^ ^ l b a n y d ir e c to r y ucoT CLEMENCEAU MAKES APPEAL TO COOLIDGE AGREEMENT ULUSfcU Coolidge Indicates Negotiation« W ill | Be Only Through Diplomacy. Plymouth. Vt. — The poaltlon of I President Coolidge Is that the nego tiatione relative to the wartime debt [ owed by France to the United States are closed. President Coolidge was Informed through press dispatches of the open letter former Premier Clemenceau of ) France has addressed to him on the | war debts and It was Indicated that A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers his attitude was that the Washington and plants, plants. Floral art for every government Intends to conduct its re­ and all occasions lations with the French people on all Flower phone 458-J. questions through their duly consti­ tuted diplomatic authorities. For some time It has been made j p E N T K A L TIKE SHOP Tire Vulcaniiiug- Battery B re clear that Mr. Coolidge considers the ) charging. 221 W. Second. debt funding authority to have passed Ed Falk Flop. from the American debt commission once it has concluded negotiations and ast burn 3ros.—Two big grocery has transmitted to congress for rati- I stores, 212 W. First and 225 South fication agreements entered Into with | Main. Good merchandise at the right foreign governments. prices. T h u is goo! advice; " I f you In­ in Albany, trade lu Albany ; if you In in some other town, trade lu that town. But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will had the firms named below ready to fill their require ments with courtesy an 1 fairness. Paris—"Old father victory" has again come to the defense of France In her hour of trouble. Georges Clemenceau, wartime pre­ mier, appealed to President Coolidge in an open letter not to treat the settle­ ment of war debts as purely a com­ mercial matter. The proposed Beren- ger-Mellon debt agreement he assert­ ed to be impossible of fulfillment and to threaten the Independence of France. The spirited appeal of "the tiger," who will be 85 years old next month, came with dramatic unexpectedness at a moment when the French govern­ ment is hesitating before taking a definite position on the ratification of the proposed agreement. The Franco-American negotiations leading to promises of payment, the Vincent 8lmonton, who Is assistant former premier declared, are impost- to Gen. L. C. Andrews, assistant sacre- jp iite Cafeteria and confectionery Adm in ¡strut ri X Notice of S a le | tary of the treasury In charge of dry sible of fulfillment because they would result in a loan “with solid security In Home cooking. Pleasant surround law enforcement. .of Realty the shape of our territorial posses­ ing9. Courteous, efficient service We make our own caadies. sions. as was the case of Turkey.” He W orld's Prem ier W . S. D uncan . warned President Coolidge that France Notice is hereby given that by Scenic D e r jio n will never accept such a thing. virtue of an order ot the County S u d d e n ly P r o ­ P O K D SALES AND SERVICE 'France ls”hot for sale—even to her Court of Linn County, Oregon duly I duces a New De­ Tires and accessories friends," he said, “independence came made and entered in the probate Repairs velopment o f the to us, independent we shall leave her." KiRg-PotLAK M otor C o . journal of said court authorizing "After making a blood peace with G r e a t e s t Eco­ 068 Moines, Iowa.—Governors of the the common enemy," he said, "a money nomic Interest to pV irtm iller Furniture Co., forni and directing the undersigned eo ture, rugs, linoleum, 9toves ranges to do, the undersigned as Adminie- a«rlcnftural west and Industrial east peace is being devised with the allied th e E n tire N a ­ Funeral directors. 427-433 west First tratrix of the E state of W illiam A. WlU b® a8ked t0 meet for " parley and associated powers.” tion. street, Albany, Oregon. some time in October In the hope of Mr. Clemenceau entreated President Brock deceased, will from and finding some common grounds for solu­ Coolidge not to consider the war debts ; after Thursday, the l'2th Day of | tion of the farm problems of this sec as purely cash transactions between U O L M A N & JACKSON By JUDSON C. WELLIVER *5 Grocery—Bakery August, 1920 at the office of Tus- tlon. creditor and debtor to be settled by HE Grand Canyon of the Colo­ Just Room for the Derrick Everything in the line of eats This announcement was made by technical experts. The attitude of rado River, widely regarded Opposite 1’ostoffice sing & Tussing in Halsey in Linn Governor John Hammlll of Iowa, fol America, he said, had made France un­ as the world's most imposing County, Oregon proceed to sell at natural wonder, has suddenly a flat bottomed boat and floated down lowing his retqrn from the recent gov easy lest the United States be taking taken on a new and startling from Moab. It was a daring perform­ IM P E R IA L CAFE, 209 W. First private sale for cash, subject to I ernors' conference at Cheyenne, call up "the oldtime policy of England,” ance, for the stream twists constantly; A Harold G. Murphy Prop. confirmation of said court, the fol- ed by Governor Nellie Ross of Wyom of controlling Europe by playing off Interest. unseen rocks and shifting bars add to Phone ¿65 A few years ago, when It was ns lowing real property, tow it:— ing- one continental power against another W B N K V BR C6OSK Inaccessible as the North Pole, John its difficulties, and the canyon's per­ (F irst tract) An execut,Ta committee to arrange Wesley Powell won fame by making pendicular walls threaten Instant a , t; -j j 1 o.u - * . . I 'or tbe conference was named consist agneto e l e c t r ic co . the first trip through IL A little later wreck. An undivided l-7th interest in lng of Oovernors Hammtn of fewa But It was done. Materials were PHILCO BATTERIES another adventurer conceived opening with the famous Diamond-Grid plates fee in the following: — Beginning Ross of Wyoming, McMullen of Ne a trail from the canyon's rira down to brought, a derrick reared, machinery priced to suit the consumer. 423 \V First 27.70 cbs. E. of the S. W. corner braska, Brewster of Maine and Martin the river, a mile below. It seemed placed, a camp built and drilling be­ grotesque, but the Impossible was ac­ gun. Now, with oil flowing from a of Florida. The time and place of the and money are best when f Sec. 9 in Tp. 14 S. of K. 4 W conference is to be determined later. complished, and Its accomplishment deplh of 2,035 feeL the Crane Creek Mexico City.—Ambassador Sheffield has made the canyon’s Innermost won­ well Is suddenly the wonder of the -‘"A busy. Make your dollars work in of the Willamette Meridian, Or., our savings department. A lbany S tate nd running thence N. 42.50 chs. Governor Hammlll said. has delivered a new United States note ders accessible to thousands of tour­ whole Intermountain country. B ank . Under government supervision with reference to Mexico’s petroleum ists each year. They 'come from all A Maze of Difficulties to the N- line of Thomas Shepherd and land laws to the Mexican foreign quarters of the world every season In NEW LINE IS COMPLETED Just about a year from the begin­ H. L. C., Thence E. 28 53 chs tltak in ello pa rlo r s office, It was learned from circles greater numbers to traverse the ning of drilling the well began to flow, Bright Angel Trail. That trail Is with every Indication that when tha ■»’A (A beauty aid for every need) 1’hence S. 42.50 chs. to the S. line Last Spike Driven on 840,000,000 close to the foreign office. St. Francis Hotel truly a monument to the daring and drill goes somewhat deeper Into the Natron Cut-Off. f said sec; and thence W. to be­ State department officials refused • • Winifred Rose Prop. devotion of Its builder. He worked producing sand it will be an Im­ to comment on the most recent com­ Eugene, Or.—The marriage of "Miss ginning, containing 100 acres more at it for ten years, almost without help portant producer. For the present, Eugene" and “Mr. Klamath Falls” took munication sent to Mexico City In con­ or financial backing, at one period j drilling has been suspended, awaiting OSCOE AMES HARDW ARE or less. place at the driving of the last spike nection with the prolonged diplomatic spending almost half a year alone In i provision for taking the oil away. It (Second tract) on the new Natron cut-off line of the discussion of the new Mexican petro­ the vast gorge. But today Ralph is doubtful If In all the history of the The Winchester Store An undivided 1.7th interest in Southern Pacific, a short distance leum and land laws. It had been ex­ Cameron, builder of tbe Bright Angel 600,000 wells that hare been drilled In above Oakridge, Saturday, with Im­ pected for some time, however, that 1 Trail, occupying a seat In the United this country, largely In regions diffi­ fee in the following:— Lot 2 T H E MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP the department wonld forward such a States Senate voted to him by the cult of access, any one has ever pre­ pressive ceremonies. people of Arizona, has his reward. Geo. L. Hurlev, Pr iprietor and Sec. 8, in Tp. 14 S. of R. 4 W. of sented such a category of obstacles as J. H. Dyer, general manager of the communication to be presented at the this canyon well In Utah. How the Manager. Warm air furnaces, plumbing the Willamette Meridian, Or., con- Southern Pacific company, drove the Mexican foreign office by Ambassador Greatest Artificial Lake oil will be transported to a refinery Is and sheet metal work, tin an 1 gravel last spike on the »40,000,000 road, and Sheffield before he started home on But the conquest of the canyon had still sheer guess work, but a way will aiuing 30.55 acres more or less roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal Rev. Frederick G. Jennings of Eugene Ida annual leave next week. hardly been realized when the engi­ be found, for the Ingenuity and re­ v.inized iron work, metal skylights anil Also beginning on the S. boundury performed the ceremony that united It was made clear at the department neers discovered a new use for IL At sources of the oil engineers hava cornices, pumps of all kinds. of and W . 25.30 chs. diet from the two clt,e8 EuBana was imperson that the new note had nothing to do Boulder Canyon, Arizona, the greatest never failed. 136 Ferry street, Albany, Phone 127j the 8. E- corner of the D. L. C. of “ ffimal Fan dam In the world, a third of a mile The "bringing In" of this well Illus­ St°f'el ‘ Dd with the religious crisis In Mexico high, should Impound a lake which, trates the difficulty of petroleum de­ and was confined strictly to a discus­ by spreading over a great area in Arizona velopment. Convinced that the geo­ sion of American rights which are or rP H E HUB CONFECTIONERY 1 homas McDaniel and wife, Not. Keith Klggins. and Utah, would be, next to X,ake o. 2180, Cl- No. 45, in Tp. 14 A Make it your meeting place. The services were brief. The Eu­ might be Jeopardized by the petroleum Michigan, the largeet fresh water body logical structure was particularly favorable, the- projectors determined of It. 4 W. of the W illamette | gene representatives greeted the and land laws. Lunches. Ice cream, Ices, Home Made entirely within the United States. to gamble »75,000 on drilling. Before candy. Special noon Lunch. Harnessed to mighty turbines, the wa­ they got oil they had spent more than Meridian. Or., and run thence N. Klamath Falls delegation and the high R. C. Phillips. Manager Oregon Gasoline Tax Total Up. ter, falling hundreds of feet, would that. 24.585 chs; Thence W- parrallel I «n 7* 7"* 1"tro<,uced' The Salem, Or.—State taxes on motor produce a power greater than Niagara, twice For years wells have been drilling V, i_ I brl*ht' «listening spike was put In fuel oils for June amounted to $339,- with the S. boundary of said claim position and a few blows with a ham- and Irrigate an area several times that In various parts of the state—fully 32 54 chains to the W. boundary mer set the peg of union In its per­ <•88, according to Secretary of State of the Nile Basin, which served for 200 In all—at a cost of probably Kozer. This amount represents an In­ uncounted centuries as granary of the (5,000,000, and this canyon well Is the at lowest rate of interest of said claim; Thence S, 24.585 manent place. crease of approximately 15 per cent ancient world. first real prodocerl It Is only by dint Real Estate Insurance chs. to the S. W. corner of said over receipts for June, 1925. The Boulder Canyon dam has not ot such persistence In coping with Prompt service, courteous treatment. claim; Thence E, 32.54 chs. to be- Cu? m,"5' Po,‘ F" led yet been built, but the people of the natural obstacles and financial hazards . . . on Des Moines. Ia.