KLRAL ENTERPRISE Federal Commissioner Published Every Wednesday, B v H cbebt L . A lmom KD1TOM AND PUBLISHER • • • • Neighborhood News • • • • HALSEY STATE BANK The funeral of Mrs. Agnes Me- , Neil at the Piue Grove church Sunday afternoon was attended by (By an Dnterpiise Reporter) almost the entire corn inunity, as Miss Mearle Straley and father well as by many friends and rela­ motored to Albany Saturday afer- tives from Halsey and other places. noou. ; .Mrs. McNeil had lived here for Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Templeton many years before moving to Ilal- visiied at Rupert Leonards Sunday -ey six years ago afternoon. Bert Hayties and Robert Hover Mrs. O. W. E rum and daughter went to Portland Thursday with a Vivian called at W. R. Kirks lues- truck load of latnbs, .Mr. and Mrs. a^ ’ Elmer Cadwallader and Children Mrs. Hazel Munkers and child- ^ av*’ ^een »oiking in the berry ren visited at the Straiey home patches are at the Shepherd farm Saturday afternoon. again for a week or so. Spoon River Sparks W’etlne«(lay, July 14, 192« SI a y e ar in advance Arrearages. 12,‘-,'c a tu o n lli A dv ertisin g , 2<»c an in c h ; no discount lo r liu ie or space . no ch arg e for coin* ooaition o r c latigea. 1» T a l o foi P aragraphs." Sc a line a d v ertisin g d isg u ise d a s n ew s. Weekly Industrial Review Halsey, Oregon C A PITA L AND SU R PLU S $35,000 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited nm ! A s Cold a s th e fro z e n North is our ice cream. It is delightfully Salem — b u ild in g permit* for six nio.itIn total $1,458,030. cooling and refreshing after a hard S t Helens—Six lumb> r ship­ shopping tour. Stop in and enjoy ments for one week aggregate Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vannicel Mr. al“l Mrs. Kred Sylvester are a plate. We have all flavors. 4,CMX),i)000 feet. were at the county teat Thursday, visiting Mrs. Sylvester’s parents B urnt—fieri ick Company re It make? an ideal refreshment and Mrs, W. A. Carey returned to | near Beaverton. ceives 13 cars steel, f ,r logging id nourishing and wholesome. Chas. Nichols and family look Salem with her.-on Clifford and railroad use. J a drive Saturday up over the Mc- family, Wednesday. Clark s Confectionery Hood River—30 cars black cher­ Herman Stienke and family ^ e,uie paa's ™ itiDK »«veral place? ries shipped, to top New York motored to Lebanon Saturday of interest. market and bring average price $3 I Miss Undine Dannen visited Mrs. afternoon. per 10 pound box. M. B Stone and Herbert Tyler Eagy Monday. Garibaldi - Three mile unit o' The Hover and H ajnes thresh- were busy making a well at the Roosevelt Highway, to Hobsonville R ear Admiral H. O. Stickney, re­ er w ilt start Tuesday noon at Frank will cost $100,000. tired, who has been appointed by Sec­ Stone ranch last week. 6J To Obtain Healthy and Thriving Pullets Fast work being done on Corval­ retaries Hoover and Kellogg as Fed­ Miss Grace Kirk and brothers, Gibson’s. eral Commissioner to the Sesqul-Cen- Miss Grace f’ehrsson is working! lis-Newport highway, near Philo tennlal International Exposition com Francis, Raymond and James were m ath. nem orating the 150th anniversary of Saturday afternoon visitors at the in S turtevant’s store. Southern Pacific will officially American Independence and which Elliot home. will be held in Philadelphia from June designate Natron cut-off as “ Shas­ 1 to December X. Admiral Stlcknoy Alford Arrows |3> Mr?. Pugh and daughter were at zj\ 1° Connection W ith Kerr’s Scratch, to ta Route-Cascade b in e.” will be In full charge of the United G. J. Bike? Wednesday afternoon. Klamath Falls—Building per. States G overnment exhibit, which will The Misses Ava and Edna Falk be the larg est of its type ever made. (B y an Enterprise Reporter) $ Liberal Discount on Ton Lots or More. The mils, passeil $1,COO,000, for first were callers at W. R. K irk ’s Wed- half of this year. Chester Curtis and family at-; I’©cd That Gives Results. BONUS LOANS $18,726,125 ' nesday afternoon. -f . c. lauzity I, i u’cnic of the | --- tended a family Eugene— Building permits lor Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Albertson Tandy family Sunday, June reach nearly $300,000 for Of 7650 Allowed, Bpt 199 Ace Under and children and Robert Ramsey’s Foreclosure Proceedings, June, and for six months $008,935. Mrs. B. E. Cogswell and 6on were Sunday visitors at J. N. El­ Salem, Or.—A total of 34,654 Ore­ Oregon honey is being shipped I hilip of Portland are spending | gon w ar v eteran s had filed applica­ liots. to Philadelphia. “ome time at the ranch now help-I tions for cash bonuses and Ioans un­ Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Straiey ing Mr. Cogswell. Portland stands as second city d er the Oregon bonus act up to June in U. S. in average home use of 30, according to a report Issued by spent Sunday at Summit, visiting Mrs. Louis Heitzman, mother of I Rev. Caines. electricity. M ajor W. P. Simpson, secretary of Mrs. Joe Cersovski, passed away I Mrs. J. N. Elliot and Mrs. A. J. Bend —Bend Water, Light and the world w ar veteran s' state aid com­ at tier home in Portland June 19 Albertson went to Peoria, Wednes­ with funeral services June 22. power Co. acquires Deschutes Pow­ mission. Loans m ade under the bonus act to day afternoon. e r Company, and will build 18- She had been very ill since last date total 7660, aggregating $18,726.- mile liue to Redmond, to connect X25. Of these 2951 Ioans, aggregating Rev. Clifford L. Carey and wife fall. systems. $7,651,500, w ere made in Multnomah and daughter came up from Eu­ Ed Ingram and family and Mr. We have ab o u t 20,000 used sacks ra n g in g in Hermiston—Growers expect to county alone. Marlon county ranks gene Wednesday and were dinner and Mrs. Jim Connet of Bay City whip 5,000 holiday turkeys this second with 469 loans and Clackam as guests at Cecil Bilyeu’s. price from 7c to 11c. D on’t overlook th e se b a r­ spent Thursday night of last week county third with 396. year. Bert Hopper and family, form­ at Lee Ingram ’s. R epaym ents on bonus loans to date Ranier—Menefee mill, burned total $3,197,382.59, of which $1,168,- erly of Minnesota but now of Hal- g a in s. Mr. and Mrs. John Willoughby with $100,000 loss, will he rebuilt. 496 24 rep resen ts in terest paym ent soy and Miss \iv ia n Gibson and and $1,630,897.30 principal. Six hun­ friend of Portland visited at the visited at Lee Ingram ’s, Friday afternoon of last week. dred and sixty four loans are listed as The regular monthly meeting delinquent In the amount of $48,233 13. C. B. Gibson home Sunday. Miss Lillie Rickard spent Sun­ of the city council was held Tues­ Foreclosures authorized to date on Seymour Bowman and Mr. day at Lake Creek. day evening and the usual business properties securing bonus lonns num Toedetineir started threshing last E. D. Isom made a business trip bar 199, with loans aggregating $198, Thursday. They were the first in transacted. 726 to Albany one day last week. this community to start their E. I). Isom and son Carl and threshing outfits, but others will niece DeEtta Robnett drove to soon begin Newport Sunday bringing home £. s. Bartht, Blotmfcntiin, 0. F. 5 , 4frfca) Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Marsters and Mrs. Isom and Beverly, who, with son Lyman motored to Eugene their mother and grandmother, P A IN T S Sunday to visit relatives at that V A R N ISH ES Mrs. Louise Bond of Albany, had place. spent the list two weens there. place. Julius Falk and daughters, Wil Edna \an n iee spent last week at ma, Lois and Erm a spent S.-tur Cottace Grove attending the Ep- day at the Chester Cuitis home. worth League Institute. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Sprague and Mr. and Mrs. R L. Bilyeu ar.d Mrs. Frances Bloomfield spent the te i daughter Edilii and Mrs. Roy Bi|. Fourth at the A. E. Whitbeck Jyeu and children of Portland were home. The ladies nre sisters of - v .< Sunday visitors at A. I,. F alk’s. Mr. Whitbeck. The Spragues have 1 Use K err’s i S oping i 3 i O. w . FR U M * SACKS! SACKS! Superior Sack Twine, 75c per lb. T. J. Skirvin Seed (o I he Wool Industry in South Africa A lb e r t Pine Grove Points My,.. Keep your PORCH ATTRACTIVE OTHING adds so much to the ap­ pearance of a porch as a floor that always looks new and clean. And a coat or two of LOWE BROTHERS PORCH and DECK PAINT will keep your floor bright-looking the whole year ’round. LOWE BROTHERS PORCHand DECK PAINT goes on smoothly, covers a wide area per gallon and dries quickly to a beautiful, lasting finish. N B e/oi e you paint, see us BILL & COMPANY HALSEY 8 W est spent S unday a t returned home hut Mrs. Bloomfield George Shaw? and Byron Gages, (B y Special Correspondent) The community meeting wns not held Friday evening owing to the death of Mis. McNeil. stayed for a longer visit. © Underwood 4 Underwood Wallace Hawk and family of H rsnay aMenr wrt pSgflfr, bom, ¡» ¿lrie- Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Fred boUtAvt/Mr,«,,. Hawk of Riverside, Calif., visited at the Lee Ingram home one day last week. Mr. amt Mrs. B. E. Cogswell and P “ ‘ son Philip, Mr. and Mrs. Michael strong, staple wool. Four 0/ « Kaffir able P fo? ^ th!V3?n “ntr7r Rickard, and M r/and Mrs. J. II. Ric.'ard and sons, Emery and "?a kln$r Pro m a rk e t v alu e o f the w oii V L , ,te r Jesse, spent Sunday at Cascadia. m aim ed sh een and nor ,, h e . ie 7 e r Mr. mid Mr?. Butler and child­ morrea n t’ P l ^ “ ‘onal 6% ” ?er• and,la w ; nTiow? h the ren of Harrisburg spent Sunday secured WUh’' « ^ ' A a ° ° J evening at Lee Ingram's. itself th ° machine resolves Miss Lillie Rickard visited Tbel- « rt1i n l ,n°dSlg’?’e« VeSUneBt Wlth advice m ay bo at ma Ingram Morula v. Rev. Gillispie preached at Pine Grove Sunday morning. It ¡g thought that this was his last Sun­ day with 11«, as he expects to be sent to another charge at the com­ ing conference. Mrs. Beryl McNeil and children returned Sunday from a visit to her parents at McMinnville, The husine?.- meeting of the L ittle encouragem ent was offered Peoria South Methodist missionary Stanfield settlers by Dr Elwood Mead, society was held at Mrs, I,. E chief of the bureau of reclam ation, In Esgys, Thursday afternoon. Those his visit to th eir project and th eir re­ present were Mesdames Tate, Dunn quest for reconstruction work In that I section. An extension is sought to .1. S. Lam ar, J W. I.amar, Georg ‘he Stanfield project to m ake ful! use and efficient in N ats? T r ^ . v ^ i a toJirnf0UL pr0V,nce9- and C a n e O ran*e F ree State, the U n ? o n b CI>’ .whlch comprise li it li e u s , R u ssell G 'lh e n s . M c L a re n of w ater to be obiained In the spring H o v e r a n d M rs. E a g y . , ot 1927 from MeKay dam. K X r S ^ T , V d T i0,,£ m..|, ,-n «hearing machine a T iS j!£ t ti ba,,J hl«des. w h?eh*^n' There will be no preaching ser- s *,n»‘o’’ R- N Stanfield of Oregon vices at I’ioe Grove next Sunday “ u p " •ubcon,n’ “ “ * «he senate •ive wool rax -™ « “ «*1/ Progrw- ^ h 7 nd j S , - public lands com m ittee, with himself as Hiss Milter w ill a tt e n d th e E p - j as chairm an, to begin hearings Aug worth league institute a t Cottage u«t ‘ on th« boundary dispute over Grove. ! 8and Island In the Columbia river, R-y Hover spent the week end I * Ziaiin«,m " '“ The th v , " a t A ew p o . t. <> re ’, on ‘, nd « t 0 tha’ m.^hiS?*°,h ** °f «heirinVwfth b e arin g s will tak e f place a t cities along the river. - ^ cune; fu •Momanareandn'x r i\m ihlneton' I,lah^ i-’ « u rp A S g dt o ^ ’ ?e in r ^ mhln<‘d- '« two and one hair ri^-th a t they contain as our flSS •*"«>