^/^íbany_^)irectory Summon« In the Ciicuit Court of the State of T h is is good advice; “ If v ia live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in th at tow n." Hut in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of th eir buying in the larger town. T hose who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill th eir require m ents with courtesy au I fairness. GREAT SESQUI STADIUM OPENED AT PHILADELPHIA Oregon for Lin« County. DepL 2. Case No. 13,525. Greenberry Splawn, Plaintiff, vs. Humphrey Carter: the unknown heirs of Humphrey Carter if he he deceased; John Carter; the unknown heirs of John C arter if he be deceased; Kosana C arter Shelley; John Doe Shelley her husband; the unknown heirs ot Kosana C arter Shelley if she be deceased; Susan Bole- A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers man; John Doe Boleman her husband; • s * and plants. Floral art for every the unknown heirs of Eva Carter Funk and all occasions. deceased: Jam es Taylor; Lesta Taylor; Flow er phone 458-J. the unknown heirs of Fireby Carter Taylor deceased; Elizabeth Naby; the ENTRAL TIR E SHOP unknown heirs of Mary Fields deceased; Tire V ulcanuiug- Battery re­ Chris Fields; John L. Fields; Ella charging. 221 W. Second. Wicks, Lewis Wicks her hnsband ; I^illie Ed Falk, Fiop. L. C. Hodgson, known as a w riter Manning; Stella Joaes; Gus Cole; Frank of verae and prose under the nam e of astburn Bros.— T w o big grocery Cole; Chester Cole; H enry Cole; John stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Cole; Anna Jarvey; the unknown heirs “ Larry Ho," who was recently elected m ayor of St. Paul, Minn, Main. Good m erchandise at th e right of .Nancy M inerva Fields deceased, prices. kobert H. Fields, Pheby T. Fields his p o lite C afeteria and confectionery wife; John Fields, J. E. Fields his wife H o m e c o o k in g . P leasant s u r ro u n d ­ Thomas J. Fields; M atilda Ann Hayden; Administratrix’ Notice of Sale in g s . C o u rte o u s , e ffic ie n t ee rviee E A. Rhodes. Ella E. Rhodes his wife; of Realty VZe make our own candies. Ora Rhodes. Ja n e Roe Rhodes his wife W. S. D uncan . Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife Notice is hereby given that by Ü O R D SALES AND SERVICE R. V. Jenkins, M artha E. Jenkins his virtue of an order of the County wife, John W. Jenkins, Lottie E. Jenk ’ Tires and accessories Ftlete by AfCirO Sert'ice Corporoffow. »1 Repairs ins his wife, Delbert C. Jenkins, Laura Court of Linn County, Oregon duly The giant aren a In the centre of the Sesqul-Centan- rises on May 1 which formally opened the structure. In KiRK-PottA K M otor C o . ntal International Exposition site In Philadelphia was the stands a re seated 10,000 persons w atching the pro­ A. Jenkins, his wife; David Barnard, made and entered in the probate built in approxim ately 800 working days. It was com­ gram. A group of 10.000 persons la a large crowd but P o r t m i l l e r F u r n it u r e C o ., fu r n i- Ann Barnaid his wife, Jan e Kamstra. journal of said court authorizing pleted and In use a month before the opening of the big they are only a "drop in the bucket" In the big Philadel­ ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges L. K amstra her husband; izzie Jarvey, exposition which celebrates the 160th anniversary of the phia stadium . The boys paraded onto the field to the Funeral directors. 427-433 west First Lawrence Jarvev her husband; Kidd and directing the undersigned so signing of the D eclaration of Independence. This photo­ accom panim ent of fourteen bands and there went through street, Albany, Oregon. McDowell, M yrtle McDowell his wife; to do, the undersigned its Adminis­ graph. made from the air, shows nearly 3.000 boys on th eir drills and athletic exercises for th e benefit of city H enry McDowell, William McDowell; J. the playing field, m assed there for the dedicatory exer- officials and parents. U O L M A N & JACKSON tratrix of the Estate of William A. B, Sloan; Ruby Sloan; also all other Grocery— Bakery persons or parties unknown claim ing Brock deceased, will from and E v ery th in g in the line of eats RAILROAD WORK IS URGED Opposite PostofBce any rig h t, title, estate, lien or interest after Thursday, the 12th Day of in the real estate described in the com. August, 1920 at the office of T ub - Oregon Service Board Appeals to IM P E R IA L CAFE. 200 b.r-i plaint herein, defendants. • Harold G, M urphy Prop. sing & Tugging in Halsey in Linn I. C. C. to Get Action. To Humphrey Carter, the unknown Phone ¿65 County, Oregon proceed to fell at Salem .—Failure of the several rail­ heirs of H umphrey Carter if he be de- W k nev er close roads involved In the proposed C entral deased, John Carter, the unknow n heirs private sale for cash, subject to Buffalo. N. Y.—T h irty deaths had agneto electric co . j ( John Carter if he be deceased, Rosana confirmation of said court, the fol­ Kelso, W ash.—Thom as Dovery. Kel­ Oregon railw ay developm ent program PHILCO B A TTER IES to s ta rt construction operations, or been recorded Monday in Buffalo and so editor, m urdered June 19, 1925. was Carter Shelley, John Doe Shelley her with the famous Diamond-Grid plate lowing real property, towit: — vicinity from wood alcohol, presum ­ killed in a scuffle with F rank T. H art, agree to common ca rrie r privileges on priced to suit the consumer. 423 \V Firs husband, the unknown heirs of Rosana (F irst tract) ably sold at soft drink stands. Two the N atron cutoff, caused the Oregon ex-convlct, who had been prevented Carter Shelley if she be deceased, Susan TVIen aud money are best whet An undivided l-7th interest in public service commission to prepare leu lers have been arrested , one on a -1”A busy. Make your dollars work lr Boleman. John Doe Boleman her hus­ fee in the following:— Beginning from staging a boxing m atch in Kelso, a petition requesting th at carriers be homicide charge. T he police w ere according to a statem ent made at St our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate band, the unknown heirs of Eva Carter seeking Jam es Volker as the distribu­ B a n k . Under governm ent supervision Funk deceased, Jam es Taylor, Lesta 27.70 cbs. E. of the S. W. corner Louis to Clark Studebaker, former cited to appear before the In terstate tor of the liquor. Taylor, the unknow n heirs of Fireby of Sec. 9 in Tp. 14 S. of R. 4 W. Cowlitz county sheriff, by John Owen, commerce comm ission and show cause Over the week end th e death toll why they have not complied w ith an arinello parlors Carter Taylor deceased, Elizabeth Nabv, alias John W. Sm ith, H a rt’s partner (A beauty aid for every need the unknown heirs of Mary Fields de- of the Willamette Meridian, Or., in promoting the boxing m atch. order issued by the comm ission on in Buffalo was 13, while an equal num ­ St. Francis Hotel ber died in T oronto and other O ntario eased, Chris Fields, John L. Fields, and runuing thence N. 42.50 cbs. S tudebaker and Archie Leonard, of May 3 of th is year. W inifred Rose Prop towns, and four died In Lockport, N.Y. to the N. line of Thomas Shepherd The in terstate com m erce comm is­ Ella Wicks, Lewis Wicks her husband, the Portland police departm ent, are Acting Dry Chief Regan stated th a t Lillie Manning, Stella Joues, Gus Cole. D. L. C., Theuce E. 23 53 chs; returning to Kelso w ith Owen, who sion order authorized the extension of OSCOE AMES HARDWARE Frank Cole. C hester Cole. H enry Cole. 90 per cent of the liquor being sold In fhence S. 42.50 chs. to the S. line faces a first degree m urder charge, the N orthern lines from Bend to Kla­ Buffalo as gin contains poison. Med­ math Falls, eith er via the N atron cut­ John Cole. Anna Jarvey, the unknown of said sec; and thence W. to be­ following his a rrest at St. Louis. The W inchester Store ical E xam iner D anser diagnosed most heirs of Nancy Minerva Fields deceased, Details of Owen's statem ent, tele­ off, or an independent road. The Na ginning, containing 100 acres more of the cases ns "wood alcohol poison­ tron cutoff Is now under construction graphed by Studebaker. recite th a t y H K MARTIN LUDWIG SHOI Thomas J. Fields, Matilda Ann Hayden, ing. ‘ A combined drive by American or less. by the Southern Pacific company and E. A. Rhodes.'.Ella E .'R hodes his wife, the fight was to have been held June A Geo. L. H urler. Proprietor and nud Canadian officials In an effort to (Second tract) 20, but the bout was called off June 19 should be completed next month. Manager. Warm air furnaces, plumbing Ora Rhodes, Jane Roe Rhodes his wife, It was said by m em bers of the pub- dry up the source of th e poison liquor Alvin Jenkins, Lena Je n k in s his wife, following b itter opposition on the part An undivided l-7th interest in and sheet metal work, tin an 1 grave' He service comm ission here th a t the I an<* 1,un,s** those responsible for its roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal Iolm W . Jenkins, Lottie E. Jenkins his fee in the following;— Lot 2 in of Dovery. Kelso clergymen and officials of the N orthern lines and tho distribution will be made. others. vanized iron work, m etal skylights an« wife, Delbert C, Jenkins, I.aura A Southern Pacific apparently had made Sec. 8, in Tp. 14 8. of R. 4 W. Jenkins his wife, David Barnard, Ann of A few days previous, Owen said, he cornices, pumps of all kinds. io effort to reach an understanding 136 Ferry street, A lbany, Phone 127J Barnard his wile, Jane Kamstra, L the Willamette Meridian, Or., con­ had secured a gun from a friend. "I Kamstra her husband, Lizzie Jarvey was at th e hotel when H art came in,” relative to common user privileges on Lawrence Jarvey her husband, also all taining 30.55 acres more or less. Owen said. "H e said he had just •he N atron cutoff. Delay in reaching 'T H E HUB CONFECTIONER^ other persons or parties unknown claim Also beginning on the S. boundary bumped Dovery off and th at he would such an agreem ent, It was said, had Make it your m eeting place have to beat it. He stole an autom o­ retarded construction work and had Lunches. Ice cream, Ices, Home Made mg anv right, title, estate, lien or inter Spokane, W ash. — R esolutions to c .n d y . Special ivoon Lunch. est in the real estate described in the of and W. 25.30 chs. dist. from bile and he w ent to Laram ie. Wyo. On resulted In serious Injury to th e sta te R. c. Phillips. Manager. the United S tates governm ent calling complaint herein—of the above defend the S. E- corner of the D. L, C. of the way he told me he had gone to of Oregon. for the resto ratio n of Indian fishing Thomas McDaniel and wife, Not. see Dovery and that they were walk­ ants. Prem ier Orders Americans Guarded. rights and adjustm ent of difficulties S ervice I n th e name of t h e state of ore No. 2186, Cl. No. 45, in Tp. 14 ing down the stre e t arguing about (tie P aris.—P rem ier Poincare ordered on the various reservations were pass­ S ta tio n con , you and each of you are hereby re­ S. of R. 4 W . of the Willamette prizefight when they started to fight Paris police to provide g reater pro­ ed here by the second national Indian quired to appear and answer the com Meridian, Or., and run thence N. H art said he knocked Dovery down We “ ¿nd t l “ akM W i ll a r d » and hit him over the head with the tection for American and o th er to u r­ congress, attended by 400 delegates of plaint of the above named plaintiff now 24.585 chs; Thence W. parrallel butt of the pistol and as he did so it ists in France. The prem ier was dis­ more than a score of tribes. on file in the above entitled court and Under new managemen turbed by the recen t antf-Amerlcan Paul W apato of th e O kanogan tribes cause within six weeks from th e 23rd with the 8. boundary of said claim accidentally went off." L. M. Taylor, Prop. m anifestations in the stre e ts and In was elected chairm an of the 1927 In­ H art has not been apprehended. 82.54 chains to the W. boundary Jay of June. 1926, the date of the first 121 W- Second, Albany. tom e of the reso rts of Paris. He sum ­ dian congress, which will be conduct­ publication of this summons, and you of said claim; Thence S. *24.585 moned the prefect of police and or­ ed entirely by Indians. One of th e are hereby notified that if you fail to chs. to the 8. W. corner of said BRIEF GENERAL NEWS If you enjoy a good meal. dered th a t all tourist m otor busses be concluding acts of th is w eek's con­ •mil know a good meal when yon get it. ippear and answer said com plaint on or claim; Thence E. 32.54 chs. to be- supplied with an escort of bicycle po­ gress was the organization of a per­ >efore the 4th day of August, 1926, the William Tilden 11 of Philadelphia You'll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it lice, th a t a police guard be posted at m anent rep resen tativ e body of tribal ginning, containing 80 acres more last day of the tim e prescribed in the upheld his reputation as national tin Our aim is to please vou. tourist agencies, and Intlm atul th at delegates which will hereafter deal order for the publication of this sum or less, excepting therefrom that nls champion by defeating Lewis N. if these m easures were Ineffective the with the governm ent. moss, the plaintiff w ill apply to said certain tract of 26 60 acres more W hite of Austin, Texas, 6 3. 8-4. 8-3. use of m otor busses by tourists may The resolutions also asked establish­ ALBANY court for the relief demanded therein or less conveyed by eaid William A call for 60.000 outside harvesters be tem porarily suppressed. m ent of an Indian tub ercu lar hospital tow it:—For a decree of said coart that GEO - M. G IL C H R IST A. Brock et al to Flora Williams for w heat crops has been Issued by on the west coast and also the ap­ the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple Manitoba. Saskatchew an and Alberta by deed dated June 2, 1915, re­ authorities. Grain men estim ate crop Alleged Tippling Dry Chief Ousted. pointm ent of local Instructors to res­ of the S. W. ?4 *he N. W X oi bee, W ashington, D. C .~N ed Green, the ervation vacancies. 1 in Tp. 14, S. of R. 1 W. of the Wil corded June 29, 1915 at page 899 of th ree provinces at 375,000,000 bush San F rancisco prohibition adm inistra­ D escendants of Indian fighters and iam ette Meridian in Linn County, Ore of Vol. 108 of deed records of Linn els, 40,000,000 less than yield of last tor who said publicly he hud been giv­ Indian chiefs gathered a fte r the con­ at lowest rate of interest. gon and that you and each of you have County, Oregon, year. ing "p a rtie s” with confiscated liquor, gress and held a fratern al pow wow. Real Estate Insuranct no right, title, estate, lien or interest William A. W estfall, Mason City. (Third tract) was suspended from office by Acting Prom pt service, courteous treatm ent. n or to said real property or any part Iowa, was announced as the new pres An undivided l-8tb interest in Ident of Lions' International a t the S ecretary W inston of the treasury. thereof, that each of you be forever BEER-BY-GLASS DEFEATED W sj' IJ a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank jarred and enjoined from asserting any fee in the following:— Beginning m eeting In San Francisco. Miami, The suspension will rem ain effective builning, Albany pending an Investigation Into formal ight, title, estate, lien o r in terest there- 80 rda. S. and 80 rds W. of the Fla., was selected as 1927 convention Citizens by Vote of 1818 to 1451 n or claim thereon adverse to such ti­ N. E. corner of Sec. 8 in Tp 14 S. city. W estfall succeeds Benjamin F ' barges of m isconduct by Green, now Decide Against Project being conducted by the d istrict a tto r­ tle of plaintiff, and for such other and of R. 4 W. of W illam ette Merid­ Jones, Newark, N J. Vancouver, B. C —C itizens of New ney at San Francisco. further relief as may be equitable. P resident Calles of Mexico has pro­ W estm inster by a vote of 1818 to 1461 Why suffer from headache? ian, Or., and run thence W. 70 claimed regulations giving effect to Service of this Summons is made by Dallas, Tex.—A ttorney G eneral Dan decided against beer-by-lhe glass. They rds. more or less to the county Have your eyes examined the constitutional prohibition of relic Moody, running for the dem ocratic already have governm ent liquor stores publication thereof pnrsuant to an order made by the Hon. B. M. Payne, County road; Thence 8. 12 ft; Thence K. ious teaching in private schools. Tht nomination for governor ag ain st "M a" where hard liquors, wines and bottle udge of Linn Coualy, Oregon at Al­ 70 rds more or less to point due 8. rules prescribe th at no m inister of Ferguson, the incum bent, and tour beer may be obtained. bany, Oregon on and dated the 14th Day of begintiing; thence N. 12 ft. to any religious cult may act as the di­ other candidates, apparently polled W 'fb This action, following the rejection recto r of or teacher In a private school more votes than all of his opponents by plebiscite vote of the sam e pro­ of June. 1926, directing the publication beginning. In response to attack s by the British thereof to be made in the Rural Enter Ail said three tracts are situated press on the subject of the present put together, on the basis of unofficial posal a short tim e ago In R evelstoke prise, a newspaper published at Halsey, returns. and C ranhrook, Is considered Indica­ Jewelers Optometrists .inn County, Oregon once a week for in Linn County, Oregon and each prohibition conference In London. It If Moody can poll a m ajority of all tion of a changing a ttitu d e In British are subject to the use of each re­ was stated em phatically in official cir­ of the votes cast, he autom atically be­ Columbia tow ard liquor reform. six consecutive weeks. Albany Tusstng & Tussing, spective tract for the term of the cles th at the United S tates has not comes the dem ocratic candidate, which The brew eries In B ritish Columbia Attorneys for Plaintiff. natural life of Dicy Brock as con­ asked for the right of search and sels- is equivalent to election In Texas. sell to the governm ent, which through ure, nor made any unreasonable re­ Should he fall to receive more than Its liquor control board handles all Pcstoffice Address. Hslsey, Oregon. veyed by said William a brock et quest. half of th e votes cast, he would en ter orders and collects from them 13 60 al to said Dicy Brock by deed re­ a run-off prim ary next month with a barrel. The chief brew eries are Lincoln’s Last Son P astes On corded Vol. 100, page 214 of deed , Mrs. Ferguson, who ran second, more banded together Into an organization Waldo Anderson and Son. Props records of said couoty; and a i r M anchester, Vt — Robert T Lincoln, than 100.000 votes behind. known to th e public as the British Co­ only surviving son of P resident Abra­ Tho lead Moody m aintained over lumbia A m algam ated B rew ers and said tracts are subject to right of, ham Lincoln, was found bead in bed __C hrysler C ars Manufacturers of dower of Lulu Brock as widow of at hia sum m er home here. H is death G overnor Ferguson held Interest be­ these charge the governm ent 318 50 a cause of the challenge issued to barrel. One of the features In th e A tw a te r K en t R ad ios said William A. Brock deceased. was discovered by servants who went Moody a t the opening of Mrs. Fergu­ cam paign now going on is the profits to call him. Mr Lincoln, who had Lulu Brock, son's campaign. T hat in effect was 'h e brew ers are m aking as compared A c c e sso r ie s and S u p p lies A Im m istratrix aforesaid. served as secretary of war, m inister th at if Moody led her by one vote she with other businesses In floating to G reat Britain and for years as pres- Harrisburg, Oregon. I i Ident of the Pullm an company, of late would resign, provided Moody would brew ery slock here some tim e ago, It - D ay and N ig h t S to r a g e - agree to resign his position 4* a tto r­ was said brew ery officials told the Tussing & Tusdng had been In feeble health. He would 1st and Eaker 81». ney general If she led him by 26,00(1 public th a t 800 per c en t profit was Atty», for Admx. | have been 83 years old on August L ALBANY OREGON. assured,"_ __ . . .. . _ C E HART SLEW OOVERY, ACCUSED MAN SAYS 30 KILLED BY POISON LIQUOR M M R ASK RESTORATION OF FISHING RIGHTS Willard PA R A G O N CA FE FA R M LOANS Dr. Seth T. French F. M. Frencn & Son - Highway Garage - Albany Creamery Association L IN N BU TTER and Buyers of Eggs Farm ers’ Co-operative Creamery