—David M. Stewart, Southwest are as confident of Its con­ that the country's supply of oil Is W m ' B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank ginning, containing President Favors "Forget Me-Not" Day 80 acres m en Si„UI city attorney> waa appo)nted by struction as that the Colorado will maintained. The first oil well in builning. Albany Washington, D. C —President Cool­ or less, excepting therefrom that Governor Hammii as United States continue to flow between Its giant Western Pennsylvania became a pro­ ducer at the depth of 69* feet. Nowa­ certain tract of 26.50 acres more | senator. He will serve from now until idge indorsed the annual "Forget nie- walls. not day” of the Disabled American Vet­ Now comes a new chapter In the days wells a mile deep are not uncom­ or less conveyed by said William the November general election In the erans, on September 25, the eve of the romance of the Colorado. The In­ mon, and they have gone down as far place of the late Senator A. B. Cum­ A. Brock et al to Flora Williams mins eighth anniversary of the start of the trepid "wildcatters" of the oil indus­ as a mile and a halt Menaa-Argonne offensive. try, scouting for new sources of petro­ by deed dated June 2, 1915, re­ Every Well It a Gamble M anufacturers of leum, have brought In an oil well right A large proportion of wells producá corded June 29, 1915 at page 899 THE MARKET8 Orepon Legion Paris Protest Tabled. In the canyon! Drilling from a nar­ nothing whatever and represent total of Vol. 108 of deed record* of Linn Marshfield, Or.—The Orer.nn Amer­ row shelf at the gorge’s bottom, they loss. It was recently estimated that Portland ican Legion concluded its annual con­ have overcome unbelievable obstacles. In the last twelve and a half years County, Oregon. Wheat — Big Bend blnestem, hard vention Saturday with election of of­ Perpendicular walls of rock grimly for­ »1,200,000,000 was sunk In wells which and Buyers of Eggs (Third tract) bade construction of road or trail to white, federation, soft white, and west­ were failures. Despite every effort of An undivided l-8th interest in ern white, »1.39; hard winter. »51.33; ficers. Arthur A. Murphy, of Portland, transport machinery and supplies. science, engtnearlng and long experi­ A Farm ers' Co-operative was named commander and George K. fee in the following:— Beginning northern spring »13«; western red, Love, of Eugene, vice commander. B*v From the river a succession of rock ence, and notwithstanding the stupen­ walls rise In gargantuan terraces to a Creamery dous depths now reached, 25 per cent 80 rds. S. and 80 rds W. of the 11.32. a vote of 76 to 38 the Legion voted height of 3,000 feet of wells last year were dry. Hay—Alfalfa, »1760018 ton; valley down the recommendation ot the reso­ N. E. corner of Sec. 8 in Tp. 14 S. The "wildcatter" Is the Columbna of The "Great American Desert” timothy, »17.50018; eastern Oregon lution committee asking abandonment of R. 4 W. of W illam ette Merid­ timothy, oil. He Is to petroleum, to gasoline, »21021 50. The little Mormon town of Moab, to the fuel supply of the country’s of all plans for 1927 national conven­ ian, Or., and run thence W. 70 Why suffer from headache? Butterfat—42c shippers’ track. tion of the American Legion In Paris, eighteen miles up-stream, la the near­ 20.000,000 automobiles, what the old- rds. more or less to the county Eggs—Ranch, 27@SOc. Have your eyes examined due to the reported attitude of some est supply base. But Moab la not a time gold prospector was to building Cheese- Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; of the French people toward Ameri­ ralBroad town; a drive of forty miles Is the empire of the far w est He Is es­ road; Thence 8. 12 ft; Thence E. stilt required to reach the Denver & sentially a gambler; good loser or cans. 0 rds more or less to point due S. Triplets. 27*c; loaf, 2 8*c per lb. Rio «Grande railroad, fialt Lake City good winner. The lure ot enormous Cattle—Steers, good, »8.0008 35. Is 250 miles away, to the northwest. of beginning; thence N. 12 ft. to w’th winnings keeps him tirelessly search­ Hogg—Medium to choice, »12016 Innocent Carrier of Liquor Freed. Standing at the foot of the derrick ing, and sometimes he finds his re­ beginning. Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice, Chicago, 111.—Carrying a package of which marks the site of the new oil ward. But In the aggregate, offsetting All said three tracts are situated 110012. liquor by persons unaware of Its con­ well, one's back Is fairly against an all winnings against the total cost of Beattie. in Linn County, Oregon and each tents is not a violation of the prohi­ 800 foot cliff, which Is matched by an­ this engrossing gamble. It Is not Im­ Jewelers Optometrists Wheat—Soft white, western whit e. bition law, United States Commission­ other Immediately across the river. probable that all the oil that has been are subject to the use of each re­ Albany Big Bend blueatem, Big Bend dark er Glass ruled here. He discharged Looking up, one Imagines that If he taken from the soli of this country spective tract for the term of the northern spring, »13 8 * ; hard winter, Walter Sherman and Alf.wd Romaine, could climb one of these walls he from the beginning cost more than lta would be "outside.” But, trying this, natural life of Dicy Brock as con­ H »4*; western red, »1 33* ; norther n who said Carl Frisbee htd employed he finds himself on a plateau or ter­ producers got for it. veyed by said William a Brock et spring, Big Bend dark hard wlnte.r, them to remove the packages contain­ race, with another cliff a little way A World In the Big Game al to said Dicy Brock by deed re- » 1 3 6 *; western red. » 1 3 3 * But their huge gamble Is tbe basis ing liquor from a hotel room to an ahead. To climb this. In turn, would Hay—Alfalfa, »25; timothy P. S.. automobile only bring him face to face with still on which the whole Industry rests. corded Vol. 100, page 211 ot deed another cliff, and so on till he bad The Ice-bound Arctic snd the fever- W aldo A nderson and Son, Props records of said county; and all »20; do. mined, »2«. mounted full 8,000 feet from the river. festering tropic jungles alike attract Butter—Creamery, 41042c. Washington Gas Tax Sets Record. Not only must this succession of the hardy "wildcatter " To them the said tracts are subject to right of Eggs—Ranch, »0037c. Chrysler Cars Olympia—New high mark for re­ cliffs be mounted, but to traverse the world owes Its newest and best In dower of Lulu Brock as widow of Hogs Prime, »15 16015 60. ceipts from the state gas tax was rock terraces, gashed and torn, Is only transport by land, sea and air They Atwater Kent Radios Cattle—Steers, good, »7.0007.(0. said William A. Brock deceased. reached for July, with tdtal receipts of less difficult. And finally, the ascent help light Its homes and streets, pro­ Cheesa—Oregon fancy. 27@ »c; ! »352.826 46 as against 7304,811 84 for to the outer rim accomplished, one vide an istonlshlng share of Its power, Lulu Brock, Accessories and Supplies standards. 22023c; Washington fus«r July of last year, and as compared confronts a waste of ridged, seamed furnish an endless list of necessaries A dm inistratrix aforesaid, trlp|, tl| n e , tc With »336.575 05 for October of 1925, and boulder-strewn desert, endless which ere by-products of petroleum. - Day and Night Storage - Harrisburg, Oregon Spokane. The "wildcatter* Is well nigh the the highest mark for last year, as save tor distant mountain peaks Atlas of thlt modern mechanised Manifestly, the oil "wildcatters' Tussing & Tussiug Hops—Good. »11.75 0 14. -shown by the report of the state 1st and Baker Sts. cqijld pot Rake ropds, eo they built | world. •v :«v»- . 9juUe-Steer«. |ood, »7.8807.7* 4 t a w « , »—»4“ Lc « » ALBANY ____ OREGON. Atty«, for Admx. E GOVERNORS OF EAST ANO WEST TO MEET r NEW U. S. NOTE SENT TO MEXICO M R « FA R M LOANS Albany Creamery Association L IN N BUTTER Dr. Seth T. French F. > M. Frencn & Son -HighwayGarage - »