Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, August 04, 1926, Image 2

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m ere are tue resident
churches and, a little
Published Every Wednesday,
farther west, Pine Grove cemetery.
B y H ubert I,. A i . mos
Here, we are in the world; there,
Alford Arrows
people are ou their way out of it.”
Wedae-day, Aug. 4, 1926
(B y an E n te rp rise R ep o rter)
“ Westward the star of Empire
SI a year in advance
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wbitbeck
A rrearages I2%c a monlb takes its way.”
A lverlising, 2llc an in c h ; no discount ( ’’The star of Bethlehem came and their guest, Mrs. Bloomfield
lor tim e or space ; no charge for com­ I west to that city and has since called on Mr. aqd Mrs. Clay Fores
position or c .iauges,
[continued westward till practicaHy man Sunday afternoofr;
te "Pala-foi Paragraphs.'* tc a line
all the Christian nations and I Beverly Isom spent several days
* • advertising disguised re new s
peoples of the world are west of lasl week with Coralea Moody in
there—in Europe and America. I Halsey.
A Highway Menace
We are near the western boundary
Leonard Ingram and family of
This paper does not want to he I “^ “ ’/ w estw ard ve E a , „ ,
V*n‘t a ’l * n» la8t Saturday night
understood as trying to convey the
’ e t a s t H al«y- at the home of his uncle Lee Io-
. ,,
I it®*, wheu you become surfeited »rain
Neighborhood News
Oregon boosted Its m erchandise
shipm ents abroad during tb s first
q u arter of 1926 by m ore than $3,000.-
and children attended the Nehras 000. as com pared with the correspond­
ka picnic at Colorado Lake Sun ing period of 1925, aec- rding to s ta tis­
tics re le a s e d 'b y th e departm ent ol
commerce. The exports of the stato
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. M jiltr and totaled 113.781,451 for January, Feb­
daughter Cardie attended ih ruary and March, as com pared with
camp meeting at Cottage Grove $10,67?,447 a year ago, reflecting an
Increased trade am ounting to $3,126 •
Judging from appearances, tl.e
P etitions for an initiative m easure
threshing will soon be finished, for looking to the regulation of fishing In
last week there were seven outfits the Columbia riv er east of Cascade
Locks are sufficient, according to an ,
in this locality.
We notice by the Albany papir
the fishermen of that locality have
been makiog big catch“». So we
wish to state that Charles Falk, 12
year old son of L. R. Falk, made
some big catches of Bass. One
weighing 5 lbs.,.one
and one 21
•bs. and several smaller. He had
no fancy hooks. Just a common
hook and bait
I. II. Rickard and family at­
i ,
7 .
f ,b ' k d e r f U a , p . d o r .o d P lo .O .o .e
tended ths joint services at the
t . l i f o . n i . Iic.n.e pl.tea . . . "ro.,1 | , o , h„ S „ .
bake Creek and Peoria churches at
hogs,” because many of them are
grove Sunday.
"And the last shall be first.”
not Californians. They are onli
E D. Isom and family drove to
using California license because
Waterloo Sunday.
they can he .purchased for three
Pme Grove Points
On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Arch
dollars, hut we believe anyone who ol notice, it sort of ruffles the
Chisholm and little niece, Jean
has occasion to drive on the high­
(By Special Correspondent)
way much will agree that there i« papers when they learn of some I Purler of Monroe, Fred Ingram of
and Mrs. E. W. Looney of
a large percentage of the driver.-
frorn that state, who, when armed the community himself) finoing family of Nampa, Idaho, gathered Modesto, California visited Mrs
with a high powered automobile fault with the paper because it is at the Lee Ingram home and they Johnson last week and with Mrs
and backed by some insurance not as good or large as the big town I with the Ingram family took their Johnson and daughters, made a
company or an automobile club, or city papers. It would be just dinners to the banks of the Wil- trip to Newport Tuesday.
uuv,aa re**0,,able to hud fault became lamette and spent the day.
form a menace to the safety of the
Miss Reta Reid of Salem is vis­
„„ , . .
general public.
These drivers the countr>’ town Btcre8 and .I,»,.
“ ;" v ,
, ” n‘ iting Miss Pearl Pehrsson.
seem to have no respect for the
Miss Camp of Corvallis spent the
laws of the state and even less re­
week end with Agnes Chandler,
gard for the rights of other. In- tin.
Chas Tandy, father of Mrs
stances that will verify this opin­
Miss Sophia H einrich of Corval
| ' l)e®*er Curtis, died at his home
ion are happening every day and
is spending her vacation with
Over at I hilomath the business I near
near H sirisburg Monday
tfo doubt will continue to happen, men have their job printing d - m e k u h e age of 6 o \ Z .
her parents.
for it is more or less characteristic in distant towns, the city council I . . .
Mrs. N. E. Chandler and Agnes
of a "native son,” and, “ native h .v . their legal notices published L j J " ; a1^ ^ r s Jesse Walker of
Albany visitors Thursday.
ed at Lee Ill8ram ’s Sun‘
daughter” too, for th at matter, to in a Corvallis paper and the bank !
Miss Mearle Straley spent the
feel th at they are a little superior and stores with-hold all business ' J '*y eVe,Hng
week end at the Pehrsson home.
to any one else, that every one possible from their local paper.
Spoon River Sparks
should step aside, get out of their Phis is a uniquo situation hut
W. G. McNeil and fa^nily visited
way, let them have the middle of Minshall, old sport, has noone but
at the Kean home near Albany
(By an E n terp rise R eporter)
the road, you take the ditch.
himself to blame and in time may
and cream.
In our opinion a good example grow wiser.
About twenty members of the
ol this altitude occurred Monday
Leroy Straley and sister Mearle
Yonng Peoples Christian Endeav­
afternoon one mile south of town.
The same arguments that were were Sunday dinner guests at the or Society of Halsey pleasantly
Fortunately it was a truck of heavy
used by the anti-income tax gang
surprised Hazel Johnson ¡Saturday
capacity that the big California
George Hussjy spent Thursday evening, it being her 18»h birth-
two years ago are being revived
car attempted to overrun, but an
and before long the same hunk evening at H. J . Falks.
L Ttuna tel y, they do not always
Mrs. Hazel Munkers and child­
‘vill he belching forth from the pens
The Young Peoples Missionary-
disable themselves before doing
of the great saviours of Oregou ren visited at II. L. Straleya Sat-
society of the Freo Methodist
serious injury to some safe driver.
church met at the A. F. Albertson
I he M. B. Harding children home Satuday evening.
“ Westward the Star o f Empire’
Croquet will never come hack as were on the sick list several daye
The Hover and Haynes thresh­
one of the leadinw games until last week.
crew had an ice cream feed
East and West Halsey precincts souieoue invents a pair of funny
Mrs. R. E Biorly and eons and
noon and finished the
are divided by Second street —the pants to go with it.
Mrs. F. W. Falk and daughter
the fall grain Monday
Pacific H i g h l y . An East H al­
were Albany callers Thursday
sey resident boasts;
Mrs. E. K. Carey and Miss
Surely some of the June high
Cha*. Gibson of Corvallis spent
“ In this precinct are all the
Seefeld were business callers
school graduates have learoed by
Monday at the J. F. Gibson home
«lores, the hotel, restaurant, hank,
at Brownsville Saturday afternoon.
thij time that they don't know
postoffice, newspaper, telephone ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd H arr and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Templeton
hih I telegraph offices, railroad, the
Florence Annis of Salem and E. E.
spent Tuesday evening at the J. H
three grade and three high school
Hover and family were Sunday
I’sually the girl who insists that Vannice home.
rooms, barber shops and the ihrer
at Bert Haynes’.
she wouldn’t marry the best man
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Straley and
busy warehouses of the tuvn, In on earth don't.
At the Community meeting S at­
daughter Mearle were Albany cal-
the other precinct the medicine
evening the following officers
l®rs Friday. They were accom­
shop and the undertaking rooms
for the ensuing year:
Tliis is a poor time of the year panied by Mrs. Esther Rike.
will bo located ns soon aa workmen
John McNeil, president; Mrs. L.
Io advance the argument Hint the
VV. R Kirk and family went to
complete the preparation lor their girls should wear more clothes,
E. Eagv, vice president; Clara,
Albany Wednesday.
bell Blood, secretary; P. A Pehrs-
I he Misses Ava and Edna Falk son, treasurer; Mrs. W. D. McLar­
visited at H. J. Falks Tuesday en, censor; Mary Heinrich, Clara-
hel| Blood and Mrs. McLaren were
(Formerly Hotel Halsey)
Bath — Hot Water — Clean Beds
Rates Reasonable
Y o u r P a t r o n a g e S o lic it e d ’
Mrs. Evelyn M. Johnson, Manager
Job Printing
Personal Service by an Experienced Printer
Bring \ our Next O rder to the Enterprise
Any Girl in Trouble .
"■■X coram uaical« with 8 « . „ „
W h it, Shield Home, M M .y aveuue, Po.tUn.1,
The G. J. Rikes visited at W. R.
Kirks one evening last week.
Mrs. G. C. Thompson and Mr.
and Mis. Enoch. C. Thouip
son and son of Brownsville, Mr.
and Mrs. T. W, Love, Miss Mabel
Lacey and Mrs. Miller and two
children of Portland were guests at
she J. P . Templeton home Thurs­
day evening.
J. N. Elliot is getting along as
well as can hs expected after his
accident of last week.
Mrs. Esther O. Rike spent Sun­
day at the E. K. Carey home.
Mrs. Chester Baker is spending
a few days at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Henry Davis. Mrs.
Baker and husband have been
picking cherries in Washington.
Lloyd Stienke spent last week
visiting his great grandmother,
Mrs. Angeline Ackley and aunt
Mrs. Preston Newton at Portland.
Mrs. B. M. Miller and daughter
Gardie spent one day last week at
D. 8, Bowman's.
Mrs. C. J. Straley and children
spent Friday afternoon at G. J,
Mr. and Mrs. Harman Stienke
appointed as the uext program
Mr. arid Mrs. Sara Campbell and
children with some friends of Kings
Valley spent the Week end at the
Johnson home.
Miss Iona Albertson went to
Portland to attend the camp meet
ing Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gourley
and children and their guests,
Chas. Gourley and family of Wald-
port attended church at Pice Grove
Sunday morning.
M r. and Mrs.
Will Eagy and
Clarence Eagv returned from a
visit to Iowa Monday snd visited
s t ths L. E. Esgy home, going on
to their home at Oakville Tuesday.
WANTED:— Spring Kye
for Seed
Will pay a premium
ueed 8t(Kk.
opinion prepared by Judge McMahan!
of the Marion county circuit court.
Suit was brought by th e sta te of Ore­
gon, on relation of John H. Carson,
d istrict attorney, to enjoin the secre­
tary of state from placing the m eas­
ure on the ballot a t th e November
to ge this
S um m er
Let us help you plan your
« r v a t i ° ? i Gj 1 a c o p y o f
O regon O utdoors”— il lus.
trated vacation guide, from
, your local agent.
Profit by low sum m er fares
and fast, com fortable serv­
ice to the beaches and other-
resort playgrounds.
Ask about the low faret to
California and the E att.
A thorough cultural and professional acholar-
ship ia the outstanding characteristic o t the
State U niversity.
S o u th e rn
P a c ific
Tra ining i t off tr a d in :
22 departments of the College of
Literature. Science and the A rts.
Architecture and A llied A rts— |
Business Administration — Educa­
tion—Journalism—Graduate Study
cal Education—Sociology. — Social
W o rk — Extension Division.
C lay P. Mocdy Agent
51st Year Opens September 27, 1926
Rural Enterprise
F o r in fo rm a tio n o r catalogue u ’rite
The Registrar, U m V e re ity o f
O regon Eugene. O r e
year for
X dollar
fh e Most Wonderful
Book in the W orld
ORE than nine million Bibles were sold or
distributed in 1925.
W ould you not love to have companion volumes to
help you discover the treasures in that Wonderful
S wedenborg
exphined the Bible’s practical application to daily life; bow it
describes the life h.reafter; what the Bible parables mean when
spiritually interpreted.
His theolo
’logical works—as issued by himself— have been pub-
fr by
Y j u ^ ou8flton Mifflin Co. in most modem transla­
tion from the original Latin, in the Rotch Edition of j i volumes.
The first twenty give the spiritual sense of Genesis and
Exodus as understo&l in Heaven; and volumes 16, 27, tt8 give
likewise the spiritual sense of the Book of Revelation.
Volume 20. Marriage Love, views from the union of the Divine
Love and the Divine Wisdom the Law of Sex throughout all crea-
Si°enu n i ^ ° 7 ’
C1’2Wn and,iewel of thc Christian Religion,
the union of one with one only. Äice $2.00.
J I’ 31> con‘ai? r a fuJ> statement ol the True
Christian Religion as revealed from Heaven. $3.00 the set.
The whole »2 volumes in half-morocco at $125; in buckram, $40.
--------------------- -
are th* ^ 8t introductory books to the Revela-
T M '» « in large print, bound in buck­
ram, and contain from 260 to 48$ pages.
H E A \ EN A N D
H ell from things heard and seen $1^25
Angelic Wisdom Concerning—
ever written,
thia ia the
in Larin
Price o f * 2 tlue« *t oas tfcae, induA rj postigs
Who Was Swedenborg?
.Mu kfr aasr^i mu fcr
fl/trr br
Sweduh jcim rut, fthib,
ttrm Him the maaodon
the Untwrul Gem ui.
_ with the
mining iruluxfr^
time, dnJ urott the most
the human brain.
riu humaTaoU
JMow HU fptrttuaJ
tverc opened.
for good
Send orders or mqmnos to
B. A.
---- -''^Äcaauy.Om
W hittemore , A g e n t
135 B owdow S treet , Boston 9, Mass
k x ira or. Bwedcahtxc
fo r 10
1! A m i
»» or u i all eu.—
thro« . foe 40 c