s? * )/ ( A g rc u ltu re H o rt ¡c u ltu re L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County HAL9EY, OREGON WBDNESDAY JULY 2«. 1926 ton, and her mother, - Local and Personal Mention- line Ackley. Mrs. Ange F. a , D a i r y P o u ltry W ool NUMBER 13 jN e w s I t e m s F r o m E n t ¡ r e g t a t e Mrs.Theodore Falk of Salem was Misses Nora and Pearl Pehrsson gene Monday, supervising the ins accompanied by Mrs. Eliza Brand hostess ro a very pleasant family provements being made on the the 1 Flr* de8tr°yed the »50,000 stock of lountain park In southern Benton reunion which was C’ VCD at intj on drove to Albany Saturday. in , n aU.day p,cn,c , nd re Laubner place. home of C. L. F.lg sr. Sunday. ’ °f M Sternberg 4 C° county union. Mrs. Frost Banner of Eugene She was assisted by Mrs. Conrad Eight cars of lambs and about Summer homes near the Mount has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Falk of Salem and Mrs. R. E. j The Pacific Northwest Real Estate ten cars of hay moved over the S. association held Its tenth annual meet­ Hood Loop highway, six to ten miles E, L. Bass. Bierly. There were about 70 pres- ing In La Grande. P. from Halsey the past week. east of Sandy, were threatened tor a time by a fire In slashings on the Misses Mearle Straley ar.d Edith ent. Those from a distance were The new Western Union and South­ So far during the month of July Long were Albany visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Falk, Albert holdings of the Dixon-Hewitt Lumbei P. J. Forster accompanied his ern Pacific Telegraph line over the company. son-in-law Fred Roberts of Eugene there have been 18 new bona tide Ben Allen of Oregon City arriv­ Falk and daughter Emma of Mt. Eugene & Klamath Falls railway Is An effort will be made at the next to \ achats Saturday evening, re­ subscribers added to the Enterprise ed Tuesday afternoon and will Angel, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore completed. session of the legislature to amend subscription lists. During the turning Sunday evening. Hubert Murrlll, 27. was killed in Falk and son James and daughter* same period three names have been make bis home with his brother, Oorpa, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Falk •tenlly near Meacham, when be was the market road fund law so that counties would direct the expenditure iom Miller, berry grower in the dropped for non payment, leaving W. A. Allen for a time. struck by an O.W. R. & N. company and daughter Ruth of Salem and freight of their respective shares of the state locomotive. Brownsville district was in town a net gain for the month of fifteen Mr. and Mrs. Will Beene return­ Julius Falk and family of Harris­ market road fund. the first of the week. He says he names. Devil fish are invading Coos bay. ed to their home at Long Beach, burg. The gentlemen of these A check In the amount of >144.203 35 fishermen report. The public Is warn sold more than 50 tons of logan r p p , .. . „ berries and lo ton, .1 kl.nk ber. , n . L i ? J Pe’ ' California, Wednesday morning. families are brothers of C. L. Falk ed to be careful of their children and covering inheritance tax on the estate of the late Mrs. Jeannette Meier of dleton is hers visiting his brother, L. H. Armstrong and family and sr. Others who attended were F. families when bathing. ries this year. Portland, was received at the offices E. B. and family. They all went Mrs. Walter Stuart of Albany spent W. Falk and family, H. J. Falk All population records at the Ore­ of the state treasurer at Salem. Mrs Ralph McNeil has been employ­ to Newport today for a couple of Saturday night at the A. C. Arm­ and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. gon state penitentiary were shattered Meier died recently. ed as time keeper for the South, days. strong home at Oaklaud, Oregon Falk and children, Mrs. L. R. last week when the register showed The dusty streets of Newport are a total of 594 prisoners. being sprinkled with ocean water. ern Pacific extra construction gang and visited relatives in Rosebuig Falk aud children, Mr. and Mr ». For sale or rent:—My residence The city council. In conjunction with Howard Hoff. 20. of Glendora Cal that is temporarily located in Hal­ property in Halsey. Mrs. Adda Sunday. R. E. Bierly aqu eone. C. H. Falk the business men, have provided funds and Steve Maxey, who lives on a sey while raising the track along Leeper, Albany or H. C. Davis, Among the Pioe Grove items on Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Carey and ranch four miles from Grants Pass to run a truck sprinkler on tbs main this section. Halsey. streeta of the city during the dry sea- page two there is an item stating children, Carl Seefeld and family, were drowned In the Rogue river. son. the Misses Louise and Esther Sec. that the community meeting will F. I. Kinney was here from Eu- Work of dredging shoale In the Sius Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and feld, Miss Edith Smith, Mr. and More than 6000 members were sign­ two sons of Central Point, who aro be held on Friday evening, but Mrs. D. F. Burge, Albert West law river under an appropriation ol ed up In Klamath Falla during a five- »’ 5.000, made by congress some time M .E . Churches to Combine Sunday old friends of Mr. aud Mrs. D. H. since the items were printed the ago. will be started this fall. It Is be day campaign by the "Stop Forest and Ernest Raster. Fires association." an organization Sturtevant, spent the week end