ny ^ /)ire c to ry Summons Administratrix’ Notice of Sale of Realty A ROYAL ENTERTAINER PERFORMS O nly In the Circuit Court of th e State of Notice is hereby given that by Oregon for Linn County. Dept. 2. Case virtue of an order of the County T h is M good advice: “ If you live No. 13,525. • in Albany, trade lu Albany ; if you live C reenberry Splawn, Plaintiff, vs. Coart of Linn County, Oregon duly in some other town, trade in th at tow n." But in these automobile days many re­ Hum phrey Carter: the unknowu heirs of made and entered in the probate siding elsewhere find it advisable to do H umphrey Carter if he be deceased journal of said court authorizing at least part of th eir buying in the larger town. T hose who go to Albany John C arter; the unknown heirs of lohn and directing the undersigned so to transact business will find the firms C arter if he be deceased; Rosana C arter to do, the undersigned as Adminis­ nam ed below ready to fill th eir require­ Shelley; Jo h n Doe Shelley her husband m ents with courtesy au t fairness. the unknow n heirs ot Rosana C arter tratrix of the Estate of William A. Shelley if she be deceased; Susan Bole Brock deceased, will from and A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers man; John Doe Roleman her husband after Thursday, the 12th Dav of and plants, Floral art for every the unknown heirs of Eva C arter F unk August, 1926 at the office of Tus- and all occasions deceased; Jam es Taylor; Lesta Taylor sing A Tossing in Halsey in Linn Flow er phone 458-J. the unknow n heirs of Fireby Carter Taylor deceased; Elizabeth Naby; the County, Oregon proceed to sell at f ’ENTKAL TIR E SHOP unknown heirs of Mary Fields deceased private sale for cash, subject to I T ire Vulcamziug- Battery re­ Chris Fields; John L. Fields; Hila confirmation of said court, the fol­ charging. 221 W. Second. Wicks. Lewis Wicks her husband ; Lillie lowing real property, towit: — E d Falk, Pi op. Manning; Stella Jones; Gus Cole; Frank (F irst tract) astburn Bros.—Two big grocery Cole; Chester Cole; Henry Cole; John An undivided l-7 th interest in stores, 212 W. F irst and 225 South Cole; A n n a ja rv e y ; the unknow n heirs Main. Good m erchandise at th e right fee in the following:— Beginning of Nancy M inerva Fields deceased; prices. Robert H. Fields, 1-heby T. Fields his 27.70 cbs. E. of the S. W. corner —and other northern t ' l i t e Cafeteria and confectionery wife; John Fields, J. K. Fields his wife; of Sec. 9 in Tp. 14 S. of K. 4 W- C alifornia points. Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Thomas J. Fields; M atilda Ann Hayden; of the Willamette Meridian, Or., Fast, convenient ser­ ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. E A. Rhodes, Ella E. Rhodes his wife and running thence N. 42.50 chs. We make bur own candies. vice daily in all-steel Ora Rhodes, Ja n e Roe Rhodes his wife: W S. D uncan . safety coaches, well- Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife; to the N. line of Thomas Shepherd lighted and ventilat­ P O R D SALES AND SERVICE R. V. Jenkins, M art ha E. Jen k in s his D. L. C., Thence E. 28 53 chs; wife, John \\’. Jenkins, Lottie E. Jenk Thence S. 42.50 che. to the 8. line A Tires and accessories ed. Room y seats, Repairs ins his wife, Delbert C. Jenkins, Laura of said sec; and thence W. to be­ well-upholstered. Amir Bux, a genuine E ast Indian conjurer, produces a Liberty Bell from K ir k -P ollak M otor Co. A. Jenkins, his wife; David Barnard, ginning, containing 100 acres more a reporter's hat. He Is one of the a rtists In the India Building at the Sesqul- Meals at low cost; eat Centennial International Exposition, which opened In Philadelphia Ju n e 1 EVirtoailler Furniture Co., furni- Ann Barnaid his wife, Jan e Kauistra, or less. in the lunch car on to December 1 to celebrate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the •A ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. L. K auistra her husband; Lizzie Jarvey, (Second tract) tig sin g of the D eclaration of Independence. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First Lawrence Jarvey h er husband; Kidd trains 13 and 15. street, A lbany, Oregon. ji McDowell, M yrtle McDowell bis wife; An undivided l-7th interest in O nly One N ig h t H enry McDowell, W illiam McDowell; J. fee in the following;— Lot 2 in TJOLM AN & JACKSON on S outhern Cali­ AA G rocery—Bakery B. Sloan; RAby Sloan; also all other BRIEF GENERAL NEWS fornia Express. Or persons or parties unknown claim ing Sec. 8, in Tp. 14 S. cf R. 4 W. of E v ery th in g in the line of eats Opposite Po3toffice any right, titie, estate, lien or in terest the Willamette Meridian, Or., con­ go on the “San Fran­ Between 80 and 100 persons were in the real estate described in the com­ cisco Express” or the taining 30.55 acres more or less. killed when a landslide burled a ra il­ M PKRIAL CAFE, 209 W. t i r s i plaint herein, defendants. road train n e a r Scarajero, Bosnia. “Oregonian” H arold G. M urphy Prop. To H um phrey Carter, the unknown Also beginning on the S. boundary Oakland, Cal., was selected as the I W estern C a rrie rs Held by I. C. Phone 665 heirs of H umphrey Carter if he be de- of and W. 25.30 chs. dist. from 1927 convention city of th e Xational W b nkvkr close S o u th e r n P a c i f i c C. to Be in Sound F in a n ­ deased, John Carter, the unknow n heirs the S. E corner of the D. L. C. of Federation of Business and P rofes­ L in e « agneto electric co . af John Carter if he be deceased, Rosana sional W om en's clubs. c ia l C ondition. PH ILCO B A T T ER IE S Thomas McDaniel and wife, Not. A hot wave and storm s sweeping with the famous Diamond-Urid plate Carter Shelley, John Doe Shelley her Priced to suit the consum er. 423 W Firs husband, tile unknown heir9 of Rosana No. 2186, Cl. No. 45, in Tp, 14 the middle w est have cost 11 lives, W ashington, D. C.—D eclaring that Carter Shelley if she be deceased, Susan S. of R. 4 W. of the W illam ette according to reports received from QUEEN TO VISIT COAST en and money are best when Koleman. John Dot Boleraan h er hus­ 1 no financial em ergency existed in the throughout the country. Meridian, Or., and run theoca N. busy. Make your dollars work in band, the unknow n heirs of Eva Carter 24.585 chs; Thence W. parrallel Mabel Johnson. 18, and h er 14-year- I w estern d istric t as a whole, the inter­ Royal P a ir W ill Ba Q ueets of Sam uel our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate Hill. B ank . U nder governm ent supervision Funk deceased, James Taylor, Lesta old sister w ere killed and th e ir p ar­ sta te com m erce comm ission denied with the 8. boundary of said claim ents seriously hurt and one other kill­ 1 th e application of the railroads in that Taylor, the unknow n heirs of Fireby London.—Queen Marie and Princess tviarinello parlors Carter Taylor deceased, Elizabeth Nabv, 32.54 chains to the W. boundary ed in a tornado which struck a rural ! te rrlto ry f° r a blanket increase of 6 H elen of Roumanla will d ep art on A’ A ( a beauty aid for every need 1 per cent In freight rates. the unknown heirs of Mary Fields de­ of said claim; Thence S. 24 585 district near Ashland. Wis. Septem ber 8 for a three-m onths to u r St. Francis Hotel It also denied the petition of secur­ Forty-four election judges and clerks of the United S tates a C entral new s Prop. W inifred Rcs< ceased, C hris Fields, John L. Fields, chs. to the S. W. corner of said ity holders of northw estern carriers Ella Wicks, Lewis Wicks her husband, claim; Thence E. 32.54 chs. to be­ who served In the Cook county, Illinois dispatch from B ucharest said. D uring for an additional 15 per cent horizon­ OSCOE AMES HARDWARE Lillie Manning, Stella Jones, G us Cole. ginning, containing 80 acres more prim aries. Including five women, were ta l increase in rates In w estern trunk the tour, they will visit the P acific Frank Cole, C hester Cole. H enry Cole. named In indictm ents retu rn ed by a northw est. John Cole. Anna Jarvey. the unknown or less, exceptirg therefrom th at special grand Jury Investigating elec­ line territory, and held the earnings The W inchester Store of the roads in the w est as a whole heirs of Nancy M inerva Fields deceased, certain tract of 26 50 acres more tion frauds. Queen M arie will come to M aryhill. y H E MARTIN LUDW IG SHOI Thomas J. Fields, M atilda Ann Hayden or less conveyed by said William C harles S. W hitm an, ex-governor of had not been such as to w arrant at Wash., as the guest of Samuel Hill, A Geo. L. Hurley. Proprietor anil E. A. Rhodes. Ella E. Rhodes his wife A. Brock et al to Flora Williams New York, was unanim ously elected this tim e a general downward revision noted good roads en th u siast, who Is of rates on farm products, Including Manager. Warm air furnaces, plum bing Ora Rhodes, Jane Roe Rhodes his wife converting his Im mense chatuau a t by deed dated June 2, 1915, re president of the American Bar asso­ livestock. ciation, succeeding C hester I. Long of and sheet metal work, tin a n t gravel Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife M aryhill Into a museum. Queen M arie The comm ission adm itted, however, roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal lohn W, Jenkins, Lottie E. Jen k in s hi corded June 29, 1915 a t page 899 W ichita, Kan., at th e closing session Is furnishing one room of the m useum there were many inequalities In the vanized iro« work, metal sk y lig h ts anu wife. Delbert C. Jenkins, Laura A of Vol. 108 of deed records of LinD of the convention a t Denver, Colo. with historical and a rt objects from Jenkins bis wife, David Barnard, Ann County, Oregon. A Vienna dispatch to the W estm in­ rates stru ctu res in certain sections of Roumanla. cornices, pumps of all kinds. ster G azette said official confirm ation the west which should be corrected. 136 Ferry street, A lbany, Phone 127.1 Barnard his wile, Jan e Kauistra, L .(Third tract) C arriers In the west, the commis­ Kauistra her husband. Lizzie Jarvey has been received of the report that Ice T ruck L ures Red From Film«. An undivided l-8th interest in sion said, appear to be both "financial­ t.awreuce Jarvey her husband, also all P rince Carol of Roumanla and the HPHE HUB CONFECTIONERY Hollywood, C a l—A dm itting be was fee in the following:— Beginning ly and physically sound," although It other persons or parties unknow n claim Roum anian rulers have been recon­ A Make it your m eeting place before the cam eras, “Red Lunches. Ice cream, Ices, Home Made ing anv right, title, estate, lien or inter­ 80 rds. S. and 80 rds W. of the ciled and th a t Carol will be reinstated was added that certain of the Import- I a O range quite the movies on short no­ a n t carriers In the northw estern re­ Candy. Special rvoon Lunch. est in the real estate described in the N. E. comer of Sec. 8 in Tp. 14 S, In S eptem ber as heir to th e nation's R. c. Phillips. Manager. gion and In w estern trunk-line te rri­ tice and announced he was going back com plaint h erein —of the above defend of R. 4 W. of W illam ette Merid­ throne. tory were not yielding 5.75 per cent, to the home town to resum e his Ice ants. ian, Or., und run thence W. 70 the figure held by It to be a fair re­ business. M urder Suspect to Be Returned. Service I n THB NAME Of THE STATE OF ORE rds. more or less to the county turn. It was added, however, th a t In Station GON, you and each of you are hereby re­ Kelso, W ash.—Requisition papers the entire w estern d istrict conditions We serve all makes quired to appear and answer the com road; Thence S. 12 ft; Thence K. were prepared here for the return to W i l l a r d s plaint of the alxive named plaintiff now 70 rds more or less to point due S. Kelso of John Owen, known here as had recently shown an "im proving and sell tendency.” on file in the above entitled court aifi of beginning; thence N. 12 ft. to John W. Smith, charged with first de­ Under new managemen ause w ithin six weeks from the 23id gree m urder for th e death of Thom us beginning. L. M. Taylor, Prop. Jay of June. 1926. the dale of the first 121 W. Second, Albany. All said three tracts are situated Dovery, Kelso editor, June 19, 1925. publication of this summons, and you Sm ith was arrested a t St. Louis. Mo., are hereby notified th at if you fail to in Liun County, Oregon and each and adm its his Identity, acknowludg If you enjoy a good meal, ,»nd know a good meal when you get it ippear and answer said com plaint on or are subject to the use of each re­ Ing th at he wag in Kelso a t the time, Vou’ll be back, tor y o n ’U not forget it before the 4lh day of August, 1926, the spective tract for the term of the but m aintaining his Innocence of the Canton, Ohio.—T hreats on the life last day of tile tim e prescribed in the natural life of Dicy Block as con­ charge. O ur aim is to please vou. of Don R. M ellett, 36, publisher o t the irder for the publication of this sum- veyed by said William a brock et Canton Daily News, because of his ac­ nous, the plaintiff w ill apply to said Balloonist Drops to Death. tivities against alleged gam blers, were The time for glasses —is right at al to said Bicy Brock by deed re­ ALBANY court for the relief dem anded therein P ortland, Or.—H urtling earthw ard carried out here. the beginiug of the trouble with tow it:—For a decree of said court th at corded Vol. 100, page 214 of deed for a distance of 1000 feet before tho G E O . M. G IL C H R IST Five bullets brought to an end the your eyes. Delays are dangerous. ike plaintiff is the owner in fee simple records of said county; and all horrified eyes of 10,000 people, Elwood' career of the young publisher, who The eye is the most delicate mem. of the S. W. of the N. \V Jq of sec, said tracts are subject to right of F rancis Stout, 57, b etter known as cam e here a y ear ago to publish the her tfjth e bnman body and every 1 in Tp. 14, S. of R. 1 W. of th e Wil- dower of Lulu Brock ae widow of Prof. F rank Miller, was killed when News, owned by Jam es M. Cox, pub­ am ette M eridian in Linn County, O re­ moment you delay after the trouble tho sm all parachute In which he a t­ lisher of a num ber of Ohio papers. at lowest rate of interest. gon and th at you and each of you have said William A. Brock deceased. tem pted to finish the second lap of a starts you are getting just th at M ellett was putting bis autom obile Lulu Brock, Real Estate Insurance no rig h t, tide, estate, lien or interest "double drop” from a balloon at a In the garage In the rear of his home much toward possible blindness. Prom pt service, courteous treatm ent. n or to said real property or any part A dm inietratrix aforesaid, height of 2000 feet failed to function when the assassin 's gun spoke. N eigh­ Come in today and let us examine W m ' B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank thereof, th at each of you be forever Harrisburg, Oregon. a t Columbia Beach. bors who heard the shots Im m ediately your eyes. barred and enjoined from asserting any Tussing & Tussing builning, Albany dashed for the garage, but M ellett was right, title, estate, lien o r in terest there' Our new address—318 West First dead—a bullet through his left tem in or claim thereon adverse to such ti­ Attys. for Admx. pie having ended his life alm ost In­ st., next door to Western Union. tle of plaintiff, and for such other and stantly. The slayers had disappeared further relief as may be equitable. Why suffer from headache? in an autom obile which they parked Service of thia Summons is made by about a block from the M ellett home. Have your eyes examined F o rt W orth, T exas.—J. F rank Nor­ publication thereof pursuant to an order J e w e le r » , No trace has been found of tho gun­ ris, m ilitan t pastor ot the F irst Bap­ made by the Hon B. M. Payne, County men, but they are believed by police Optometrists and Manufacturing tist church of Fort W orth, faces a Judge of Linn Couaty, Oregon at Al­ to have been hired to put an effective Opticians charge of m urder here for the slaying bany, Oregon tn and dated the 14th Day with period to M ellett's crusade against the A tlanta. Ga.—The financial horizon of D. E. Chlpps. prom inent lum berm an. ALBANY OREGON. of June. 1926. directing the publication underw orld of the city. thereof to be made in the Rural E nter­ In G eorgia and F lorida appeared In the office of N orris' new spaper, the prise, a new spaper published at Halsey, brig h ter here, a fter a cessation of ac­ S earchlight. The slaying followed a telphone con Jewelers Optometrists Linn County, Oregon once a week for tiv ities which brought about th e clos­ ing of m ore than 120 banks during the versatlon in which N orris told officers Albany six consecutive weeks. past week. Chlpps had threatened bis life. Rail Tussing & Tussing, V irtually all the banks closed were for the pastor was set for $10,000, Attorneys for Plaintiff. m em bers of a chain for which the which was furnished. Pcsfoffice AJdress. Halsey, Oregon. Bankers T ru st company, an A tlanta Chlpps, an employe of the Missis­ organization against which bankrupt sippi Lum ber company, was shot three cy proceedings now are pending, serv­ tim es. One bullet entered above the ed as fiscal agent. h e a rt and tw o others were In vital Waldo Anderson and Son, Props. O fficers of the tw o s ta te s attrib u ted spots, physicians said. Chlpps died the closings d irectly to th e bankrupt­ on the way to a hospital. _ Chrysler Cars Manufacturers ol N orris first attra c te d statew ide at-1 cy proceedings ag ain st th e Bankers Atwater Kent Radios T ru st company, and agreed th a t the tentlon when th e church of which he I z Influences were “outside th e sta te .” was pastor burned In March. 1911, u n -' Accessories and Supplies The bankruptcy proceedings were d er m ysterious circum stances, which climaxed by the suicide of J. R Smith, led to bis tria l on a charge of arson. may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at Jthe - Day and Night Storage . p resident of the A tlanta Real E state A fter a trial In which many startlin g White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon. , board and a d irecto r of the B ankers clim axes developed, N orris was ac- 1st and Baker Sts. $ 2 0 °° toSan Francisco E COMMISSION DENIES RAIL RATES BOOST I M M R Willard ASSASSINS MURDER YOUNG PUBLISHER PA R A G O N CAFE FARM LOANS OFFICIALS BELIEVE BANK CRASH ENDED Dr. Seth T. French MINISTER KILLS TEXAS LUMBERMAN M eade & Albro F. M. Frencn & Son Job Printing - H ighw ay G arage - Personal Service by an Experienced Printer Bring Your Next Order to the Enterprise Albany Creamery Association «•••••a•••••••>••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«• L IN N BUTTER ALBANY . - OREGON. and Buyers of Eggs F arm ers’ Co-operative Creamery Any Girl in Trouble / : Trust company. __ i e .- quitted. « • • • • M $ l • • • > 999999999999f 9 •9 9 9 9 9 9 ^ t 9C««<