f .j rural A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k E nterprise A \\ eekly C hronicle ot Local Events and Progress in Linn County HALSEY, OREGON WEDNESDAY AUG. 18 1926 - Local and Personal Mention - Family Reunion NUMBER 16 Girl Dies After Tonsil Operation D a iry P o u ltry W oo 1 News Items From Entire State A very pleasant family reunion Opal Bernice, 16, only child of Prof, and Mrs. Lyman W. Pat­ was held a t the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overton of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maxwell of ton and two daughters, are spend­ Drain came down Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chance Sunday Brownsville, died at the Browns­ tngvald Lien, 17. son of Mr. and William Burch, who has been a log- ing the week in Newport. visited at the home of Mrs. Edith in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chas ville hospital Thursday morning at Mrs. R. K. Ylen of Canby, was killed Sing contractor for a number of years, was killed instantly at the Schelder Mr. and Mrs. Norris Emery and Robnett and other relative«. They Commons and da ughters who are 5 o'clock after haviog bad her ton­ while blasting stumps. ralll, near Lorane, when struck by the visiting Here from Colorado, went on to Tangeut Sunday for a Fees in the Columbia county clerk's sils removed on the previous even- daughter ot Toledo were Sunday very delightful dinner was serv °g- office for July amounted to $624.10. an top of a falling tree. guests at the C. P. Moody home further visit. Redmond has been selected as the ed at noon. Those present The fuueral service was conduct­ Increase of $170 over July, 1925 Mrs. Alva Smith of Albany w as were: Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Davis site for a 45.000-egg hatchery which Is Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mincklev who Final surveys have been made pre­ ed Sunday at the Christian church have occupied the residence prop­ a Sunday visitor in Halsey at the of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Commons at Brownsville with Clifford L. * paratory to beginning construction of to be operated by W. H. Thompson oe new $300,000 theater at Klamath Canby. Work of Installing machinery erty of Mrs. D. F. Deau for, som“ Geo. Maxwell home. and family of Colorado, Mr. UDd Carey, pastor of the Halsey Christ-• the probably win be started In September. Falla. time, expect to move at once to Brad Moss and Bert Miockley Mrs. Theo. Hoflitch of Albany ian church in charge, Because he uaed a circle of fire la their ranch west of town, recently drove to Bend last week with a Mr. and Mrs. Jehu Willbanks of luterment was made at the Union' Aproxtmately 300 men are reported timbered country to keep coyotes away to be fighting 11 forest fires on state purchased from d a te Smith. load of pears, plums and other near town and the host and Point cemetery. and national timber land in Jackson from bla Hock of sheep at night. Frank Byrne, camptender for Pat Reilly of hostess. county. Win. McHenry of Cottage Grove fruit and had no trouble disposiue Jefferson county, was arrested near of them at good prices. The entire Cascade national forest, Bend and fined $25. stopped over in Halsey, Friday Mr. and Mrs. L, W. Byerley Mrs. Charles Jackson of Browns­ and Mrs. Addie Leeper were at- lying east of Eugene and comprising Herbert Hoover, secretary of com­ nnd Saturday and visited his cousin Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith 1,023,510 acres has been closed to merce. plans to lose himself some­ Mrs. Auna Harwick at the Geo. visited at the home of the formers’ ville visited her sister, Mrs. Frank tending to business in Halsey the smokers. where in the wilds of Oregon the last Maxwell home. He was enroute uncle and annt, Mr. and Mr«. M. Hadley and together with Misses last of the week. John Lynn, 30, died at a Salem hos­ 10 days of August. Just where he will Gladys and Velva Hadley they to Illinois to visit his sister. E. Gardner over the week end and H. P. Willis came home from pital of injuries suffered In an ex spend his time, or with whom, the plosion while blasting stumps near secretary would not say. aleo visited at the Lyman Palmer motored to Albany. Marion Saturday and spent Halsey people who attended the Sublimity. home Friday afternoon. They Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Commons The \ alley Brotherhood of Baptists, couple of daye with hie family, funeral of Miss Opal Overton at About 100 delegates from 28 Ore­ which Includes representatives from were on their way from eoutbern and four daughters are here from le left for Dayton Monday, where gon counties attended the annual con Marlon. Polk, Benton and Linn coun­ Brownsville Sunday were: Mr. and points to their home in Portland. Colorado for a visit with Mrs. com­ he wiil relieve the regular S. I vontion of the Oregon Title association ties. held its annual picnic at Santlam Mrs. W. A. Cummings, Mr. and at Astoria. Adrian Smith who isemployd in mons’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John agent for an indefinite time. Mrs. George Taylor, Mr. and Mrs park, near Jefferson. More than 200 Boardman ranchers who planted persons attended the banquet. Clifford Carey, Ruth and Irene Portland came up Suoday to visit Willbanks. They had been separ­ Dr. and Mrs. Marks have re­ wheat are highly elated over the heavy ated for many years and the visit For having the moat attractively ar­ Quimbv and Mesdames Hazel Bier- at the M. E. Gardner home. turned from their vacation. The yield which Is running from 40 to 60 ranged and best kept garden In * wts a happy surprise to the par­ ley Edith Robnett, J. E. True, Mrs. Grace Hutchinson of Mi­ ents. Enterprise erroneously stated they bushels per acre. club of six, John Crosta of Yankton May Miller and M. M. Ward. ami, Oklahoma, arrived Wednes­ I Ians for the North Morrow coun received the flrat prise In a garden would take a four weeks vacation day for a visit with her old friends Mr and Mrs. 0 . J. Tooth of ty fair are nearing completion. Sep­ inspection tour conducted by George Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson tember 3 and 4 are the dates set and A. Nelson, Columbia county agent. Pine Grove Church Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman Litchfield, Ohio, are expected here China pheasants are unusually Her son-in-law and daughter, Mr soon by the latter’s parents, Mr. of Portland visited his father, J. it will be held at Boardman. W. L. Clinton. 60, Portland, was kill­ abundant In eastern and western Ore­ Sunday school 10 a. m. and Mrs. J. C. Linton expect to and Mrs. David Foote. Mr. and W. Stephenson over Sunday. On Preaching, I l a , m. Miss Mitz- come later with a view to engaging Wrs. Tooth have disposed of their Sunday they drove up to Cascadia ed Instantly when his car turned over gon and deer are plentiful In every on The Dulles-California highway, 45 section ot the state where deer are to ner. property in Ohio and are motoring and Monday they went on to Eel- miles north of Klamath Falls. in business in this country. be found, according to E. F. Averill Preaching 8 p. m. Miss Mitzner. through to Oregon with a view to knap springs. The public service commission de­ state game warden. In hia monthly re-’ While helping to build a barn Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 Port. bridge Thursday, Currin Miller locating here if they find the west Ten members of the local Christ­ nied the application of the Coos Bay p. m. to their liking. Boom company for permission to cease A mortgage given by the West Coast ian Endeavor eociety were in at­ forgot to watch his step and landed Church of Christ on a large nail. He has a very Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Peuland and sore foot as a consequence but was H. C. Davia drove to Portland on hand at League services Sunday Saturday. The Peulands returning evening. with a fine new Studebaker sedan D. H. Sturtevant and family The Studebaker touring they have drove to Lebanon and visited rela­ been driving has been purchased by F. W. Robins. tives Sunday. operations on the Coquille river. tendance at the C. E. rally held at Ladders are uaed to pick evergreen Lebanon last Saturday evening. berrlbs in the vicinity of Reedsport, D. C. Rossman and wife and the bushes growing 15 feet In height and covering about 20 feet square sister, accompanied by John La- Halsey and Tangent gardeners are Rue motored to brownsville and complaining about the damage done viewed the new road Friday even­ by the China pheasants by scratching ing. out the squash vines and other plants. Hydro-Electric corporation to the Bankers Trust and Savings Bank of Minnesota for $785.000 has been filed with the Columbia county clerk The mortgage covert land, leases, electric works, power houses, etc., of the cor­ poration in Columbia, Douglas, Harney, Hood River, Lane, Lincoln. Multno­ mah and Tillamook counties and in Mason, Wahkiakum and Skamania counties, Washington. Utidor construction since March 4, the Crooked river bridge, spanning a basalt walled gorge mors than 800 feet in depth on the route of The Dallee-Callfornia highway In southern Jefferson county, was opened to gen­ eral traffic 8unday. A GBDixon, general manager of the Boo*h-Kelly Lumber company, of Eu­ gene, an authority on western lumber conditions, has been appointed a mem­ ber of the national committee on wood utilization, which baa Ita headquarter« In Waxbington, D. C. Another new recent record for the Willamette river level was set at Eu­ gene when a mark of minus .7 feet was Labor conditions in Salem are the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Laubner Mrs. Chas Jackson of Browns­ The Halsey schools will start on best on the Pacific coast, according to ville was a caller at the home of were among visitors at Triangle Friday, September 17. The stud- j a report for July Issued by the United Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Chance, Sat- lake Sunday. ents will assemble on that date, States department of labor in Port­ urday. land. Mrs. Wm. McMahan was shop, register and get a list of the books Fire losses in the state of Oregon, and supplies needed and adjourn T. J. Skirvin went to Portland ping in Albany Wednesday. Sunday School 10. exclusive of Portland, during July ag until Monday the 20th. Saturday on business, remaining Preaching 11. gregated $646,340, according to a re­ Mr«. Bert Minckley was a pas­ over the week end. Christian Endeavor 7. W. L. Wright is now improving port prepared by Will Moore, state senger to the county seat Wednes­ Preaching 8. Mrs. Clifford Carey favored the day, his main atreet property by paint­ fire marshal. The number of inmates at the Ore­ ing. The loyalty to the church has audience at the Christian church Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Groth of gon state penitentiary has reached its been fine, just keep it up. with a very beautiful solo Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill have re­ peak in the history of the Institution. Independence visited their uncle Morning subject, “S p ir itu a l evening. There are now a total of 592 convicts and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. turned from a weeks outing at Bel­ In Heartache.” the prison. Mrs. Eliza Brandon and Mrs. Burbank Sunday. Mr. Groth has knap springs. Evening, ‘‘The Master Opti­ Hannah Cummings were dinner The Ladd A Bush bank at Salem charge of the Willard battery sta­ Mr. and Mrs. Ksrl Bramwell and which i t one of the oldest financial in­ cian.” guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. M Mil­ tion at Independence. family are vacationing at Newport stitutions In the state, hae received a * Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. ler Sunday. this week. Mrs. Edith Robnett is permit to remodel Ita quarters at a George Maxwell and Wm. White (Continued on page 4) Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sturgis of are building a shed and a garage in charge of the postoffice during coat of $50,000. M . E. Church their absence. Rex, who have been taking a three for George Githens at Peoria. weeks motor trip through southern Miss Gladia Willbanks left on LeRoy Newton of Portland, a California reached Halsey on their Robert Parker pasior. the Wednesday afternoon stage for brother-in-law of Mrs. Buford return trip to Rex Sunday and Sunday school, 10. Eugene to visit her sister and at­ were guests at the home of Mr. Morris was in Hal»ey Monday. Preaching, 11. tend the “ Trail to Rail’’ celebra­ and Mrs. H. L. Almon. Martin Koontz and James Rec­ tion. Junior League, 2:30, tor took a motor trip up the Me- Epworth leagne, 7. Mr. and Mrs. David Foote, A. Frank Gray who has operated Kenzie river Sunday. They stop­ Preaching, 8. W. Foote and son Walter drove to a dray line in Halsey for years has Prayer-meeting, Thursday, Brownsville Saturday where Mrs ped over in Junction City for a sold the business to C. G. Hamer short time. « Bible Stuly Tuesdas’, 2. Foote had dental work done. and will retire. Mr. Hamer has O. W. Frura took a truck load rented the Dean house on north of bogs to Albany Tuesday morn­ second street and will octupy it as You want your shirt to look well, always. ing. soon as it ia vacated by Bert Minck­ T rue-the only part that moat folks see is the Mrs. O. W. Frum and Vivian ley. and Mrs. E. E. Gormley and little “V above your vost. But that “V” be­ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Commons granddaughter Rene, were in and children who are visiting at speaks the style, the quality of your entire We will be in our new storo soon—able to Brownsville Monday. the home of Mrs. Commons’ par­ shirt. serve you better in every way— Mrs. W. M. Burbank visited the ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Willbanks left Monday to visit friends and county seat Monday. You want inbuilt value, below the “V” and relatives in Alpine, Corvallis and Mrs. Edith Thompson of Yon­ Albany. in the fashioning. Smart lines. Doft tailoring calla visited her cousins, Mr. and We can still servo you in the old location The quarterly conference of the ol shoulders, culls and sleeves. Mra. C. P. Moody Friday and Sat­ local M. E. church will be held urday. Friday, August 27. Mr. and Mrs. O, W. Frum and See the style show of Neustadter Mr. and Mrs. Buford Morris daughter ▼¡sited Mrs. Holloway at whatever you need in drugs and sundries shirta at Our Store. Neustadter spent Sunday in Eugene visiting Brownsville Sunday. Brothers, Established 1863, Portland Mr. Morris' mother. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hoffman and San Francisco, New York. Mrs. Hoffman's guest Mrs. Hutch- j ineon, and Milton Sargent motored to Newport Sunday. The iowdown’ on S h ir ts Yes, You Bet— -- But - So Don’t Forget and Give us a Trial The Halsey Pharmacy For Your Convenience Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings till 9 The first rainfall in nearly two months fell tbie week. The last rainfall was on June 19, while the Halsey camp meeting was in pro- greee. Fresh Salmon AT Halsey Meat Market F IN E S H IR T S M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon i