KUKAL ENTERPRISE JUL» 14 a ia ie w ia e iNews ite m s GLOBE, A lb a n y | '| * A^ „ ° (Continued from page 1) • P. B. í H. i Line forest, a forest fire which was started DAILY SERVICE JULY 18-19-20 by lightning, is burning uncontrolled 1 tube Palmolive Shaving Cream Route all freight, Auto Freight Ter- in hundred of acres of dead trees, 35c miual, Door 39. Phone EAst 5004 blown down during a heavy wind 1 Genuine G ille tte Kazor With storm last year. Leave Portland each dav at4:00p. uj Cecil B. DeM¡lie's One Blade Given Leave Halsey each day at 3:3o p. Merger of the Oregon Pulp & Paper Halsey Depot, Swift & Co. company's plant in Salem, and paper - FREE - Masterpiece mills at Vancouver, Wash., and Los P o r tla n d , B ro w n s v ille and H a lse y Angeles, Cal., all of which are under H a r r is b u r g T r u c k L in e the control of F. W. Leadbetter of P h a rm a cy Portland, is being considered by the directors of the three corporations, Open Wed. aod Sat. eve t i l l 9 according to reports. A story of Seething H u m a n ity ! Campers coming out from Pamelia and R evolution in the lake state that the lake has gone Old Russia down 15 feet and to all appearances is going dry. No apparent reason tor First-class W o r k the fall of the water is visible, but It COMKDV J- w S T E P H E N S O N . is thought that perhaps a subterran ean passage has opened up, allowing Felix—“ In Laugh it Off" the water to flow out. New York.—After otne months at TUSSING & TUSSING the bottom of the tea In their steel Men who served In the student LAW YER S coffin the bodies of 18 tailors of the army training corps during the world Halsey atjd Brownsville United Htates submarine S-51 were re war were members of the United claimed here. Church of Christ States army and as such are entitled Oregon The submarine, torn asunder and to all benefits enjoyed by other ex- Sunday School ÎÜ. Hysel Davies of California, who sunk last September by the steamer service men under the state bonus act, Preaching 11. has been named a member of the according to an opinion handed down City of Rome, was drained of water newly created railroad board of medi by the state supreme court. C hristian Endeavor 7. and relieved of Its grim cargo at the Miss Lily B. Tully of the Puyallup ation. Brooklyn navy yard. Preaching 8. tribe, who was chosen queen of the There were two fatalities in Ore­ I.n iltlllr v Cue«* T ... . . 1 1 Laundrv sent Tuesdays Sailors In black oil skins bore from festival at the recent convention at gon due to industrial accidents during C liffo rd L. Carey, Pastor. the shattered hulk the bodies of their Everett, Wash., of the Northwest Fed Agency Hub Cleaning Works the week ending July 8, according to comrades, and from finger prints, erated Indian Tribes. a report prepared by the state Indus­ M . E. Church clothing and other marks. Identifica­ A B E 'S P L A C E trial accident commission. The vic­ tion of one after another was made. Robert Parker pastor. tims were Grover Wilson, Bandon, The Identifications accounted for engineer, and A. Heer, Hood River, Sunday school, 10. all but seven of the crew of the sub­ carpenter. A total of 634 accidents D ELB ER T STARR Preaching, 11. Washington, D. C —Captain Elmer was reported. marine. Those unaccounted for, be­ Funeral Directsr and Licensed Junior League, 2:30, E. Crowley joined the growing ranks sides Lieutenant Dobson, are Lieuten­ The voters of the city of Gold Hill Entbalmer of ex-presidents of the Emergency E p w orth league, 7. ant Harlo William Pine, Lieutenant L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Fleet corporation when the shipping at a special election, with nearly 100 T. A. Glass, Walter E. Lawton, elec­ Preaching, 8. Dover, N. J.—Crackling out of the per cent vote cast, decided in favor trician's mate; Oscar J. Mllot, fire­ midst of a heavy storm just after 5 board, without previous notice, at a of the bid of the Beaver Portland Ce­ Brownsville, Oregon i ’rayer-m eeting, Thursday, 8. man; Ralph E. Cassidy, gunner’s I o'clock Saturday, lightning touched suddenly called special meeting and ment company for the city’s power Bible S tudy Tuesday, 2. mate, and Brady D. Lindsay, engine- off the thousands of pounds of high by a vote of four to two, removed him plant at Gold Hill. The opposing bid­ man. from office and elected in his stead explosives in the United States naval der was the Copco Power company. Church services were om itted at Moat of the bodies taken from the arsenal at Lake Denmark, seven miles Brigadier-General A. C. Dalton. Each bidder proposed to spend nearly W- L W R IG H T l i e C hristian church Sunday, the H-51 were clad only In underclothing, The removal was accomplished by a million dollars. from here. Sixteen are known to be accepting the resignation, which pastor being unable to be present. indicating that those so dressed were dead, between 25 and 30 others are FUNERAL DIRECTOR Governor Pierce, in a letter address­ Crowley was required to file with the off duty when they met death. believed to have been killed, more ed to Stanley Myers, district attorney board when he was sworn in nine H a rrisb urg , Ore. than 200 are injured and damage of months ago to succeed Rear-Admiral of Multnomah county, has refused to approximately 592,000,000 was done to send the attorney-general of the state Leigh Palmer, also removed by the government property in the destruc­ board. to Portland to conduct a grand jury Dealer tion of the navy ammunition depot In following the trail blazed by investigation of charges of alleged Halsey Railroad Time at Lake Denmark, and the partial de­ in Palmer ont of the office of the cor­ graft paid to public officials there In North 8onth struction of the army ammunition de­ Cars poration president, Crowley Issued a connection with enforcement of the 12, 3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. m. pot which adjoins it at Picatinny. criminal statutes. statement saying he had had “the 16, 5:1.5 a. in. G e n e r a l R e p a ir in g ; a n d B a t t e r y W o r k At a conference at Salem attended 1H, 8:16 a. in. flag 15, 12;45 p. ui. The first explosion took place at most hearty support of the two mem­ 33, 8:12 o. in. flag by Governor Pierce and Warden Lil- 34, 4:08 t>. in. 5:20 p. m. It was reported to have bers of the Acetylene Welding 31, 1:34 p. ni. flag board who admittedly I u'e it was ’de^ided”that’ h’e’rea'fter I ’ll destroyed magazine No. 38 of the ar­ hanV a n y 9 other1 merca,led Incorrigible convicts In the Nos. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers Two Fords For Sale from south of Eugene. New Tire Prices senal. There was no one in the mag­ ban any other members. Admiral Oregon state penitentiary will be No. 31, direct conutichon for Marshfield azine at the time, however, all the 1015—New Rubber . . $50.00 »0x3 1.2 8d. Premier cd/»8.75 Benson and Vice Chairman Plummer ” dressed in stripes and have their hair points. workers having left at 5 p. m. 1922— Brand new Rubber, in These two members issued brief, for s-mtli of Eugene; should 30x3 1.2 O. S. Pr. cord 9.50 Fifteen minutes later came a sec­ pointed statements expressing disap­ cropped close to their heads. Wearing Passengers take tram No. 17. good C on ditio n 1175.00 30x3 1-2 lubes - . - 1 90 of stripes by convicts In the prison ond explosion of great violence. At proval of the board’s action. Halsey-KrownSvillc stage ieaves | I#j. was abandoned a number of years ago. sey at 7 a. in and 12:15 and 8:1b p. ,n 6:45 o'clock a third blust of almost General Dalton's war record and Further restrictions to be laid upon -eaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. in ami equal violence followed. All threw business and political references fav­ o.oj «and o;45 p. ui. wreckage over a wide space and did oring his appointment provided most movement of domestic narcissus bulbs heavy damage. grown in western Oregon and other of the information in the statement The civilian damage may go ahovo issued by Chairman O’Connor un­ large producing areas have become Outgoing M ail department of of agrlcul- agricul- a million dollars. Doors and windows nouncing the change He was serving L effective, the uepartment were blown out. plaster shaken down, a . - . . . t a n t quartermaster genera, of o ^ u Z w f l X Í X A t the Halsey postoffice m ails brickwork cracked and roofing dam­ the army when he was placed on the closo going nottb at 11:50 a. m aged In hundreds of houses in the vil retired list at his own request to per­ der the new quarantine only after In­ and »5; 20 p. m. lages near the arsenals. spection and certification by plant In­ mit him to accept the post. Going south, ll; 1 0 a. in. and "r r. ucation combines theory and practice, an.l its goal is service. spectors, and only bulbs found free Twenty marines, one soldier and 5: 0 p. in. „ • L,nd'Orant College afford« the liberal training essential to per- from Infestation will be certified. between five and ten civilians are still To Brownsville, 0:20 a. m. and WATER TONNAGE GAINS a . u ture and civic efficiency, combined with special training (or unaccounted for. Their bodies are be A cloudburst above Wallowa lake 1- m. M orning stage to Browns­ leadership in fields vital in modern life. lieved to be among the NO n Pacific Coast Cargoes 19.4 Per Cent resulted in swelling the Wallowa river v ille goes on to C raw fordsville, and burning buildings of the navy am­ Battic and General Training— to such proportions that it sought a l l o l l i y and Sweet Home. Ahead of Last Year munition depot new channel in one place with partial dn.lri.I|"ith* SC1',O° I ° f ,l* "C Art* *Bd Se,ence* «“‘I the departments of In- Washington, D. C.—Cargo tonnage elimination of the West Wallowa falls, For more than 24 hours after the du.«n.! Journahsm. ,,w Library. Phy. cal Education, and Music. fire 16 Inch armor piercing shells, 14- of the Pacific coast's foreign trade one of the scenic attractions of the : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Technical and Sp. trial Training— Inch and smaller calibers continued water borne commerce passed the 3.- district. Debris diverted the path of With curricula leading to ihe bachelor's degree in the scl otls of exploding, throwing th. ir Projectiin 000,000-ton mark for the first quarter the stream and Water Master Stanley When you th in k of used cars, of 1926, showing an increase of 19.4 of Wallowa county said it will be ne­ In all directions, th in k of C E R T IF IE D P U B L IC A griculture Home Economics per cent over the corresponding quar­ cessary to dynamite the mass In order From a 1000-foot cliff on the army reservation overlooking the plateau ter of 1925 and of 85,7 per cent over to return the river to Its channel and MOTOR C AR M A R K E T . Used vnem tcal Engineer- Military Science upon which the naval depot had stood the same quarter In 1922, the bureau restore the falls. cars only. 255 N. Church St., 1-2 n,K Mines the sight was awesome in the ex­ of research of the shipping board has A total of 11,476 Chinese pheasant block north of post office, Salem” announced. Commerco eggs. 390 Hungarian partridge eggs, Pharmncy treme. A mass of white wreckage The total tonnage for the first quar­ and 8 wild turkey eggs were gathered Oregon. marked tho place on which the larg­ Engineering V ocational Educa­ est magazine of the reservation had ter of foreign commerce In and out of at the three game farm, of Oregon, Forestry tion For R ent:— 100 acres near H a l­ been situated. A great hole loo by Pacific ports was 3,012,068 tons, com- and 8392 Chinese pheasant., 703 Hun­ 40 and about 30 feet deep wns ail pared with 2.522.429 tons and 1 621 - garian partridges and 143 wild tur sey. W rite 3 . T. Sudtei, A lbany. S ? W7 Í iB o* er* 1 in “ os‘ of th e ' ch° o1'- In >ddl‘'° " ‘o and f°r th6 gBm’ Per,0<1’ °f 1925 i iey9 W6r* "h» ^ e d “7uri7g jT e . that was left of the storage magazine . i , J ‘ .ent Il” tr ' ic ,l° " . tbn E xp erim e n t Station and K x to n . ., ' I cording to a monthly report by E F for T N T depth bombs believed to For Sale:— 75 one year old Bar. l i(e ' berv|c" ’ P*®1“ 1'«« io the a pp lica tion of scienoe in every-day -xport tonnage along the west Averill, state game warden. He pr«b have been struck by the lightning red Rock bens. »1 each, ß M. toast exceeded Imports by almost four diets that this year will mark the , which precipitated the disaster. to one for the first quarter. most successful season in the history M ille r. Fall Term Hegins September 20 of Oregon’s game farms. The total Evangelist on Stand of birds hatched this season, up to P IA N O M UST B E SOLD ?„/„/„* Los Angeles. Cal —A rigid cross ex­ June 28, Is: Chinese pheasants, 18,738; W ill sacrifice high-grade piano amination of Almee Semple McPher­ Hungarian partridges, 890. and wild THE REGISTRAR in storage near here fo r im m ediate son. pastor of Angelas temple, was turkeys. 281. begun In thee losing hours of the Little encouragement was offered M ie. W ill give easy terms to an Paris.—The chamber of deputies county grand Jury session here Sat­ Stanfield settlers by Dr. Elwood Mead, established home. For fu ll par. Corvallis voted confidence In the government, urday and was not ydt oom pi <>ted chief of the bureau of reclamation, in tic u la r. and where it can be seen, after Finance Minister Caillaux had when the Jury adjourned until Tues­ his visit to their project and their re­ address Portland Music Co., 227 Insisted that the government's plan day. to again take up the investigation quest for reconstruction work In that 6'-h St. Portland, Oregon. for stabilizing the franc must be up­ of the mysterious disappearance of section. An extension is sought to held. The vote was 269 for the gov­ the evangelist May 18 and her appear the Stanfield project to make full use ance 36 days later In Mexico. ernment to 247 against. of water to be obtained in the spring FOR SALE of 1927 from McKay dam. Before the vote on the government's Genuine C hickering U p rig h t prepared resolution of confidence, the Bobby Jones Grseted at New York. Senator R. N. Stanfield of Oregon Piano. Thia piano in dark brown (F o rm e rly Hotel Halsay) New 3 ork.—Greeted with the wild­ named a subcommittee of the senate chamber defeated a social 1st resolu­ tion calling for a capital levy by a vote est acclaim ever accorded a sports public lands committee, with himself case and in excellent condition. N EW LY R EN O VATED of 324 to 203. figure. Robert T. Jones Jr., the first ■a chairman, to begin hearings Aug At a price th a t w ill surprise you. O ther good used The government now expects that American amateur to win the British ust 1 on the boundary dispute over Investigate. Finance Minister Caillaux will be able open golf championship, arrived home Sand Island In the Columbia river pianos at very low prices. B a th - H o t W a te r - C lean Beds to go to London to sign an agreement to he lionised by the nation ha so ably which 1. claimed by both Oregon and Davenport Music House, 409 west with Winston Churchill. British chan­ represented at old st. Annes Washington The hearings will take 1st st., A lb an y, Oregon. cellor of the exchequer, for settlement Rates Reasonable Place at cities along the river. Of the French war debt. Injury Forces Ruth to Quit. It.OOO Fesneh Veteran, P.rsds Washington. D. C. Babe Ruth who I The new agreement reproduces M S P E C IA L B A R G A IN ! House War veterans Caillaux'« previous proposal, which has been making a prn.Lg,,,,, ▼ ou r P a t r o n a g e S o l i c i t e d ’" T “ ' ro llin g and sm all barn and six lots in Invalid chairs, the blind North Brownsville. a also a part of ex-Finance Minis­ to eclipse his 1921 r. 1 I of h n e i »i,h „ 7 Price for hand, °" on ‘h* the ’ shoulder, of , helr ter Peret's scheme, for payment in runs, will be ou: cf ’ houM‘<.............- M rs . E v e ly n M . Johnson, M a n a g e r W,,h w° unds quick sale 1550.00. A c t q u ic kly 63 annuities of »11500.000, with a ltely due to leg injuries, it waa"atated Zr ba"„7 and secure a borre before this of- moratorium and certain reductions “The Volga Boatman” BARBER SHOP 18 DEAD REMOVED FROM HULL OF S-51 Modern Barber Shop EXPLOSION DESTROYS BIS NAVAL ARSENAL HALSEY GARAGE cience J a r A CROWLEY IS OUSTED BY SHIPPING BOARD HUDSON & ESSEX 5. eruice C reyón l y r i c a l / u r a / C o /leye FRENCH CHAMBER SUPPORTS CAILLAUX HOTEL SYLVIAN during Ut» tin t lew »ears. Ä . 5*“ " , - - - ths Washington dsbt settlsmenL fer is w ithdraw n. Leslis L . Hu- k in , 3<