PACE 4 RURAL ENTERPRISE JULY 21 S tatew id e News Ite m s — (Continued from page 1) GLOBE Gaili-Curci Swayed by the Seer of Sweden P 0 P U I, D. & H. ( Truck Line DAILY SERVICE at least so far as the records show was receiver? in the offices of th Route all freight. Auto Freight Ter­ ALBANY state game commission In Portland minal. Door 39. Phon» KAst 5004 ; It is a cow moose, and was killed b> Leave Portland each day at4:OOp. m. u a train in Coos county when it wa- Leave Halsey each day at 3:3o p. m. I bumped off a trestle. Halsey Depot, Swift & Co. Picturization of The state motor vehicle derartnaen- Portland, Brownsville and ! which has occupied the house of rep “The Tale ofTwo Cities" i J resentatives and state senate cham­ Harrisburg Truck Line BY ber at Salem during the last two years. Charles Dickens I will be moved into the building now occupied by the Capital Business col­ COMBDY lege, according to announcement mad-- B e a r Cats by the secretary of state. AND Proceedings were filed in the cir­ H odge Podge cuit ccurt at Salem against Sam A. Firsl-class W ork Kozer, secretary of state, to enjoin JULY 25-26-27 him from placing on the ballot at the J. W STEPHENSON. November election an initiative meas­ ure prohibiting the use of fish wheels TUSSI NG & TUSSING and seines in the Columbia river east Hubbard to Have Local Pap;r of the Cascade mountains. LAW YERS F. G. Leary of Portland was elected M U M no* x. Halsey and Brownsville Tbe printing 6 - - r plant at Hubbard, _ . o . cu .. n .. , of . a San . m rrancisco, president of the Oregon Baptist con­ , . XfX ’ r X E. t . A. Selfridge, age, ur., J r , ot Francisco, a FU X z. M r, i I, 1. ,1 a I. .. X h i , I ' zt ( Z • Oregon Marion countv ha« been ih e for prominent in the Pacific coast lumber vention at the closing session at Mc­ Rome tim e and tbe business men o f! industry, who has been appointed Minnville. R£v. W. H. Robbins of Prima Gives Wonderful Interpretation tbe community deciding they need- American lum ber trade commissioner Pendleton was named vice-president. Professor E. 8. Gardiner of McMinn of the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg— ed a local paper, bald a meeting I *n the Far Eaat- ville historical secretary, Rev. C. S and formed a com pany and pur­ Tunnel! of Portland recording secre­ chased tbe plant and appointed STO RM S K ILL N IN E IN EAST tary and W. O. Sims of Portland treas­ I di, — zip,, — sent A T .. — _> . Laundrv Tuesdays ENRY FORD’S Dearborn Inde-lThen answer to yourself the number urer. one of their members as editor Agency Hub Cleaning Works pendent publishes a remarkable of years that ought to be required to Lightning and W ind Play Havoc According to Hugh Sproat, secretary They bave secured the services ot article on Galli - Curci and master these thirty-two volumes.” From Maine to Ohio. of the Oregon Wool Growers’ associa­ Emanuel Swedenborg, by Clarence W. Mean More Than Any Other Books ABE S PLA CE a printer and are now in charge. New York, N. Y.—Nine deaths and tion, practically all of the 1326 wool Barron of the Wall Street Journal, . Mr- Barron, still credulous, con- property damage estimated at $259.' 99 clip is in the hands of buyers and the world famous financial authority. t‘" u.ed ^.s corres^ndence with marked a path of Sunday electrical, warehousemen. There is,® he esti Market News Interpretations Mr. Barron declares that Galii- m r „ S * k o ™ T °"i . D ELBERT STARR rain and wind storms from Ohio to mates, about 1,000.009 out ot the 18,- « a. , - $ i - H e learned that soon after she lost Cur« has the most wonderful brain her dear mother ghfi g Maine. 000,000-pound clip remaining in the Funeral Directsr and Licensed he has ever met or heard of in a Writings of Swedenbo ¡„ / degi„ Continued reports of unfavor In addition, three boys who set out hands of growers. The average price woman, although she I, much more tn know more about th“ other Embalmer „ able conditions in the spring wheat In a canoe from Sandy Hook, N. J, to growers was about 30 cents per a true woman withi a life and soul ,vhcnce her mother had ghe LADY ASSISTA NT belt of tbe United States and Can­ were missing. Four deaths in New pound. of affection for all that is ennobling pi;nt tha entire gummer vacatlon Brownsville, Oregon ada have tended to raise pric< England were caused by lightning. An altercation near McMinnville and uplifting in the family, and in stadying Swedenborg's Works, and Four others were killed by falling , dec;ore, 5:15 a. m. plishmants Gaili-Curci had read all deepest questions. They seemed in 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. flag ed annually from fines collected by local clover failures and smaller Crops were damaged by wind and 34, 4:08 p. m. 31, 1:34 p. in. flag the counties for prohibition violations. the Theological Writings of Emanuel perfect harmony mentally and spir- seed yields than earlier prospects hail in Maine and New Hampshire. Noe. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers Swedenborg. The claim seemed so itually, as in their work in music, The prohibition department now has absurd to Mr. Barron that he thought from south of Eugene. indicated. Wanted to Learn approximately $30,000 to operate on it might be easily punctured by a Ruling Attacks Ship Marriages. “She wanted to know about the No. 31, direct connnction for Marshfield A good many early potatoes are during the remainder of this year. points. simple inquiry as to the edition. 'Grand Man’. I told her it would be Washington. —Many couples who available for market and tbe price for sruth of Eugene, should There were three fatalities in Ore­ The Bible a Greater Work Than Ever j easier to comprehend it if she would Passengers have been married on the high seas take train No. 17. ie rather low. The July crop esti­ gon due to industrial accidents during TO Mr. Barron’s direct inquiry j forego the idea of time and space and by the skippers of government ves­ Halsey-brownsville Stage leaves Hal­ mate indicates another short po­ sels may have to have the knot tied the week ending July 15, according to Madame Gaili-Curci promptly re- consider, as Swedenborg says in ‘The sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8:19 p. m. plied: “Yes, I have read in the past Apocalypse Explained’, that every so- Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. and tato year for the east with a west­ all over again Just to be safe. In in­ a report prepared by the state indus­ year the complete Swedenborg Works, ciety in the heavens connects with 3.35 and 8:45 p. n t . ern crop like that of last year. structing the musters of ail govern­ trial accident commission. Tbe vic­ in fact it Is the Rotch Edition of the some organ of the human body and ment ships to discontinue the practice tims were Fred Petersteiner, Bray Houghton Mifflin Co. that I have. helps to sustain it. Therefore the : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : of performing marriage ceremonies, Hill, planer feeder; George E. Bairoy, “I can say certainly that the Bible heavens have the organization of the Nebraskans to Picnic August 1st the general counsel of the shipping Salem, driver, and Edgar S. Berry, to me is a greater work than it was j Grand Man', but we need not think i °F >t as a shape or figure. board said: “The master of a mer­ Vernonia, undecker. A total of 857 before.” \\ hen you think of used cars, The 5th annual picnic for form­ chant vessel of the Unlterd States has accidents was reported during the . Mr. Barron says: “My astonish- “ ‘Yes,’ exclaimed her husband, 'I think of C E R T IF IE D PUBLIC week. ment was intensified. Familiar over, 3ee *t; it is organization.’ I explained, er Nebraskans will be held at th no authority to perform the marriage MOTOR CAR M ARKET, Used Frederick L. Miller. Portland jewel­ many years with Swedenborg’s gen- also, how the ‘Psalms’ likewise con- Colorado Lake picnicgronnds three cc reniony.” eral theolpgicnl writings, 1 had set nected with every society of the cars only. 255 N. Church S t., 1-2 er, filed an appeal in the United States mile» ast of Corvallis on the ca it- supreme court in which he challenges out to read tho entire thirty-two vol- heavens, and how the world within block north of post office, Salem, M eeker Revisits Oregon T ra il »ide Corvallie-Al haoy road Sunday, umes preparatory to an advertising, an(i without was knit together in one the section of the Oregon automobile campaign for the sale of this edition, ftrand poem and song of creation, man Oregon. New York. Ezra Meeker, 96-year- August first. law under which he was convicted of Reading a few pages each day I fn *:n *he image of his Maker and knit Tbe committee urges tin t you old veteran of the Oregon trail, has manslaughter In connection with the ished my self-imposed task ip four- Him through the heavens, from Agent wanted in Halsey terri­ started to re-travel in an automobile arrive early and bring your lunch. tl.e route he covered 74 years ago be­ death of Mrs. Alma Hall in Multnomah teen years. I shall probably finish a j which he has life in every organ of tory. Sworn proof of $75 per week. county. Miller contends the law is second reading, at my present rate of his body. Coffee will be fumishe I. hind an ox team with hts wife and progress, in perhaps ten years. Was ! Swedenborg’« 32 Volum es Read ia a $1.50 an hour for spare time. In ­ Last years attendance exceed- baby In a covered wagon. This will unconstitutional and the indictment it possible that a woman with no , , Single Sum m er troducing Finest Guarantee-1 Hosi­ returned against him In tbe case was be the fifth time he has made tho 1300. previous knowledge or relation to " Now I understand,' she said, and ery. 126 styles and colors. Low Insufficient. Journey. „ other .. me for explanation of Production of lumber for more than these books had really intelligently as,;ed things. Her intelligent questions, _ prices. Auto furnished. No capi­ read them within a year?” 100 Pacific coast sawmills decreased well as her statements, left no man­ tal or experience necessary. Swedenborg's Writings from 114,118,688 feet for the week ner of doubt that Gaili-Curci had Mr. Barron continues: “As an ended June 26 to 73,152,430 feet for performed the me stupendous siiqiv-iiuuus ieat feat of Ot W ilkuit Hosiery Company Dept. tl» week ended July 10, according to economist writing state papers on reading the thirty-two volumes of M-<7 Greenfield, Ohio. the weekly report of production, or­ weights, measures, coinages and cur Swedenborg in a single summer sea- ders and shipments, issued by the renciee, Swedenborg is easily com- Mn. she declared ’Heaven and Hell’ a Tor R ent:— 100 acres near Hal­ prehended. As an engineer transport- very attractive and popular title and West Coast Lumbermen's association. ing ships overland he is easily visual- concerns that about which people are sey, Write 3 . T. Sudtei, Albany. New business fell front 124,588,683 Izod. As a government official in the most , ager know; but ,g feet to 77,173,405 feet for the saint great mining industry of Sweden, of Swedenborg's great works- al For Sale:—75 one year old Bar. period and shipments decreased from writing practical books on mining though It makes a good populai1 and and smelting, declared to be the foun- introductory work.” 117,433,950 feet to 74,876.094 feet. red Rock hens. $1 each. B. M. a Help in Her Work Officials having supervision over dation of modern metallurgy, he is Miller. I PAN S \\ ELL to apply tho conservative Gaili-Curci understands the writ- the tax rolls In the 18 Oregon coun­ of Interest in the encyclopedia of sci- tests recommended by hankers before ties which will benefit from the ad­ entific history. As the writer of vol- ingi of Swedenborg even better than PIANO MUST BE SOLD vance of tax money on the Oregon umes—original studies in search for theologians, because she puts them placing your funds in any investment. the human soul—he is not without ,nto practice in the broadest life of and California grant lands have been human Will sacrifice high-grade piano interest. i loving helpfulness. If you will take the trouble to analyze tbe 7 per cent Pre­ requested by Senator Stanfield to pre­ in storage near here for im m ediate "But when one comes to the realm She said that Swedenborg had ferred Shares of Mountain States Power Company you will find pare the billings which they will pre­ of the unseen, where there is neither helped her in her work. She had no sale. Will give easy terms to an sent to the Interior department, be­ time nor space upon which to rest longer to think of herself but of her that the invest m -nt fully merit« your confidence. ginning the work by bringing the rolls mental conceptions, few may enter audiences, and let the music flow established home. For fuil par­ ou will find the all important element of safety, the a t­ up to date from 1915, when the last Into tho fullness of tho revelation. through her: regard herself just a ticulars and where it can be seen, tractive feeture o, a liberal cash return and a quick m arketabil­ payments to the counties on the O. which has come into the libraries of medium for life to pour through She address Portland Music Co., 227 & C. lands were made under the the world through Emanuel Sweden- felt with and for her audiences and 6th St. Portland, Oregon. ity in caM you should want to so s. 11. borg. singing was no effort for her. Chnmbf rlaln-Fetris act. “Think of twenty modern-sized AU Fear Vanishes Morover you will find Ibeaj claims hick d by E IG H T It will require approximately 82.- volumes, originally written in the "The more you do—the more you FOR SALE years of «teady dividend paym ents at tho full rate, as regular 000.000 In addition to funds now obli­ Latin tongue and unfolding from the give forth—the more life and energy Genuine Chickering Upright gated under the state bonus lrf.w to Hebrew of ’Genesis’ and 'Exodus’ the is poured into you, and you are and dejwudaide as thu lour seasons of tbe year. comply with the recent ruling of the internal or spiritual sense that lies stronger and not weaker for the do- Piano. 1 his piano in dark brown state supreme court that members of beneath the letter. Annex a dozen ing. the working and the singing I case and in excellent condition. the student army training corps were more similar volumes that not only always feel stronger; I am not ex­ members of the United States army expound every picture set forth in hausted at all by ray singing. Swed- At a price th at will surprise yon. O ther good used during the world war and are entitled the book of 'Revelation' as conveyor enborg shews the reason and how life Investigate, to benefits under the loan provision of a l us truth of universal comes in as you pour it forth usefuUv piano« at very low prices. of the act. It was estimated that more application throughout invisible tic- to othars You don't have to try or Davenport Music House, 409 nest than 1000 members of the student grves of creation and life, but also' worry or fret. You know it is not you 1st st., Albany, Oregon. illumine all the problems of sex as but that it is just being done through army training corps would be eligible preaented throughout the universe you." * tor loans under ike state relief «cl from the union of the love and wis- Speaking further of the help Swed- Si ECIAL BARGAIN! House dom in the divine down to sex crystal- cr.borg had been to her in her work Office Ex-Honduran President D ie t and email barn and six lots in lization In the mineral kingdom; in- she said: "One gets so much more New York.—Dr Francisco Rertracd. rude the dee pcs. of all works ever confidence. The other world and tha North Brownsville. Price for M ountain States Power Company ex president of Honduras, died of heart wr.tten en’.tled, in the original Latin, one life, that comprehends all life quick sa!e S550.00. Act quickly disease at 1-* Ceiva. Honduras. Ho Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Di- becomes reality and all fear aud secure a home before this of­ ( Y o u Should bo a Sharoholdor) worry vanish." was 56 years old and was president of ▼me Lore and the Divine fer it withdrawu. Leslie L. Hae- Honduras from 1910 until 191*. ; The Only Way BARBER SHOP A Modern Barber Shop H a m FUNERAL DIRECTOR Make Sure That Your July Investments are Safe Ones J We Will be (Had Io Serve You In Y our Investment Problems Mountain States Power Securities Company kin, 309 Lyon St., Albany, Ore.