Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 30, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    FACE 4
Now Cowen the Years
Laagb Special
J une 3o
(Continued from page 1)
S tatew ide News Item s
pect to h arv est from 60 to 75 car-
F o rest Grove ts to have a booster
Mario Provost
club known as the Daffy-dils. About
H arriso n Ford
35 business and professional men will
be m em bers of the club and tb e uni­
P hyllis H aver
form will feature F orest G rove’s new- :
est industry, tb e growing of daffodils
Cor m arket.
Tbe pj-ized blue-back salm on have
Oak, Maple and Ash wood. $1 itarted th eir run up tbe Colum bia riv er |
I t’s a Frothy, Friyilous, Fro- cord. P. A. Pehrsson, Pins Grove and fisherm en are rep o rtin g fair ,
catches. The run c l salmon th is year I
R 1. Write or phone.
liclsaom« Farce of Feminine
has been far below norm al, it is re- i
ported. Fisherm en are receiving 1 3 |
cents a pound.
Next Sun.—Mon. —T ush .—
By unanim ous vote the A shland city
Will sacrifice high-grade piano
July 4—5 —G
council repealed an ordinance passed
A lbany
two weeks ago prohibiting all public
sale. Will give easy terms to an dances in Ashland. The city atto rn ey
established home. For full par­ will prepare a resolution on the dance
Pacific Highway Imorovemcnts ticulars and where it cau he seen, question for subm ission to voters at
Lloyd S. Tenny, who has been ap­
a hlress Portland Music Co., 227 the N ovember election.
pointed chief of the bureau of agricul­
S tate prison officials report receipt tural economics, Department of Agri­
The paving done for 15 miler Gtii St. Portland, Oregon.
of th e first load of flax for the season culture.
north of Redding, Calif., and On
nearly a m onth earlier than usual.
High grade piano near Halsey H arvesting of the crop is in full swing
extensive regrading norOi of tku
point, now being completed on i- will be sold to reliable party at big throughout the Salem d istrict. The
six mile siriu near La .Moine, have saving, $10 monthly will handle. product th is year is said to be plen­
tiful, of an unusually good quality.
made the Pacific Highway connec- A real buy, write at once for par­
The Public Service league, sponsor­
Tallman Piano Store,
tiou with Oregon the bent inter­ ticulars.
the state income tax bill with
state connection California has. Salem, Oregon.
Los Angeles, Cal.—Aimee Semple
property tax offset, has filed its com­
It is approximately 130 miles from
pleted initiative petitions w ith Secre­ M cPherson, evangelist who dropped
Redding to the state line and abou1 British Columbia by this great ta ry of S tate Kozer. The petitions from sight a t th e beach May 18, to re­
100 of it is fine, wide graveled road, transportation backbone of the contained a to tal of 28,206 certified appear in Douglas, Aria., June 23, re la t­
ing a sto ry of abduction, and priva­
the remainder being paved. As n Pacific coast. This travel is al- nam es, or n early twice as m any as tion, came to the end of her home­
are required to place the m easure on
whole it is unsurpassed by any
ward tra il here S aturday surrounded
, .
. . .
1 . ready showing signs of being great- th e ballot.
mountain road in the country and
T hree thousand acres of land In the by thousands of adm irers. She trod
ia travelahle all the year round.
er lhi' year than ever- due bolh to Wood riv er valley, 70 m iles north of a carpet of roses In fragrant contrast
There is a great interchange of the splendid highway all the way K lam ath Falls, which depends upon to the blistering sands of the Mexican
desert across which she said she fled.
tourists between California and through and the wonderful scene y Anna creek for a supply of Irrigation
G reat throngs of the curious, as well
w ater, will be seriously hit by drouth
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and everywhere.
this season, according to Joseph Je n ­ as tem ple followers, jam m ed the
sen, county road engineer and K lam ­ stre e ts in every direction from the
a th rep resen tativ e of the sta te w ater station. In these ran k s th ere broke
m aster, who m ade a com prehensive out anew the controversy which had
Y o u , l o o , C an R e c e iv e C a s h D iv id e n d s
raged about the case since tbe day
survey of th e F ort K lam ath situation
At th e closing session of the Oregon in May when Mrs. M cPherson walked
S tate Fire C hiefs’ association conven into the S anta Monica surf and her
tlon a t Corvallis, Roy E lliott, chief of secretary, Miss Em m a Schaeffer, and
th e Medford fire departm ent, was her m other, Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, an­
elected p resid en t; W illiam Nusbaum nounced that she had been drowned.
Delivering at the Sunday afternoon
of Eugene, vice-president; Ivan P ear
Think W hat It Means for utility services to be interrupted
son of McMinnville, second vice-presi­ service her first serm on at Angelus
for a «ingle minute. Everyone knows how the companies make
d en t; Jam es F letcher, Roseburg, tre a s tem ple since her return, the noted ex­
heavy investments to safeguard Iho service—how loyal workers
urer, and Thom as Yoates, Tillamook, ponent of “Four Square Gospel" de-
spare no efforts to restore service in the time of emergency.
secretary . Salem was chosen for the claied before a densely m assed con­
gregation of 7500 persons th a t be­
1927 convention.
Here is a lesson lor the careful investor. Service in such in­
Com pletely out of control, th e larg cause of her unyielding stand on m oral
sistent, never-ending demand, mean steady employment of the
est forest fire In the d istrict during questions the devil had plotted her
funds invested In utility systems AH community and industrial
the p ast tw o y ears is doing thousands kidnaping and had caused the exper­
growth is reflected in their legitimate earnings. In periods of de­
of dollars of dam age 15 miles south­ ience which on previous occasions she
pression their services are still required.
w est of K lam ath Falls. The fire Is In said th at she would not have gone
th e m idst of a virgin stand of yellow through “for a million dollars."
When you think of used c a rs
cars only. 255 N. Church St., 1-2
block north of post office, Salem,
“ U p in M a b e l’s
R oom ’
The Nation’s Favorite Investment
Public Utilities
When you invest in Mountain States Power Company you
I —S afety
2 — Q u a rte rly D ividends
3 — A S ecu rity Y o u C a n C o n v ert Into C ash
Come into our office today and add yourself to the army of
shareholders, who receive dividends regularly from this company.
You do not need a considerable sutn to do this—invest on our
easy payment plan—build up a dividend paying estate from your
current income.
M o u n tain S tates P o w e r Securities C om pany
Mountain States Power Company
T his ( om pany Has O ver 1000 C u sto m er S h a re h o ld e rs
Big Carnival
Sat. Night, July 3
Big crowds have enjoyed our cat oival dances. There is a reason.
Special Spot D ance, M onday N ight, Ju ly 5
Something new for this one.
Don’t miss this one.
Our last spot dance went over big.
(. lean crowds, clean manogement, snappy music, good floor,
cool hall. That -
1 wo m ilt's n o rth o f A lbany on the highw ay
(Formerly Hotwl Halssy)
B ath — H o t \X a ter — C lean Beds
R a tes R easo n ab le
Y o u r P a tr o n a g e S o lic ite d
Mrs. Evelyn M . Johnson, M anager
pine tim ber, owned by the W eyer­
h aeu ser T im ber company. A second
fo rest fire, 20 m iles w est of K lam ath
Falls In the S pencer creek w atershed.
Is also raging uncontrolled.
T he public service comm ission of
Oregon renew ed its petition for a
cross-state line In a brief filed with
the In te rsta te com m erce commission
at W ashington, D. C-, asking a reopen­
ing of the case ag ain st th e C entral
Pacific railroad. In its declaration the
s ta te comm ission strik es again a t con­
tro l of th e C entral Pacific by the
Southern Pacific, insisting th a t con­
ditions no longer Justify such an a r­
rangem ent.
T h ere was a noticeable decrease in
production, new business and ship­
m ents for W est Coast L um berm en’s
association m ills for the week ended
Ju n e 19, com pared with the record
m ade In those item s for the week pre­
vious, according to th e w eekly com­
parative report Issued by th e associa­
tion. The re p o rt showed 104 m ills last
week produced 109.961,902 feet of lum­
ber. New business totaled 114,783,.
183 feet and shipm ents totaled 101,-
405,817 feet.
At th e highw ay com m ission’s ses­
sion In P ortland th e fam ous "Devil's
Punch Bowl" was given as a park to
th e state by F. W, L eadbetter. The
governm ent will be asked to cede all
off-shore Islands to the sta te ; a w arn­
ing was Issued th a t th e comm ission
will request corrective legislation
ag ain st use of new six-wheel trucks.
8 new projects w ere ordered adver­
tised for th e m eeting on July 29. and
various co n tracts w ere aw arded, ap­
proxim ating $225,000.
S ignatures on an initiative petition
circulated in 192» to place a m eas­
u re on th e b illo t of that year can­
not be used in initiating a m easure
to ap p ear on th e ballot this year, ac­
cording to A ttorney-G eneral Van
W inkle. H is opinion was giyen to
Sam Koxer. secretary of state. In con­
nection with an attem pt by the Pro­
gressive Civilization league to revive
petitions which had been circulated in
1924 in order to place an anti-capital
p unishm ent m easure on tbe ballot.
Kelso. Wash — A Rurlc Todd, ex-
m ayor of Kelso, was convicted of
m alicious prosecution by a Jury in
Cowlitz superior court. The charge
was based on Todd's having five form­
e r K elso city officials arrested on
•o n sp lracy to em bezzle charge, the
aes being dism issed when Todd did
appear to ttroaecut«
A ristide Briand, veteran F rench
political leader, brought into being his
ten th m inistry in an effort to solve
F ran ce’s pressing financial difficulties.
The B ritish house of lords for a third
tim e rejected a bill sponsored by Lord
A stor to perm it p eeresses in th eir
own rig h t to sit In upper house of
parliam ent.
T ravelers in Mexico including Amer­
icans, will h ereafter be lim ited as to
th e am ount of foreign currency they
can carry, under term s of a presiden­
tial order ju st Issued, A m bassador
Sheffield notified the state d ep art­
m ent.
Although she Is In th e United S tates
in violation of the im m igration laws.
Mrs. H annah Chaplin, m other of
C harles and Sidney Chaplin, screen
tta rs, will be perm itted to rem ain in­
definitely in the country at a home
provided for her by h er sons a t Holly­
The naval a ircraft expansion bill
was signed by P resid en t Coolidge The
m easure provides for an assistan t sec­
reta ry of the navy d epartm ent in
charge of aircraft and for a five-year
building program to give additional
planes, increased personnel and two
W ashington, D. C.—P resident Cool­
idge in a formal statem en t urged leg­
islation for co-operative farm ers' m ar­
keting associations and gave his ap­
proval to the bill of S enator Fess, re ­
publican, Ohio, for assistin g such or­
ganizations through loans from a $100,-
000,000 appropriation.
A fter it had been abandoned In th e
house th e T lnchér plan was revived in
the senate by S enator Fess, republi­
can, Ohio, and la pending as a propos­
ed rid er to the ad m in istratio n 's co­
operative m arketing bill. A modified
form of it also h as been offered by
S enator Lenroot, republican, W iscon­
The McNary farm relief bill was
killed in the sen ate by a vote of 45
to 39.
Modeled on lines contained In the
H augen bill, which w as defeated In
the house, th e m easure would have
set up m achinery to handle the sur­
plus crop problem by levying an equal
lzatlon fee on basic agricultural com­
It had th e endorsem ent of the corn
belt com m ittee w hich has been here
during much of th is session of con­
gress urging farm legislation.
Gooding of Idaho, Jones and Dill of
W ashington and M cNary and Stanfield
of Oregon, voted for th e bill, while
Borah of Idaho voted against It.
stroyed more than $000 houses in the
Islands of Rhodes, In the Aegean sea.
T he villages of Arkbangelo. Arnima.
Apolakkta and Moaolltho suffered
James A. Claffey of Boston, seventy
years old, who won the international
fiddling contest at Lewiston, Maine,
and the cup and $1,000 that went with
econditioning Shop
aybestos Hi-speed
Brake (
212 East F irst st., Albany
Phone 379
W ashington, D. C.—Following a con­
ference a t the W hite House, S enator
Willis, republican, of Ohio, served
notice th at he would filibuster, If nec­
essary, to p revent enactm ent of the
rivers and harbors bill before adjourn­
A dm inistration leaders had planned
to sliove the bill through this week.
W illis said he would propose th a t
the bill go over until next session,
when he would agree to a vote on It.
W illis Is leading a group of Lake sen­
ato rs who a re opposing th e m easure
because of the Illinois river Item
which, they charge, will cause a g reat­
e r diversion of w ater a t Chicago.
P.B.8H. i
Hundreds Fight Flames Which Cause
Loss Put at $35,000.
The Dalles, Or.—More than 600 acres
of w heat and an equal or g reater
am ount of p astu re land in the P eters­
burg district, five m iles southeast of
The Dalles, was burned over In one
of the w orst grain fires W asco county
has experienced In years. The loss
was estim ated a t betw een $35,000 and
$45,000, largely covered by Insurance.
The blaze was brought under con­
trol when hundreds of volunteer Are
fighters made a stan d a t 15-Mile creek.
Ripe grain, In m any fields estim ated
at 30 to 35 bushels to the acre, was
burned on th e F. A. Seufert, Sam
T etherow , C hester S parr, W. H. Craw ­
ford and other ranches. The flames
were fanned by a high wind. The fire
started on the Old Oregon trail near
Big Eddy, presum ably from a cigarette
tossed beside the road by a passing
m otorist.
Regulars Would
Redeem Wisconsin.
Route all freight, Auto F reight Ter­
minal, Door 39. Phone EAst 5004
Leave Portland each dav at4:OOp. tu.
Leave Halsey each day at 3:3o p. tu.
Halsey Depot, Sw ift & Co.
P o rtla n d , B row nsville and
H a rris b u rg T ru ck L ine
Rural Enterprise
year for
Milwaukee, Wfs.—In closing th eir
two-day convention here the conserva­
tive republicans planned to wage a
vigorous fight for th e "redem ption of
W isconsin" by seeking the nomination
of Charles B. Perry, assem blym an, for
governor and the o th er standard-bear­
ers selected. The ticket Includes Mrs.
R. B. Bowen. Augusta, who seeks the
office of secretary of state. The pro­
hibition question was disposed of by
Insertion of a plank favoring a nation­
al referendum on w hether the 18th
Bone 250.000 Years Old is Discovered. am endm ent should be repealed or the
Tucson. Arlz.—D iscovery of a giant Volstead act modified.
shoulder blade of a pre historic ele­
phant. probably a mam moth, estim ated I. C. C. Hearing on Cream Rates is Set
to be at least 250,000 years old. In a
Balem. Or.—E xpress rates on cream
m ine site 25 m iles southw est of here, products In in terstate shipm ent are
has brought to light one of th e most to be argued at a Joint hearing in Port
im portant fossil beds In the southw est, land on July 22, which will be atten d ­
it was announced by Dr. Byron Cum­ ed by representatives of the Inter­
mings. director of the Arizona S tate state comm erce commission and the
public service com m issions of Oregoa,
W ashington and Idaho.
W alsh’s Hat In Ring for 8enate.
W orcester. M ass—F orm er S enator Many Persons Psrtsh In Mexican Flood
David I. W alsh's candidacy for the
W ashington. D C — Between 500 and
dem ocratic senatorial nom ination next loot, person« were killed le the flood«
S eptem ber was form ally announced at which swept over the Leon dtetrlcL
a dinner of the dem ocratic state com­ the state departm ent was advised by
m ittee here
Hl* opponent will be American Consul G eneral Weddell, at
S enator William M Butler, republican. Mexico City.
Quake Shatter« Aegean Villages.
Rom e— A great earthquake has de
Halsey Railroad Time
N orth
3:24 a. tu. flag 17, 12:09 p. ill.
5:15 a. ni.
15, 12;45 p. in.
8:16 a. ni. flag 33, 8:12 p. in. flag
4:08 o. in.
31, 1:34 p. ill. flag
14 and 16 stop to let off passengers
from south of Eugene.
No. 31, direct connnction for Marshfield
Passengers for sju th of Eugene’ should
take train Xo. 17.
Halsey-Hrownsville stage leaves llal-
sey at 7 a. ni and 12:15 and 8;lb p. in-
Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. and
3.35 and 8:45 p. ni.
Outgoing Mail
At the Halsey postoffice mails
close going north at i j ;50 a . m.
and 5:20 p. m.
Going south, 11:10 a, m. and
5:20 p. tn.
To Brownsville, 0:20 a. in. and
12 m. Morning stage to Browns­
ville goes o n to Crawfordsville,
Holley and Sweet Home.
Firsl-class W o rk
J- W S T E P H E N S O N .
Halaey and Brownsville
O regon
Barber Shop
Laundrv sen* Tuesdays
\gency H ub C leaning W orks
Funeral Directsr and Licensed
Brownsville, Oregon
Fixed Easter Date Asked by League.
Geneva. — The league of nations
commission of experts on reform of
the calendar has decided to recom­
mend that the second Sunday in April
to be the llxed date for Easter.
W . L- W R IG H T
H arriiburg, Ore.