u i a i c n i u c i i c n s lic iti» I San Joaquin Valley Shaken by Quake Our Own Lillie 'I C o lle e n M o o r e A TTY -G E N E R A L MOODY (Continued from page 1) Fresno, Cat—A aeries of distinct earth tremors which rattled dishes cracked plaster, rocked chimneys and in some instances shook dishes off 0« shelves, was reported throughout the central San Joaquin valley about Id o'clock Sunday morning. No serious damage was done, early reports Indi­ cated. I I R I S H ’S have all Increased 10 per cent within the past 12 months. One hundred thousand boxes, the ! largest crop yielded in its history, is ’ the estimate orchardista have placed More Viraciont ’ on thia year's crop at the Modoc or­ More Win tome chard, one of the largest pear orchards More Beautiful Than eyer Before In the world, located 12 miles north Wonderful Gown5 aud a Pretty of Medford in the Table rock district. Love Story Canada Requires Motorist Registration The assessors of the Oregon and Washington, D. C.— Warning was is Comedy aud Byrd polar Might CaJifornla land grant counties met in sued liy the American A ato mobile as Eugene Saturday to discuss questions soclation to American motorists plan J pertaining to the carrying out of the nlng to visit Canada that they may be ! measure which was passed by con- refused admittance to that country if ALBANY | great a short time ago, refunding sev­ they do not have state registration eral years' taxes on the grant lands The new faces that are in our stora every day indicate th at the cards with them. August 1-2-3 to the counties. public is aware of the fact th a t we sell for less. Those who Citizens of Newport and Lincoln I Undersea Boat Makes Record Dive. make this store their regular grocery have proven to themselves county are discussing the announce- Provincetown, Mass.—The newly- ! ment made by a corporation repre- I constructcd United States submarine th at at the end of the month they have actually saved money. sentatlve that the Siletz river is to V-3 established a new record for deep he harnessed, a hydro-electric plant sea diving off Long Point, Massachu­ Canned String Beans Certo, bottle........ 29c built, electric power furnished to op | setts bay, by making a plunge of 220 N a 2 can each___________ lOc erate a pulp mill and water to be ! feet. The previous record, made by And they are good. Small White Beans brought to Toledo and Newport to ! : the submarine V-2, was 217 feet. 14 lbs. f o r ........................ »1.00 supply both cities. Coffee — Regular 38c The surveying crew working on the Bulk Pickles, pint 20c 3 lbs for.............. »1.00 Attorney-General Dan Moody, who proposed Wilson river road to the ran ahead of Governor "M a ” Ferguson coast under the supervision of C. R. Armours Compound Rogers Prepared in the Texas gubernatorial prim aries. Barns, state highway commission en­ Bulk, SPECIAL lb................21c Mustard, each......9c gineer, has completed work on the Pen Jell Apple Pectin Big Liquor Cargo is Taken. east side and has moved to the Tilla­ Hill Bros. Blue Can (Same action as Certo) pkg.lSc New York—The British auxiliary mook side to take up the survey where Coffee, Snecial for________ 47c schooner Mulhall was seized off Fire It was left off In the fall. The survey Introductory. Mexican Red Beans island with a cargo of alleged whisky is expected to be completed in six 13 lbs f o r ......................... j!,oo weeks. and malt valued at i90.000. C A P IT A L A N D SURPLUS S 3 5 ,0 0 0 Sardines in Oil Reg. 3 for 25c for................. 20c Reports at Salem indicate that Bulk Olives, pint, ,20c Commercial and Sav.ngs account» Solicited members of the public serVice com­ The King ar.d the Bandit Johnnie Armstrong, the celebrated mission are considering the issuance Scotch bsndlt, was seized and hanged ot an order citing the several rail­ by James V In 1529, when, with 36 roads involved in the proposed cen­ of his band, he offered his services tral Oregon railway development to to the king to suppress the riots of appear before the commission and the Marsh men. show cause why they have not com­ Highest Market Prices for Eggs plied with the recent order of the in­ * T o O b t a in H e a lt h y a n d T h r iv in g P u lle ts $ Card of Thank» terstate commerce commission. Protection as a watershed for the We wish to express our thanks Because your hens are net producing to the lim it, do not neg- to the many kind friends and city of Bend, of approximately 6000 neighbors who to kindly assisted acres of national forest land tribu­ lact them — Hodgen-Brewjter Poultry Feed will surely increase tary to the south fork of the Tumalo us in the sickness and death of creek will be provided in an agree­ your production now and later. We carry a full line of Hcdgen- ment which will be signed by Mayor £ In C o n n e c tio n W illi K e r r ’s S c ra tc h . * our beloved mother. Brewster Z j\' Fox and Recorder Bennett and then Mrs. Clara Perry sent to Secretary of Agriculture Par- Mr°. Lizzie Sinton B Liberal Discount on Ton Lots or More. The W dine for his signature. The city agrees W. G- McNeil and to cooperate In patrolling the area. F cod 7 hat Gives Results. M/ family The convictions of W. Harrison We deliver in the city Whitaker and George L. Jennings, ar­ Late Market Reports rested In Multnomah county charged with selling so-called "units ot inter­ i's itla n d Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, $1.42; est ' In an electrical device intended Baart, »1.41; federation, soft white for the extraction of gold from the western white. »140; hard winter^ waters of Mono Lake, California, with­ out first obtaining a permit from the northern spring, western red, »1.35. Please bring your container Hay—Alfalfa, »17.50018 ton; valley state corporation department, were af­ firmed by the state supreme court. timothy, »17..-.Uh 1-, eastern Oregon That the state highway commission timothy, »21021.50. Intends to ask soon for bids on con­ Butterfat—41c shippers' track. struction of the Roosevelt highway CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : Eggs—Ranch, 26031c. Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook- between the Siuslaw and Umpqua riv­ Truck ers through portions of Lane and T r ia ls , 27^c; loaf, 28 ^ c per lb. When you think of used cars, We have about 20,000 used sacks ranging in Cattle—Steers, medium, »7.6008.50. Douglas counties, is the belief of Lane Lina think of C E R T IF IE D PUBLIC Hogs—Medium to choice, $15.25016. county officials, who have been in­ price from 7c to 11c. Don’t overlook these bar­ Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice formed that a crew of state highway MOTOR CAR M ARKET. Used daily service engineers is now working on a survey cars only. 265 N. Church St., 1-2 Route all freight, Auto Freight Tei »10011.50. gains. south of Glenada, on the south bank block north of post oflice, Salem, niinal, Door 39. Phone EAst 5004 of the Siuslaw. Seattle, Oregon. Leave Portland each day at 4:00 p. in Bids for »40.000 worth of highway Wheat— Soft white, western white, Leave Halsey each day at 3:3o p. tu »1.40; hard winter, »1.36; western red, bonds were authorized by the special Halsey Depot, Swift A Co. Agent wanted in Halsey terri­ »1.35; northern spring, »1.38< Big commission In charge of constructing Portland, Brownsville ant Bend bluestem. B. B. northern spring the short-cut road through the Salmon tory. Sworn proof of »75 per week. river country to Otis, where 28 miles »1.41; B. B. hard winter, »1.39. H arrisburg Truck Line $1.50 an hour for spare time. In ­ Hay—Alfalfa, »25; timothy P. s., of highway will be eliminated on the troducing Finest Guaranteed Hosi­ road to northern Lincoln county. The »20; do, mixed, »26. commission will open the bids at Its ery. 126 styles and colors. Low Butter—Creamery, 390 40c. next meeting. August 4. Grading prob­ prices. Auto furuisbed. No capi- Eggs—Ranch. 30036c. ably will start within ten days after tai or experience necessary. H ogs-Prim e, »15.7S016.25. the bonds are sold. Cattle—Choice steers, »7.25 0 8. W ilknit Hosiery Company Dept. The water shortage In eastern and Cheese — Oregon fancy, 27038c; M-47 Greenfield, Ohio. standards, 22023c; Washington fancy central Oregon, with the exception of F irs i-c la s s W o r districts having prior rights to the triplets, 24025c. natural flows, is more serious at the For Sale:—75 one year old Bar. J - W. S T E P H E N S O N . present time than for many years, ac­ 8pokane. red Rock hene. »1 each. B. M. cording to reports received at thé of­ Hogs—Good. »14.75015.25. T l/f ounlain State» Power Company lias to many homo fices of the state engineer. The most Miller. Cattle—Steers, good, »708. , * shareholder. reoeiving a substantial eaah return serious shortage of water for crops TUSSING & TUSSING •very 'hr.-e months, that they form a « .«slant temptation to the was reported by the Crook county im PEACHES—Early Crawford and provement district and the Arnold Irri­ peddlers ot inferior, so called •Securities.” LAWYERS • early Charlotte, ready about gation company, both of which are in Halsey and Brownsville August 8. Muir and Elberta a central Oregon. « it and a regular c.ah income pe.d without fail, I), ah a re Itolder« are seldom deceived by Reclamation Commissioner Mead is little later. $125 per bushel at Oregon authority for the statement that activ­ orchard, bring boxes. Cale otch- fancy promises of future profits, ity will begin In the very near future ard. IU shareholders have the satisfaction ol knowing exactly on both the Owyhee and the Vale lrri , they are Investing in Rn)1 preri*ely how their money i. put ration projects, with limited funds that are available. A contract soon PEACHES for sale, one mile west to work in the construction of great permanent properties sup- III be let for building a road to the ol Pino Grove, n . L. Blood. plying vital services to the public. proposed dam site on the Malheur Laundry sent Tuesdays The time for glasses—is right at river, and the cost of this road, togeth­ . t .u T n’ y h a™ inVM,cd " " " ,lefi,,hc •» parformanc* Agency Hub Cleaning Works FOR SALE the braining of the trouble will er with sums that will be paid out for nd the ( ompany and its business are an ope,, hook at all times lands needed for rights of way for the ABE S PLAC E your eyes. Delays are dangerous Geuuine Cbickering Upright ready for their inspection. Ihe eye is the most delicate mem­ reservoir site canals and other works Piano. This piano in dark brown Hard cash income returns regularly paid four times a ber <>f the human body and every will exhaust the present appropriation cast and in excellent condition. for the Owyhee. About half the re­ year from a safe investment with ready m arketability appeal to moment you delay after the trouble cent appropriation for the Vale proj­ At a price that will surprise you. D ELBER T STARR caution and common reuse. Other good used Funeral Directsr and Licensed tarts you are getting just that ect will be paid out for a full half In­ Investigate. We W ill lx? Glad to Sene You in Your much toward possible blindness. terest in the Warm Springs reservoir, pianos at very low prices. Embalmer Come in today and let us examine and the remainder of that appropri­ Davenport .Music House, <09 west Investment Problems LA DY A S SIS T A N T ation will be spent on drainage work 1st st., Albany, Oregon. your eyes. Brownsville, Oregon which la a necessary preliminary and Our new address—318 West First for locating the main canal. “Ella Cinders” CASH STORES “Where the Thrifty Thrive” 5 GLOBE : : Stores : : 5 Saturday and Monday Specials Rural Enterprise 1 year f o r j . dollar HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon All Kinds of Good Things For Lunches Cash or Trade j Use Kerr’s w iui E » 11^ j rs.errs scratch. Poultry and Dairy Feeds J _ __ u/ » O . w . i RIJM 8 Crawford Peaches Friday Morning. $1.25 per bu. box SACKS! SACKS! P. 8.1H. Superior Sack Twine, 75c per lb. T. J. Skirvin Seed