â M A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k O ie1 A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events anti Progress in Linn County HALSEY, OREGON WEDNESDAY JULY 7, 1926 Dr. Penland was making arrange - Local and Personal Mention - tuents for his son to euter O. A. C NUMBER 10 Da i r y P o u ltry W o o 1 - ^¡N ew s Items From Entire State this fall bo far as the city of Halsey was , _______ J. W. Stephenson spent the of the Halsey hotel was in Corva Hop picking notices have made concerned, the Fourth was decided-1 weekend holiday with friends and lis and Albany Saturday evening, their appearance in Halsey and ly sane and sober. Beach and ( Oiling of the Mount Hood loop high streets* of (Be city was attacked I d an relative» in Portland. He made a on business. injunction suit filed In the circuit court some are signing up for this work. mountain resorts drew so heavily’ way has been completed, trip around the Mt. Hood loop on The Enterprise has been deluged Hop yards are offering many in upon our population for a couple j Clackamas county had 29 divorces by the Oregon Stages. Inc. Sunday. Roy C. Hogan. 45, at Eugene, shot with new subsetibers recently. ducementa to pickers these times. of days that to those of us who in June, according to report» oh file, Paul Popman, Halsey garage 1 For the past ten days business in Oos yard it advertising that it will preferred to remain at home and At a regular meeting of the Newport and killed his wife. Mrs Clara C Ho­ gan, 40. fatally wounded her brother. man was among the holiday crowd this line has been unusually good maintain a kiudergarter for young take it quiet, it seemed just like city council Miss Ada Ford was etect- Cheater D Edwards, 54, and then turn at Newport. . recorder. sters at the yard for the benefit of Sunday, or even more so. ed his revolver upon himself and kill­ E. B. Penland and wife and son, The Deople started leaving town Building permits issued in Salem ed himself Instantly by sending a Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill went Dr. Hugh Penland and children of those that have children and want early Saturday morning for their dUr‘n* the flr8t slx mon,h8 of 1926 bullet through his brain. to Newport Saturday morning, re­ Berkley, California spent Saturday to work in ths yards. , „ B aggregate »1,458,020. Twenty-five acres of wheat were favorite resorts. Newport, p e rh a p s’ , turning Monday afternoon. at Newport. Billy Sunday will be in the Cor drew rh- . 11 . 1 All firemen and lookouts In the San drew the largest delegation from tiam fores, are now-a, thetr station, burned near Vansycle from fire which vallis Chautauqua Tuesday evening, is thought to have been caused by a Mr. and Mrs, George Laubner our midst, with lriangle Lake a according to Supervisor C. C. Hall Mr. and Mrs. VV. L. Wells and July 13, appearing as a lecturer. cigarette falling In a hay wagon. The have purchased the Dean McWil­ family spent Sunday at Newport. close second, \ achats filled her Plans for financing and reopening | farm *«‘ iu «anus jumped from from the the load load and and hande Jumped liams house on the east side, but Gordon Donald, 8 year old son quota from our ranks early in the tho Sumpter -----.— smelter ». are v w being i u b uo-vivp- develop- i the the frightened frightened horses horses raced raced through Mr. aud Mrs. Karl Bramweli of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Pike, deaf, and Cascadia do not expect to take possession tor Belknap la n n ed to o rin nnum tinnu I the field, «nroariinsr m « #»«_ B elknap ed 11 Is 18 p Planned to b begin operations spreading » the fire. aud children left the first of the of the Plainview neighborhood, Springs and various other places 1,1 ir *' Harvest of winter wheat, oats and about ninety days. The property is now occupied by Prof. Patton and week on a vacation tour that will was killed early Tuesday morning too numerous to mention were also 1 Ort?8on finished 15th among the barley is becoming more general, with family who will occupy the Hike include Klamath Falls, Crater when he fell from a horse and was visited by our folk and a« th e ' "‘““ w °7,h° Un‘°n *" *he y,*,d" varyin« (r°“> Poor to ex- 9 ’ a‘ 1 i membership contest conducted by the cellent, saya the weekly crop summary house on north First street, after Lake, central Orecon and other dragged a quarter of a mile by society columns say, "a pleasant American le a s a iit 5 • A m e r ie .n Legion. I I of the weather bureau. The extreme Mrs. Kike returns to Corvallis in scenic districts. Mra. Editli Rob- rope that had become attached to time was had by all,” or at least With the termination of the cereal beat caused rapid ripening of winter nett has charge of the post office his body. September. thought so, which is all the same. year June 30, there had been export­ grains and was unfavorable for grain during the absence of the post­ ed from Portland 17.269,538 bushels of not already fully developed. Stanford Sparks of near Browns­ Leila Gansle had the misfortune master. wheat, valued at »25,690,254. F. J. Burns, who has been on the ville who lost a valuable female Oregon Getting New Settlers to fall and break her collar bone, A revision of the Oregon game code staff of the Oregon public service com­ On another page of this issue is fox recently, thought be might Tuesday. This is the third serious will be sought when the legislature mission for tile past five years as ex­ the statemeut of the Halsey State capture the escaped animal by a injury that has befallen her in the Seventy-three new arrivals from convenes in January, according to E aminer and rate expert, has resigned to accept a position as traffic manager past few months. Last fall she Bank at the close of business, June ruse, took it's mate out and staked the east and middle west selected F. Averill, state game warden for the Oregon Stage Lines, Inc. Burns 30. it on the hills intending to corral Forty-four dentists have been ad farm homes in Oregon during the had a broken arm and about the milted to practice In Oregon as the will be succeeded with the commis­ 1st of May the same arm was in­ Mrs. Guy Bramwell was down the female when it came near, but month of June, scattering through­ result of recent examinations conduct sion by A. F. Harvey of Portland. jured again, and this time the col­ from Salem Wednesday aud spent a couple of stray dogs killed the out the various sections of the state, ed by the Oregon state board of den A total of approximately »218,000 male when they found it tied up according to the records of the land tai examiners. lar bone broken. the day with relatives. will be distributed to employers who for them. settlement department of the state Collections in the Oregon customs are contributors to the state Industrial W. A. Allen who has been in F. I. Kinney, Eugene realtor and Portland chambers of com­ district for the year ending June 30 accident fund through the annual and speculator who recently pur­ poor health for some time, is suf­ Courts Clogged by Law Violators merce. were ft,258,162, establishing a new Ihldend of 10 per cent declared by chased the George Laubner thirty fering from a heavy cold this week high mark. Receipts for the month the accident commission. The refund That Oregon gained economical­ will be based on the contributions of June were »139.645. acre tract at the north end of Hal­ and is unable to come down town. On account of the vigilauce of ly by this influx of farmers and made by each employer during the sey has a man here this week mak­ His brother is here from Oregon the sheriff s office and the state The interstate commerce commit year. their families is evidenced by the slon has granted the Central Pacific ing some minor changes and im­ City spending a few days with traffic department during the re­ fact taat they made capital invest­ railway an extension to November 1 In That the railroads affected by the provements, preparatory to placing him. cent week-end celebrations the ments of over $243,300. which to construct Its proposed Eu recent order of the Interstate com­ it on the market. merce commission covering railroad Dr. Hugh Penland of Berkley, state and county are considerably In addition the depatttnent has gene-Klamath Falls railway construction in central Oregon, are richer. Thirtv-three arrests were who is visiting friends and relatives Forest fires which have menaced been visited by sixty-liine families Prof. Lyman Patton is suffering not complying with the terms of the of * white pine timber ' 7 , ™ 7 of feet °‘ h" 6 P' from infection in his hand, the re­ here, accompanied by H. C. Davis made in the county, 20 on liquor who have been in correspondence I millions order, but are deliberately side step­ F“" ’ are now ping the issue and postponing action sult of a blister which was caused made a trip to Corvallis Friday charges and 13 for violations of and have arrived to make a selec. ' under control K,8tna,h and fire fighters have the state traffic laws. o the great detriment of the entire tion of a farm in Oregon. by the u e of a pitch fo.k. Mr nearly all been relieved from duty. date of Oregon was charged by the Twenty-seven of these cases were During the month of June the PattoD has been working in the Did You Ever Stoo to Think Mandamus proceedings to compel brought before Justice Olliver’s . land settlement department was in Secretary qf state Kozer to Include Orbgon public service commission, in hirvcst fields during the summer i telegram sent to the interstate com­ By Edson R. Waite, Secretary, Shawnee, court on Tuesday, and tweuty.four ! communication with 81 people who the water power bill Initiated by the vacation. merce .commission. Okla., Board of Commerce. A total of 928 accidents. Including entered pleas of guilt», while three announced that they would come housewives council of Portland, on the Rev. Robert Parker, pastor of Thomas R, Preston, President said they were innocent and their to this state to locate. These peo­ November ballot are to be instituted three fatalities, were reported to the at once the Methodist church attended the of the Hamilton Nutioual Bank of cases set for trials at later dates. state industrial accident commission ple have furnished confidential in­ for the week ending July 1. Workmen all day meeting of the Willamette Chattanooga, Tennessee, says: Consolidation of the first and sec All liquor charges were given fines formation showing that they capi­ ood Portland districts, corps of engi reported as losing their lives were Holiness association at Harris­ That probably not in twenty-five of »100 and costs, and the others tal to invest amounting to more neers, U. 8. A., has been carried out Irwin E. Keith, car loader, Pengra; burg, Wednesday. years has business in the United drew various amounts up to $50 than »100,000. under date of July 1 and the future de Arthur Connelly, lineman, Grants Pass; Albert H. Lewis, electrician, E. D. fsom made his regulai States beeq on a better basis than and costs, Personal letters answering spe­ signatlon Is to be Portland, Oregon, Portland. Engineer district. fteakepd trip to Newport Saturday it is at present. The statisticians cifically individual questions are Senator Stanfield Indorsed an In a telegram to the Prairie Power returning Monday. He is going tell us that it is about twenty per Weekly Industrial Review sent to all inquirers by W. G. Ide, company at Canyon City the public amendment to the Chamberlain Ferris again next Saturday, and Mrs cent above normal on the average. manager of the state chamber, and service commission gave that corpora act to strike out the apportionment of Ieotn and daughter Beverly who In some lines I doubt if business is Clatsop county has exceptional during June 2,386 of these letters tion 24 hours In which to Install emer­ 40 per cent of the proceeds from sale have been spending their vacation quite normal. This is particular­ loganberry crop. were mailed from the office. Ac­ gency equipment to relieve electrical of the timber on the Oregon ft Cali­ ly true of agriculture interests, but fornia grant lands to the reclamation will return with him. Portland—Heavy dock demands companying letters to prospective power shortage there. the agriculture interest is in far provide work for 1200 longshore­ homeseekers were 4,379 pieces of The validity of a Salem city ordi­ fund msft divide that portion between The two year old child of Mr. nance levying a tax against stages, the state of Oregon and counties in better shape tbun it has been tor men. illustrated literature contaiuing taxicabs and busses operating over the aud Mrs. George Dannen received several years. (Continued on page 4) Salem—State fairgrounds to facts relative to all sections of Ore­ a painful injury the first of the That there is a tendency for the ; have automobile building, to oost gon. In this way placing of set­ week when a horse stepped on its hanks, other business interests and $20,000 QQ. tlers on arrival is expedited as they foot. The child was brought to agriculture to cooperate along sane Lebanon—Building and loan ss- usually are able to determine b<. Pr. Marks and is getting along all ami sensihle lines. Thia is infinite­ sociation being organized. j forehand the portion of the state pk &C ly better for agriculture than any Hood River district expects which appeals to them most and P. J, Forster and wife and son political remedies that could pos. bumper apple crop this year. they are immediately ready to con-' Robert Forster and family weui sibly be suggested. The political Astoria—Surveys start, for pro- fer with the local realtors and land to Yachats Saturday and are spend­ remedies suggested for the benefit posed $5,000,000 pulp and paper settlement committeemen concern­ ing the week. of the farmer nine times out of ten plant. ing the choice of a farm in that lo­ NELISTADTÎ C. P. Moody and family spent would be harmful if applied rather Pendleton—New Oregon hospital cality. than l>eoeficial. srveral days of the past week at wing completed at cost of »235,000. That when the business tide is Yachats. Klamath Falls—New 6 st o r y Church of Christ running so high it is time for hotel to be built, costing $150,000 You want your shirt to look well, Always. O. E. Bays of Portland has been everyone to be conservative. Eugene—Heavy prune crop due 11 no— the only, part th at most folks see is the io Halsey the past week and is en. That there is a tendency for in­ in that section of the Willamette gaged in overhauling and making little “V above your vest. But that “V” be­ stallment buying to go beyond valley. some improvements on the switch the lines of safety. Installment speaks the stylo, tho quality of your entire Hood River — Apple growers t>oard at the local telephone office. buying is all right, but if the earn­ association makes final 192-5 pay­ shirt. Lawrence Taylor and Carl Hill ing of the purchaser is discounted ment, to aggregate $1,730.000. were celebrating at Seaside, going too far into the future it may Hood River—Shortage of Euro­ You want inbuilt value, below the “V” and over Saturday evening via Mc­ greatly lessen consumption later. pean prune and apple crop will in­ Minnville and Tillamook and re-( Most people agree that deferred in the fashioning. Sm art lines. Deft tailoring crease demand for Pacific coast turning Monday by the way of payments should never extend be products, this year, of shoulders, cuffs and sleeves. Sunday School 10. Portland. yond the life of the article purchas­ Klamath county farms and Preaching 11. Mr. end Mrs. Dean Tycer are ed. Even to come well within ranges produced $5,240,000, during Christian Endeavor 7. Hse the style show of Neustadter 192.5, here from Oakland, C®Hforr.ia and this limit would be safer. Preaching 8. shirts at Our Store. Neustadt«r There never were fewer clouds will visit friends and relatives for Harrisburg—Clint Marpby has Clifford L. Carey, Pastor, in the industrial sky than now. Brothers, Established 1858, Portland a few weeks Royal Anne cherry tree that has coevaicuT, 19J6. paid $05 this year. San Francisco, New York. M . E. Church The Enterprise is one day be­ , Eugene—City council considers hind in time and considerably be­ Robert Parker pastor. Pine Grove Church anti-jsywalking ordinance with Bunday school, 10. hind in the matter of news this stiff fines. Preaching, II. week. Thia can be attributed in Sunday school 10 a. Salem—Old buildings demolish- Junior League, 2:30, part to the holidays of the p u t Preaching, 11a. m. Rev. ed, for new »350,000 First Nation­ Epworth league, 7. week. Any way the 4th of July lispie. al Bank budding. Preaching, 8. comes but once in a year. Preaching 8 p. m. Mis Mitzner. Springfield—C ity contracts for Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 8. Mra. Evelyn Johnson, mamger Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. white way lighting system. Bible Study ’Tuesday, 2. « O ld th o u ti’f lr o i M ~ — 5 _ _ J a L _ i_ . . . . * The iowdown’ on S h ir ts in FINE SH I RTSjfiF’1^ ™ 1 M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon k