HURAL ENTERPRISE 1924 would show a perceptible de­ iiace iiaw k a in .-prmgiieiu nunuay cline. Published Every Wednesday, afternoon. 1 here are those who foresee soc­ B y H ubert L. A lmon Alice Curtis is staying with her ial revolution, by the elimination roe were visitors at the Blood farm Igranom other, Mrs. C. N. Tandy, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Spoon River Sparks of our overgrown cities, through Friday. Jut h'-r home near Harrisburg. the distribution of power to smaller Wedaesday, Aug II , 1926 (By an Enterpiise Reporter) E. E. Hover and family visited centers. There is to be a lessening Mrs Briar, Perry ami daughters, Mrs. B. M Miller and Garnie Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hover at I Winona, Marjorie and Velma went life, by SI n year in advance . of the lure of metropolitan . ---- Arrearages I2%c a month Jeodowing the small (own with the spent Thursday at J. II. Vannices. Harrisburg Sunday afternoon. Ito Albany Monday. A dvertising, 20c an inch ; no discount comforts of the urban apartm ent At the missionary meeting held The G. J. Kikes were business Frank Williams spent Sunday for tim e or space ; no charge for com and the apleodors of the m etropoli-1 callers at at the home of Mrs. Alice Dumas with his nephew, Brian Perry. A lbany Wednesday, position o r cja u g es, ten life, by endowing the small J They were la "Paid-for P aracrapha." 5c a lin e accompanied by Mrs. at Peoria Thursday afternoon, * • ad vertla n g d isg u ise d aa new s. town with the comforts of the ur C. J. Straley and children. Mrs. George Gitben was elected Dry A gents to View Doctors' Books. ban apartm ent and the splendors and other northern delegate to the conference at Cor­ Sioux City, Io w a — Investigation of Miss Alice Harding and the of the metropolitan gay white vallis. C alifo rn ia points. th e records o f more than 5000 doctors Light and Power ways. The same agency will be Misses E lla and Della Falk called and druggists in N ebraska, Iowa and Fast, convenient ser­ Miss Nora Pehrsson gave a most South Dakota was ordered by F len n A. employed for running express on Janet Bilyeu Friday afternoon enjoyable party for her Sunday vice daily in all-steel When the late Charles A lbeit I t raing anj dish-washing machines, Brunson, federal prohibition director Will Kirk of Monroe visited at scool class Wednesday afternoon. for three d istricts. The m ove Is m ade Coflin set out iu the ’80s to selli One advantage which electricity W. R. Kirks Thursday evening. safety coaches, well- About twenty were present, in an attem pt to bring stricter observ­ electricity to the people, he was in holds over its elder sister, steam, is lighted an ventilat­ Mrs. R. E. Bierly and sons spent spired, according to his own words, l c|eaulioegg which included some members of ance of the prohibition law s, and e s ­ The latter brought I Saturday at F. W. Falks. ed. Room y seats, pecially observance of the law s gov- the prim ary class and oue or two by a h o ly faith. ’ I hat faith has power and wealth, but along with e n u n ^ s s u a n ^ ^ M iilu o ^ r e H ^ ij j t io n s Mrs. Esher Rike spent several mothers. well-upholstered. been abundantly justified, though ,hem lt bronght (lirt an(J grjm „ days at her ranch last week. there remains plenty of oppor- Electric current offers power in Meals atlowcost; eat The Hover and Haynes thresher Albert West and Mrs. A. L tun.ty for his successors in the in- C()mbinatioo with cleaniine, g. in the lunch car on began the spring ruu Friday. Falk and children inotcred to Cas dustry in the development of new trains 13 and 15. Many people go to the Blood and cadia and Soda springs Sunday. fields of activity. As late as 1912 Hughes orchards every day aft» r | The publisher of the Enterprise Mrs. B. M. Miller and daughter according to the Washington ata. O n ly One N ig h t and Henry Ford have more money were visitors at J. P. Tem pleton’s peaches. tietics, the electric light and powe than any one man in Halsey, but Monday afternoon, Mrs. II. L. Blood and son Ed­ on Southern Cali­ stations produced 14,000,COO thou the publisher has less than half of win were Corvallis visitors Friday. fornia Express. Or and-kilowatts of current. In 