Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 21, 1926, Image 1

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A g rc u ltu re
H o rt ¡c u ltu re
L iv e s to c k
A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn Countv
Lebanon and bad a very enjoyable
- Local and Personal Mention - reunion.
The day was an ideal
one and about seventy five near
and distant relatives gathered for
the event. D. H. Sturtevant and
family attended from Halsey aud
D. M. Sturtevant and family of
Los Angeles were also there.
D a iry
P o u ltry
W ool
Ralph Thomson, linotype oper­
ator on a Walla Walla, Washing­
ton paper arrived in Halsey Wed­
nesday and will spend a two weeks
vacation with bis parents. Mr. and
Cliffckamas county has bought a new trlcts. a special election will be heli
Mrs. W. Thomson south of town. county farm, to cost $15,000.
In Canby on Friday, July SO.
News Items From Entire State
Mr. aod Mrs. J. H. Sturgis of i Friends of Miss Beulah Miller
Rex visited the latter’s sister, Miss have received c-trds fiom her re
Ruby Schroll Wednesday. They cently from I’hoenix, Arizona,
were enroute to California where She reports a wonderful trip and
Albert Parker, 34, of Mapleton, was
The annual meeting of the Oregon
The Enterprise is indebted to drowned In the Siuslaw river.
they will visit at Los Angelos, ►•aid she expected to bo in Los
irrigation and drainage congress will
Riverside, Santa Ana and other Angeles by the twentieth where
Pamelia lake, which has been dry­ be held at Hood River October 14. 15
Miss Alice Sturtevant returned boquet of African Gladioli, which ing up again, has been closed to fish and 16. The dates were set at a
points. They expect to be gone she will sojourn for awhile,
Sunday from a two weeks stay at was brought into the office Wed Ing.
meeting of the dlrectori In Portland.
three weeks.
Mrs. D. F. Dean who hes been the home of her unole, John Tem­ nesday by E. Russ. The African
Rev. Joseph Y. Stewart of Albany
Applications and inquiries forecast-
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Koontz and siaying with her daughter Mrs. ple and family at Lebanon. She species of this beautiful flower was elected moderator for 1926-27 at Ing early construction of a hotel coat-
family, Mrs. M. V. Koontz and Franklyn Stafford for several al-o attended tbe Chautauqua dur have erect sword.shaped leaves and the annual Presbyterian synod at Eu Ing at least »26.000 at Odell lake, ac­
cessible from the Natron cutoff rail­
Mr. and Mrs. James Driukard were months, returned to her home at ing her stay.
spikes of brilliantly colored lily,
Japanese orchardists of all parts of road, have been received at the forest
among the many who speut the Bandon Sunday.
like flowers of different shades of
P. a . Pehreson, H. L. Straiey
the Hood River valley have organized office at Bend.
day picnicing on the Calapooia
pink, red, yellow and purple
An election held Tuesday In Milton
Japanese Parent-Teachers associa
and Clarence Williams with their
springing from flat conns.
! tion.
determine whether or not the city
ed at AlcKsrcher’s mill Sunday.
families motored to Triangle lake
Fire destroyed the hop drier on the should Issue bonds of »30,000 to pur­
Frank Gansle had the misfor­
Mrs. Cecil Quiinhy and children
chase a uew Diesel engine for the
Mrs. J. H. Vannice returned
tune to get a steel shaving in bis A. F. Luther farm in the north Albany city light and power plant resulted tn
arrived from Alsea Sunday and
from Raker City Monday where
Mrs. Lillian McCaaliu of Port­ eye Wednesday evening and wen',
are visiting relatives.
favor of the plan.
she went to attend the funeral of land arrived Thursday aud was
Albany’s fire department will walk
Mrs. Dora N. Sexton, President her brother, Roy Angell, who was the guest of her parents, Mr. and to Eugene immediately to receive
One of the largest prune crops In
treatment from an eye specialist.
out on a strike August 1 as the result
of the Rebekah assembly will make drowned last week.
