O A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k VO LU M E 15 NUMBER 11 - Local and Personal Mention - Heavy Tourist Travel Mrs. Agnes M cN eil Passes Away The ‘lowdown’ on » S h ir ts òu/n/h n u r-— - » News Items From Entire State The Oregon Highway Cominis Mrs. Agnes Elizabeth McNeil sion made a traffic census the other died at her home in Halsey at day at the key point at Grants 11:30 o’clock, June 9, after a two Parents’ home near Central Point 1 ass, where the Pacific highway is A nearly normal yield of while repairing a telephone wire. Con­ weeks illness from pneumonia. wheat is predicted by H. O. joined by the Redwood highway. tact with a high-tension power wire Mrs. McNeil was born in Union county agent This census showed a total of 4419 waa the cause. Brownsville, 76 years ago to Mr. A severe attack of rust on fait sown cars passing that point that day, Dr. Earl C. McFarland. 44, collector and Mrs. Thomas Morgan, pio­ grain, especially on the hill land. Is of customs for the Oregon district of which 3670 were on the Pacific neers of the Calapooia valley. Shu causing considerable worry to Toledo end widely known sportsman, died la highway and 749 on the Redwood waa married to J, T. McNeil of farmers. *’" 7 '* '" ’ ,r° m * heart '«»PKint highway. Of these cars 738 here A cigarette dropped by a passing which had confined him to bed fop Lake Creek, 56 year* ago and had licenses of states other than Oregon. Stanard who is in Portland on the Mr. and Mrs. George Finley of lived her entire life iu Linn county, motorist is thought to have caused a several months. federal jury. Crawfordsville visited the former’s Of the total of 738 foreign cars 543 the last six years she has resided in grain fire at Helix which destroyed The public service commission Is­ 175 acres of wheat. bore California licenees. sued an order reducing materially the Halsey. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote o f' sister, Mrs. Eliza Brandon Taes- Residents of Curry county In the freight rate on wheat shipped over W. A. Reid, secretary of the She is survived by one son, W ' Creswell and Mies Mabel Robinson ; ’ ‘y of Brookings have formtd tho lines of the Great Southern rail­ Corvallis chamber of commerce G "McNeil of the Lake Creek dis-J Vicinity the Southern Curry Fish and Mearle Ceruti of near Junc­ Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Skitvin ac­ spenf nine hours at Junction City and Game road. which operates between The Dalles and Friend. tion City made a short visit at the companied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed last Thursday between the hours trict and two daughters, Mrs. A. , Protective association. The chamber of commerce and oth Five were killed in traffic accidents, home of David Foote Saturday. Skirvin of Junction City motored of 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. mak­ M. Simon of Eugene and Mrs. W. They were on their way to New- to Eugene Sunday and spent the ing a careful check of north and G. Perry of Woodburn. Three er organtzationa of Salem are gup one by « train, and three were acci­ port od an outing. day. sisters, four brothers, ten grand­ porting a movement to establish a dentally drowned In Multnomah coun­ southbound motor tourist travel on federal prison at that place. ty during June, according to a report children and three great grand­ W. G. Morgan and family of With weather conditions Ideal, the by Dr. Karl Smith, coroner. In all The Amo9 Ramsey threshing the Pacific highway. children also survive her harvesting of winter wheat is Sworn 37 deaths were reported. Lebanon, attended the funeral of machine started Tuesday with The West Side Pacific highway, Funeral services were conducted I ng general In Oregon. In some sec Members of the Goose Lake W ater Mr. Morgan’s sister, Mrs. McNeil prospects tor a good run. according to this check, is getting at Pine Grove at two o’clock Sun­ lions spring wheat is also being cut. I sere’ association in Lake county ap­ Sunday. 53 per cent of the total travel on day afternoon and largely attend, Seven hundred and fifty blooded pealed to Rhea Luper. state engineer, Mr. an of their son Glen. Their grand­ at the home of Mrs. Jenks’ sister, Hugh Kirkpatrick of Lebanon as The Women’s Missionary society of crews on band, and the yield prom­ report of production, orders and ship­ children there are suffering with Mrs. D. Trylor, in H ilsey Fridav secretary-treasurer ---------- -- and A. K. W IV. °f the Christian church met with ises to he large. The three packing ments issued by the West Coast Lum­ Me- bouses will be In operation about bermen’s association. The production evening. the whooping cough. Mahan, of Albany was named as I L True Tuesd ty afternoon, July 15. of 102 mills for the week totaled 97,. 148,156 feet. New orders booked to­ Roy A. Angel of Baker City, member for Linn county of the i ^ r8, ^ e*tn tTa9 a guest besidj the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poole of Fred Daugherty was killed at Ills Lebanon visited with friends in brother of Mrs. J. H- Vannice met Oregon State Democratic com- four^eei1 members present. The farm four miles southeast of Molalla taled 109.410,232 feet, and shipments afternoon was passed in making when the binding pole of a load of totaled 104,731,421 feat. Halsey Tuesday. death by drowning Monday after­ mittee. President Coolidge has Indicated After filling all vacancies, the plans for the coming year. Light bay broke and the sharp end thrust Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker noon at 3:30 while bathiog at Ra­ committee postponed the choice of refreshments were served at the itself Into his body as he fell to the that he will sign the bill refunding ground. taxes on the Oregon A CjUlfornla drove to Cottage Grove Monday dium Springs, a swimming resort. a county executive committee un- !clo8e oI lb« meeting. Six hundred Portland restaurants railroad grant lands since 1916 to 18 where the Epworth League Insti­ Mr. Angel was unable to swim, t il a fu tu re meeting. Mr. and* Mrs Leighton Header, and hotels were notified by Dr. John Oregon counties, despite his misgiv­ tute is in progress. They took waded into deep water and sank ing as to tome of Its unusual features. He was 21 years of age. Mrs. son spent the week end in Browns- ° Abide, city health officer, that be with them Misses Grace Kirk, The early hop outlook hat taken a Jay W. Moore went to Portland ginning August 1 they must serve Hope Hussey, Velva Hadley and Vannice departed at once to be yesterday to Investigate a business ville. favorable turn In the many yards In milk in original bottles Instead of in Edna Vannice who will spend sev­ present for the funeral. the Harrisburg vicinity within the proposition. A real estate firm in The Halsey garage announces a glasses. eral days there attending the in­ Mra. John T. Moore, wife of the last two weeks and growers, who here­ Attorney A. A. Tussing spent that city offered him a good posi- ^ ^ t a n t i i l reduction in the prico stitute. seveial days in Salem and Port­ tion to act as exchange agent for of tires See their ad on another Chief of the Portland police detective tofore predicted only a 50 per cent bureau, died lu the St. Johns hospital crop, are now certain of 76 per cent Mrs. John Bramwell and daugh­ land this week looking after legal the company. If the layout looks page. at Port Townsend, Wash , from injur or more of a normal yield. ter, Mrs. Nick Finick are cooking business. Mr. Tussing has been good to him he will remain in the Covering approximately 160 acres Clay P. Moody is back on the les received In au automobile accident named as attorney for the estate city and go to work at once. Hie near that city. near School Ma'ams flat, 12 miles east for the Ramsey threshing crew. of the late Dr. Fanning of Port­ wife and two children have gone to job at the S. P. Depot after taking Asa Sanders, aged 17. was killed by of Butte Falls, In the Crater Lake Word received from Mrg. Effie land. a two weeks vacation. a lilgh power electric current a t hie Newport for a month’s visit at the _______ ____ (Continued on page 4) Wesley who is visiting relatives at home of her mother.—Harris- Plowing Canada Thistle Minburn, Iowa states that while P. J. Forster and wife returned Begins Control System picnicking with friends and rela­ Saturday from their weeks vaca­ burg Bulletin. tives they ate of pressed chicken tion spent at Yachats. Audy Elswick and family were | ---------- and all became ill.' Her son Daniel bore from Brownsville Sunday, Plowing up the Canada thistle Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason had not yet fully recovered. She ®t this season in Oregon does were in town a short while Mon­ guests at the ti. W. Chance home. reports the weather cool and cloudy - ---------- , much to kill a substantial part of day, while enroute to Albany from Did You Ever Stoo to Think the root systems of the plants, says until recently it became warmer. Bend where they had spent a week the experiment station. The Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson looking the town over with a view By Edson R Waite, Secretary, Shawnee, plants allowed to stand have drove to Corvallis and brought to locating. The have decided to N E JJS fA D i ST Okla., board of Commerce. raached the seed stage and many their son Wayne home with them make Bend their future home. That a man or business that farmers think the damage is over to spend the week end. Robert Forster returned to Ya­ ruins Iheir credit by neglect to an­ for the year and so forget thistles Carl Hill and Lawrence Taylor chats Monday where he has been swer statements or pay bills, hurt till the plants start up next year. You want your shirt to look well, always. were Cottage Grove visitors Sun­ employed to do the carpenter work themselves. But this is g good time to start True— the on 1> part that most folks see is the day. on a large residence. That it ottsn hurts them «o bad­ control work, as the plants have little V above your vest. But that “V” be­ ly that they fail to recover. »pent their energy in producing speaks the stylo, tho quality of your ontiro That to damage credit is bad the big top growth and seed, while business. shirt. the soil is dry and chancea for re­ That it means when they need j cuperation are poor. something they can’t get it. I If the . patch ___ __ is „ to _ be cultivated You want inbuilt value, below the “V” and That every person or firm needs a disc harrow no preparation in tho fashioning. Sm art lines. Deft tailoring 10c lb., 3 lbs. 25c credit at times. for plowing is needed, but if with That to abuse the credit they a blade weeder the top . growth Get rid of those slugs and cut worms that are _ la of shoulders, cufls and sleevos. have is bad business. burned off. Plowing is ms deep as getting a good living in your garden. That it is b etraying the confi- conditions permit. The furrow See tho style show of Neustadler dence reposed in them. «‘ices are narrow and the plow shirts at Our Store. Neustadt»r That when credit is lost no time share sharp, in order to cut each Brothers, Established 1858, Portland should be lost in paying up and root off. _______ In lb. Packages San Francisco, New York. getting right. The Geld is looked over every That paying up is the only way three or four days to destroy any ¿STÄDTER. to get right. new growths that may spring up That when they get right again S * r the end of the season the Fly Repel lant, Oronite Cow iSprav for Your Cows they should stay right. ; conditions of the root* will ind Good credit often saves a job, a cate the oext step. If they are business, end sometimes it seres >nuch weakened it is feasible to OPEN W EDX UDAY AMD SATURDAY KVERIMOS UNTIL MIRg O’CLOCK the lose of all. plant a heavy eover crop of vetch c o p y r ig h t , 1936. I and oats. Mr. and Mis. Wesley Holloway The \V. F. M. 8. held a joint have been on a weeks campiDg trio meeting with the Standard Eearer to the Coos Bay country. and King g Herald societies, Fri. Earl Frum of Woodburn will day afternoon at the homo of Mrs. spend the summer working at the 8. J. Smith. About forty mem Each one ranch of his uncle, Walter Fruia. bers were present. brought s gift for the Christmas Johu Bressler is taking care of box to be sent to missionary fields the lumber yard at Brownsville Refreshments were served. during the absence of Harvey '■ D a iry P o u ltry W ool .A rsenate-*- FLY-TOX FOR THE HOUSE FLY 1HALSEY PHARMACY F IN E S H IR T S i M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon