KIKAÜ MNIBKKRISË GLOBE, Albany o ia ie w iu e n e w s ite m s (Continued from page 1) BRIEF GENERAL NEWS the Deschutes watershed is serious. Aggregate bank deposits in Oregon The provisional commercial accord A u g u st, 15, 16, 17 on June 30, 1926. were approximate­ Juat concluded by France and Germany ly $2.000,000 greater than ever report­ ends what has amounted to a sporadic tariff. ed in history of the state, according to « A clean wholesowe comedy the financial report of Frank C. Bram­ American exports of textile com well, state superintendent of banks. inodities declined in value nearly 12 daama with a tang of ori­ per cent during the fiscal year ended Bend is to be the host to sheep men ental mysticism which en- July 30. of Oregon this fall, when the annual ahrouda The Far East. Charles Curtis was renominated for convention of the Oregon Wool Grow United States senator In the Kansas ers’ association will be held there. W in . B o y d republican primaries by at least 125, October 9 and 10 have been selected and 000 votes. as tentative dates for the 1926 con L e a tric e Jo y Horse racing under the pari-mutuel vention. betting ayatem ts not a game of chance Briefs in support of the application Comedy and Is therefore permitted under the for a rehearing of the case of James Harold Lloyd in state law and constitution of Utah Willos and Ellsworth Kelly, convicts the state supreme court held. “ Among Those Present’’ who are awaiting execution for the The state of Washington, in 1925 part they played in the prison break produced gold, silver, copper, lead and at Salem on August 12 of last year zinc to the value of 11,092.464, com have been filed ln the state supreme Job Printing at this office. pared with an output of $948,490 In court. 1924, according to figures published A cache containing over 200 cases by the United States geological survey of choice wine, gin and bonded Dispatches from Angora, the Turk whiskey, valued at $18,000. was dis­ Ish capital, aay the government has covered by Jim Derrick and Ord ordered the closing of all foreign Sherman J. Lowell of New York, re­ chambers of commerce In the country cently named a member of the United CastJe, Lincoln county engineers, un Local Agent for The order is said to be directed par States ta r iff commission by President der some brush along the beach about two miles above Otter rock ln Lincoln tlcularly at the American, British Coolidge. county. French and Italian chambers. Because of the extreme dryness, a Braxll to Stay Out of Arm a Conclave. tract of 23,000 acres in the Mount London.—Brazil has formally noti Hood national forest has been ordered fled the League of Nations of her de­ closed. The area extends from the D. C. Rossman, Salesman cision not to participate further In the Clackamas river to the Hillockburn work of the disarmament commission road, and covers the watershed of the H a lsey , O reg o n of the league, according to a dispatch south fork of the Clackamas river and Fire Raging in Dry Woods in its I from Geneva. tributaries. Spokane Vicinity and in Reduction of rates charged by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com Northern Idaho. pany in the state of Oregon will be sought in proceedings to be filed by Spokane, Wash.—Forest fires swept Governor Pierce with tjie public serv the white pine belt of Northern Idaho ice commission, according to announce­ and the Spokane territory, devastating ment made at the executive depart C ars 170,000 acres of federal forestry acre ment at Salem. G e n e r a l R e p a ir in g a n d B a tte r y W o r k age, 60,000 acres of adjoining forests Official driving of the last spike on Acetylen« Welding and an estimate of 75,000 to 100,000 the Eugene-Klamath Falls cut-off of private lands within 100 miles of this the Southern Pacific took place near T w o F ord s F or S a l? N e w T ire P rices city. the summit of the Cascade mountains High winds played havoc with the Saturday. The wedding of "Miss Eu 1915 — New Rubber . . $50.00 thousands of fire fighters, and smoke gene” to "Mr. Klamath Falls" took 1922—Brand new Rubber, in 110x3 1-2 Sd. Premier cd. »8 75 hanging low over this entire district Place at that time with a mock mar good Condition 1175.00 30x3 1-2 0. S. Pr. cord 9.50 has made airplane reconnoitering riage ceremony. valueless to those In charge In the Work in straightening the Umatilla field river channel for 200 yards above the The tragedy of the situation Is In new $24.000 concrete bridge at Echo the large number of Incendiary fires Is under way. Silt, sand and gravel A s Cold a s th e F rozen N orth reported at every hand. A former In- I accumulating around The' . i?'1 BraJ el mate of the state Insane asylum Is .the old bridge threaten to h * ia our Ice cream. It is delightfully charged with setting 11 fires lust week I course of the river and leave * In the Colville district north of Spo- span high and dry '6 “eW cooling and refreshing after a hard kane. I The woods are like tinder and fire by min, “ ade Iast week shopping tour. Stop in and enjoy spreads more rapidly due to the hu Lumbermen^”1 t0 ‘be W®Bt Coast a plate. We have all flavors. midlty conditions than in any previous »ion new t* aasoclatlon ln Produc­ year. Damage in July alone was four tion new orders booked and shipments It makes an ideal refreshment ai 3U f i i s T t “ “ h ,O tak ‘ d times greuter tbun in the combined is nourishing and wholesome. past two years, with Howard Flint, 109.312,646 feet, new orders were book­ -----a, and shipments federal district fire Inspector, char­ ed for 114,197.486 feet acterizing the general situation as be­ made totaled 110,990,975 feet. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING With lavish ceremonies, In which ing "so bad it couldn’t be any worse Truck because of burned telephone and tele­ more than 1000 Indians participated, When you think of used cars, graph lines and the Intense centraliza­ Modoc Charlie. 76. blind tribal coun­ Line tion on the protéctlon of small towns, selor fw the Klamath Indian tribes think of C E R T IF IE D PUBLIC Z m , h“. ? P ' ° W,D* 8 fUDeral 8ervice MOTOR CAR MARKET. Used mills, mines and farm houses daily service which lasted for 48 hours without In cars only. 255 N. Church St., 1-2 Route all freight, Auto Freight Ter termlssion, and at which nearly $4000 block north of post office, Salem miiial, Door 39, Phone RAst 50tM worth of food was consumed. Leave Portland each dav at 4:00 p. iu. Oregon. Because of the great number of in Halsey, Oregon Leave Halsey each day at 3:3o p. 111. endiary forest fires, the Douglas Halsey Depot, Swift & Co. Agent wanted in Halsey terri­ i X r7 C? sr‘ has ° ffered 8 reward - I o rtla n d , B r o w n sv ille and $500 for the apprehension and convic- tory. Sworn proof of $75 per week. C A P IT A L A N D SURPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Klngsdown, England. — Gertrude t on of any person starting a forest H a rr isb u r g T ruck L in e $1.50 an hour for spare time. In ­ Edcrle of New York swam across the Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited troducing Finest Guaranteed Hosi­ !“ there ‘ h 8 co have un , y - been S lnc more e , he than m , d - English channel—a stretch of water Jle of j July which ln all recorded history never 1-5 fires reported as befng incendiary ery. 12(5 styles and colors. Low had before been conquered by a wo­ Diamond lake will not be |nclu(led prices. Auto furnished. No capi- man. “ ^ ater Lake National pirk. The tai or experience necessary. Gertrude stepped ashore here exact D7 u C<>Ordina,lng con>B>l»slon. W ilkoit Hosiery Company Dept ly 14 hours and a half after entering which h t had been for four day. consider­ M-47 Greenfield, Ohio. the water at Cape Gris Nez. First-class W ori ing and holding public hearings on the Gertrude not only was the first wo­ question of extending park boundaries J- w. STEPHENSON. man to swim the English channel but I 1 ANO — High grade piano uear northward to take In the famous fish she accomplished the swim In almost X T ' Z ; iO" 0Wing a brl*f Halsey will be sold to reliable two hours less time than was requit­ TUSSING & TUSSING at Medford, voted unanimously to rec party at big saving, $10 monthly ed by the fastest man who ever swam that Diamond lake remain un­ will bandle. A real buy, write at la w y e r s across Sebastian Tlraboschi — who ommend der forest service jurisdiction. once for particulars. Tallman required 16 hours and 23 minutes to Halsey and Brownsville accomplish the swim on August 11-12 MaCcK.CveHe PT * “nd Parapet wa" Piano Store, Salem, Oregon. 16 1923. O fg o n with th “ , bee“ co“ P|«‘ed and l,h thia work the construction work The American girl’s success came on Liberal Discount on Ton Lots or Moro. The ROST— Bunch of keys on street- her second attempt in two seasons at MacKay dam is rapidly being 1’t‘etl I hat (Jives Kosults. After a remarkable exhibition of speed brought to a close after three years of Halsey, Saturday or Sunday. and endurance in her attempt to swim baa been used by the reclamation serv Finder please leave at the Enter, the channel last year. Gertrude aban lee In building the dam, which will prise office. Laundry sent Tuesdays doned the trial after eight hours and a half, beaten by rough water off the MacKay creek to be used each year In Agency H ub Cleaning Works Sanf’i n * V n " ,0 ,he For Sale or Rent—My residence Goodwin sands. Manfleld and Butter creek regions. ABES PLAC E property in Halsey. Mrs. Adda Max G. Cohen, who prior to August. Leeper, Albany or H. C. Davis SOV.ET FLEET IN REBELLION 1913. was a police magistrate in Port- Halsey. Rumored T ro tzk y is Fugitive and land, and who was convicted of , Ub D ELBER T STARR ordination of perjury there and sen M obilization Ordered. tented to federal prison. SPECIAL BARGAIN! House" * uneral Director and Licensed Bucharest. Roumanta. - Reports ot | pardoned and'mny rMtoredT'7 b* Embalnier and small barn and six lots in red ,0 cltlten- >a