plans have been changed and the Picnic dinners and supper were lleved. meeting is now scheduled for Sat- The Peoria charge of the Method­ here with them. which was started by the Klamath Work has been begun by the Mod turday evening, July 31, when of­ served cafeteria style from well era Woodmen of the World lodge ot county chamber ot commerce two ist church, consisting of Lake Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leeper also ficers for the ensuing year will be laden tables on the lawn. TLe years ago. Creek and Peoria churches, will Medford in erecting their new >10,00< Mr. and Mrs. Cloud Davis were elected. Falks plan to make the reunion an reinforced one-story concrete head Fred Bennloa, .Umatilla county combine in a united service at the visitors at Sodaville Sunday. annual affair. agent, has announced his decision to quarters building. Smith Picnic grounds on the river Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Sturtevant ; A campaign of coyote poisoning will accept the position as state loader ol Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross ac and daughters visited at Lebanon, north of Peoria on Sunday, Aug. be carried on in the northern part of county agents of Montana. His resig. New Undertaking Parlor 1st. There will he Sabbath school companied by Miss Mona Boud Waterloo and Sodaville Sunday. Benton county for the next month by nation was placed In the hands of the at 10:00 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 motored to Triai gle lake Sunday. county court and will become effective Chester of the United States August Win. White and George Max­ 10. W. L. Wright, well known fu biological Hieht survey. by Rev. H. S. Shangle the Presid­ Mrs. B. M. Bond and son Wel­ well have just finished building a nerel director of Harrisburg The Interior department has author- hus ing Elder, and we want all the lington are visiting friends in Cor­ Walter Talley, 42. of Freewater modern and commodious chicken purchased the L R. Wilson prop­ was found by his wife hanging from lied the sale, at public auction, ol friends to unite with us. We vallis. house at the Cloud Davidson erty in Halsey and has William the rafters ot the barn by a baiter 1,196,353 acres of Oregon and Califor­ shall also have a baptismal ser­ ranch. Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Waggener White and Geerge Maxwell busv chain. Despondency is supposed to nia grant lands, and 83,000 acres ol vice at 3:30 p. m. if there are the Coos bay wagon grant. The land have caused the act. Mrs. Lyman Patton and two transforming the huildiug into one those who want to be baptised and Mrs. Wilma Waggener of lies In 18 different counties and con The Medford post of the American thus. Just before this we will have Lebanon, were in Halsey Saturday. daughters spent the week end with that will be suitable for an under­ Legion at the state convention at tains a stand of yellow and sugar pine, taking parlor with residential Marshfield next month will Introduce red, yellow and white fir, white and our last quarterly canfereuce for Mr. W’aggener had just returned reiatives.iu Portland. from his ranch south of Browns­ quarters adjoining. a resolution favoring the establish port orford cedar and hemlock esti­ the year. Come, everybody. Mrs. L. E. Walton of Harris­ mated to run to 33.852,808.000 feet, ville where he had been looking D. C. Rossman, who has been ment of a state police force. H. R. Tate, Pastor. board measure. after his band cf 600 sliesp. He burg was In town Monday, the with a prominent firm of funeral Steps toward perfecting an organl- Eight persons were killed and 36« xation to handle the accrediting of has in his flock, the New Zealand guest of Mrs. Stafford. directors in Eugene for the past Pine Grove Church persons were Injured in motor vehicle breeding flocks and hatcberles were breed of sheep lately imported from Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chance and three years will havo charge of the accidents In Oregon during June, ac­ New Zealand. Mr. and Mrs. H. W Chance and Halsey parlors, Mr. Wright an- taken at the fourth annual poultry cording to a report prepared by T. A. men's convention at Corvallis. Sunday school 10 a, m. Kenneth Cross has been quite grandson Harry, drove to Eugene nouooes. Mr. Rossman with his By a vote of 49 to 2, the electors of Ruffety, chief Inspector for the state Preaching, 11 a. m Mies Milz Friday. wife and two daughters will occupy the Vale Irrigation district approved automobile department. ill the past week at the home of tier. Preaching 8 p. m. Miss Mitzner. bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Grace Pehrsson spent the the building as soon as it is com­ the contract offered them by the Unit­ Between 150 and 200 acres of stand­ ed States reclamation service for the ing wheat were burned over on the W. F. White but he was able to week end at Pine Grove with her pleted. Frank Mell ranch, six miles south of construction of the Vale project. Church of Christ return to bis work with the Wood- parents. The Dalles, in a fire that threatened Six granges Joined In a picnic and We call your attention to the ad worth Drug Co. at Albrny Mon- Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Davis are on page four of Irish’s Cssh Store basket dinner at the state fair grounds one ot the heaviest grain producing day. at Salem. Granges represented at the districts in Wasco county for a time. visiting at the home of their son, at Brownsville. A steady, substantial growth for picnic were Salem, Woodburn. Stay Mrs. W’ilma Waggener, society Harry Davis and also at the homes ton. Turner, North Howell and Ma McMinnville during the past 12 months editor of the Lebanon Express has of their daughters, Mesdames John Improving Brownsville Road cleay. Is Indicated In a report Issued by the been visiting her brother A. O. Willbanks and Lyle Chance. In honor of Mrs. Martha E Hawley. chamber of commerce. Bank deposits Waggener and wife. The Brownsville road out of Hal­ »2, a pioneer of the Oregon territory, postal receipts and savings deposits Karl Bramwell and family en­ sey is the center of much activity some 40 relatives gathered at Bell (Continued on page 4) Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Holloway joyed an outing at Sodaville and the past week. The county bas have been driving back and forth Waterloo Sunday. two crews of men at work, one crew from their home at Brownsville Preparations are being made to is cutting and burning the brush each day while Mr. Holloway helps take an inventory at the Sturte­ Sunday School 10. along the roadside, while the other in the Frum warehouse during the vant store next week. Preaching 11. *■ engaged in tearing down the old busy season. Christian Endeavor 7. Mrs. Jesse Pugh had as visitors fences and rebuilding new ones Preaching 8. About twenty-fire Epworth Leag­ last week, Mrs. Farwell of Port­ a distance of ten feet back from Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. ue member gathered at the home land and her two sisters, one from the old ones. The Mountain of Miss Mearle Straley last Tues­ Los Angeles and the other from States Power company has a force M . E. Church day evening for a business and so­ Grants Pass. of men moviug their power line cial meeting. A very pleasant The Potter sewing club held their back to the proper place under the eveuing was spent by all. Robert Parker pastor. meeting at Smith’s grove near new conditions. The Bell tele-1 Sunday school, 10. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts and Peoria Wednesday afternoon. A phone company also have a gang ou want your shirt to look well, always. Prracbing, 11. daughter Lucile of E"gene visited picnic lunch was served and swim­ at work rooting their line over. 1 rue— the onl> part th at most folks see is the Junior League, 2:30, Mrs. Roberts parents,Mr. aud Mrs ming was a diversion, A feature The road is to be straightened, Epworth league, 7, P. J. Forster last Wednesday even­ of the afternoon was a shower of widened and placed on a standard little “V" above your vest. But that “V” be­ Preaching, 8. ing. useful articles given to Mrs Harry grade, giving Brownsville and the speaks the style, the quality of your entire Praver-meetine, Thursday, 8. Mrs. Clifford Carey and baby Springer, whose home was recently Calapooia valley a better outlet to shirt. Bible Stu Jy Tuesday, 2. the railroad and Paific highway daughter accompanied Mr. Carey burned. at Halsey. down from Eugene when he came J A. Stevenson, P. J. Foretar You want inbuilt value, below the “V” aud i to fill his appointment at the and A. G- Waggener have been <2heck c/p Boyi Take Nap, Ford Take« Ditch in the fashioning. Sm art lines. Deft tailoring Christian church Suoday. It was getting new poles, putting them in — On your Summer Needs — i ‘‘Miss Careys” first trip down. ot shoulder«, cuffs aud sleeves. the ground and assisting _ with the Thomas Miller and James Rtc- Everything for the Harvester Mr. and Mrs. Wat ns Walker work of overhauling the telphone tor, local youths, left Halsey Satur- from Eye Shades and Goggles and family of Portland arrived lioee. The switchboard has been day night for Newport where they See the style show of Neustadter to foot powder and corn remedy j Saturday and are visiting the form­ overhauled and put iu order by O. -pent 8unday seeing the sights. shirts at Our Store. Neustadt»r er’s tister, Mrs. George Starr. E. Bays of Portland, an expert in Ou the return trip Sunday night Brothers, Established 1858, Portland iJor The Misies Nellie and Pearl tbte line of work end for many all was lovely until a point about San Francisco, New York. freckle creams, bleach cream, Falk returned from a visit at Cor- years with the Bell Telephone Co. two milee north of Halsey was I he line« running west from the reached when sleep overcame cleansing cream and cold cream ' vallit Saturday. office have been repaired, also some vour.g Miller, who was piloting the •7z>y Mrs P. J. Forster and her son-in- of the country lines. These lines Ford, end they went into the law, Herman Steinke drove to ere said to have been in very LtAl ditch. Miller recived several deep Portland Friday. Mr. Steinke re­ condition. Although there will be cute when bis bead struck the glass turned the next day but Mrs. For­ eome expense, patrons should now wind deflector, sod bled profueelv I ster remaioed for a weeks visit with Open Wed. and Sat. eve till 9 get enough better service to justify A pesscr-by brought him into town her daughter, Mrs. Preiton New- the outlay. j where Dr, Mark« fixed him up. Mr. an J Mrs. O. W. Frum and family attended the celebration in honor of the golden wedding anni­ versary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Parrish of Newport at the home of the latter’s brother, Charles Bates, near Scio, Sunday. The iowdown’ on S h ir ts F IN E Halsey Pharmacy S H IR T M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon