Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 14, 1926, Image 3

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A dm inistratrix’ Notice of Sale
of Realty
1» the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for tiu n County. Depf. 2. Case
Notice is hereby giveu that by
1 Ins is good ad v ice; *' It you live I No. 15,523.
virtue of an order of the County
in A lbany, trad e iu A lbany ; it you live
C reenberry Splawn.
Plaintiff, vs. Court of Linn Couuty, Oregon duly
ui som e o th e r town, trad e in th a t to w n .”
lint in these autom obile days m any re ­ Humphrey Carter; the unknown heirs of made and entered in tbe probate
sid in g elsew here find it advisable to do
at least p art of th e ir buy in g in the Humphrey Carter if he lie deceased; journal of said court authorizing
[John ta r te r ; the unknown heirs of tohn
larger town. T h o se who
to Albany
" “« K go o to
ui ,'oiin an
d d directing
irec tin g th
n d ersig n ed so
the e u undersigned
siness will fiud
to transact business
find the firm
firiu< s P ,r<er if he be deceased; Roaana C arter '
,i., . h
. , . .
nam ed below ready to fill th e ir require-
req u ire­ | Shelley
Shelley ; ; John
Jo h n Doe
Doc Shelley
Shellev her
h e r t,„
.h .„ .l- I ‘° U° ’ ,h e “ “‘»ersigned as Adminis­
m en ts w ith courtesy an I fairness.
the unknown heirs ot Rosana C arter tratrix of the Estate of William A
Shelley if 9he be deceased; Susan Bole- Brock deceased, will from and
man; John Doe Boleman her husband; after Thursday, tbe 12th Dav of
A lb an y Floral Co. Cut
and plants. Fior d art fo
the unknown heirs of Eva Carter Funk August, 1926 at the office of Tus-
anti all occasions.
deceased: Jam es Taylor; te s ta Taylor;
sing & Tussing in Halsey in Linn
Flow er phone 458-1.
the unknown heirs of Fireby Carter
Taylor decease.l; Elizabeth Xaby; the County, Oregon proceed to sell at
private sale for cash, subject to I
Tire Vulcaniziug. Battery re­ unknown heirs of Mary Fields deceased;
Chris Fields; John L. Fields; Ella confirmation of said court, tbe fol­
charging. 221 W, Second.
V\ lcks, Lewis Wicks her husband ; Lillie lowing real property, towit; —
__ _________
E d Falk, Piop.
Manning; t,u
T ,,
s H ue;
tr a Gns
n k Cole; Frank
fe" 2
!A i i c M
s ru
" * '*** j
.* >. I
B rr
O n ly
2 0 00
° San
W Ari
» ■
» ■*!.* 5
' • dtefiä
(F irst tract)
An undivided l*7th interest in
of .\an cy M inerva Fields deceased fee in the following:— Beginning
Robert II. Fields, Flieby T. Fields his 27.70 cbs. E. of the S. W. corner
fplit« Cafeteria and confectionery wife; John Fields, J. E. Fields his wife of Sec. 9 in Tp. 14 8. of R. 4 W-
Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Thomas J. Fields; M atilda Ann Hay den
Courteous, efficient serviee R A. Rhodes, Ella E. Rhodes lus wife of the Willamette Meridian, Or.,
VZe make our own candies.
Rhodes, Ja n e Roe Rhodes his wife and running thence N. 42 50 chs.
W. s. D uncan Ora
Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife to the N. line of Thomas Shepherd
P O R D SALES AND SERVICE R .v . Jenkins, Martha E. Jen k in s his D. L, C., Thence E. 23 53 chs;
wife, John W. Jenkins, Lottie E. Je n k ­ Thence S. 42.50 chs. to the S. line
Tires and accessories
ins his wife, Delbert C. Jenkins, Laura
of said sec; and thence W. to be­
K ir k -P ollak M otor Co.
A. Jenkins, his wife; David Barnard
containing 100 acres more
P o rtm ille r Furniture Co., furni- Ann Barnaid his wife, Jan e Kamstra,
IK K S W :
x ture, rngs, linoleum, stoves ranges. L. K am stra her husband; Lizzie larvey or less.
Funeral directors. 427-433 west First Lawrence Jarvev h er husband; Kidd
street, Albany, Oregon.
McDowell, M yrtle McDowell his wife,
An undivided l-7th interest in
H enry McDowell, William McDowell; J.
S ii* «
in the following:— Lot 2 in
Grocery—Bakery B. Sloan; Ruby Sloan; also all other
unknown claim ing
E v ery th in g in the line of eats
.- persons or . parties
____ ________
,.s Sec. 8, in Tp. 14 8. cf R. 4 W. of „ l i i ” '. Herub,e rt H °over, wife of the S ecretary of Commerce In P resident
Opposite Fostofiice *ny right, title, estate, lien or interest
Coolidge s cabinet, is shown laying the cornerstone for the model home being
the Willamette Meridian, Or., con- elected
by B etter Homes In America organization a t the Sesqul-Centenclal
M P E R I A r r 4 in .’ ono
in the real estate described in the com-
IL .r U rC M E ! 2 n9
' * * rS1 P,ain t herei«b defendants.
aining 30.55 acres more or less. Iftercatto n a! Exposition. In Philadelphia, June 1 to December 1 to celebrate
Harold G. M urphy Prop.
lt>0 years of Amorlcan Independence. Opposite Mrs. H oover stands Mrs. Vance
To Humphrey Carter, the unknown Also beginning on the S. boundary McCoimick of H arrisburg. The Ctrl Scouts grouped aruuud the women wlii
Phone 665
»om en wiu
heirs of H um phrey Carter if he be de
of and W. 25.30 chs. dist, from operate the house.
ileased, John Carter, the unknow n heirs
of John Carter if he 1« deceased, Rosana the S. E. corner of the D. L. C. of
with the famous Diamond-Grid plates Carter Shelley, John Doe Shelley her Thomas McDaniel and wife, Not.
Priced to suit the consum er. 423 W Firs husband, tile unknown heirs of Rosana No. 2180, Cl. No. 45, in Tp. 14.NEARBY VILLAGES DAMAGED
|e n and money are best when Carter Shelley if she be deceased, Susan S. of R. 4 W. of the W illam ette
Twonty-two officers, five civilians
busy. Make your dollars work in
Meridian. Or., and run thence N. Towns and H am lets for 15 Miles
our savings department. A lbany S tate band, the unknown heirs of Eva Carter
Show Shell-Fire Traces.
and one native killed by C yrenaican
B ank . Under governm ent supervision Funk deceased, Jam es Taylor, l.esta
Dover. N. J.—Towns and ham lets brigands In a su rp rise atta c k on a
Taylor, the unknow n heirs of Fireby with the S. boundary of said claim within a radius of 15 m iles of what wagon train proceeding from Apal-
111 arinello parlors
(A beauty aid for every need) Carter Taylor deceased, Elizabeth Nabv, 82.54 chains to the W. boundary was until S aturday the navy’s princi­ lonia to Cyrene.
the unknown heirs of Mary Fields de­ of said claim; Thence S. 24.585 pal depot, bear the m arks of the con­
Sit. Francis Hotel
A uthorities in Yokohama are fight­
Prop. W inifred Rose ceased, Chris Fields, John L. Fields, chs. to the S. W. corner of said tinued hall of debris and the shock ing a bubonic plague outbreak which
Ella Wicks, Lewis Wicks her husband,
claim; Thence E. 32.54 chs. to be- of the detonating stores of powder, already has caused u num ber of deaths
OSCOE AMES HARDWARE Lillie Manning. Stella Jones, Gus Cole,
T N T , and even m ore powerful ex- and which th re a te n s to assum e highly
W lth the ,egg gevere)y |n serious proportions.
Frank Cole, Chester Cole. H enry Cole. ginning, containing 80 acres more I pioglvej
The W inchester Store
John Cole, Anna Jarvey, the unknow n or less, excepting therefrom that lured under treatm en t tn several hos
Sixteen officers and guards and 375
heirs of Nancy Minerva Fields deceased, certain tract of 26.50 acres more pitals and private homes In th e hilly m iner convicts w ere locked In the
p H E .MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP Thomas J. Fields, Matilda Ann Hayden,
or less conveyed by said William region in and about Lake Denmark, coal m ines of the K ansas p en iten tiary
Geo. L. Hurley, Proprietor and L. A. Rhodes, Ella E. Rhodes his wife,
It was difficult to obtain an accurate a t Lansing. Kan., 730 feet below the
Manager, Warm air furnaces, plum bing Ora Rhodes, Jane Roe Rhodes his wife, A. Brock et al to Flora Williams check-up of those hurt In the succes- surface, a fter a m utiny am ong ihe
and sheet metal work, tin a n l grave! Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife, by deed dated June 2, 1915, re­ ilve blasts set off by a bolt of light­ convicts.
roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal John W . Jenkins, Lotlie E. Jen k in s his corded June 29, 1915 nt page 899 ning.
Income taxes collected by the feder­
vanized iroe work, metal skylights and wife, Delbert C. Jenkins, Laura A. of Vol. 108 of deed records of Linn
Explosions occurring at frequent In­ al governm ent In the state of Oregon
cornices, pumps of all kinds.
Jen k in s his wife, David Barnard, Ann County, Oregon.
terv als threw e h d ls a distance of during th e fiscal year 1926, Just
136 Ferry street, Albany.
Phone 127J Barnard his wile, Jane K amstra, I,.
about a mile. T his barrage made a
losed, am ounted to »6,399,172, or
Kamstra her husband, Lizzie Jarvey,
w ar-time Inferno of an area of four 1381,929 less than the total for the
T H E HUB CONFECTIONERY Lawrence Jarvey her husband, also all •
| m iles Im m ediately surrounding the previous year.
Make it your m eeting place.
other persons or parties unknown claim ­ f ie in the follow ing:- Beginning depot. T roops who were hurried to
Inform ation from Rio Jan eiro 8ays
Lunches. Icecream , Ices, Home Made ing anv right, title, estate, lien or inter
80 rds. s. and 80 rds W. of the | the scene stood by. helpless to curb Irazll has decided to w ithdraw her
candy. Special coon l.unch.
est in the real estate described in the N. E . corner of Sec. 8 in Tp. 14 S>. the ceaseless explosions.
lelegatlon a t Geneva, although two
R. c. Phillips. Manager.
com plaint h erein—of the above defend
Scores of civilians in nearby towns years m ust elapse before her recently
of II. 4 W. of W illam ette Merid
ian, Or., and run thence W. 70 were Injured but the heglra of hun uiDounced resignation from the league
I n t h e nam e of t h e state o f O r e ­
of fam ilies from -their homes if nations becomes effective.
Station gon , you and each of you are hereby re rds. more or less to the county dreds
made Im possible an accurate estim ate
A nother peaceful coup d’e ta t was el­
We serve all makes -ew m «
quired to appear and answer the com road; Thence S. 12 ft; Thence K.
ected In P o rtu g al’s capital Friday.
and sell
- plaint of the above named plaintiff now 70 rds more or less
No Lim its for A m erican Ships
___ __ to point due S.
The m ovem ent wns directed by Gen-
Under new managemen
on file in the above en titled court and I of beginning; thence N. 12 ft. to
New York.—T here Is no “12 m ilt ■ral Carm onia, form er foreign mlnls-
lim it” preventing seizure beyond th at
er, and o th e r form er cabinet mem­
L. M. Taylor, Prop. cause w ithin six weeks from the 23rd I beginning
day of June, 1926, the date of the first I
point for A m erican ships, according bers, who formed a new governm ent.
