Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 21, 1926, Image 2

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I period io the history of the past
The children of the present geo-
| »ration in my opinion, taken as a
a hole, are the most promising
hunch of youngsters that have ever
Published Every Wednesday,
B y H lbert L. A lmon
Neighborhood News
c o p y r ig h t ,
$1 a year is advance
Arrearages. 12%c a month
To Protect Work Horses
Advertising, 2Uc an inch ; no discount
lor time or space , no charge for com
position or changes,
la T a lS -fo r paragraphs." te a lias.
* • s dvsrtlsin* disguised as oswa.
The Oregon State Humane So­
ciety and the legal departm ent of
the State Highway Commission
have worked out a plan to protect
horses and mules on state grading
■ contracts.
| j. jj Devers, attorney for the
Lake Creek Locals
Spoon River Sparks
(E n te rp rise C orrespondent)
(B y an B titerp iise R e p o rte r,
A d August 1, Rev. H S. Shhng-
le of Corvallis will preach at the
Smith grove near Peoria at 11:00
o’clock. A t noon a basket dinner
will he served arid in the afternoon
quarterly conference will be held
and baptismal rites will be ad­
ministered to those who desire.
Herman Stienke hud his hay
baled last week.
| lived on earth.
Wednesday, July 21, 1926
• «
*■ <
Halsey, Oregon
Ellen Vannice was home the
past week on account of illuest.
is our ice cream. It is delightfully
cooling »nd refreshing after a hard
shopping tour.
a plate.
■ 4 , : -j ' ff A Ì .
G e n e r a l R e p a ir in g a n d B a tte r y W o r k
Acetylene Welding
Two Fords F o r Sale
New T ire Prices
1915—New Rubber - - $50,00
1922—Brand new Rubber, in
good Condition $175.00
¡10x31-2 Hd. Premier cd.¡$8.75
30x3 1-2 0. S. I’r, cord 9.50
30x3 1-2 tubes - - - 1.90
True education combines theory and practice, and its goal is service.
Oregon a Land-Grant College affords the liberal train in g essential to p er­
sonal culture and civic efficiency, combined with special train in g for
leadership in fields vital in modern life.
Basic and General Training—
In tbe School of Basic A rts and Sciences and the departm ents of In ­
dustrial Journalism , tbe Library. Phys, c l E d u c tio n , and Music.
Technical and Special Training—
With curricula leading to the bachelor s degree in the set o .Is of
A g ric u ltu re
C h e m ic a l E n g in e e r
in g
C o m m e rc e
E n g in e e rin g
F o r e s tr y
H o m e E c o n o m ic s
M ilita ry S c ie n c e
M in es
P h a rm a c y
V o c a tio n a l E d u c a ­
tio n
Graduate work is offered in most of theechoole. In addition to
tbe Resident Instruction, thn Experim ent Station und E xten­
sion Service apecialise in the application of science in every-day
7 J
Fall T erm H egins S eptem ber 20
C a t „ t ¿ „ f a /.*
G re y « /?
J /q r ic u / ta r a /
d o /fe q e
(Formerly Hotel Halsey)
Bath — Hot W ater — Clean Beds
Rates Reasonable
Y ou r P a tr o n a g e S o lic ite d ’
Mrs. Evelyn M. Johnson, Manager
H ay—A lfalfa. $17.50@18 to n ; valley
On Wednesday afternoon the
Lake Creek Busey Club members tim othy, $17.50@18; ea ste rn Oregon
tim othy, $21 @21.50.
and other friends gathered at tbe
B u tterfat—41c ship p ers’ track.
C. R. Evans home to assist Mrs.
E ggs—Ranch, 26@31c.
Woodward to celebrate her seventv-
C heese—P rices f. o. b. T illam ook;
T riplets, 27H e; loaf. 28H e p er lb.
fifth birthday.
Many beautiful
C attle—S teers, m edium, $7.50@8.50.
gifts were presented and a very
H ogs—Medium to choice. $15.25@16.
pleasant afternoon was spent.
Sheep—Lam bs, m edium to choice
Rev. Parker and family of Ilal- $10@11.50.
sey were cal'ing in our neighbor­
S eattle.
hood Thursday.
W heat — Soft w hite, w estern white,
Rev. J. A. McKee of Walla $1.45; Big Bend bluestem , $1.46; hard
w inter, w estern red, $1.42; northern
Walla, Washington will preach spring. $1.43.
here next Sunday, July 25 at
H ay—Alfalfa, $25; tim othy P. g.,
eleven o’clock.
$20; do, mixed. $26.
B utter—C ream ery. 39@40c.
J, W. Evans who has been ill
E ggs—Ranch, 29@35c.
for eotne tim e is improving some, i H ogs—Prim e, $15.75@16.25.
C attle—Choice steers. $7.75@8.50.
The Ardrey - Burns threshing
C heese—O regon trip lets, 28c; W ash­
machine began work Thursday.
ington trip lets, 24c.
They report the crop light.
H ogs—Good, $14.76@15.
C attle—S teers, good, $7@7.75.
Mr. and Mrs J. H. Richard anil
T hree Held in Greek Plot
family and Mr. and Mrs. Michael
A thens, G reece.—E x-P rem iers Ka
Rickard of Alford atteuded church fandaris, P ap an cstasio n and Michal
kopoulos have been arre ste d in con
at Lake Creek Sunday morning.
Pine Grove Points
(By Special Correspondent)
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pehrason
and daughters drove to Triangle
lake Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Cummings
and daughter» and Lulu and Ida
McNeil visited the R. K. Stewart
family at Pleasant Hill Sunday.
The M'sses Nora and I’earl
Pehrnon were Albany visitors Fri-
! Jay.
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Cadwallader
| of Eugene spent ^undav at the
farm with Elmer Cadwallader’e.
Wise Am anda Milzner will
preach at the I’ine Grove church
both morning and evening, next
Mrs. Albertson and Iona attend­
ed the quarterly meeting ut In ­
gram island Tuesday eveniug.
Miss Carma Sceek of Portland is
visiting h e t grandparent«, fclr.
and Mrs. Joe Drinkard.
F, W. Sylvester returned from a.
visit to Beavertou Thursday Mrs.
Sylvester will stay with her mother, '
who is quite sick, for a while.
Mrs. George Chandler aud baby I
girl came home from the Albany !
hospital last week
Clark s Confectionery
K err’s ~ luasn
lK opi,lg I
W ith
Kerr’s Scratch. *
L ib eral D is c o u n t o n T o n L ots o r M o re.
Plan to End Coal S trike Rejected.
London —P rem ier Baldwin. In a k .
te r to the bishop of T itchfleld. declar­
ed th a t it is Im possible for the govern­
m ent to consider the peace proposals
for the settlem ent of the coal strike,
made by ecclesiastical representatives,
because It provides for a renew al of
th e governm ent subsidy to the coal in­
W o rk er. U nearth Bone F ra am enta.
Spokane. W ash.—D iscovery of an
Indian arrow head and fragm.-nt» of
bone at the spot w here P rofessor Olaf
Opsjon declared 12 N orsem en were
burled in tbe year 1010 A. D was an­
nounced here by the Spokane Chroni­
Rural Enterprise
1 year forado liar
W . F R IT M I
W e have ab o u t 20,000 used sack s r a n g in g in
price from 7c to 11c.
D on’t overlook ih e se bsir-
g a in s.
Superior Sack Twine, 75c per lb.
T. J. Skirvin Seed (g
nection with the discovery of a plot
to overthrow the governm ent and take
the life of P resid en t Pangalos. They
a re being tran sp o rted to the island of
Naxos. S everal o th er politicians and
new spaperm en have been arrested.
C lark’s H eirs Win $47.000,000 Case.
B utte, M o n t—A Jury in d istrict
court here unanim ously rendered a
special verdict in favor of the e state
of the late S en ato r W. A. Clark, In a
contest brought by three women who
claim ed d au g h ters' shares in the $47,-
000.000 left by the late copper mag
F e e d T h a t G iv e s R e s u lts .
Mr. and Mrs. C. 8, Williams
aud sous Karl and Junior drove to
Triangle lake, Sunday.
We have all flavors.
To Obtain Healthy and Thriving Pullet^qj
Stop in and enjoy
It makes an ideal refreshment aud
is nourishing and wholesome.
A s Cold a s th e F rozen North
, ///^
g Use
D ealer
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
H. J. Falk and wife were bosi-
neas callers at Albany aud Browns­
ville Monday.
Did You Ever SI od to Think
Mrs. H. L. Straley and daugh­
Mr. and Mrs. T. J . Jackson have
Mearle took their grandson and
highway commission hai ruled that been enjoying a visit with friends
nephew, little Donald Munkers to
By LdsM B Waite, Secretary, Shawnee th e fo rin o{ c o n tr a c t e m p lo y e d by from Santa Barbara California.
Albany Friday to see the circus.
Ukia., board of ^oiuuierce,
the highway commission contains a
Miss Myrtle Tobey left Saturduy
Professor R. L. Jones, Sups,in- clauge to tbe effect lbat the con.
R. R. Bierly and family were
tendent of the school, of Memphis L ract
be cancelled a|ld annu,j. morning for Eugene where she will Saturday evening callers
and formerly state superintendent k j in cage of pergiitent Vlo)ation join a party of friends who are Brownsville.
of public instruction of Tennessee, hy l|ie contractor of any state or driving to Los Angeles. They ex­
A. L. h u lk ’s ware business call­
pect to spend a mouth in Cali­
made tbe following statement rela-1 federal law
ers at Diamond Hill several days
live to the statu, of the youth of Mr. Devers has likewise held that
last week.
Mr. Ray Barley who is employ­
to-day compared to the youth of lhe contractor j, rfcquired to com
Frank Straley and triend of
the preceding generation:
ply with tbe section which pro- ed near Tangent spent Sunday
California are visiting at tlie H- L.
Changes wrought by inventions yide8 againat cruelty to l0 a ,Hmak here visiting Russel Herndon,
Straley home, F rauk Straley is a
that have changed the economic
Rules and regulation, have been
Cbarlea Munger of Halsey has nephew of H L. Straley.
conditions of the people and modi- drawn up alld adop.ed for th# cgre been operating the tractor on the
The G. J. Rike family spent
bed their social life cannot help „ f draft animals in grading camps, J. S. Nice wood farm.
Monday evening at C. J. Straley’s. jjj
hut have its influence on the L od have be#n acc, p .ed OQ reC()fn.
Luthur Brock and family visited
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil B iljeu and
n ° ^ g‘ .T? 7
° !°rmer da>s m .nd.tion of tbe state veterinarian
llvod on the farm and had plenty | ftnd approved by the executive d f. at tbe C. S. Williams home Sun­ daughter were Eugene visitors
day evening.
of work to do. Today the majority partm ent.
of them live in the city with little
Elaine and Geraldine Straley
Inspection of horses and drivers
to do outside of attending school.
several days at the H. b.
is to be provided under these rnies«
Work and early responsibility had
home last week.
and any information showing vio.
a steadying influence on the youth
and family were
lation of the state laws and the
N- H. Cummings and family
of the preceding generation.
rules and regulations governing drove to pleasant Hill Sunday and visitors at H. J. F alk ’s Saturday
If there is any falling down in
working of stock on state contracts, spent the dav with R K Stewart evening.
our social organization, it is due
will he promptly prosecuted hr the and family, formerly of this place.
to tbe breaking down of the home
humane society.
Late Market Reports
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Scott of
and net to the school, for the dis­
cipline in the schools of the coun
Because you sputter is no sign Smith Center, Kansas and Charles
Blankenbaker of Inavale, Ne­
P ortland
try of today is better than at any you are a live wire.
W heat—Big Bend bluestem , $1.48;
braska, have been visiting at the
M artin Cummings home.
Mr. hard w hite, hard federation, soft
white, w estern w hite, $1 45; hard win
and Mrs. Scott expect to spend the
ter, n o rth e rn spring, $1.41; w estern
winter in the west.
red, $1.40.
t Mâ
Keep your PORCH
T o o t h in g
adds so much to th e ap-
, 1 pearance of a porch as a floor th a t
always looks new and clean. A nd a coat
- d D E C S ? R ° TH EFiS
and D EC K PA IN T will keep your floor
bright-looking the whole yea r ’round
p ? v ^ B R 0 T H E R S P O R C H an d D EC K
PA IN T goes on smoothly, covers a wide
area per gaIlOQ and dries quickly S a
beautiful, lasting finish.
7 tO 3
Before you pain t, tee ur