Mrs. N. T. Sneed.
sured for this fall, according to a re­ of the dismissal by the city council
an official visit to the Purity Re­
of Russell Knighten, chief of the de­
cent survey.
L. E Gormley and fami'y of
bekah lodge here Saturday evening
partment, according to an ultimatum
Alford A rrow s
Springfield visited at the E. E. and Mrs. David Foote and A- E.
About 2000 3-lnch fish tn the pools
While here she wiil be tbe guest of
presented to the council.
of the Gates Creek hatchery died last
Gormley and Frank Gray homes ioote and wife of Creswell accom­
Mrs. Janies McMahan and Mrs. B.
Fire losses in Oregon, exclusive of
week because of a rise of temperature
last week.
panied by Mrs. Eliza Braudoo
Portland, during the month of June,
M. Bond.
In the water.
aggregated »513.690, according to a
H. L. Alraon was in Portland drove to McKercher’s mill Sunday
Mis. Alvin Allen aud children
Fifty-two laying hens on the poultry
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cross, Miss
with a large basket of lunch and a of Cottage Grove visited her sister, farm of Arthur Bryant at Franklin, report prepared by the state fire mar­
Saturday and Sunday.
Cleona Smith and Carl Hill spent
shal. These were a total of 69 fires,
17 miles northwest of Eugene, died
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore of pleasant time was had by every­ Mrs. Chester Curtis Monday.
which three were of an incendiary
Sunday on the banks of the
from the beat.
Montana surprised Mr. and Mrs. body. Mrs. Brandon visited her
Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe visited
Frank Menefee, ex-mayor of The
Considerable activity has been
G. R Rond with a visit T hursday. brother. Ceorge Finley and wife relatives near Buena Vista Sunday. Duties and prominent legal practition­
shown in the prune market in Douglas
Pine Grove Church
Jesse Rickard h id the misfor­ er of Oregon for many years, died at county during the last few days. Al­
and they had not met for many Brush creek and viewed many of tune to sprain his ankle quite bad Olympia. Wash., aged 60 years.
though buyers have covered every sec­
They continued on to the old land marks around her Iv last Saturday while driving
Grasshoppers are eating up the po­ tion of the county It Is estimated that
Sunday school 10 a. m.
tato and hay crops on the farm of less than 70 per cent of the crop has
Fretching, 11 a. m. Mias Mitz- Springfield for a visit Friday.
some horses out of a field.
Overton Dowell Jr. on Mercer lake in been contracted.
The Misses Alberta and Vesta
L. H. Arm strong had a visit
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram and the western part of Lane county.
R. A Sawyer of Portland was elect­
Preaching 8 p. m. Miss Mitzner. Sunday from his uncle, Park Shel Morris of Eugene visited their
The city council of McMinnville has ed commander of the Spanish War
daughter Thelma visited at the
ley of Medford and an aunt, Mrs brother, Buford and wife Suuday.
Wallace Hawk home in Springfield authorized an intensive campaign on veterans at tholr annual convention
Church of Christ
the European earwig which Is said to at Baker. For senior vice-commander
Walter Stewart of Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. John Salash a t­ Thursday of last week.
Sunday School 10.
Preaching 11.
C bristiin Endeavor 7.
Preaching 8.
The morning subject will be,
“ Do You Belong to C hrist?1’ The
evening subject will be, “ Wash
Your H ands.”
There were 67 in Bible school
Sunday, and twenty-one at Christ­
ian endeavor with the other ser­
vices well attended, which is fine.
While we are harvesting the
cr.ip tbe Lord has given us let us
not forget “ The Giver.”
Clifford L. Carey, Pastor.
Miss Velma Eattburn of Albany tended the ball game in Albany
spent the week end here with her Sunday afternoon.
sister. Mis. Euford Morris,
Paul Popmau has just installed a
Frank Porter has been here from uew battery recharger at the H al.
Po’tland looking after his ranch sey garage that will handle as
iately. His wife and daughter, many as fifteen batteries on the
Miss Amv are taking a trip through line at one time.
Don’t forget
the middle western states.
him when vour battery goes hack
on you.
Frank Kiik who is employed
Monroe spent the week end
W’rn. Burbank has had a new
well put down at bis restaurant.
Mrs. Hannah Cummings speut
last week with her daughter, Mrs
tie spreading through the community
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Poole of
A huge brown bear, followed by two
Lebanon visited the latter’s broth­ cubs, after killing the horse of Dewey
er, Chester Curtis one day last Nelson, forest patrolman at Larch
mountain, chased Mr. Nelson up a tree
J. H. Rickard and daughter,
Miss Lillie speDt Monday at their
farm across the river looking after
the threshing of the graio,
’r“ (J s
Tillamook county has’ awarded A.
W. Frank Shelley superintendent of
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram and Guthrie & Co. of Portland the contract
the Umpqua division of the Californio
daughter Thelma spent Friday
the Neah-kah-nie road, The contract Oregon Power company, was shot,
evening at B. E. Cogswell’s.
perhaps fatally, by hts wife Wlnnogeo
H. C. Davis had a car load of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkhart of
three year old steers ou tbe Port­ Salem spent last week at tbe farm.
Nixon of Peoria.
land market Monday. He accom­
Mrs E. D. Isom has been on
Miss Ethelyn Chenoweth of Oak­ panied them.
the sick list the past week.
land is visiting her sister, Mrs. L
Under the management of Mrs.
J. H. and Michael Richard and
H. Armstrong.
Evelyn Johnsou the hotel has been their families attended church at
Mrs. L. A. Pray and Miss Maude thoroughly renovated, some new Lake Creek Suuday. After church
Ackiey visited Mrs. Belvary Logan plumbing installed, new linoleum J. H. and family ate dinner at the
placed on the office floor and this Michael Rickard home.
Mr. Hnd Mis. Addison Fox of week the second story is being re­
Weekly Industrial Review
Albany have been visiting their papered and a raido installed
daughter, Mrs. W. A. Muller the
Hill <fe Co. are installing tbe
Oregon, Washington and Idaho
past week or ten days.
plumbing in the uew apartm ent producing some 111,000,000 bush-
M. E. Church
Miss Bessie Reynolds returned »hat is being built adjoining the
els wheat, oats and barley, com­
Wednesday trom a two weeks stay new drug store by Buford Morris.
pared with approximately 106,COO,-
with relatives a t Jefferson.
Robert Parker pastor.
T. J. Skirvin had the misfortune 000 bushels last year.
Sunday school, 10.
Two auto loads of young folks to get bis hand caught in a grain
Roseburg—Douglas creamery in­
Preaching, 11.
from the M. E. church attended chopper while working in the j corporated, with 1100,000 capital.
Junior League, 2:30,
the Epworth League institute at Skirvin warehouse at E ’gene. His
Klamath Falls will pave 31
Epworth league, 7.
Cottage Grove Sunday. It made left hand was caught in the ma­ blocks, at cost of $156,000.
Preaching, 8.
the League congregation a little chine and the third finger was
E u g en e— 8t. Mary’s Catholic
Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 8.
short in the evening, with so many badly mangled but it is thought it church will erect $75,000 edifice.
Bible S tn lv Tuesday. 2.
can be saved.
Beaverton farmer nets $600 an
on loganberries, this year.
Mrs. Seymour Bowman with her
Mr. and Mrs R. D. Hawley of
Sutherlin—Local cannery will
mother, Mrs. Laura Shaw, Miss Idaho spent a few dayj this week
Ruth McMahan and Mrs. Sherman at the Curtis Veatch home. Mrs. pay approximately $250,000 to
farmers, for prune* this year.
Savage drove to Albany Saturday. Veatch is a niece of Mr. Hawley.
Klamath Falls banks show to­
Showalter and
Mr. and Mrs. R L Conrath of tal deposits of more than $5,000,-
daughter. Miss Audrey and son Florence, Colorado, while enroute
William, also Miss Mabel Keeler, to California visited at the Skirvin
Salem—Contract let and work
all of Yamhill county \¡sited at home Sunday,
begins, on $460,000 Bank building,
tbe B M. Bond home Sunday
M ’ AlberU Koo“ U »’« beel1 11 stories high.
selected as one of the teachers in
Corvallis ships carload logan­
to England.
Sunday off by his congregation ; ¡Og term.
The Wonder
Fendletou Woolen mills purch­
Sunday morning. He plans to lake
Ben Holt and family were guests ase 150,000 pounds Baker county
it in two weeks.
of relatives in Harrisburg Sunday.
Poison Oak Remedy
All canning records were broken 1
Under the supervision of Chas. I _.
Gat.sle the new store building at 1
h rol,g 1 » > invitation extended last year in Washington aod Ore-
Guaranteed for all cases of PoisonOak
toe corner of Second and G streets 7 '
''7 rm °‘ bussing & Tug- gon, when 5,784,458 cases of fruit*
i T™
being built for the Hal-ey Pbar- "J"* ° f HaI,e7 ,nd Brownsville. • and
vegetables were canned,
t a to complc-
, the members of the Linn ” counv
countv against 6,016,837 cases in 1924; a
niacv is being pushed
Pharmacy ,,on
I Bar asaociation will meet in gain of 758,931 caeca or lo per
Brownsville next Saturday and cent. This year promises to ear-j
- Kodaks and Films -
The members of the Sturtevant bold an all day picnic in tbe park.
pass even that phenomonal record,
Oped Wefl and Sat. eve till 9 I f unity gathered together Sunday Aubrey S- is chairman of for a wider range of products will I
on the hanks of tbs Santiam near] tbe committee.
be canned in quantity.
re se rt
Three women were injured when a
rock weighing nine pounds was thrown
by a blast through the walls of the
home of E. E. Wert In the outskirts
of Oakridge.
Leo Hurst of Albany was elected, and
R. A. Campbell of Portland was elected
Junior vice-commander.
The Eastern Oregon Light * Power
company has filed application with
the state engineer for appropriation
of water from the Oraad Ronde river
for tbe development of 1264 theoreti­
cal horsepower. The coet of the pro­
posed development was estimated at
price was »16.334.40.
Reconstruction work on the entire
distribution line of the Pacific Power
& Light company in Freewater began
last week. The cost of thei work is
estimated at »12.000.
The state highway commlvAlon at a
meeting to be held in Portland July
29 will open bids for the construction
of approximately 35 miles of road and
a number of bridges.
To vote on creating a Union high
school district comprising Canby. Mun-
dorf, Union Hgll andL ,U other ..dis
Shelley, at Roseburg Domestic trou­
ble was given az the cause.
With recent sales at Salem of 779
bales of hops the 1926 crop has passed
from the hands of the growers with
the exception of 62 bales held by an
Albany producer. The Oregon crop
for 1926 aggregated 75,000 bales and
was the largest since prohibition went
Into effect.
The head, mounted and stuffed, of
tbe first moose ever killed In Oregon,
(Continued on page 4)
The ‘lowdown’
S h ir ts
V ou want your shirt to look well, always.
T ru e -th e only part th at m ost folks see is the
little “V above your vest. But that “V” be­
speaks the style, the quality of your entiro
A ou want inbuilt value, below the ‘*V’’ and
in the fashioning. Sm art lines. Deft tailoring
of shoulders, cuffs and sleeves.
See the style show of Nr ustadler
shirts at O ur Store.
Brothers. Established 185», I’ortland
San Francis«?», New York,
F IN 73
E iisiA D n a
Halsey, Oregon