A g rc u itu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k a weekly chronicle ot Local Events and Progress in Linn County the latter part of the week on their vacation. They plan to be away Eugene, Oregon, August 11.— Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Hender­ is out from under a three weeks about four weeks Thousands of visitors are expected son and family expect to move to quarantine during which time she Oiling of tbe Peodleton-La Grande Rev J. C. Orr of Independence here next week to participate in section of the Old Oregon trail has gene will be inaugurated September 1, Lebanon the first of next month enjoyed an attack of Scarlet fever. It is announesd. was iu Halsey Tuesday afternoon. the celebaration and pageaut long ' been completed Mrs Ruth Brown, wife of Georg» o / where Mr. Henderson who is an She was at Kings Valley at this The Linn county fair is less planned by the Trail to Rail asso­ A total of 1156 automobiles were Brown, secretary of the state land experienced linotype operator will time. ciation to give state recognition of registered at the Pendleton auto park board, died suddenly at Neskowin. thau six weeks away. work on the Lebanon Express. In the recent fire iu which Mr. Death was due to heart disease. She the completion of the Southern | during the month of July. Mr. and Mrs. John Salash were Mr. and Mrs. a . J. Hill and and Mrs. Fred Roberta lost their | E. P. Murphy. 50, marker, employ was 52 years of age. Pacific’s trans-Cascade line. Mrs. Ben Holt and children were home and all coutents, 300quarts in Portland Monday aud Tuesday The city of Salem faces the prospect The program in which national, ' ed by the Flora Logging company of in Albany Monday, of paying claims aggregating more Mr. and Mrs. Eldon F. Cross ac state and railroad officials will Carlton, was killed by a falliug tree. of canned fruit perished in the The market price for oil of pepper than $500 as the result of working companied by Miss Mona Bond participate will present one of tbe Mr. and Mrs. O W. Frum and blaze. mint Is now around $10 a pound, ac members of Its paving crew In excess motored to Triangle lake Sunday daughter Vivian, Rsy Frum and most apectaoular and colorful rep- cording to advices reaching Eugene of eight hours a day. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote were family and Mr. and Mrs. J H. down from Creswell Sunday to Chancy Sickels took five eight resentations of the development of Fire at Oakland destroyed E. E. Salem for the first time In history Thompson and family enjoyed a ' ¡sit home folks. months old hogs to the Harris­ the northwest according to Jos H Haines’ garage, R. H. Easley’s black has passed through the month of July trip to Triangle lake Sunday. burg meat market last Thursday Koke, President of the association smith shop and J. E. Wayforth's paint two consecutive years without a drop of rain, according to a report Issued shot. Misses Mary and Maria Evans that averaged 260 pounds each The meeting of the Willamette by the local weather observer. had as their guests the first of the They netted Mr. Sickels »’.88 50 The fourth annual meeting of the Did You Ever Stop to Think Holiness association was held at A reward of $25 for Information lead- Epworth league institute of the Mtth week, Mr. and Mrs, Levi Oleman The day these pigs were sold anoth­ Alpine Monday. Those in attend odist Episcopal church was held in iug to the arrest and conviction of and little daughter of Monmouth. er litter of ten was farrowed by persons who break Into powder and anco from Halsey were Mr. and Falls City. Mr. Olemau has a position for the their mother. Mr. Sickels is no, By Edson R. Waite, Secretary, Shawnee Mrs. Robert Parker and family, Okla,, Board of Commerce. An innovation at the Washington tool houses of the county has been of­ coming school year in the Junior complaiuing that “ farming dou't Joseph M- Stephenson, publisher county fair this month will be a booth fered by the Columbia county court. Mrs. Eliza Brandon and Mrs. S. high school in The Dalles. T. B. Kay, state treasurer and pres­ pay. J. Smith. of the South Bend, Indiana News for the display of daffodil bulbs grown ident of (he Oregon Linen Mills, Inc, in the county. Time9, says: l’ed Simons and Clarence Wag- Mr. and Mrs. A. J Hill were off Teloca.Vet, 22 miles south of La of Salem, has gone to New York and That spending money in your Weekly Industrial Review gener have just returned from an for Belknap Springs Tuesday, Graude, and Perry, four miles west, other eastern states, where he will own community helps to make were both threatened with destruction make an Investigation of the flax In­ where A. J. will take treatment for exteuded trip through eastern dustry. more money for your community. by fire Friday. Klamath Falls—July building Oregon, Washington and Idaho. an attack of sciatic rheumatism. hire starting In the picker room of Every sale, theoretically, creates While at St Johns, Washington permits reached $641,435; $1,661,- Members of the Eastern Oregon Theodore Smith who came home they visited at the Mark Brandon 007 since January 1. a profit. The profit goes loto a Medical society and the state board the Brownsville Woolen mills at Brownsville, destroyed the building, in June to help bis father, Clark home and helped a few days with Willamette valley walnut crop bank or is used in further pur­ of health met at North Powder lakes valuable machinery and a large quan­ in annual session. Smith, through haying and har­ the work. chases and sales. promises to be unusually heavy. tity of stock with a loss estimated at vest, returned Monday to Ryder­ Showing an Increase in output, the $20,000. If the money you spend goes in­ Bend—New Crooked river bridge Misses Pearl and Grate Pehrsson, sawmills of the Umpqua river at wood, Wn,, where he will again to your local banks, your local Reedsport shipped 8,000,000 feet of The cost of living In Portland, as 303 feet high, opened to traffic. take up the duties of time keeper Mearl Straley, Rita Reid of Salem determined by the department of banks lend it to tbe local investor Greshem—Berry growers pack­ lumber during June. and May Rufli of Crawfordsville for the Wolfe Construction Co. labor, is nearer the pre-war cost than The war department has allotted in any of 32 cities on which the de­ expect to go to a Harrisburg bop ing company handled 2,500,000 To expand his business to employ more men and women, to increase Rev and Mrs. A. S. Mulligan yard Monday to pick during the pounds of berries this year, and from unexpended balances $2500 for partment has been keeping continuous lock and dam operation on the Yam­ account. his service. paid growers $230,811. from Salem visited at the home of season. Or you bank may lend it to a hill river in Oregon. C. R. Evans fiom Friday until Harrisburg— Excellent hop crop A slide which covered the power The Umpqua highway between shovel working upon the Reedsport- Mrs. D. H. Sturtevant bad the being harvested here. home builder, establishing him as Saturday of last week. Their Reedsport and Drain will be ready for daughter, Miss Vests, returned misfortune io miss her footing as Baker—Army buys 75 horses to a good citizen and an asset to the travel for the full length by August Scottsburg section of the Umpqua highway, has delayed the opening of with them, having been at the she was coming down stairs Mon­ ship to Del Monte, California for community, and immediately in- 15, contractors plan. tho road, according to announcement day and has been laid up since creasing the value of his naighhor’c Due to the extended drouth and tho of officials. training. Evans’bome since Mouday. Other dwindling supply in Bull Run river the Power plant to be built on 8iletz real estate. guests duiing the week were Mrs with a sprained foot. Special trappers from the office of Thu.» every profit made in the use of water for sprinkling has boen Stanley Jewett, In charge of predatory Evaus’ uncle E. B. Fletcher and Mf« Cadwallader and family who river, to operate pulp mill at New­ further restricted In Portland. community through our puichases daughter of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. have been living on the R. K. port. animal control, are being sent to the The state penitentiary flax plant Dog lake, Thomas creek and Bmver Salem — Pear canning begins, iu returns dividends to you and to E- VV. Sewell and two children of Stewart plac), left a few days ago sold to the Oregon Linen Mills, Inc., marsh sections of Lake county, when* your city. Downey, California and the Misses for Indiana where they will remain several large plants. approximately lo tons of spinning tow heavy damage la reported to stock When you spend money away for which it received $340 a ton. Sutherlin — Mint harvest begins, Lois and Nadene Stone of Thorn­ Indiana is their former home. from coyotes. of several hundred acres set to this from hyrne, neither your neighbors ton, Washington and The Dalles, Spurred to action by the present Seven buildings in the village of Mr. and Mrs. D. M Sturtevant crop. nor your townspeople benefit. Tolo, about eight miles north o, Mod- water shortage, due to the luck of Oregon. and son Marshall and Mr. and Monmouth—Flax crop of several Such money goes to build up other ford, were destroyed by a timber and precipitation, the Arnold Irrigation dis­ William Corcoran spent a few Mrs. Argus Sturtevant of Marion brush fire which originated neur Gold trict, located near Bend, Is searching hundred acres will average nearly cities and other communities at Hill. days in Portland the first cf the were guests at the D. H. Sturte­ for a water storage alta in the upper your expeuse. $100 au acre. week. vant home Sunday. Drive for a normal school In east­ Des Chutes country. Can you imagine a city without Mountain States Power company According to the monthly report of ern Oregon has been started as the re­ Mrs. Alta Bateman of Salem Win. II. Wheeler had charge of will build $30,000 power line to shops, without stores, without sult of a meeting of representatives C. G. Thompson, superintendent of visited Miss Willmina Corcoran the Enterprise office Friday and Wendliug from Springfield. banks? If everybody spent money of the principal cities held at The Crater Lake National park. 48,364 peo­ Saturday. She was on her way to Saturday. ple entered the park up to midnight Medford—Picking begins, on out of town, there would be no Dalles. July 31, an Increase of 18,352 over last Cascadia for an outing. Smoke from forest fires became so trade in town. If thtre were no Miss Ida Comstock of Portland Rogue River's 2500-car pear crop. year, or 61 per cent Increase. heavy at Cottage Grove that Buster trade in town, there wouldn't be Hood River will employ 5,000 Master Darrell Frum of Browns spent last week with her friend, With lookouts blinded by a heavy Keaton had to discontinue filming apple pickers and packers this any town. ville is visiting at the home of his Miss Nora Pehrsson. scenes for his forthcoming picture pall of smoke, which la hanging over season. Your money is a builder, wheth­ "The General.” uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 0. the central Oregon country and with The Womens Missionary society er it builds for you at home, W. Frum. Regular freight service over the new the relative humidity dangerously low, of the Christian church held ao all or whether it builds for somebody Cascade route of the Southern Pa­ the forest fire situation In timber of M arried In Portland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker and day meeting at Hetzel’a grove else out of town, whom you neither cific between Klamath Falls and Eu (Continued on page 4) children returned Saturday from an Tuesday. Mrs. Edith Robnett was know nor care anything about. Miss Ruby Schroll of Ila'sey, outing at Yachats. leader of the meeting and nineteen - COPVRtGHT, 19K . and Hubert L. Almon, editor and members were present. A picnic Geo Starr and family spent Sat­ publisher of the Halsey Enterprise, urday evening and Sunday at Bel­ lunch was served at noon and a Pine Grove Church knap springs, attending a reunion lovely dey spent in the woods. were united in marriage in Port­ land, Friday, August 6, with Rev. ot the Walker family of which Mrs. This is at. annual affair of the so­ Sunday school 10 a. m. Robert Tweed, pastor of Hope Starr is a member. They were ac­ ciety, as one meeting each sum­ Preaching, 1.1 a. m. Miss Mitz­ Presbyterian church officiating. companied by her brother. Wayne mer is turned into a picnic gather­ ner. The ceremony was performed at Walker and family of Portland, ing. Preaching 8 p. m Miss Mitzner. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal who took home their son warren, Mrs. Win H. Wheeler spent Brown, in the presence of a few who has beeu visiting at the Starr Monday in Eugene. Church of Christ friends and relatives. home. Mr. and Mrs. B M, Miller and Miss Kathryn Orr of Log Ange­ Friends of Ernestine Coleman daughter Gardle and Miss Beulah les, California, was maid of honor. You want your shirt to look well, always. have lately received word that 6he Miller expect to start soon on an Mr, and Mrs. Almon returned True— the onlj part that most folks see is the auto trip to St. Johns, Washing­ to Haleey Sunday eveniug. little “V” abovo your vest. But that “V” be­ ton, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brandon and family. Phonograph Records speaks tho style, the quality of your entire Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L. Almon The W. F. M. S. met with entertained about seventy-five of You can now hear all the new shirt. II , ’ Records here at home Mrs. George Starr, Friday evening their friends with an informal lawn < •-ti • with thirteen members in attend­ party Monday evening. The night We have the latest in You want inbuilt value, below tho “V” and ance. Miss Amanda Mitzner led was ideal for the occasion and Dance. Song, Hawaiau in the fashioning. Smart lines. Deft tailoring and others the meeting and Mrs. Elzea Pen- many out-of-town guests were pres­ Sunday School 10. land of Pendleton was a guest. ent. Each guest brought along Preaehing 11. of shoulders, cufTs and sleeves. Needles for all makes of The hostess served refreshments at some musical instrument, but tin , Christian Endeavor 7. Phonographs Preaching 8. pans and wash boilers seemed to We also have a good slock of the close of the meeting. See the style show of Neustadler Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. Violin. Guitar, Mandolin, Mr. and Mrs. George Finley. predominate. Music and dancing shirte at Our Store. Neustadt»r Ukelele and Banjo Strings Mrs. Mary King and Miss Ruth on the lawn was tbe chief diversion Brothers, Established 1858, Portland Hear these late records demon­ Finley were guests of Mrs. Eliza and it may also be mentioned that M . E. Church San Francisco, New York. the music was of such clear tone strated on the new Brandon Sunday. Portage Phonograph that neighbors mmy blocks away Robert Parker pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Bowman raised up in bed and marveled at Sunday sokool, 10. We Still Have Drugs Toe and Miss Beulah Miller spent Sun­ the harmony. It is seldom that an Preaching, 11. day at the B. M. Miller home. orchestra with so many and each a Halsey Junior League, 2:30, Mi ise* Ida Comstock of Portland, variety of instruments gets togeth­ league, 7. Pharmacy i Rita Reid of Salem and Nora and er. Refreshments were served and Epworth Preaching, 8. Open Wed. and Sat. eve till 9 , Pearl Pehrsson of Pioe Grove, pic­ the evening enjoyed by all. Come Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 8. nicked at Smith's grove Sunday. , again folks! Bible Stnly Tuesday, 2. The ‘lowdown’ on S h ir ts A F IN E ^«1» S H IR T S M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey , Oregon