I )any ¿ /^ re c to ry Summons 09676661 Veteran Iowa Political Leader Pastes In the Circuit Court of the State of A fte r B rief Illness. Oregon for Linn County. Dept 2, Case Dee Moines, la. — The Iowa state This is good advice: "it you live No. 13,525. capital, from which the fame ot Al­ in Albany, trade in Albany ; if yotalive Greenberry Splawn, Plaintiff, vs, bert B. Cummins first spread as he in some other town, trade in that town." Mexico Ctty.—Tha dnuiuîle But in these automobile days many re­ Humphrey Carter: the unknown heirs of headed the state government years siding elsewhere find it advisable to do Humphrey Carter if he be deceased: ago was the scene Sunday of one of between the Roman Catholic church at least part ot their buying in the the final public tributes to the man and tha Mexican government entered larger town. Those who go to Albany John Carter; the unknown heirs of John its crucial phase when the new gov­ to transact business will find the firms Carter if he be deceased; Rosana Carter who has been acclaimed Iowa's out­ ernment religious régulai Ions, provid­ named below ready to fill their require Shelley; John Doe Shelley her husband; standing contribution to the service of nients with courtesy an I fairness, ing for the enforcement of the consti­ the unknown heirs ot Rosana Carter the nation. M ith the body of the dead states­ tution of 1917, went Into effect August Shelley if she be deceased; Susan Bole 1st. A lb an y Floral Co. Cut dowers man; John Doe Bo,eman her husband; man lying In state at the scene of his Policemen standing guard outside 4 * and plants. Floral art for every the unknown heirs of Eva Carter Funk early triumphs In political life, thous the great Catholic cathedral In Mex­ and all occasions. deceased; James Taylor; Lesta Taylor, ands of his associates and admirers I Flower phone 458-J ico City and the other churches of the the unknown heirs of Fireby Carter filed through the marble corridors to country, and the saddened faces of pay him their last respects and to Taylor deceased: Elizabeth Naby; the p E N T K A L TIR E SHOP worshipers who streamed throughout unknown heirs of Mary Fields deceased; record the sorrow that has gripped Tne Vulcanixtug- Battery re­ the commonwealth. the day Into the holy edifices to pray, Chris Fields; John L. Fields; RUa charging. 221 W. Second. Senator Cummins 76, who only a despite the absence of officiating Wicks, Lewis Wicks her husband ; Lillie Ed Falk, Fiop. clergymen, were the only outward Manning; Stella Jones; Gus Cole; Frank few weeks ago was defeated for re- signs that government's new religious I^astb u rn Bros.—Two big grocery Cole; Chester Cole; Henry Cole; John nominatlon by Smith W. Brookhart, stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Cole; Anna Jarvey; the unknown heirs after serving continually in the senate regulations had gone into effect. ìT Mam. Good merchandise at the right since 1908, died after a brief illness of Apparently the Catholics were obey­ of Nancy Minerva Fields deceased; prices. ing the admonition of the pastoral Robert H. Fields, Pheby T. Fields his heart disease. letter Issued by the Mexican episco­ Xplile Cafeteria and confectionery wife; John Fields, J. E. Fields his wife; Jefferaon Mayers of Portland, Or., Miss Eljen N. Matthews, head of the pacy to remain calm and to continue Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Thomas J. Fields; Matilda Ann Hayden; Administratrix’ Notice of Sale ings. Courteous, efficient serviee E A. Rhodes, Ella E. Rhodes his wife; industrial division of the children's their religious devotions. It was In democrat, recently named by Pre el- of Realty We make our own candies. bureau of the United States govern­ accordance with this pastoral letter, dent Coolidge at a member of the Ora Rhodes, Jane Roe Rhodes his wife; W. S. D uncan . United States shipping board. Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jenkins his wife; Notice is hereby given that by ment, one of the most Important posi­ signed by the eight archbishops and 29 bishops of Mexico, as a protest tions in the Bureau. •ORD SALES AND SERVICE R. V. Jenkins, Martha E. Jenkins his against the religious regulations, that wife, John W. Jenkins, Lottie E. Jenk virtue of an order of the County Tires and accessories the priests withdrew from thetr Repairs ins his wife, Delbert C. Jenkins, Laura Court of Linn County, Oregon July K i r k - P o i l a k M o t o r C o . churches. A. Jenkins, his wife; David Barnard made and entered in the probate The government's stand is that the Lportmiller Furniture Co., furni Ann Barnaid his wife, Jane Kamstra church and the state must be kept ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges L. Kamstra her husband; izaie Jarvey, journal of «aid court authorizing separated and that the church must Funeral directors. 427-43A west First Lawrence Jarvey her husband; Kidd and directing the undersigned so Everett, Wash.—Search was started street, Albany, Oregon. stay out of politics. The church’s McDowell, Myrtle McDowell hit wife. to do, the undersigned as Adminis­ Seattle, Wash.—Charged with the stand Is that it is being persecuted by here Monday for men, declared by Henry McDowell, William McDowell; J. JlO L M A N & JACKSON o s r u e government which wxucn Is is threat rnreat- ’ P°Bce to have started six fires in a n hostile Grocery—Bakery B. Sloan; Ruby Sloan; also all other tratrix of the Estate of William A. murder of hla own daughter, Wallace ening religious freedom, and that It Everett Sunday night, which destroyed persons or parties unknown claiming Brock deceased, will from and C. Gaines, 46-year-old veteran of two Everything in the line ot eats property V valued »300,000 . before they » I„ M at eannnnn . . . ----- .u— wars, was placed on trial here Mon- I has not meddled In politics. • Opposite Postoffice any right, title, estate, lien or interest after Thursday, the l'2th Day of were controlled by fire departments of The government regulations, in day In what promises to be the most 1 in the real estate described in the com­ three towns and 1600 sailors. One has MI’ERIAL CAFE, 309 Hr.-i plaint herein, defendants. August, 1926 at the office of Tus­ astonishing hearing ever held In a . brief, are as follows: Harold G. Murphy Prop. No foreign minister of any religion been arrested for questioning. To Humphrey Carter, the unknown sing & Tussing in Halsey in Linn Seattle courtroom. Phone 665 Flames which broke out at 6:30 may function In Mexico; church own­ The mental and nervous condition W k never close heirs of Humphrey Carter if he be de County, Oregon proceed to sell at o'clock destroyed the H. O. Selffert ership of property Is forbidden, and of Bob Gaines will be subject to deased, John Carter, the unknown heirs private sale for cash, subject to agneto electri K T o ? all such property reverts to the state; wood and coal company properties, and of John Carter if he be deceased, Rosana confirmation of said court, the fol­ probe and counter during the trial, PH1LCO BATTERIES religious Instruction In schools is for­ sections of a ball park. Loss was each side haring retained two well- with the famous Diamond-Grid plates Carter Shelley, John Doe Shelley her lowing real property, towit: — bidden; religious orders, such as con­ estimated at $26,000. known nerve specialists for expert Priced to suit the consumer. 423 W Firs husband, the unknown heirs of Rosana Fire originating in the Lansdown vents and monasteries, are forbidden; (First tract) testimony. The defense Insists, how- lWTen and money are best when Carter Shelley if she be deceased, Susan priests and ministers are forbidden to Lumber company yard at 8 o'clock de­ ever, that no question of Gaines' snn An undivided l-7th interest in busy. Make your dollars work in Boleman, John Do« Boleman her hus­ participate in politics or to hold pol­ molished that property and the ad­ our savings department. A lbany S tate band, the unknown heirs of Eva Carter fee in the following:— Beginning Ity will be raised, and that the case joining Everett mills works valued at B ank . Under government supervision Funk deceased, James Taylor, Lesta 27.70 ebs, E. of the S. W. corner will be fought on the grounds of his itical meetings; to criticize the gov­ $250,000 and $35,000 respectively. ernment or criticize and oppose the complete Innocence. Taylor, the unknown heirs ot Fireby of Sec. 9 in Tp. 14 S. of R. 4 W. Three other fires were then report­ ]V f arinello parlors Sylvia H. Gaines, aged 22, a grad­ constitution, laws or acts of the gov­ Carter Taylor deceased, Elizabeth Naby, ed in quick succession in an oil com­ -*•” (A beauty aid for every need) of the Willamette Meridian, Or., ernment or to incite others to do so; uate of Smith college at Northampton. ihe unknown heirs ot Mary Fields de­ St. Francis Hotel Mass., was slain on the north shore outdoor religious ceremonials and the pany's warehouse a mile from the first Winifred Rose Prop. based, Chris Fields, John L. Fields, and running thence N. 42.50 chs. of Green lake. In the center of a well- wearing of priests of their religious blaze. In a barber shop a tow blocks to the N. line of Thomas Shepherd Ella Wicks, Lewis Wicks her husband, populated residence district, shortly robes outside of their churches or away, and In a market. The sixth was In a laundry. J^OSCOK AMES HARDWARE Lillie Manning, Stella Jones, Gus Cole. D. L. C., Theuce E. 28 53 chs; after 9 o'clock on the night of June 16. residences are forbidden; periodicals Frank Cole, Chester Cote, Henry Cole. Thence S. 42.50 chs. to the S. line of a religious nature are forbidden to She was strangled and her head was John Cole, Anna Jarvey, the unknown The Winchester Store of said sec; and thence W. to be­ crushed with a rock. comment on the government's acts or DEB T R A T IF IC A T IO N L IK E L Y heirs of Nancy Minerva Fields deceased, to print news concerning the actions ginning, containing 100 acres more rp H E MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP Thomas J. Fields, Matilda Ann Hayden. of the government. Poincare’s W hole Financial Project Geo. L. Hurley, Pr ipnetor and E. A. Rhodes, Ella E.'Rhodes his wife, or less. B R IE F G EN ER A L N E W S I Adopted 295 to 188. Ora Rhodes, Jane Roe Rhodes his wife, Manager. Warm air furnaces, plumbing (Second tract) Aoram F. Myers of Iowa was given Paris. — The debt settlement« bo- and sheet metal work, tin an t grave Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jenkins his wife, a recess appointment by President JUG O -SLA VIA BARES T E E T H An undivided l-7th interest in ------------ tween France and the United States roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal lo lu i W. Jenkins, Lottie E. Jenkins his Coolidge as a member of the federal War Minister Orders Troops to Invade | “nil between France and Great Brittan ife, Delbert C, Jenkins, Laura A fee in the following;— Lot 2 in trade commission. vanized iron work, metal skylights an> Country In Pursuit of ComltadJI. now appear likely to come up for Fenkins his wife, David Barnard, Ann Sec. 8, in Tp. 14 S. of R. 4 W. of cornices, pumps ot all kinds. Threat of forest fires caused the London.—The Jugo-Slavian minister J ratification by the French parliament 136 Ferry street, Albany. Phone 127J Barnard his wile, Jane Kamstra, L. the Willamette Meridian, Or., con­ western entrance to Glacier park to Kamstra her husband, Lizzie Jarvey, be closed and tourists to pour out of of war has given orders for troops to during the present month before the pursue ComltadJI onto Bulgarian soil, summer recess. Ever growing opposi­ rp H E HUB CONFECTIONERY Lawrence Jarvey her husband, also all taining 30.55 acres more or less the national playground Sunday. other persons or parties unknown claim­ Also beginning on the S. boundary 1 Make it your meeting place. Two hundred nine lives lost and an act which Is tantamount to a declar­ tion of financiers, as reflected by the I.uaclies. Ice cream, Ices, Home Made ing any right, title, estate, lien or inter­ estimated damage of more than $10.- ation of war against Bulgaria, accord­ press, to shelving the Washington and C. ndy. Special rsoon l unch. est in the real estate described in the of and W. 25.30 chs. dist. from 600,000 to property In a hurricane ing to a Central News dispatch from London funding agreements until Oc­ R. c. 1 hilllps. Manager. tober, apparently hag caused Premier complaint herein—t>f the above defend the 8. E corner of the D. L. C. of that raged through Florida, Georgia Belgrade. ints. The Belgrade correspondent says fol­ Poincare to recede from his determin­ Thomas McDaniel and wife, Not. and the Bahama islands. Italy lias not the slightest inten­ lowing raids by ComltadJI, from Bul­ ed and oft-announced position of "no I n T H 8 NAMK OF THE STATE OF ORE No. 2180, Cl. No. 45, in Tp. 14 G a l l o n GON, you and each of you are hereby re S. cf R. 4 W- of the Willamette tion of asking for revision of war garia, on the Jugo-Slavian frontier, a Immediate ratification.” of protest was sent to Sofia ask­ The chamber of deputies adopted W eeand ae'n,lialte3 W i l l a r d s quired to appear and answer the com­ Meridian, Or., and run thence N. debt settlement with the United note States, even If other nations do, says ing Bulgaria to take steps to sup­ Premier Poincare’s entire financial plaint of the above named plaintiff now project by a_vote of 295 to 188. on file in the above entitled court and 24.585 chs; Thence W. parrallel a declaration made in behalf of the press the ComltadJI. Under new managemen No reply was received and the min­ with the S. boundary of said claim government by Dino Grandl. under cause within six weeks from the 23rd L. M. Taylor, Prop. ister of war then gave orders for Jugo- Pastor’s Widow Held for Killing. day of June, 1926, the date of the first 82 54 chains to the W. boundary secretary for foreign affairs. 121 W. Second, Albany. A newly signed commercial treaty Slavian troops to take action against publication of this summons, and you of said claim; Thence S. 24 585 New Brunswick. N. j.—Mrs. Frances the ComltadJI, Irrespective of frontier Stevens Hall, widow of the Rev. Ed­ ire hereby notified that if you fail to If you enjoy a good meal, chs. to the S. W. corner of ssid between the United States and Pan­ lines. ama stipulates that the republic- of .and know a good meal when you get it, ippear and answer said complaint on or ward Hall, pastor ot the Protestant You'll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it before the 4th day of August, 1926, the claim; Thence E. 32.54 chs. to be­ Panama will co-operate In all possible Episcopal church of St. John the Our aim is to please vou. last day of the time prescribed in the ginning, containing 80 acres mere ways In the protection and defense of Another R ailw ay M erger Proposed. Evangelist in this city when he was Washington, D. C —Another big rail­ Jhot and killed with Mrs Eleanor Mills order for the pubhestion of this sum­ or less, excepting therefrom that the canal and will consider itself in mons, the plaintiff will apply to said certain tract of 26 50 acres more state of war in any war in which the road consolidation was submitted td on the night of September 14, 1922. tho Interstate commerce commission was arrested In her home In New ALBANY court for the relief demanded therein, or less conveyed by said William United States is belligerent. for approval The New York Central Brunswick, charged with the murder. towit:—For a decree of said court that G E O . M. G IL C H R IST asked for authority to acquire control Mrs. Hall was released on $15,000 ball. the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple A. Brock et al to Flora Williams License Feet Increase. of the S. W. % of the N. W X of bee by deed dated June 2, 1915, re Olympia, Wash.—With receipts from by lease for 99 years of the Cleveland. 11 in Tp. 14, S. of R. 1 W. of the Wil corded June 29, 1915 at page 899 the sale of motor vehicle licenses for Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis rail­ THE MARKET* lamette Meridian in Linn County, Ore­ of Vol. 108 of deed records of Linn July placed at $117,899, receipts for road. known as the Big Four system; at lowest rate of interest gon and that you and each of you have the eight-month period ending July thp Michigan Central and the Chicago, Portland Kalamazoo & Saginaw railroad. At Real Estate Insurance no right, title, estate, lien or interest County, Oregon. 31 amounted to $5,349,916, or $369,889 the same time the Big Four ask ed ’to „ » “’ rL "'f, blUe,tem' Baart’ (Third tract) Prompt service, courteous treatment in or to said real property or any part In excess of license receipts for the acqulre by lease for 99 y e a rs ih » P in . ’ V * ’ ’ An undivided 1.8th interest in acquire by lease for 99 years the Cin­ thereof, that each of yon be forever entire year of 1925, It was shown In W m ' B ain , Room5, First Savings Bank white, $1.42%; hard winter, northern barred and enjoined from asserting any fee in the following:— Beginning a report Issued by W. O. Potts, state cinnati Northern and the Evansville, spring, western red, $1.3e builning, Albany Indianapolis & Terre Haute railroad right, title, estate, lien or interest there ■JO rds. S. and 80 rds W. of the treasurer. Hay Alfalfa, $17 50@ 18 ton; valley — t in or claim thereon adverse to such ti. N. E. corner of Sec. 8 in Tp. 14 S. timothy, $17 1^018; eastern Oregon State Bank Deposits Show Increase. tie of plaintiff, and for such other and timothy, $21 @71 50. of R. 4 VV. of Willamette Merid­ Dry Referendum on California Ballot. Olympia, Wash. — Showing an In­ further relief as may be equitable. Sacramento, Cal—The Wright act Why suffer from headache? Butterfat—42c shippers' track. ian, Or., and run thence W. 70 crease of $15,900,778 70 over a year Service of this Summons is made by repeal initiative act, providing for a E ggs- Ranch, 28@31c. Have your eyes examined publication thereof pursuant to an order rds. more or less to the county test of sentiment in California on tho ago, deposits in the 256 state hanks Cheeae—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; and trust companies of Washington ag­ made by the Hon. B. M. Payne, County road; Thence 8. 12 ft; Thence K. wet and dry question, wag qualified Triplets, 27%c; loaf, 28%c per lb. Judge of Linn County, Oregon at Al­ 70 rds more or less to point due 8. for a place on the ballot at the final gregated $168,613.494 on June 30, 1926, Cattle—Steers, good, $8 lft@8.36. It Is shown in a composite statement bany, Oregon on and dated tha 14th Day of beginning; thence Nr 12 ft. to election when petitions were filed with W'tb Hogs—Medium to choice, $13.7G@ of fune, 1926 directing the pabiication Secretary of 8tete Frank C. Jordan in Compiled from reports forwarded to 16.26. beginning. the supervisor of banking In response thereof to be made in the Rural Enter creasing the number of signatures in Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice, to the last bank call. Deposits with All said three tracts are situated behalf of the measure to 85,657. prise, a newspaper published at Halsey, $10@12. the financial Institutions under state Jeweler« Optometrists Linn County, Oregon once a week lot in Liun County, Oregon and each Seattle. Albany six consecutive weeks. are subject to the use of each re­ Prominent Aberdeen Lumberman Dies. control increased $2,027,923.86 since Wheat—Soft white, western white, April 12, the date of the last call pre­ Tnssing & Tussing, Aberdeen, Wash,—William J. Don spective tract for the term of the $141%; hard winter, $1$7%; western ceding June 30. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 0Tan. 44, Grays Harbor lumberman and red, $1.36%; northern spring, Big natural life of Dicy Brock as con­ Pcstoffice Address. Halsey, Oregon. part owner of the Donovan Lumber veyed by «¿id William a Brock et company, died at his hotel of pneu Colorado Celebrates 50th Anniversary. Bend, dark hard winter, $139%; Big Bend, dark, northern spring, $144% Denver, Colo.—Colorado celebrated al to said Bicy Brock by deed re­ tnonla. He had been ill less than a Big Bend bluestem, $1.42%. corded Vol. 100, page 214 of deed week. Mr. Donovan was the son of lta 60th birthday over a three-day per­ Hay—Alfalfa, $25; timothy P. S , iod beginning Sunday. Vice-President Waldo Anderson and Son, Props. records of said couoty; and all William J. Donovan Sr., founder of the Charles O. Dawea was the principal $20; do, mixed, $26. Butter—Creamery, 41@42c. said tracts are subject to right of company. speaker Sunday night. Chrysler Cars Eggs—Ranch. i0@36c. Manufacturer« of dower of Lulu Brock as widow of Illicit Brewery Found In Woods. Hoge—Prime. $14.76@16.10. Atwater Kent Radios Dallas, Or., F ire Destroys Lum ber. said William A. Brock deceased. Seattle, Wash.—Federal prohibition Cattle—Choice eteera, $7 260825. Dallas,'Or.—Fire discovered Sunday Lulu Brock. agents reported that they found a Accessories and Supplies Cheese—Oregon fancy, 27@28c; large brewery surrounded by bear night in lumber In the yard of (be standards. 22@2$c; Washington fancy Administratrix aforesaid, and Buyers of Eggs Willamette Lumber company did dam­ - Day and Night Storage - Harrisborg, Oregon. trap« In woods $0 miles northeast of age of from $60,000 to $60,000 before triplets, 24@25c. Seattle. E Evans, a woodcutter of Spokane. A Farm ers’ Co-operative Tussing & Tussing it wee controlled. 1st and Baker 8t«. Duvalll, Wash., was arrested as a dry Hogs—Good. $14.00014 25. Creamery Attya. for Admx. ALBANY OREGON. law violator. Cattle—Steers, good, $7.50® 7.7*. 4 IN MEXICO CLASH F GAINES ON TRIAL FOR MURDERJFOAUGHTER I M Willard PA RA G O N CA FE FARM LOANS Dr. Seth T. French F. M. Frencn & Son 3 - Highway Garage - Albany Creamery Association L IN N BUTTER SIX FIRES LAID TO INCENDIARY GANG