Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, August 04, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    PACE 4
AUG 4,
I R I S H ’S
‘Where the Thrifty Thrive”
A Few Specials and Regular Prices
Swansdown Cake Flour, sp’c’I 38c
Mothers’ Oats, special
Amaizo Corn Starch
pkg 10c
pkg 14c
Shredded W heat Bis. spec. 3 for 35c
Matches, special - 6 boxes 23c
Peter Pan Flour 49 lb. sack $2.25
Wo carry a complete line of Hodgen-Brewaier
Feeds for Poultry and Dairy. Egg Producer
Egg Mash
Scratch Feed ~
Dairy Ration
XXX Dairy Chop Calf Meal Dairy Minerals
Also Mill Run
(racked and Ground corn and Soy Bean, Cotton
Seed, Coconut and Oil Meals
Poultry Shell
and Grit
Hen Grit, special
- $1.00 per 100
>i A .C o ld .F r.zen N o rth
is our ice cream.
insisted th a t he is in Europe only on
a vacation.
I Ialsey, Oregon
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
To Ootain Healthy and Thriving Pullets^
The time for glasses — is right at
the beginiug of the trouble with
your eves. Delays are dangerous.
I he eye is the most delicate mem.
her cf the hum an body ami every
moment you delay after the trouble
kill istarts you are getting just that
W [much toward possible blindness
St/ Come in today and let us examine
yonr eyes.
Use K err’s Mash
íK oping I
Kerr’s • Scratch.
Liberal Discount on Ton Lots or Moro. The
Feed 'I hat Gives Results.
O. \Y. F R U M
Initiative petitions filed with the
secretary of sta te In support of the
so-called hydro-electric developm ent
m easure sponsored by th e H ousewives'
council of P ortland, contained a suf
ficlent num ber of signatures of legal
voters to w arrant th e m easure being
placed on the ballot a t th e general
eloctlon in November, according to an
opinion handed down by the state su-
i r« m e c o u rt
Local Agent for
Our new address—318 West First
st., next door lo Western Uuion.
Meade & Albro
Motor Cars
VSe have about 20,000 ust»d sacks ranging in
price from 7c to lie .
Don’t overlook these bar­
D. C, Rossman, Salesman
Optometrists anil Manufacturing
Pageant and Celebration
Klatawa Stupendous Pageant Each
Pioneer P a ra d e --A ir
Circus—Boxing— Concerts
A u g u s t 1 9 -2 0
Suit was filed in th e circuit court
a t Salem by the Pacific O utfitting
company and th e E astern O utfitting
com pany with branch sto res in P o rt­
land to restrain the s ta te tax commls
slon from v collecting
Income e rax
tax for
v 4 i v v u i i 6
When you think of used cars, ,
the year 1923 aggregating 37800
“ ' am ount the sta te alleges th a t the think of C E R T IF IE D PUBLIC
first owes 35600 and the la tte r 32200. MOTOR CAR MARKET.
daily service
School d istrict No. 55, M alheur ooun cars only. 258 N. Church St., 1-2
Route all freight, Auto F reight Ter-
ty, has au thority under the law to use block north of post office, Salem,
miual, Door 39. Phone RAst 5004
its school funds for the transportation Oregon.
Leave Portland eacli day at4:00p. in.
of its five pupils to another d istrict or
Leave Halsey each day at 3:30 p. tu.
provide them w ith board and lodging
Halsey Depot, Swift & Co.
a t any place the sohool officials may
Agent wanted in Halsey terri­
select to send them to school, accord tory. Sworn proof of $75 per week.
Portland, Brownsville and
ing to an opinion prepared by the a t­ $1.50 an hour for spare time. In .
Harrisburg Truck Line
torney general. School d istrict No. 55
Is located 65 m iles from the nearest troducing Finest Guaranteed Hosi­
ery. 126 styles and colors. Low
t lgh school.
J e w e le rs ,
E ight firem en w ere injured, one
seriously, th ree w ere overcom e by
smoke, and dafnage in excess of 3100.
000 was done when fire swept th ree
floori of a brick building occupied by
the P acific S tationery & P rinting com
pany in Portland.
I Oreland milling in te re sts won a
victory when the in te rsta te comm erce
comm ission, on com plaint of the
Crown Mills against th e N orthern Pa
clflc and other carriers, decreed that
P ortland mills a re entitled to reach
P uget sound m arkets on th e same
basis as th eir sound com petitors now
reach Portland.
Jacobs J u ry U nable to Agree.
Olympia, W ash.—U nable to reach an
•■hopping tour. Stop in and enjoy ag reem ent a fte r they had had the case
24 hours, the ju ry before which Roy
a plate. We have all tlavors Jacobs was tried for the m urder of
C. R. Pake, night m arshal of Yelm,
It makes an ideal refreshment and w as discharged.
P etitio n s for an Initiative m easure
is nourishing and wholesome.
looking to th e regulation of fishing in
the Colum bia riv er east of Cascade
Locks are sufficient, acoordlng to an
prepared by Judge McMahan
. . . . . .
of th e Marion county circuit court,
Suit was brought by the state of Ore-
gon, on relatio n of John H. Carson,
d istrict atto rn ey , to enjoin the secre­
ta ry of sta te from placing the nieas
ure on th e ballot a t th e November
Clark’s Confectionery
highw ay about 17 miles west of JUlit
tion City.
W ashington, D. C. — T he govern
m ent's new weapon ag ain st illicit
liquor—taxation — has been ordered
The public service comm ission de
into operation by the treasury.
Instructions w ere issued to prohi nled a petition filed by residents of
bltion ad m in istrato rs reg ard in g ,the Lane county asking th at th e applies
form of taxes and penalties which tion of th e Southern Pacific company
for perm ission t o . su b stitu te busses
may be assessed against liquor m anu
for stre e t cars on the Eugene-Spring
factu rera and others under th e new
field line be rejected.
revenue law and the prohibition act.
The Oregon h u n ter will find a great
Ju st how th e liquor Is to be traced
back to th e m anufacturers and proof num ber of birds next fall when the
of th eir liability established Is not season is open O ctober 17 to 24, ac
clear, but. 62 “asse sso rs” have been cording to F. M. Brown, chief deputy
state gam e w arden. C hinese pheasants
added to the staff for th a t work.
The Instructions Issued to prohibi­ and grouse will be particularly plen
tion ad m in istrato rs point out that tlful. Brown reported.
double and trip le ja x e s on illicit liquor
T hreshing of fall grain is virtually
can be assessed as penalties.
com pleted in th e H arrisburg district
U nder the new revenue law th e tax and the outfits have gone right into
is 36.40 a proof gallon on all distilled the spring grain threshing. Fall wheat
sp irits diverted to beverage use and was the poorest it has been for several
i'l a barrel on beer containing more seasons, averaging only about 12 or
than one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol 15 bushels to th e acre.
sold for beverage consum ption. A
Production of lum ber by 104 W est
special tax of «1000 is levied on any Coast L um berm en's association mills
person carrying on the business of was nearly 2,000,000 less for the week
a brew er, distiller, w holesale liquor ended July 24, com pared to the week
dealer, retail liquor dealer o r m anu­ previous. T here was a decrease of
factu rer of stills.
m ore than 5,000,000 feet of now orders
All of th ese assessm en ts are in addi booked, and a decrease of m ore than
tion to th e reg u lar stam p taxes which 8,000,000 feet in shipm ents.
are required under the revenue law
D ates of the various county teach ­
on all distilled liquor, wine and beer.
e rs' in stitu tes to be held in Oregon
Most of the new sta ff of 62 assessors
this y ear have been fixed tentatively
will be assigned to deputy in tern al
by R. R. T urner, sta te superintendent
revenue collectors and will w ork with
of schools. The first will be held in I
the federal d istrict attorney.
K lam ath Falls, sta rtin g Septem ber 2. |
The In stitu tes will continue during
Mellon Admits Finance Mission.
London.—P resid en t Coolidge h as in­ the g re a te r p a rt of S eptem ber and Oc­
stru cted S ecretary of th e T reasury
To settle th e question of w hether or
Mellon to establish connections with
various European governm ents and not the boundaries of C rater national
open discussions with them on the park shall be extended to include Dia
prevalent finance situ atio n in Europe, mond lake, noted fishing resort, Presi- ,
according to the G eneva correspond­ dent Coolidge's co-ordinating com m it­
tee on parks and forests will arrive
en t of the C entral News.
in K lam ath F alls W ednesday and
In all statem en ts which S ecretary Journey to Diamond lake to hold a
Mellon has m ade heretofore he has hearing.
It is delightfully
cooling and refreshing after a hard
W; f a ;
(Continued from page 1)
Taxes and Penalties to Be As­
sessed Against Liquor Man
ufacturers and Others.
Statewide News Items
Halsey, Oregon
Auto furnished.
No capi.
ta i or experience necessary.
W ilknit Hosiery Company Dept.
A1 47 Greenfield, Ohio.
PIANO— High grade piano near
Hulsey will be sold to reliable
party at big saving,
will handle. A real buy, write at
(lice for particulars.
Tallm an
1 iano Store, Salem, Oregon.
i.OST—Bunch of keys on street«
of Halsey. Saturday or Sunday
Finder please leave at the E nter­
prise office.
For Sale or Rent—My residence
property in Halsey. Mrs. Adda
deeper, Albany or H. C. Davie
PEACHES for sale, one mile west
of Pine Grove, H. L. Biood.
First-class Work
J- w . S T E P H E N S O N .
Halsey and Brownsville
Barber Shop
L a u n d ry sent Tuesdays
M fency I lu b C le a n in g W o rks
I uneral Director and Licensed
D oji 1er
G e n e r a l R e p a i r i n g a n d I la t t e r y W o r k
Acetylene Welding
Superior Sack Twine, 75c per lb.
Two Fords For Sale
T. J. Skirvin Seed <§
1915—New Rubber • • $50,00
1922—Brand new Rubber, in
good Condition 1175.00
special bargain ;
and small barn and six lota in
North Brownsville.
Price for
'P ick sale $550.00. Act quickly
and secure a home before this of.
fer is withdrawn. Leslie L. Has-
kin, 309 Lyon St., Albany, Ore.
Brownsville, Oregon
New Tire Prices
Pr*‘“’>*r cJ.
30x3 1-2 O. S. Pr. cord
Rural Enterprise
1 year fo r^ dollar