121 W. Second, Albany.
publication of th is summons, and y o u , . ‘
Sal< ^ iree ^r a c ts »TO Situated to a decision of th e United S tates c ir­
ire hereby notified th at if you fail to J *n Liun County, Oregon and eaclt cuit court of appeals. The decision
If you enjoy a good meal,
Radio S tatio n s Assume All Risk
z»nd know a good meal when you get it, appear and answer sai 1 com plaint on o r , a re subject to tbe Use of each re- reversed a finding In the United S tates
W ashington, D. C.— Until congress
Y ou'll be back, tor yo n ’ll not forget it. before the 4th day of August. 1926, the j-Dective tract for the term of the d istrict court of the d istrict of Con­
»eta, radio com m unication In the Unit-
I a s tb u rn B ros.— I wo big grocery D ole; C hester Cole; H enry Cole John
K ° Ie; A" “» J.rv e y ; the u n know n heirs
G E O . M, G IL C H R IS T
at lowest rate of in terest
Prom pt service, courteous treatm ent.
W m ’ B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank
btiilning, Albany
Why suffer from headache?
Have your eyes examined
Dr. Seth T. French
W 'tb
F M. Frencn & Sen
—and other northern
C alifornia points.
Fast,convenient ser­
vice daily in all-steel
safety coaches, well-
lighted and ventilat­
ed. Room y seats,
Meals at low cost; eat
in the lunch car on
trains 13 and 15.
O n ly One N ig h t
on S outhern C ali­
fornia Express. Or
go on the “San Fran­
cisco Express" or the
S o u th e r n P a c i f i c
L in e s
L ancaster, N. H — John W. W eeks,
form er U nited S tates senator and w ar
secretary under P resid en ts H arding
and Coolidge, died here at his sum m er
home, Mount Proapect, a t 3 o’clock
Monday. D eath cam e from angina
pectoris and followed a long fight for
W eeks died w ithout recovering con­
sciousness from the coma Into which
he had lapsed early Sunday m orning.
Mrs. W eeks, his son, Sinclair, and
Mrs. John W ashington Davldge, his
daughter, were a t tbe bedside when
the end came.
W eeks arrived at his sum m er home
here last month, hoping th a t the
change of clim ate m ight resto re his
fast-falling health
Dr. R. a . W ilder, personal phyal-
clan, stated th ta the body would un­
doubtedly be taken to W ashington for
funeral services.
Ohr aim is to please von.
Real Estate
f e s
-High« ay Garage-'
Waldo Anderson and Son, Props.
last day of the time prescribed ,n th e n a t u r a , lif# o f D i
B rQ ck , g CQn_ necticut, which had sustained excep­
tions to a governm ent libel filed
r d e r f o r th e p u b h catio . of this su m -
inons, the plaintiff w ill apply to s a id ,
against th e A m erican rum ru n n er
court for the relief dem anded therein. I al to s a ’^ ^ i c y Brock by deed re- U nderw riter. The U nderw riter was
tow it:—For a decree of said court th a t I corded Vol. 100, page 214 of deed seized beyond the 12 mile lim it, a fact
the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple records of said county; and a
upon which one of the exceptions was
of the S. W.
of the N. W
of sec.
said tracts are subject to right of
11 in Tp. 14, S. of R 1 W. of the W il,
lanictte M eridian in Linn Couuty, O re­ dower of Lulu Brock as widow of
gon and that you and each of you have [said W illiam A. Brock deceased.
no right, title, estate, lien or interest
Lulu Brock,
P ortland
in or to saiil real property or any part
W heat— Big Betid bluestem , »1.43;
A dm inistratrix aforesaid,
thereof, th at each of you be fotever
H arrisburg, Oregon hard white, »1 40; federation, »1.39;
barred and enjoined from asserting any
soft w hite, w estern white, »1.39; hard
Tussing & Tossing
right, title, estate, lien or interest there
w inter, northern spring and w estern
in or claim thereon adverse to such ti
red, »1.36.
tie of plaintiff, anil for such other and
H ay—Alfalfa, »17.60018 to n ; valley
further relief as may be equitable.
llm othy, »17.60018; eastern Oregon
Flam es Raze K alam a Mill
Service of this Summons is made by
timothy, »21 021.50.
K alam a, W ash.—The tinder-dry saw-
publication thereof pursuant to an order
B u tterfat—41c ship p ers’ track.
made by the Hon. It. M. l’ayne. County rnill of th e Colum bia R iver Door com­
Eggs —Ranch, 28® J0c.
Judge of Linn Cou«1y, Oregon at Al­ pany h ere was destroyed by a fire of
C heese -P ric e s f. o. b. Tillam ook;
bany, Oregon cn and dated the 14th Day
T riplets. 27H c; loaf, 28«$c p er lb.
plant. Its dock and Its yards, doing
of June. 1926. directing the pabBcation
C attle—S teers, m edium, »7.50 0 8 50.
»500.009 dam age, largely covered by
thereof to he made in the Rural E nter­
Hogs— Medium to choice, »14015.
Insurance. The mill, of 100,000-foot
prise, a newspaper published at Halsey
Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice
Linn County, Oregon once a week for capacity, employed 100 men on a shift. »11012.
six consecutive weeks.
H ousew ives Oo to C ourt
Tussing & Tussing,
Salem, Or.— M andam us actions were
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
W heat — Soft w hits, w estern white,
b* gun In th e s ta te suprem e court and
Pcsioflice Address, Halsey, Oregon
»1.41; Big Bend bluestem . »1.38; hard
In th e circuit court of Marion county
w inter, w estern red, »1 34; northern
against S ecretary of S ta te K ozer to spring, »1 34.
compel a place on th e N ovem ber bal
H ay—Alfalfa, (26; tim othy P. S ,
/A lb a n y
lot for tbe Oregon W ater Pow er De »20; do, mixed. »26.
velopm ent m easure. Initiated by th e I Butter—Creamery, 39040c.
H ousew ives' council.
E g g s - Ranch, 31 0 33c.
Manufacturers of
H ogs—Prim e. »16 85 0 16
Wilkin® at Seattle.
Cattle—Choice steers, »7 7 5 0 8 50.
Seattle. Wash —C aptain George H
C heese—O regon trip lets. 28c; W ash
W ilkins, leader of th e D etroit arctic iogton triplets. 24c.
expedition which last w inter and
spring unsuccessfully attem p ted to dis
cover land north of A laska, arrived
Hoga—Good. »1« 7601»
her« an ro u te to D etroit, Mich.
C attle—S teers, good, » 7 0 7 76.
Late Market Report
id S tates will be conducted entirely
it the risk of the operating stations,
the com m erce dep artm en t announced
-n in terp re tin g an opinion by the at-
rney-general. T he atto rn ey general
held th a t In the absence of specific
eglslatlon by congress the com m erce
lep artm en t was w ithout au thority to
nforce regulations covering the In­
Bobby Jones New Golf Champion
Scioto C ountry Club, Columbus G —
Hobby Jo n e s, B ritish open churnplon,
won the 1926 national open golf cham ­
pionship. Jones turned In a card of
293 for the 72 holes of play.
Meade & Albro
Nine Die in Election Fight
Mexico City. —Manuel Espino, social­
ist congressional candidate, and eight
o th ers w ere killed and 14 Injured In Optometrists and Manufacturing
fight over canvassing election re ­
tu rn s a t Dolores Hidalgo.
Job Printing
Personal Service by an Experienced Printer
Bring Your Next O rder to the Enterprise
Creamery Association
Chrysler Cars
Atwater Kent Radios
Accessories and Supplies LINN BUTTER
and Buyers of Eggs
Day and Night Storage .
A Farm ers' Co-operative J
1st and Eaker S ts.
The time for glasses—is right at
the begining of the trouble with
your eves. Delays are dangerous.
The eye is the most delicate mem.
her of tbe hnman body and every
moment you delay after the trouble
starts you are getting ju st th at
much toward possible blindness.
Come in today and let us examine
your eyes.
Our new address—313 West Firs»
st., next door to Western Union.
Any Girl in Trouble
may comm unicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation A rm y at (the
W hite Shield Home, .565 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon.