_ / A a n y . £ 7 ) ìrectory Summons Rierly and children, Rawleigh Kike, Alice and Doris Jones, Gil. b?rt Carey and the Misses Louise and Esther Seeleld, A. L. Fal> and family, Albert W .’t and als M iss Gertrude Gengeubach. Our Nations 150tb birthday in - nivetsary was celebrated by several family gatherings in this commun­ ity, « HERBERT HOOVER TURNS SPADEMAN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Dept. 2. Case- (jet this book T h is is g o x l advice; •• i f vou ilve No. 13,525. Tod , / in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live G reecberry Splawn, rialntilf, vs in some other tfovn trade in th at town. But in these automobile day s many re­ Humphrey Carter; the unknown heirs of siding elsewhere find it advisable to do H umphrey ca rte r if he be deceased, at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who g o to Albany John Carter; the unknown heirs of tohn to transact bfismess will find the firms C arter if he be deceased: Itosana C arter named below ready to fill th eir require­ Shelley; John Doe Shelley her husband, m ents with courtesy an I fairness. the unknown heirs ot Itosana C arter Miss Grace Kirk and mother and Shelley if she be deceased; Susan Bole- man; John Doe Boleman her husband; three small brothers, called at Albany Floral Co. Cut flowers the unknown heirs of Eva Carter Funk Cecil Bilyeu’s and H. J. Falk’« and plants. Floral a rt for every deceased: Jam es Taylor: Lesta Taylor, and all occasions. Monday afternoon. the unknown heirs of Fireby Carter Flower phone 458-f. Mr ai d K m K. A, Hulhurt Taylor deceased: Elizabeth Naby; the unknown heirs of Mary Fields deceased and daughter Eva and son Ken. T Ju y o lal olus bulbs now. -*-* 50 and 7.5c tier dozen. Allow for Chris Fields; -John I.. Fields: Ella neth visited nt W. K. K irk’s Suu- postage. H all's Floral and Music Shop Wicks, Lewis Wicks her husband ; Lillie day. Westside greenhouse products. Manning; Stella Jones; C.us Cole; Frank Cole; Chester Cole; H enry Cole; John p E N T K A L TIRE SHOP Tire Vulcamziug- B attery re­ Cole; A n n u jarv ey ; the unknown heirs of ,\aney M inerva Fields deceased charging. 221 W. Second. Robert H. Fields, Pbeby T. Fields his Ed Falk, Fiop. wife; John Fields, J. E. Fields bis wife t ^ a s t b u r n 3 r o s .— T w o b ig g ro cery Thomas J. Fields; M atilda Ann Hayden Let us help you plan your * J stores, 212 W. First and 225 South vacation. G et a copy o f JS - » I !■ . Main. Good m erchandise at the right E A. Rhodes, Ella E. Rhodes his wife “Oregon Outdoors”—illus­ Ora Rhodes, Ja n e Roe Rhodes his wife prices. W ashington, D. C.—T he continued trated vacation guide, from Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife spread of w hite pine b lister ru st in your local agent. C ’lite Cafeteria and confectionery R. V. Jen k in s. Martha E. Jen k in s his those sections of the U nited S tates Home cooking. Pleasant surround- wife, John W. Jenkins, Lottie E. Jenk Profit by low summer fares to which that variety of pine Is native tegs. C ourteous, efficient service. ins his wife, Delbert C. Jenkins, 1 -aura and fast, comfortable serv­ led S ecretary of A griculture William We make our own candies. A. Jenkins, his wife; David Barnard. ice to the beaches and other M. Jardine ten tativ ely to prom ulgate W. S. D uncan . ■• ' ;- j i - • s, ^ £ 3 7 . 0 “ . Ann Barnaid his wife, Jan e Kamstra, resort playgrounds. drastic in te rsta te q u arantine regula­ P O R D SAI.ES AND 8BRVK B L. K amstra her husband; Lizzie Jarvey, Ask about the low fares to tions acting upon the recom m endations The S ecretary of Commerce tu rn s up first spadeful of d irt a t ground Tires and accessories California an d the E ast. Lawrence Jarvev h er husband; Kidd breaking cerem onies fo r em ergency hospital on the grounds of the Sesqut- of the federal horticultural hoard. The Repairs McDowell, M yrtle McDowell his wife; C entennial International Exposition In Philadelphia. The exposition will proposed restrictio n s will become ef­ K ir k -P ollak M otor Co. H enry McDowell, W illiam McDowell; J. com m em orate th e 150th anniversary of the signing of th e D eclaration ot fective Septem ber 1, and apply in gen­ P o rtm ille r Furniture C o ., furni- B. Sloan; Ruby Sloan; also all other A m erican Independence. At the cab inet m em ber’s rig h t is M ayor K endrick eral to a tie r of counties in north ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges persons or parties unknown claim ing o f Philadelphia. The hospital will be conducted by physicians and nurses w estern Oregon, as well as th e entire Funeral directors. 427-433 west First any right, title, estate, lien or interest from th e Philadelphia G eneral H ospital. state of W ashington and 13 other street, Albany, Oregon. in the real estate described in the com­ states. plaint herein, defendants. U O L M A N & JACKSON The regulations would prohibit in ter­ Grocery—Bakery sta te m ovem ent of five-leafed pines, To H umphrey Carter, th e unknown E v ery th in g in the line of eats Clay P. Moody Agent tu r ra n t and gooseberry plants from the heirs of H um phrey Carter if he be de- Opposite Postoffice counties of Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln, deased^John Carter, the unknow n h eirs M PE R IA L C A FE , 209 W. F irst of John Carter if he be deceased, Rosana Polk, Tillamook, W ashington and Yam­ Tueqlay afternoon callers at G. J. hill, in Oregon. T hey would also bar Harold G. M urphy Prop. Carter Shelley, John Doe Shelley her Phone 665 Hikes, such m ovem ent of Ehtropean black cur­ husband, the unknown heirs of Rosana W e never close rant plants in the en tire interm ountain Carter Shelley if she be deceased, Susan (By Special Correspondent) Editors to Meet In Omaha In 1927. Mr and Mrs. Deuhner and Mr. and Pacific coast region. A G N ETO BLBCTRIC ' o. Boleman. John D ot Boleman her hus­ L o ^ Angeles.— Selection of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pehrsson and Mrs. E. P. Keller of Portland PHILCO B A TTER IES Investigation has shown that rust band, the unknown heirs of Eva Carter w ith the famous Diamond-Grid plates Funk deceased, Jam es Taylor, Lesta returned from a weeks vacation at were Sunday guests at H. L. Stra- cannot go from pine to pine w ithout Neh., as the 1927 m eeting place of the priced to suit the consumer. 423 W Firs! N ational E ditorial association and an interm ediate s ta te of developm ent Taylor, the unknown heirs of Fireby Belknap springs Sunday, driving a leys. election and installation of officers lVfen and money are best when Carter Taylor deceased, Elizabeth Nabv, new Ford car. on cu rran t or gooseberry bushes, which Mrs. Henry Seefeld left for W il­ m arked the close of the 41st annual T " busy. Make your dollars work in the unknown h eirs of Mary Fields de­ accounts for th e ir inclusion in the convention of editors here. The new our savings department. A lbany S tate ceased, Chris Fields, John L. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Richard who cox, Arizona, Wednes lay evening. quarantine order. B a n e . U nder governm ent supervision. officers are: H erm an Rose, N orthfield, Ella Wicks, Lewis Wicks her husband, have been visiting at the Chas. She was called there by the serious Minn., p resid en t; C harles M. M eredith. Lillie Manning, Stella Jones, Gus Cole, Nichols home left Sunday evening illness of her daughter, Mrs. Les­ F A R I N E L L O PARLORS Origin of Eskimos Q uakertow n, Penn., vice president; IL (A beauty aid for every need) Frank Cole, C hester Cole. H enry Cole. for their home at Corning, Iowa. Dr. H. Rink, who made n llfe'stu d y C. llotaling, St. Paul, Minn., s e c re ta ry ter Powell. St. Francis Hotel John Cole. Anna Jarvey, the unknown of Greenland and Its people and Is Prop. W inifred Rose Mrs. George Cummings of Cor­ Mr. and Mrs. A L. Falk were the greatest authority on them, held and W. W. A ikens, Franklin, Ind., heirs of Nancy M inerva Fields deceased, vallis visited her niece Mrs. Eigv guests at the home of Mrs. F alk ’s that most Eskimo weapons and imple­ treasurer. J^OSCOK AMES HARDW ARE Thomas J. Fields, Matilda Ann Hayden, E. A. Rhodes. Ella E, Rhodes his wife, over the weekend. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bil- ments are of American origin. He advanced the theory th a t even though Ora Rhodes, Jane Roe Rhodes his wife, The W inchester Store (he Eskimos originally may have come Mrs. Rosa Overton of Albany yea Saturday night. Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife, Leonard and Howard Robinson from Asia, they developed as a race ’J ’HE MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP John W Jenkins, Lottie E. Jenkins his visited Mrs, Haynes last week. Waldo Anderson and Son, Props. of Salem made their annual visit In the Interior of Alaska, w hence they Geo. L. Hurley, Pr iprietor and wife, Delbert C. Jenkins, Laura A Lela Blood is visiting her sister, finally m igrated northw ard and spread Manager. Warm air furnaces, plumbing Jen k in s his wife, David Barnard, Ann Mrs. Markham at Monmouth this at the H. L. Straley home M on d ay out along Hie coast of the ice sea. He Chrysler Cars said that th eir speech Is clrwely con­ and Tuesday of last week, and sheet metal work, tin and grave Barnard his wile, Jan e Kamstra, I week. Atwater Kent Radios nected with the prim itive dialects of roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal Kamstra her husband, Lizzie Jarvey, G. J . Hike took a lo»d of sheep America, while their legenda and cus­ Miss Amanda Mitzner preached vanized ire« work, metal sky lig h ts and Lawrence Jarvey lier husband, also all Accessories and Supplier toms resemble, or at least suggest, other persons or parties unknown claim at the Pine Grove church Sunday to Albany Tuesday morning. cornices, pumps of all kinds. those of the Indians. ing anv right, title, estate, lien or in ter­ 136 Ferry street, A lbany, Phone 127J Mr. and M rs. R. L. Bilyeu and evening and will preach again next - Day and Night Storage . est in the real estate described in the daughter Edith and Mr. and Mrs Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. complaint herein—of the ab o te defend­ Laie Market R epur.' 1st and B aktr Sts, rPH E HUB CONFECTIONERY ants. A large number of people from Wayne Barber and son were Sun­ • Make it your m eeting place ALBANY OREGON. day visitors at Cecil Bilyeu’s. — j Lunches. Ice cream, Ices, Home Made I s THE NAME OF THE »TATE OF ORE this vicinity attended the Peoria Portland candy. Special noon l unch. gon , you and each of you arc hereby re Miss H elen Pearl who taught celebration, Saturday. R. c. Phillips. Manager. W hoat—Big Bend bluestem , hard quired to appear and answer the com school at Springfield the past year white, hard federation, soft white, Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler plaint of the above named plaintiff now visited at the home of her grand­ w estern w hite, «1.36; hard w inter, Service hive a new daughter. Born thurs. on file in the above entitled court and parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. M a ­ northern spring and w estern red, $131. Station cause w ithin six weeks from the 23td day at an Albany hospital. H ay—Alfalfa, $17.60@18 to n ; valley sters Friday. Miss Pearl is leav­ W c ,,.'n” ‘. n ° ,l‘" W i l l a r d s lay of June, 1926. the date of the first Miss Mabel H artrick of Eugene tim othy, $19.@19.50; eastern Oregon ing soon for California. publication of this summons, and you tim othy, $21@21.50. ire hereby notified that if you fail to is visiting Mrs. L. E. Eagy. Under new managemen Miss Mearle Straley and mother B u tterfat—41c shippers’ track. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hover and L. M. Taylor, Prop appear and answer sai 1 com plaint on or Eggs—Ranch. 23@27c. went to Corvallis Tuesday taking lefore the 4th day of August, 1926, the Robert visited R. K, Stewart and 121 W- Second, Albany. Cheese— Prices f. o. b. T illam o o k; iast day of the time prescribed in the family at Pleasant Hill Thursday. Mrs. Edna Clark and daughter with them. Mrs. Clark and Triplets. 2754c; loaf, 2854c per lb. order for the publication of this sum If you enjoy a good meal, Cattle—Steers, medium, $7.50@8. George Chandler visited his wife daughter were week end guests at .«ml know a good meal when you get it, uoos, the plaintiff will apply to said Hogs— Medium to choice, $13.60@15, The time for glasses—is right at You’ll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. court for the relief demanded therein, and daughter at Albany Sunday. the Straley home. S h eep — Lambs, medium to choice, the begining of the trouble with tow it:—For a decree of said court th at Our aim is to please vou. There will be a patriotic program $11@12.35. Herman Stienke and family the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple your eyes. Delays are dangerous. at the school house F riJay evening speut the week end with relatives of the S. W. X of the N. W X of bee. The eye is the most delicate mem- Beattie. ALBANY 11 in Tp. 14, S. of R. 1 W. of th e Wil followed by the election of officers at the coast. her of the hnman body and every W heat — Soft white, w estern white, lainctte Meridian in Linn Connty, O re­ by the community club. It will G E O . M. G IL C H R IST Mrs. A. L. Falk and C hildren $1.37; Big Bend bluestem , $1.38; hard moment you delay after the trouble gon and that you and each of you have be decided at this time whether no rig h t, title, estate, lien or interest Pine Grove will prepare an exhibit and Albeit West went to Foster w inter, w estern red, $134; northern starts you are getting just th at Sunday to see A. L. Falk, who -s spring, $1,35 n or to said real property or any part for the county fair or not. All in­ H ay—Alfalfa, $26; tim othy P. S , much toward possible blindness. thereof, that each of you be forever working on the road at that place. $20; do, mixed, $28. Come io today and let us examine at lowest rate of in terest terested in having an exhibit are barred and enjoined from asserting any your eyes. R. E. Bierley and family and B utter—C ream ery 38@40c. Real Estate Insurance right, title, estate, lien o r interest there urged to be present. Eggs- Ranch, 30@32c. the F. W. F a lk ’s picniced Sunday Our new address—318 Weft First Prom pt service. Courteous treatm ent. in or claim thereon adverse to such ti Mr. Pehrsson and daughters and H ogs- Prim e, $15.25@16.50. on the Calapooia river. tie of plaintiff, and for such other and st., next door to Western Union. W *f B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank Miss Mearle Straley were Junctioo C attle—Choice steers, $7.75® 8 50. further relief as may be equitable. builning, Albany Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carey C heese—Oregon triplets, 26c; W ash­ City visitors Monday. Service of this Summons ts made by motored down from Salem Friday ington trip lets, 26c. Mr. and Mrs. M artin Nelson r f publication thereof pursuant to an order and spent the weekend visiting J e w e le r « , made by tile Hon. B. M, Payne, County Portland and M argaret Heinrich Spokane. their children. Mr. Carey return- Judge of Linn County, Oregon at Al­ were guests at a birthday dinner Optometrists and Manufacturing Why suffer from headache? Hogs Good, $14.75® 14.85. big to Salem Monday, Mrs. Carey Opticians bany, Oregon cn and dated the 14th Day C attle Steers, good, $7@7.7$. given by Mrs. McLaren in honor Have your eyes examined of June. 192«. directing the publication will remain with her daughter ALBANY OREGON. thereof to be made in the Rural Enter of Dorothy’s birthday Tuesday. Mrs. Cecil Bilyeu for several days. prise, a newspaper published at Halsey, Mrs. John McNeil and children Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nemchick, Linn County, Oregon once a week for are visiting relatives in Corvallis W’fb Mrs. John Nemchick and Mrs. six consecutive weeks. this weekr Tussing & Tussing, Hherill spsnt Sunday evening at Harvey Wallace visited at the H. J. F alk’s. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Jewelers Optometrists A. F. Albertson home Sunday. Pcstoffice Address, Halsey, Oregon. KUNI QUARANTINE AFFECTS NOiiTHWES. Southern P ac ific Lines Neighborhood News I here to go this S um m er Pine Grove Points M - Highway Garage - t t; * Willard PARAG O N CAFE FA R M LOANS Meade & Albro Dr. Seth T. French Job Printing F. M. Frencn & Son 3 Albany PI a NO MUST BE SOLD Will sacrifice high-grade piano in storage near here for immediate stle. Will give easy terms to an established home. For full p-r- ticulars and where it can be s«n . address Portland Music Co., 227 6lh St. Portland, Oregon. Albany Creamery Association Manufacturers of L IN N BUTTER and Buyers of Eggs A Farm ers’ Co-operative Creamery Herman Raster and Miss Louise Mrs. H. L. Blood drove to Mon­ Gengenhach and friend who live in mouth Monday, taking Miss Syl­ Portland were guests at C. L, vester and Mrs. M arkham back to Falks sr. Sunday. They returned summer school. to Portland Mondav, Misa Ger­ trude Gengenhach who has been Spoon River Sparks staying at the Falk home returned with them. (By an Hnterpiise Reporter) Among those who attended the Miss Ell*n Vunnice w»s home annual rouud-up and Fourth of from Corvallis for the week end. July celebration held at Crawfords, Mamie and Delma Falk were vllle were Mr. and Mrs. It. E Personal Service by an Experienced Printer Bring Your Next O rder to the Enterprise •••••••••••••••••••••••••••e aw»» •••••••••••••• •«•• j SM Any Girl in Trouble may communicate with E v ig n L m ol the Salvation Army at ¡the • White Shield Ho: i ; g Portland, Gregon. T™* a