1924 Ernest Kaster and family of lit. If you owe anything on sub Mrs. Florence Annis ot Salem the public utility power Dlantsl ■ / ' ", " | Fortlan Portland visited U. L. F a lk ’» sr. go on the “San Fran- 7 X i , scription account please pay It and L . visited her nephew, E E. Hover alone produced 60,000,000 tbous-j 300,000 tbous- Sunday Ernest K aster jr. who ciscoExpress”or the help to even things with Henry. and- kilowatts. The number of has been staying a t the Falk home and family a few days last week. A thorough cultural and professional scholar­ “ Oregonian” ship is the outstanding characteristic o f the customers served by the central the past year returned to Portland State U niversity. Senator Robert N. Stanfield has with them. stations was Jess than 2,000,000 Alford Arrows T ra in in g is offered in iu 1907, but nearly 13,000,000 in arrived from Washington and is Mearle Joan Straley spent T hurs­ 22 departments of the College of Literature. Science and the A rts. 1924. With insurance, electric cur- looking the political field over and day night at the Pehrsson home. (By an Enterprise Reporter) trying to decide whether or not he rm t holds the rare distinction of Architecture and A llied A r ts— Seymour Bowman’s spent several will enter the senatorial race as an Monday being Mrs. J. II. Risk- Business Administration — Educa­ escaping the post-war rise in prices days last week at the coast. ard ’s birthday her brothers and independent. T hirty days ago tion—Journalism—Graduate Study As compared with 1913, prices in it seemed Clay I’. Moody Agent a sure thing th at he — Law— Medicine— M usic— Physi­ Mrs. II. L. Straley was quite ill their families and some of their cal Education—Sociology S o cia l friends from Salem brought well would. Now, the chances th at he several days last week W ork — Extension Division. will get into the affray are very Visitors at the A. L. Falk home filled baskets with them and came 5Isl Year Opens September 27, 1926 sligbL ISaturday were Mrs. Wayne Barber to help them celebrate on Sunday. F o r in fo rm a tio n o r catalogue w rtte Those present were Mr. and Mrs. o . and son, Miss E d ith Bilyeu and The R e fu tra r , U n iO e re itÿ o f So live that you need never a,k |th e Misses Delma, Ava and Edna Win. Jenks; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. P A IN T » 'V A R N IS H E S O reg o n Eugene. O re. PEACHES for sale, one mile west the editor to omit the story. Jenks, Sr; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Falk. of Pine Grove, t i . L. Biood. Jenks and daughter. L eth a; Mr. Grace Kirk is leaving for Yon­ Speaking of foreign relations, and Mrs. J. E. Jenks and daugh­ calla Thursday. She will spend a Uncle Sam seems to want to make ters, Dorothy and Joanne; Mrs. week there visiting friends. France ante. Floyd Jenks, son Floyd and daugh­ Monday afternoon W illie Ha» ter, Florence; O. M. Jenks; Mr. ion of Cornelius with two of his and Mrs. M. C. J'-nks and daugh­ college mates, Wesley Maash and ters, Elauor, Maxine and Volena; Arnold 1 inker stopped a few hours Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jenks and r — 1 - I I at the home of G- J. Rike. They children, Melvin, Marlow and ORE than nine million Bibles were sold or were enroute to Southern Cali­ Maxine; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jenks fornia but plan a trip into Mexico distributed in 1925. and children Virginia, Elizabeth, before entering hospital work in Ardis and Edward; Mr. and Mrs. Save Your ¡; Would you not love to have companion volumes to Paradise Valley. Willie H inson Claron Scott and children, Geral­ |Truck and Tractorl ’’ help you discover the treasures in that Wonderful is Mrs. Kike’s brother. dine aud Byron; and Rev. A. P. t . Book? At very small cost you can Among those who spent Sunday save many dollars on re­ I'he time for glasses—is right nt at M cKerchers' on tho C alapoon Pendleton, all of Tangent and W pairs and depreciation by the hegining of the trouble with were Mr. and Mrs. J . N. Elliot L. Robe aud son Carrol of Eugene painting your truck, trac­ tor, wagons and other (arm your eyes. Delays are dangerous. and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Rev. and Mrs. Tate and two im plem ents with LOWE The eye is the most delicate mem­ Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. A llertson children of Peoria. Mrs. Rickard BROTHERS TRUCK [1688-1772] accompanied her brothers home A N DTRA CTO R P A IN T . ber of the human body and every and children and Miss Esther See- for a visit at their different homes. Yount find it easy to ap­ explained the Bible’s practical application to daily life; bow it moment you delay after the trouble field. ply. It dries quickly, and describes the life h< reafter; what the Bible parables mean when is very tough and weather- Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Cutler and starts you are getting j UHt that spiritually interpreted. On Sunday, August first nt daughter Elanor of North tarin g s, resisting. The Aluminum much townrd possible blindnes finish is especially gocxl for Pence’s grove occurred the first re­ Iowa, visited at A. E. W hitheck's His theological works—as issued by himself— have been pub- motors amt engines be­ Come in today and let us examine lisned by the Houghton Miiflin Co. in most modern transla* cause it withstands a high union of the alum ni and teacher# Sunday while enroute Io California your eyes. degree of heat. tion from the original Latin, in the Rotch Edition of 52 volumes. of the old Pike school, now replac­ on a vacation trip. Our new address—318 West First H efort you pain t, tee I The first twenty give the spiritual sense of Genesis and ed by the new Rowland school st., next door to Western Union. Mrs. L. E. Bond, son Lester Exodus as understood in Heaven; and volumes 26, 27, 28 give building. As fiiends met for the and daughter Vera of Albany visit­ likewise the spiritual sense of the Book of Revelation. first time in many years, memories ed at K. D. Isom’s Sunday. __20, _______________ Volume 20, A Marriage Love, views from the ____ union of the t Divine of former times were stirred. Loveand the tDlvineWii DivineWisdom the Law of Sex throiigh^ajicrea" M'ss Lillie Rickard attended the Optometrists and Manufacturing Francis K iier assisted by Bill tion. It shows the crown and jewel of the Christian Religion, meeting of the W illam ette Valley Opticians Moore presided at tho meeting fol- the union of one with one only. Price $2.00. ALBANY OREGON Holiness association at Alpine owli ng the picnic luncheon. Let­ Volumes 10 j j , 52, contain a full statement of the True Tuesday. ters from absent ones were read Christian Religion as reveak-d from Heaven. S3.00 the set. Archie Iugraui and fami'y mov­ while those present responded per­ ing from Alpine to Walla Walla The whole >2 volumes in half-morocco at $ 12 j ; in buckram, $40. sonally as the roll call was called. W ashington, visited his uncle Lee Many experiences of the past were (Formerly Hotel Halsey) related. Some of th e anecdotes Ingram from Wednesday until The following are the beat introductory books to the Revela- told by Mr. Mitchell, who taught Saturday. NEW LY REN O V A TED ’ rionaof S wbdmboko . They are in large print, bound in buck­ Mrs. Francis Bloomfield return at Pike over forty years ago were ram, and contain from 260 to 485 pages. particularly interesting. It is ed to Portland Wednesday after titles p RK g planned to make the reunion an visiting her brother, A. E. Whit Bath — Hot Water — Clean Beds HEAV EN A N D HELL from things heard andsee-.i $1.25 annual event. beck for the past four or five weeks. Rates Reasonable Angelic Wisdom Concerning— Neighborhood News S o u th e r n P a c if ic AV if The Most Wonderful Ì j Book in the World * M S wedenborg Meade & Albro Jewelers, Hill & Co. HOTEL SYLVIAN Pine Grove Points Y o u r P a t r o n a g e S o lic it e d J (By Special Correspondent) Mrs. Evelyn M. Johnson, Manager Job Printing I ersonal Service by an Experienced Printer Bung oin Next Order to the Enterprise I i Any Girl in I rouble may commun,«., wltb Kll, 1»”’ the Umterwl Genu, of, h. m.irtr-e. ft, inS ’’’¿“ •'tri' wmee the mo« uerfJ V Hu " Mi and the human hretn. kri .pwttu-d ^» r, uwe opened, ruJ, the It/« after me) bi nod lithe show rumed, upliftm ¡.ua/ul book». Send order« or inquiries to B. A. W hittemore . Agent 135 B o w c i n S treet , Boston 9. M oss. Aew'.W. let >0 —- ---’ M i i i 4