Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 07, 1926, Image 2

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sponsible. Following is the cor­
rect way to let the other fellow
P ublished E v ery W ednesday,
known ones intentions:
Bv H lhekt L . A I.MON
W henever the litrcal is given by
means of the hand and arm , the
driver shall indicate his intention
W ednesday, July 7, 192C
to tu rn to the left by extending
it band and arin horizontally
i t a year in advance
A rre a ra g e s 12,’;c a uiont'.i ‘ from and beyoird Ihe left sine of
A d v e rtisin g , 2oc an in c h ; no d isco u n t the vehicle, bis intention to tu r
for lim e or »pace . no c h a rg e tor con: to the rig h t by extending his h n » d
00*1 non or c lauge*.
'a n d arm upw ard and beyond the
t o " P a io - f o i P a r a a r s p b s ." Sc a lin e
i left side of the vehicle, and his in.
* • a d v a r t l a n g d lig u ln a d a » n e w t
' tention to »top or to suddenly de­
crease speed by extending bis hand
Do You Know Correct Signal»? and arm and move it up an d down
. in a vertical direction for a reason­
Tber» are a great m any people able length of time.
The signals should be given con­
who have driven auto* for years
and yet do not m ake the correct tinuously during the last fifty feet
signal* of th eir intentions. Bettm traveled by the vehicle before tu rn ­
make no sign at all than to make ing.
the wrong one.
W rong signal,
Perhaps you have noticed th a t
are the source of m any accident, bobbed h a ir is not alw ays a short
and the one who m akes it is re- cut to beauty.
C harter No. 4M
Report o f
on h a n d in
Halsey, Oregon
S 3 5 .0 0 0
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
As Cold as the Frozen North
is our ice cream .
It is delightfully
cooling and refreshing after a hard
shopping tour.
Stop in and enjoy
We have
all flavors.
It m akes an ideal refreshm ent and
is nourishing and wholesome.
Ciark s Confectionery
Reserve D istrict No. 12
c m n litio n o, the
at Halsey, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business June 30, 1926
1. Loans and discounts, including rediscount* shown in items 29 and
30, if any ..........................................................
2. O verdrafts secured and un secu red ____ _____ __________ _
3. U. S. governm ent securities owned, including those shown In
item s 30 and 33, if a n y . . . __________ ________ __________
1,50« 00
4. O ther bonds, w arrants and securities, including foreign govern­
ment, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown
in item* .10 ami 35, if a n y ______________ _______ ___ . ______ 12,242 65
(i. Banking house,$2,475 ; fpruiture and fixtures, $3,41» ........................
9. (ab)
v a u lt and
due from
b ankers
and trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of
this b a n k __________ _____________________________ _____ ____ 47 747 35
I t . 4. hecks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other
Cash item *........ .......................................................................................
Total cash and due from banks, item* 8, 9, 10 an d 11, $47,758.75_______
T otal .................................................................................................... $226,066 47
I) To Obtain Healthy and Thriving P u lle ts ^
Mrs. W. F reelan d K endrick, wife of the M ayor of Philadelphia, who also
of th e Sesqui-C entennial International E xposition Association,
orgafiiz«4 fQ frftfPt» a g reat celebration to com m em orate the 150th anniversary
of the signing of the Jijudarution of Independence. Mrs. K endrick is shown
beside the h isto ric L iberty Bell, tvhiu-h ¿¡49 tapped at q fe c e (|| broqd^asttpg
ev en t w hen the world w as told of com pletion of plana lo r the big exposition.
U p reeident
The Case of Battling
| Use Kerr’s
JS"®1’”' j
| In Connection
Kerr’s Scratch. «
jj Liberal
W ith
Discount on Ton Lots or More. The Mz
Feed That (lives Results.
the doctor.
"And—Is there anything particular
you have against me?"
“I say—you must be worse than I
think," said the doctor. "It looks like
a mental case. But no, I can t say that
16. Capital stock paid i n __________. . . __ ____ ____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20,000 00
j’ciu seem any w orse thar» tfop gvprage
( G e p y r lth t.)
17. Surplus fu n d ......................................................................*..........................
V f
nf our se».
IS. (a) Undivided profits________________________________ $7 o.39.»j9
T ^ l ’T L E n 'S case certainly bafflcij
(b) Less curreut expenses, interest ami taxes p a id ............... 4,149.05
Doctor Johnston. In the begin­
going to find fbr yourself?"
D em and D epo sits , other than banks, subject to reserve :
ning there had been nothing save |t
23. Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the
B utler looked straight into the doc­
severe chill, and the doctor hud soon
Is over tw ice the percentage' o f solids
state of Oregon, county, cities or other public f u n d s .................. 101,857.33
tor's eyes and grinned.
got him on the dlscburged list.
present In thia type of milk than th ere
24. Demand certificates of deposit o u tstan d in g ___________________ —
“I want to know who th a t angel
Hut the very day th at he was m ak­
Is In o rdinary m arket m ilk—and,
25. C ashier’s checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand , rr .
ing his final cull and B utler w as sit­ Is who drives the cur for you?"
since It Is th e solids th a t give ico
Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject
“T hat 'angel' Is my daughter, young
ting up in the sunny buy window his
cream Its pleasing flavor, th is fact Is
to reserve, item s 23, 24, 25, 2b, $102,67.1 11
of moment.
piillent suddenly took on a man, and a finer one never lived.” He
1 imk ANU S aving » D eposits , subject to reserve and payable on
languid weiisne ,s which caused the picked up his case to go. "And if you
Then, the composition of evaporated
demand or subject to notice :
27. T im e certificates of deposit o u tstan d in g ................................. .'______
doctor to put down hU tag pud remalp wai t to know v.hnt she thinks of you
milk is constant, for the reason th a t
_____ _
for wearing nil her tires put p ie r a
28. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice ........................................... 55,518.11 for another Ht’leep ndpulo».
I f any one food may be considered It has been put through an hom ogeniz­
sliiy'sy inpipin or two—ju s t ask me." as A m erica’s national dish, it Is Ice ing process, which breaks up the fat
1 otal of tim e ami savings deposits payable on demand or
man, and If you're not a lot better
globules Into tiny particles and dis­
subject to notice, item s 27 and 28, $85,50.1.12
"H ey! Don't go like that," quickly
we'll send you off to the snaslde.'*
Ice cream Is a food p articu larly tributes them evenly throughout th e
Total .............................................
" hen the doctor lmd got outside shouted Butler. “J shall fall down adapted to th e needs of Individuals of milk. This a ttrib u te m akes for an Ice­
State of Oregon, county of Linn, ss.
Ihe door and started his little road­ stairs and breuk some p art of me or all ages, giving as It does the best cream m ixture of uniform quality and
I, B. M. Bond, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly sw»»f »hat the ste r B utler gat down by the window develop—"
type of n u trien ts for the rep air of fine texture.
above statem ent is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
to aw ait the next day when the small J “Hang It nil," snld the doctor, "I'm bone, teeth, blood and muscles and for
Finally, experts agree th a t th e uso
caa' yvoubj again come into view,
no Cupid, hut if you want to make a energy.
K. M. Bond, Cashier,
of evaporated milk In Ice cream con­
Correct—A tte st: C. H. KoonU, I). Taylor, L. D. T aylor, Directors
"ftaffllng case," Doctor Johnston fool of yourself I suppose I’ll have to
1 oday thousands of housew ives tributes to Its hygienic qualities, for
ch atted to tiis young dauglitgf ¡*li„ help you," He went to the window make th eir own ice cream . As a con­ the reason th a t evaporated milk is en­
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July, 1926
drove the c ar fo r him, "that young and culled down to the top uf the sequence, the m aking of thia highly tirely Sterile, H ealth au th o rities d e ­
Amor A. Tussi ng, Notary Public,
My commission exoires 3-12-28.
chap was ns tit as a fiddle yesterday shady hut. “I say, .Molly—come up nutritious food a t a reduced cost, yet clare th a t milk and cream should be
and I got him up to si» in the window. here a minute. This young man wants w ithout In any w ay Im pairing th e treated to a h eat of 150 degrees F. for
He hadn't been (tiers Ilvu iqinute* you to present your bill for tires in product. Is o f im portance.
half an hour In order th a t a product
when be complained of any num ber of persop,"
Home economists have found a may be produced free from Infective
Baffling Muller held out a now moans to this end In th e use of evap­ organisms. Evnporated milk Is proc­
symptoms and not a sign of any­
thing wrong. Funny."
steady hand to his doctor, "I'm going orated milk. T here a re th ree im por­ essed a t 240 degrees for 30 m inutes,
"Maybe he's ju s t one of those silly Io win her," said Butler, “mid it’s not ta n t reasons w hy evaporated mil!
and, therefore. Its Introduction Into an
men who ore alw ays thinking them­ going to take me long either.”
Ice-cream m ixture increases its pu rity
Soft steps were sounding on the
selves ill,” suggested Molly, mid dashed
In proportion to the am ount of evap­
orated milk used.
pnst n cyclist who evidently thought stairs.
he owned the en tire road, "and I was
More th an
m iles of road w ork
hoping We w ouldn't have fr> take this wouldn’t have picked out any other
will be advertised In July by the sta te
vicious hit of lane again, f o u r young for his pet daughter If lie had been
highw ay comm ission. Of this, 20 m iles
patient has cost me a tire already by asked, but all lie said was, "She Won't
will be surfacing on projects now be­
stand for any mollycoddle—I'll tell
living In th at fierce road.”
ing graded, and 20 m ore m iles will be
"Looks ns If we'd have to do It you Hint right now."
let for grading.
"1 hnd to do It. As soon as I saw
every day for awhile, honey." The
The Oregon hop harvest will occur
doctor gazed fondly nt his li vely her I knew I was In for—"
"Yes, and you have every sym ptom ,' makes the best lee cream , they point this year a t the earliest d ate ever
daughter. "B ut lie's not In the least
the mollycoddle l.\pe—fact, I was only laughed the doctor. "Ah, here you o u t Because 00 per cent of the n a t­ known to hopmen of the state. From
wishing yesterday th at any one of the are. Honey." He noted with Inward ural w ater In evaporated milk has present Indications picking will s ta rt
evaporation^ th ere on August 25 and in some yards as
muny sw ains th at hand you out pro­ Joy the added color to Ids daughter’s
posals were h alf so manly. I like the cheeks and the sparkle to ber eyes, and
early ns A ucust 28.
realized that as be Introduced her to
U nder h er tiny hat .Molly pricked Baffling Butler he would he gaining
up her ears. (In Ihe morrow she would a sou Ip the very near future.
try to steal a look at the hay window
In which this paragon with the many
Monlt That M ade History
symptoms was propped.
P eter the Herm it was a monk
And on the following day Molly se
Amiens, the famous preacher of the
let ted a wide-brimmed hut before »tan I C rusades and prim arily responsible
Good trades allowed
lug out will) ber father, it would be for one of the most gigantic religious
much more easy to steal a glance movements the world ever saw. I.It-
front beneath a shady hrtni should lle Is known of his life until 1095 (he
the young man ap p ear In the window. , was horn In 1050), when he preached
Keo six tonring, will trade for cows. 1918 Buick six for »ale.
B utler was certainly a sight when 1 the necessity of a crusade to wrest
the c a r turned the rocky corner. He I the Holy land from the Infidel. He
dropped down into his chair and wen
rode about France on a mule, exhort­
f° o r n J*99
I P^rtc
u l lu m
dered If he was really in for a heart ing the populace to follow him. In
P. P A P M A N Prop,
attack .
1090 he set out tow ard Palestine with
When the doctor knocked nt the some th irty thousand followers, most­
ITH no muss or bother you can now
door there w as no doubt a decided ly of the poorer classes. The undis­
thum ping of th at organ and his hand ciplined arm y straggled on through
make your floors beautiful, at very little
as he held It out in greeting w as a Europe, hut a fter crossing the Bos­ H c iiiv t n b v r T h e E n t e r p r is e fo r J o b P r i n t i n g
cost. Give them a coat of LOWE BROTHERS
bit slinky.
porus Into Asia Minor It proved so
Nu I’ I UNITE V ARNISH STAIN and see what
unruly th at P eter left It and Joined
“Humph 1" grunted the doctor, "a
n difh. rcnce it makes. Stains and varnishes at the
alee kind of p atient jo u are. T hat's the army of Uodfrey de Bouillon. He
(he w o n t bit of road In the entire had a p art In the capture of Je ru ­
same ap, 'lication. Comes in many natural wood
county and you intend to keep me salem, and In July, lout), preached
shades and dries to a lustrous waterproof finish.
coming here until every bolt Is on the Mount of Olives,—K ansas City
Fine for doing °ver furniture too. Corns in and
knocked out o f the ear and all my Star.
tires cut to pieces." He had' been
¿et a color earn* We'll be glad to show you how
feeling pulse and looking at tongue
P a p e r S to ra g e
to use it for be*7 retu'lt* We carry a full line of
and taking tem perature the while he
We have about 20,000 used sacks ranging in
The Technical Association of tlx.
painting supplies.
rattled on, “and I don't think there's
Pulp and Paper Industry says that It
anything more th an —"
Is Its opinion that paper In hulk can
price from 7c to 11c. Don’t overlook these bar­
B utler's eyes w ere gazing down al
be stored any length of time without
the top of a shady hat in the roadster
danger of spontaneous combustion
and when the h at lifted Itself cau ­ This Would be borne out In the expe
tiously and Molly's eyes swept casual­
Hence of fire Insurance companies as
ly th e up|>er windows of the house the well as paper dealers. If, however
doctor felt his p atien t's h eart give a the paper Is of a kind that has been
g reat leap.
treated with otl and the storage ware­
“D octor Johnston." said Butler sud
house were heated, there might be
denly. "am I a p< rfe. tly healthy cu b ’"
some danger of spontaneous combo»
."lull lUive every earm ark," laughed lion.
» o . w . T R I 31 »
America Leads
Nations In Use
Of Ice Cream
Dealer H U D SO N
Two C ars fo r Sale o r T ra d e
New Floors with
One Sweep of the Brush
Wrecking Shop
HALSE Y,’ H"’»
S u p erio r Sack T w ine, 75c p e r lb.
T. J. Skirvin Seed (§