, and the hum an b rain.
*■ * Mk < • » *
f - r the h e r-a n end H o u his iftirttu a j t e n u i uree opened,
?f -^ ■ W j w
7 * * ." ’
“ “m
<3f , 4* e' * * } *
m W*e revnil the hu m an anul, tha life a f t e r
M S r Ä a r .,’, m a > 2« eead m the dhpvt nam ed, u p ii/tt ng, use/ul boo^t.
Send orders or mqutnat to
B. A. W hittemore , Agent
X35 B owdoin S trebt , Boston g, "Mass.