PACI 4 RURAL ENTERPRISE GLOBE, Albany GOVERNMENT SURPLUS TOTALS $377,768,000 LUTHER C. WHITE P.B.ÍH.1 (Continued from page 1) Truck Line DAILY SERVICE JULY 11-12-13 which the lands"lie. Washington. D. C.—The federal gov Route all freight Auto Freight Ter. Threshing prices have been fixed In •rnment closed its fiscal year, with a miual, Door 39. Phone RAst 5004 Linn county by the sack as follows: surplus of »377,768.000. Leave Portland each dav at 4:00 p. ,u. A Mysterious Oats, 15 cents; barley, 18 cents, and This margin, although below the Leave Halsey each day at 3:3o p. ni. Sensational wheat, 22 cents, and by the hour, »12 estimate of »390.000,000 recently made Halsey Depot, Swift & Co. for six-team, »14 for eight-team and by President Coolidge, is almost four Melodrama »16 for 10-team outfits. Wages will be Portland, Brownsville and times as large as was expected by the paid as follows: Three dollars a day “ O utsid e the L a w president earlier in the year. The sur­ Harrisburg Truck Line for sack man, »2.50 a day for laborers, plus will be used to reduce the public and »4 a day for man with team. debt. with Both customs receipts and Income The right of the city of Portland and Lon Chaney and taxes exceeded those of last year, the the validity of an ordinance giving latttr despite the reductions In tax the right to construct the Front-street Priscilla Dean rates made in the middle of the year. intercepting sewer and drainage sys­ The public debt during the last fis­ tem and a sea wall at a cost of about COMHDV F irs t-c la s s W o r k cal year was reduced »95,000,000, mak­ »2 068,620 were upheld in an opinion of ing the total obligation now »19,433,- the supreme court in the case of the “ The Wireless Lizzie” J- W . S T E P H E N S O N . 000,000. Pioneer Real Estate company, appel­ AND Secretary Mellon announced that the lant, against the city of Portland. TUSSI NG & TUSSING “ Hodge Podge” treasury was selling »43,000,000 of 4 4 The Stanfield bill refunding taxes per cent far loan bank bonds back 1 LAW YERS on the ex-Oregon & California Rail­ to the loan banks. These bonds, taken road company grant lands since 1916 Halsey anti Brownsville by the government to establish a farm was passed by the senate under unani­ Oregon loan bank system will be reissued to mous consent. It will reimburse 18 the public at 4 1-8 per cent. counties in Oregon and one In Wash­ Luther C. White, superintendent of Moneys derived from the sale of ington to the extent of about »5,000,- these bonds will be placed In the treas federal prisons, who died in Portland, 000, according to advance estimates. Or., while on an inspection trip. George Hocking, a student of Reed ury to stabilize the government’s fi­ The same bill has already passed the college, Portland, Or., who won first nances until the next tax collection house. Laundrv sent Tuesdays prize of »1,000 In national essay con­ period in September. This fund, which Authority to construct an overhead Agency Hub Cleaning Works test conducted by the Chemistry Foun­ is now available, made the issuing of crossing at Sixth street in Klamath bonds on June 15 as was customary Washington. D. C —Expenditures of dation of New York. Falls over the tracks of the Central A B ES PLACE to finance the government, unneces­ more than »7,000.000 by the anti saloon Pacific railroad is sought in a petition sary. leagues In 22 states during the past six filed by the city of Klamath Falls and years were disclosed by additional re­ The government revenues last year the Central Pacific railroad with the Washington, D. C.—Senator George ports filed with the h . nate campaign were »3.962,755,000 and expenditures D ELBERT STARR Norris, the republican insurgent from public service commission. The city. »3,584,987,000. funds committee by Wayne B. Wheel­ It is understood, is ready to finance Funeral Directsr and Licensed er, counsel for the national dry organ­ Income tax receipts were »1,982,040,- Nebraska, who on many occasions has one-half of the construction cost, esti­ Embalmer found himself at odds with the Cool­ ization. 000, and customs collections »579,430- L A D Y A S S IS T A N T idge administration, resigned as chair­ mated at approximately »62,000. Geneva.—The Americans met defeat 000. These states include New York, Four Initiative measures, Including man of the senate agriculture com­ Brownsville, Oregon Maryland and Rhode Island, which on naval problems. Their «minority re­ mittee. two on income tax. one on fishing and alone have no local dry enforcement port, to which Great Britain, A»gentina The senate accepted the resignation one on bus and truck operation, will statutes, as well as Pennsylvania, and Chile had subscribed and rami« without debate. be placed on the November election Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsiu, Iowa. their own, was definltSy rejected at a The retirement of Norris leaves as ballot, five failed to obtain places and meeting of disarmament e'oerts. Missouri and Kentucky. W . L W R IG H T the ranking republican on the com­ the fate of another was In doubt, when Only the signers themselves sup­ While the state organizations con­ filing time for the petitions closed at mittee another senator who has dis­ FUNERAL DIRECTOR tribute certain parts of their Income ported It, fourteen others voted again Washington, D. C.—The co-operative agreed with the president on farm re­ Salem July 1. The measure In doubt to the nationul anti saloon league, It It and Germany declined to cast a bal­ was the water power Mil sponsored H arrisburg, Ore. was developed from Mr. Wheeler, that lot. The minority report contended marketing bill was the only farm re­ lief legislation—McNary of Oregon. by the Housewives Council of Port­ Senator McNary said he would ac­ lief measure to run the house and sen­ that the naval strength of the various both the national and state organiza­ cept the chairmanship and continue land, tions do their own collecting Independ­ countries should be compared by the ate gauntlet at this session. After rejecting, 156 to 67, a motion his fight at the next session for farm tonnage of classes of ships, rather than Irrigation projects in Oregon are ently of each other. to send ifi? pleasure to conference, the relief legislation. This will Involve faced with the most serious water It was revealed, among other things, by total tonnage. The disarmament meeting then house, without « record vote, approv­ his retirement as chairman of the com­ shortage in the history of Irrigation that Richmond Pearson Hobson, a mittee on irrigation and reclamation. in this state, according to Rhea Luper, field agent for the prohibition cause adopted the majority report of the na­ ed two senate amendipents. Congress adjourned Saturday for the state engineer. The only projects Sponsored by Secretary Jardine, ft for many years, received a total of val sub-committee. year f o r j^ d o lla r which still have an adequate supply of »171,243 over a period of nine years, The significance of the action is would create & division in the agrt summer. water are those with storage facilities or almost »20,000 a year. He was a that one of the fundamental principles culture department to foster the de­ \ lrtually all of the shortage is being lecturer and organizer. of the Washington naval treaty Is velopment and work of farmer»’ co­ BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Halsey Railroad Time experienced by projects and individ­ William Jennings Bryan, prohibition- j scrapped. This principle is that In operatives, and an appropriation of North South 1st, ------------------ fundamentalist churchman BU„ and | comparing navies of countries the J225.000 would be authorized. A Creek government decree imposes uals depending qppn the direct flow The bill was approved by the sen­ a tax of 2090 drachmas labout »24) on of streams, such streams Itj Oregon 32, 3:24 a. m, flag 17, 12:09 p. iu. democratic presidential candidate, re- I i,un'lard should be the total tonnnge 16, 5:15 a, rq. 13;4S p. m. reived »11,000 from the Anti-Saloon , of c,a"gPS ot ships, as for Instance ate after !! had rejected the Fess farm bachelors over 24 years of age and at this time, being at an unusually 18, 8:16 a. m. flag IS, .3.1, 8:12 p, m. flag league In 1919 for making prohibition battleships. The report finally ap- credits bill, indorsed by President 1000 drachmas on unmarried men past low stage, 34, 4:08 n. nt. 31, 1:34 p, in. flag speeches, It was shown. proved rejects the standard as unfair Coolidge, to which It had been pro­ 40. Two new gold strikes have brought Nos. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers from south of Eugene. In Its application to the countries posed as * rider. Royal Canadian mounted police have the gold fever at Grants Pass to a President Goss to Summer Camp. ■ which did not participate in the Wash When it came bo/’k to the house been ordered stationed at all vulner­ higher pitch than ever. The Brittany No. 31, direct connnetion for Marshfield points. Representative McDuffie, ,d«p;n a n ; will remain in effect only for Rate postoffice. The ore is not as rich Outgoing M ail •Osgood lake, which the Coolidges will The United States also made plain as "agricultural products.” occupy. a limited period, jifeorijin^ to official as that of the prittany or ftobertaou that It could not place the carrying At the Halsey postoffice tnaih strikes, but carries free gold The other senate amendment, de­ announcement. out of any program of limitation of signed to broaden the scope of the Sayings 1 hat Cannot Federal judges lost all chances of owners state run« »everal hundred dol­ close going nqtth Ut Jl:5 0 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. in tho hands of an inter­ proposed co-operative division, was getting a salary increase this year lars to the ton. Be Term ed G allant armaments national body. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and acepU'd without debate. when the house postponed Io Decem­ Taking a ladder which was being A Spanish rhyme runs—Were a 5:20 p. m. ber 9 consideration of the senate bill woinnu ns Hub» ns «he Is food, n pea used on construction work at the rear To Brownsville, G:20 a. tn. and pod would innke her a gown und n AVIATION OFFICIALS NAMED HOUSE APPROVES PENSIONS providing for increases ranging from of the state flax plant and working hood. »2500 to »5000 a year. within view of at least three guard 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ An old Englbh Raying—If n mnn Senate Confirm s Men fo r New Post J Civil and Mexican War Veterans is Investigation of the federal trade towers, four convicts soaled the wall ville goes on to Crawfordsville, tions Created by Congress. lose a woman and a farthing, he will cotuiavtlf»" and department of justice of the state prison at Salem, cut their HoPey and Sweet Home. Get More Money. bo sorry he lost the farthing. ushingion. I), c Less than two Washington. J}. c .—A senate bill prosecution *8 ix., yeeent bread trust way through the wire entanglement» wonh : w X T o f g"„d" ° ' 8tri,W *’ ’T * t n n’n“ tted Rs surmounting the wall with a hatchet CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : providing Increase« of pensions to cases was ordered by iffy German-There are only two good) X Z | , „ ,if 7 T u b . n ' T *he judiciary committee will eondnii and escaped unseen. The four are: civil and Mexican war Veterans and women in the w o r l d s dead, and I o k „ . 7 " ° f dependents at an estimated cost m inquiry, holding hearings during the Rtctiarj Moen «ent up from Mult­ When you think of used care, the other can’t be found | N Y k bo a!,»ls'ant secretary of the government of »15.000.0W) annual summer recess, if necessary. nomah county; Walter Fisher, sent up Scotch Honest men marry asm. • t'har*‘' of “ vln,i<,n- was con ly was passed by the house without a from Jefferson county; Elliott’Kitch­ think of C E R T IF IE D PUBLIC I SO m en new nw isir t , firm » «1 wise men 4J. S. Prl,o*i Heae p if , in Portland. ener and Richard Franxien, sent up MOTOR CAR MARKET. -" V«e4 reeord vote. The senate also confirmed the nom­ In Fife they say—The next best cars only. 255 N. Church S t- 1-3 Portland, Or — LûTher G. White, , u. from Multnomah county. 1 nder the bill, it is estimated that ination of Edward P. Warner, profes thing to no wife Is a good wife. Pregoi) monthly pensions have been block north of poet office, Salpm, 53,000 elvll war veterans now getting pertntendeut of federal prisons, died Arabian—Words are women ; deeds zor of aeronautics at Massachusetts In granted as ioHowy: Portland: William Oregon. are men. ztltuto of Technology, to be assistant »50 a month would receive »65. Vet­ at the Multnomah hotel here. He was A Persian sage sava that a woman's •e.retary of the navy In charge of erans receiving »72 a month would get taken from the train when hia condi­ W McIntosh. »26; Fred L. Cowles. »90. If totally disabled or blind, and tion became too serious for him to $20; Leon W. Slattery, »20; Franci» wisdom Is under her heel. aviation. PIANO MUST fig tjOLD It Is estimated 20 per cent of the 5 continue a trip of inspection. When tv Huntington. »40; Percy R Gibson Jl'he Persian asserts that women and Davison Hnd Warner will hold posts drngons are best out of the world. 000 men now on a »72 basis would be Whit® arrived at McNeil island on »30; Aaron Hart. »40; Ida A. Leigh- W ill sacrifice high-grade piano Corsican— Just as a good and a created under legislation Just enacted eligible for the increase. Mey 19 he was taken 111 with an ab ner, »30; James H. Loshbough; Arch­ in storage near here for im mediate by congress with a view to strengthen had horse both need the spur, a food The pensions of 26.000 widows of s«e«sed ear resulting from sinus ibald R, Wright, »25; Albert T Ander­ and a bad woman both need the stick ln< the army and navy air services civil war veterans would be increased trouble ut fang standing. He was son, »20; Alfred S. Johnson. »20; Vic­ sale. Will give easy terms to an Another measure, which also carried — London Tit-Bits. from »30 to »50 a month while civil thought recovered *u«7Jriently to cou tor Llndburg. »20; William H. Farring­ established home. For full par- out recommendations of the presi ttnue his trip when he »ta*««J for ton, $30; Louis F. Roll wage, Tigard, ticulara and where it can he seen, dent's air board, provides for an as war nurses would receive »5« a month Portland. Dr. Em il Coue Dies In France J, '1, (.rant McClellan, Reedsport, »20; address Portland Music Co., 227 About 1100 widows of veterans of slstant secretary Nancy. France Dr Emile Coue ,h ' T “ ' T ’ 1“” of of commerce « ’« » • r e to have the war of 1812 and the Mexican war Charles W. Jjhgjon, Oswego. »25; Wil­ 6th St. Portland, Oregon. tm ous.dvoe»t- „ r ,,.,._ L tOUe th<,i rh’ r‘' p ° f ' “o new bureau of civil liam E. Lamb, Roseburg. »4Q; Daniel Miuou. .avocate , _______ ... „ of auto.«.„..tlon ° ,UMM,,°n J , •«fonautlcs, but no one hau been tie- would be eligible for an increase from NON-PARTISANS WIN DAKOTA Conner, »20. the treatment of illness, died here. »30 to »50 a month. signaled as yet for that post. Wanted— Clean rags 4 cent» g Coolidge Candidate Loses In North An intensive survey of approximate­ pound. Halsey Garage. Dakota Primaries. Al Sm ith Bids Coolidgs Welcome. ly 60.000 acres of yellow pine tn the Albany. N. Y.—A welcome to the country south of Bend recently tapped Fargo. N. D. — Senator Gerald P "cooling breezes of the Adirondack Nye. non partisan Incumbent defeated by the Eugene-Klamath Fall« linn of for sale mountains.’’ together with the gift of L. B. Hanna, independent, for the re­ the Southern Pacific la tn be made thl. Genuine Çhickering Upright a fishing license with the added hope publican senatorial Domination. aummer under the supervision of Fred 1 tano, f his piauo in dark brown that "you will not miss any," were ex Nye’s campaign distinctly opposed A- Matz of the district forest office. (Formerly Hotel Halsey) tended to President Coolidge In a let the national administration with at­ He will be aiatsted by student forest- case and in excellent condition. ter dispatched by Governor Smith. The tacks made particularly on the fall *» from universities and college» |n At a price tb at will surprise you. N EW LY RENO VATED president will spend the summer at ure to pass the Haugen agricultural w h o m part, of tha United State, Tbe Inyeetigate. Other good used Osgood lake for a summer in the relief bill. The world court and the primary purpose of the survey )» i„ pianos at very low prices. mountains. Mellon bill were other subjects of at obtalo accurate data relative to the B ath — H o t W a te r — C lean Beds Davenport Music House, 409 west tack. amount and types of timber in the area 1st st., Albany, Oregon. Riff Head to b* Exiled. Hanna, on the other hand, upheld Ifc’ south of Creeceat The work is Rates Reasonable Faris — Abd el-Krlm. who recently the administration, winning the ap­ to start shortly. submitted to the French after having pellation "Coolidge candidate" within special bargain : House O« Awtremont Suspect, Frtetf carried on a determined warfare in the state. and small barn and six lots in Y o u r P n t r o n n f e S o lic it e d IMnHIle. _ Th . three men .r^e.,. Morocco ns leader of the reb. lllous This non partisan movement also re- North Brownsville. Price for Rlfftaas. Is to be exiled to the Island ■Miinated Governor A G. Sorlle In ed here “ au.pec,ed of (h# quick sale »5.50.00, Act quickly of Madagascar, la the Indian ocean the gubernatorial conti -t Sorlle d- Autrement brothers, wanted for train M rs . E v e ly n M . Johnson, M a n a g e r fcgt«d J M Haul. r o ta r y and murder #f su k|yoa off the cast coast of Africa. and secure a borne before this of­ in 19»3. were released. fer is withdrawn. Leslie L. Haa- BARBER SHOP Modern Barber Shop DRY ORGANIZATION SPENDS MILLIONS M'NARY HEAD OF FARM COMMITTEE AMfRICAN naval THEORY REJECTED A CONGRESS PASSES GO-OPERATIVE BILL Rural Enterprise 1 HOTEL SYLVIAN iin , 309 Lyon S t., Albany, Ore.