Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, August 04, 1926, Image 1

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A g rc u ltu re
H o rtic u ltu re
L iv e s to c k
A Weekly Chronicle oi Local Events and Progress in Linn County
P a ir y
P o u ltry
W ool
lake Sunday afternoon aud also
- Local and Personal Mention - visited
with relatives, Mr. and Mre,
S. P. Do«« Good Business Here
News Items From Entire State
A. Sturtevant of Marion and Mr.
Southern Pacific agent Moody
Misses A dds aud Eleanor Hein­
Miss Rita Reid of Salem is the and Mrs. Del Sturtevant of Los has prepared a report of the n r -
rich of Corvallis are spending house guest for the week at the Angeles who are camped there.
lot shipments that have been hand­ The state supreme court adjourned Its history Total building Investment
their vacation at the home of their home of Peail and Nora Pehrsson,
The relatives of the Porter fam led by the company at Halsey since Saturday night (or the month ot Aug­ reached the sum of «(41.435. over
double that of any month this year.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hein­
The Misses Anne and Eleanor ily held a reunion Sunday on the Jauuary 1, 1925. The statement,
Oiling operations on the Old Oregon
Governor Pierce has returned from
Heinrich, Evelyn Johnson of Cor­ banks of the Willamette, near reveals a greater amount of busi­
Cheyenne, Wyo., where he attended Trail highway, between La Grande
John Harrison of Brownsville vallis and Mearle Jean Straley will Albany with a beautiful picnic ness than one might suppose, there the governor«' conference.
and Sunset Ina. several miles west of
Meacham, are now completed, accord­
has been redecorating the ladies go to Newport Friday for a few dinner served at noon. Among being a total of 316 care of incom­
A total of 138 forest fires have been
aid room of the Christian church days vacation.
those present were John Porter, ing and outgoing freight. Follow­ observed by officials of the United ing to Oscar Cutler, state highway en­
with new wall paper.
Mrs. Laura McFarland of Cot­ Mrs. Edith Robnett aud Louise ing is tbe number of cars of tbe States air patrol at Eugene eo far this
Money hag been raised by the En.
and Truemau of Halsey. There various commodities handled:
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Albertson tage Grove, an aunt of Curtis
terprise chamber of commerce for the
Copper wire 1, hay 176, oats 16, ’ At a special school election Canby purchase of land near Enterprise to
were about 35 present-
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Veatch died Saturday. She had
15, household goods 8, salt I, school district voted to unite with the be used as a site for the proposed
H. P. Willis left for Marion the
Mrs. J. N. Elliot. Mr. Elliot who been in poor health for some time
16, machinery 2, gravel 6, union high school district by an over­ plant of the Black Marble and Lime
was recently injured is getting but her death was unexpected at last of the week whire be will set
whelming majority.
this time. She was a pioneer of as relief agent at the S. P. station gypsum 1, poets 8, straw 2, sheep ( In a sudden fit of maniacal rage.
along nicely,
Fire that Ignited when the combine
’53, crossing the plains from Mis­ while the regular man is on vaca­ 24, cattle 6. horses 1, grain 5, Mrs. Inez Warren, young matron, shot engine backfired Into spilled gasoline
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller and souri to Oregon behind an ox tion.
plaster 1, shingles 5, tile 1, cement ’ and kilted her mother, Mrs. Melissa
destroyed 180 acres of standing wheal
daughter Gardie attended the team.
6, salt 1, seed 12, piling 2, total Dolton. 71. at Canemah.
and 290 sacks of grain and a Holt
camp meeting at Cottage Grove
Astoria post of the American Le­ combine on the E. R. Barzee ranch
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Albertson arrived from Eugene and are now
gion and business men have combined west of Moro.
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsey located io their new home iu the
to stage a drive to bring the 1927 state
Growers of Evergreen blackberries
Red Cross to Hold Meeting
Miss Edith Smith of Bandon spent Saturday evening at the J. Wilson property. Mr. Rossman is
legion convention to Astoria.
are now beginning the harvesting of
who has been visiting relatives N. Elliot home.
the new undetaker with the Wright
The largest shipment of livestock their berry crop In Clackamas county.
The midsummer meeting of the to leave Heppner this season was ship­ According to the growers of the coun­
here, spent Sunday at the homes of
Little Phyllis Holt who has been undertaking parlors
Linn county Red Cross will be ped to Chicago last week and included ty, this year's crop will eclipse any
Mr. and Mrs Arley Cummings
threatened with an attack of ap­
Mrs. P. J. Forstsr returned from held in the Methodist church at 25 cars of cattle and IS of sheep.
In Its history.
and Mrs. May Smith. She ex­
pendicitis is able to be out agaio. Portland Sunday where she had Lebanon, Friday evening, Aug. 6,
Western woolen and textile mills are
pects to return to Bandon in two
Mr and Mrs. A. J. Hill, Mrs. J. been visiting relatives.
at 6 o’clock, according to announ­ valley met at Salem aud organized In better condition than those general­
what will be known as the Willamette ly In the east, declared Chauncey Bis­
J. Corcoran and daughter Miss
Miss Beulah Miller returned cement from Red Cross headquart- Valley Peach Growers' association.
hop of the Pendleton Woolen mills,
Mr. and Mrs. C- N, Morse re­ Willmina, were Albany visitors home Tuesday after a two month' srs. Red Cross workers and all
following his return from a trip
turned Sunday from a two days one day last week.
absence in California and varioue I >thers are welcome and are urged Is not as promising from the stand through the east.
visit at Tillamook.
to be present.
point of yield aa 1925. The early or
A saw mill and about 600.000 feet
Mi;s Marie Sneed who has been otber states.
fuggle hopa will not be worth picking of pine lumber belonging to the H. M.
Mrs. Curtis Veatch and daugh­ spending her vacatiou with her
Marksmen of Oregon organized the Maughan Lumber company In PoWal-
ter Enid were shopping in Albany parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T- Sneed, 8 . P. TA Open New Line Aug. 20 after which the Lions club of Leba­
State Rifle association with ka Rfdge, near Wallowa, was com-
non will furnish an entertainment,
has returned to her work sb librar.
Eugene, Orgeon. Aug 4 -Trains followed by four speakers who will Dr. J. D. Sheehan as president, at a pletely destroyed by fire. The lost Is
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Willett, from ian in Portland.
carrying delegations from Port­ tell of needs and the condition of meeting held In the Portland armory estimated at about «17,000.
Agitation for the establishment of
Francla Marion Collins, a resident
Chandler, Ariz., attended services
Mrs. Frahklyn Stafford spent land, Kl amath Falls, Sacramento he Red Cross.
a landing field at Pendleton for air­
at the Christian church Sunday. Saturday iu Eugene.
and San Francisco business and in­
You are invited to attend.
his home In Dallas after an Illness of planes baa Increased with the an­
They are doing missionary work
organizations to tbe
several weeks. Mr. Collins was In hta nouncement that probably 25 or 2«
Mrs. Dwight Smith and two
among the finii Indians aud were ch'ldren were week end guests of ‘‘Trail to Rail” celebration will bt
airplanes would land at that city dur­
92d year.
Too Big a Hurry
on their way to Woodburn to visit relatives in Portlaud.
the first to operate over tbe South­
Water shortage In the Reed and ing the Pendleton Roundup.
Illegal aud fraudulent procedure
Hawley mountain and Beaton moun
ern Pacific’s new 280 mile Cascudt
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller and Route, was announced hero in a
tain regions of Umatilla county Is re marked the progress of the first elec­
Mrs. J. B. Hedges is here from son Gilbert accompanied by Mr.
ported to be seriously endangering tion held In Chiloquin, a lumber town
Seattle and will spend a month and Mrs. E. E. Gormley motored special wire received by tbe Trail rate of Bpeed, a big six roadster the crops.
of aome 600 souls, according to a com­
visiting at the home of Mrs. to Cascadia for an outing Sunday. to Rail association from J. H Dyer bearing a Santa Ciuz, California
Following a battle with five sharks plaint registered with the district at­
general manager at San Francisco plate crashed into tbe rear end of while fishing off Coos bay, Joe and torney's office by T. L. 8nook. resident
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Bowman, The event will unite eastern and the 0- W. Frum truck about on* Loula Guedon of Astoria were obliged of the village, who demands a grand
Miss Mearlo Jean Straley enter­ Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Savage and western Oregon long separated by mile south of town on the highway to take their 34 foot fishing craft Jury Investigation.
Hop growers of Clackamas and Mar­
tained Tuesday evening with a Mrs. Laura Shaw and Ruth Mc­ tbe Cascade barrier.
ashore for repairs.
Monday afternoon.
counties are securing their pickers
slumber party at the home of her Mahan are enjoying an outing at
Work of scarifying and oiling the for the 1926 crop. This years’ hops,
The truck was going sonth end
Though the tegular local train
parents east of town. The evening Yachats by the sea.
service over the new line will not was in motion, yet was struck with Mount Hood Loop highway having from present Indications, are to be ot
been completed, all the road equip
was spent with music and fun,
finest quality, aud harvesting will
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote drove begin until about September 4, tbe enough force to knock the cab com- ment hag been moved to the state the
later ice cream and cake was serv­
be unusually early this year.
highway shops at Salem.
ed after which the girls adjourned up from Creswell Sunday and visit­ first trains as specials to arrive seriously hurt and was able to con­
Apprehended while attempting to
Construction of a «10,000 prune dry
gasoline for their car, Joe Wal­
to the straw stack to slumber(?).
here for the Trail to Rail celebra­ tinue on tbe job. The truck was er by S. A. Cumming & Song la under lace and
Charles Foster, trusties who
Mrs. Straley served a delicious Mrs. David Foote. They also call­ tion, August 19 and 20. Follow­ in charge of Delos Clark.
way at McMinnville to accommodate
escaped from the state penitentiary
breakfast to her daughter’s friends
Tbe toadster was occupied by the bumper crop which will be har­ Monday, were recaptured at Bly, on
ing the two day program and pa-
vested, beginning August 15.
in the morning. Those present Schroll.
the Klamath Indian reservation.
geant they will travel over the new two elderly ladies who miraculously
S. O. Oxborrow, who has Hood River
Rev. Robert Parker accompanied route to Klamath Falls. It is ex­ escaped injury when their car
were Cleona Smith, Louise Rob
Elzie Conger of Beecher Rock on the
nett, Pearl Pehrsson, Nora Pehrs- by bis family is spending his vaca­ pected that more than 2,000 peo­ partly knocked the truck to one valley's only commercial peach or­ Sluslaw, about 60. met almost Instant
chard. has started the harvest of this
when the car driven by W. B.
son, Rita Ried of Salem, Eleanor tion at Yachats.
ple will make the first trip which side and then continued wildly on­ season's crop. His fruit Is maturing death
Neeley In wlhch he was riding struck
and Anne Heinrich of Corvallis,
Ray L. Kimbrough and familv will carry them over the Cascades ward for several rods before it fin­ earlier than In normal seasons.
a truck on the Junction City Florence
Mrs. Donna Cross and Mearle Jean of Fort Scott, Kansas, visited at to the south Oregon metropolis.
Klamath Falla during July experi­
ally came to a atandstil) in the
(Continued on page 4)
the N. T. Sneed home Wednesday
Additional working crews have ditch at the roadside with tbe front enced the biggest building month In
night. Mr. Kimbrough is editor been scattered along the line in end crumpled almost beyond im­
of the Ft. Scott church Herald and the Oakridge section iu order to agination.
Banner and an old friend of the expedite completion of the job.
Sneed family. The Kimbroughs There are over 1.6C0 men at work Pine Grove Church
were enroute from Tacoma to A bridge gang is now finishing
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Rogue River.
work on a new structure across the
Preaching, Il a. m. Mias Milz-
J g g jfr
Mrs. E E. Botsiord of Salem
and daughter Irma, recently re- Springfield. E. L. King, Port-
Preaching 8 p. in. Miss Mitzner.
11rued from Honolulu, accom­ land division superintendent in a
panied by Phillip and Lucjle Jaa- meeting held here to arrange fori Church of Christ
kowski, drove to Halsey Thursday the arrival of trains carrying pas­
to spend a few hours with Mr. and sengers to the celebration, announc­
You want your shirt to look well, always.
ed that the line construction,
Mrs. N. T. Sneed.
though not quite ready for regular
I rue—the onl> part that-most folks see is the
Mr. and Mrs. B M. Miller and
service, is far enough advanced to
“V” above your vest. But that “V” be­
Miss Ruby Schroll took a trip to operate the special trains. It was
tbe Hughes peach orchard neat
speaks the style, the quality of your entire
also announced that the railroad
Peoria Friday. They report the
would offer one half fare from Ore­
trees as fairly breaking down with
gon points to the celebration.
P A IN T Your
tl e.t burden of luscious fruit.
The iowdown’
S h ir ts
Brighten your kitchen floor
PAINT. It dries quickly
to a tough enamel-like fin-
ish and stands the hard
scuffing and repeatedclean -
ing that kitchen floors get.
PAINT is economical be-
cause it spreads far and is
very durable.
Good also for kitchen walla
and woodwork.
■ Le* u> - (how you color cardi ■
Hill & Co.
Mrs. Carrie Overton and child­
ren, Hurley and Doris, are vaca­
tioning at Yachat».
The W. F. M. S. will meet at
the home of Mrs. George Starr
'riday afternoon. Cars to take
members to tbe meeting will be on
baud at the M. E. church.
Mrs. W. L. Welle and daughter
Genevieve were in Albany Wednes-
d iy.
Mrs. Hannah Cummings came
I home Saturday from a visit with
her daughter, Mre. John Gormlsy.
Mr. and Mre. D. H. Sturtevant
and daughters drove to Triangle
GLOBE, Albany
August, 8, 9, 10
“The Wise Guy ’
James Kirkwood
Betty Compaon
The Miracle man of 1926—Tbe use
of Religion Conveniently Repentance
and Belief— You'll Smile Through
your Tears with tW» story Comedy
Nothing Matters
Sunday School 10.
Preaching 11.
Christian Endeavor 7.
Preaching 8.
Clifford L. Carey, Pastor.
M . E. Church
Robert Parker paaior.
Sunday school, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 2:30,
Epworth league, 7.
Preaching, 8.
Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 8.
Bible StuJy Tueeday, 2.
You want inbuilt value, below the “V” and
in the fashioning. Smart lines. Deft tailoring
of shoulders, cuffs and sleeves.
See the style show ol Neustadter
shirts at Our Store.' Neustadter
Brothers, Established 1858, Portland
San Francisco, New York.
Halsey, Oregon