^/^Ìbanyj2)irectory Summons Neighborhood News Market News In the Circuit Court of the State of Hot w eather has hastened ma­ Oregon for Linn County. Dept. 2 Case were callers at the county seat tu rity of w inter wheat and harvest T h u is good adv ice: “ if you live No. 13,525. in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live is under way, eaye G. R. H yslop Thursday. C reenberry Splawn, Plaintiff, vs. in some other town, trade in that town. " of the 0 . A. C. farm crops d ep art­ (Enterprise Correspondent) But in these automobile days many re­ Humphrey C arter: the unknown heirs of Clay T aylor and son Robert were siding elsewhere find it advisable to do H umphrey Carter if he be deceased. m ent. Drought aud heat in east­ Miss Mabel Tbotnas a teacher in dinner guests a t H. L. Straleys at least part of th eir buying in the ern Oregon will result in a good larger town. T hose who go to Albany John C arter; the unknow n heirs of John the P o rtlan d schools spent several Satui day. to transact business will find the firms Carter if he be deceased; Rosana C arter deal of hard w heat. Growers of nam ed below ready to fill their require­ Shelley; John Doe Shelley her husband days visiting at the Jam es Burns Roy Bilyeu of P o rtlan d visited either soft, common white, or m ents w ith courtesy and fairness. the unknow n heirs of Rosana C arter home on her way to her home in at H. J F a lk ’s Monday afternoon. white club wheat should follow the northern C alifornia. Shelley if she be deceased; Susan Bole m arket closely for prem ium prices. Rev. R. C. Sm ith of Marion man; John Doe Rolenian her husband J. W. Evans who has been ill for A lb a n y Floral Co. C ut flowers the unknown heirs of Eva Carter Funk The oriental m arket has been was a guest at the J. N. Elliot A *■ and plants. Floral a rt for every deceased; Jam es Taylor; Lesta Taylor some tim e is only slightly im prov, strong according to the bureau of home Sunday. and all occasions. ed. the unknow n heirs of Fireby Carter Flow er phone 458-J, agricultural economic?. J . R. H arding and wife were M r. and Mrs. C. 8. W illiam s Taylor deceased: Elizabeth Xaby; t)j Forage m arket continues fairly unknown heirs of Mary Fields deceased were among those from here who visitors a t the M. B. H arding D u y o la 1 olin bulbs now. strong for this time of year as the SO and 75c cer dozen. Allow for Chris Fields; John L. Fields; Ella enjoyed the supper and program home W ednesday. —and other northern postage. H all's Floral and Music Shop. Wicks, Lewis Wicks her husband ; Lillie clover acreage is not large aud con­ California points. W estside greenhouse products. Mrs. Cecil Bilyeu and d aughter Manning; Stella Jones; Gus Cole; Frank a t S m ith’s grove F riday eveuing. siderable vetch goffered from Fast, con ven ien t Mr. and Mrs. H enry Brock snd returned to th eir home after a week Cole; C hester Cole; H enry Cole; John p E N T K A L T IR E SHOP aphid». Shortage of irrigation service daily; travel Cole; A nna Jarvey; the unknown heirs Doris gpent Sunday in Halsey at Engene. Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re­ in all-steel safety water is affecting some alfalfa dis­ of Nancy M inerva Fields deceased visiting relatives. charging. 221 W. Second. Mr. aud Mrs. H. J. Falk and R tricts. coaches, well-light­ Robert H. Fields, Pheby T. Fields his E d Falk, Prop. Mr. and M rs. T hom as Jackson, E. Bierly were business callers at ed and ventilated. wife; John Fields, J. E. Fields his wife t ’astb u rn Bros.— Two big grocery Thomas J. Fields; M atilda Ann Hayden; Mr. and Mrs. Thom as A rdrv, J. S. ihe county seat W ednesday a fte r­ H airy vetch seen demand is srtnng R oom y, w ell-u p ­ stores, 212 W. F irst and 225 South at $15 to $15.50 per hundred holstered seats. Main. Good m erchandise at the right E A. Rhodes, Ella E. Rhodes his w ife; Nicewood and fam ily and M artin noon. wholesale at A tlan tic points, high­ Ora Rhodes, Ja n e Roe Rhodes his wife; Cum m ings and fam ily attended the prices. Meals at low cost; Mrs. L. Toedetmeier and c h ild ­ er prices prevailing in the interior. Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife eat in the lunch car ren, who have been picking logan­ Common vetch is quoted at $ 1 5 0 E plite C afeteria and confectionery R. V, Jen k in s, M artha E. Jen k in s his cam p meeting at H alsey Sunday. on trains 13 and 15. A J Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ wife, John W. Jenkins, Lottie E. Je n k ­ H enry Brock was elected school berries a t the King berry ranch to $5 per hundred a t A tlantic ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. ins his wife, Delbert C. Jenkins, Laura director and Mrs. J . W. E vans are now a t home. We make our own candies. Only One Night points with the m arket not yet es­ A. Jenkins, his wife; David Barnard. clerk at the recent election. Plans W. S. D uncan . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dyer and On the “San Fran­ tablished on this coast. Ann Barnaid his wife, Jan e Kamstra, for remodeling the school building family o f Nevada and Mrs. D yer’s cisco Express.” Or P O R D SALES AND S E R V IC E L. K am stra h er husband; Lizzie Jarvey, Clover mildew which frequently go on the “Oregon­ Tires and accessorie» Lawrence Jarvey h er husband; Kidd were discussed. mother Mrs. E rnest Cham bers cl wipes out the seed fields in western Repairs ian” or S ou th ern McDowell, M yrtle McDowell his wife; A very fine new house is being E stacada were visitors at W. R, O regon in dry years, has appeared. K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . C alifornia H enry McDowell, W illiam McDowell; J. built on the A. L. Owen farm to Kirks T hursday. M rs. Dyer is s It is controlled in some arecs by Express P o r tm ille r F u rn itu re Co., fu m i-. B. Sloan; Ruby Sloan; also all other replace the one destroyed by fire cousin of Mrs. K irk. lim e-sulphur spray made, 1 1 3 -*■ ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. I persons or parties unknown claim ing f uneral directors. 427-433 west F irst any rig h t, title, estate, lien or interest last spring. Lym an M arsters, who had p la n ­ gallons of lim e-sulphur to 100 g a l­ street, A lbany, Oregon. in the real estate described in the com­ Mr and Mrs. C. R. Rowan and ned on taking a course of sum m er lons of water. Also by thorough­ children of Eugene, Miss M arie school at .Stanford university ¡ d ly dusting with a dusting m achine p i 'L L E R G RO CERY , 235 Lyon plaint herein, defendants. (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) To Hum phrey Carter, th e unknown fanes of Corvallis, Amil H alkus of California, has changed his plans applying common dustiug sulphur. Groceries F ru its Produce heirs of H um phrey C arter if he be de- A m ity, K enneth Jon°s and Miss and is now taking a course at 0 A It sometimes takes more th an one l’hone 263R deased, John Carter, the unknow n heirs G w endolyn Best of Benton county C. He motors to and from school dusting to accomplish the result.. OLMAN & JACKSON I of John Carter if he be deceased, Rosana nd N. H. Cum m ings and family from the home of his parents, E G rocery—Bakery I Carter Shelley, John Doe Shelley her E v ery th in g in the line of eats Idaho Man Dies at 100. I husband, the unknow n heirs of Rosana were guests a t the M artin C um ­ S. M arsters. Opposite Postoffice I c a rter Shelley if she be deceased, Susan W allace, Idaho — Colonel John m ings home Sunday Mrs. R uth W illiam s, Mrs. H. L. H ackett, 100. believed to be the oldest High grade jtiano near H alsey IM P E R IA L C A PE , 209 W. F i r s t HoUman. John Doe Boleman her hus- Straley, Mrs. H azel M onkers and man tn Idaho, died here. The colonel, will be sob) to reliable party at big ■■■ H arold G. M urphy Prop. hand, the unknow n heirs of Eva Carter Phone 665 daughter K athleen A nne, Miss who was blind, had been at the hos­ saving, $10 m onthly will handle. | Funk deceased, James Taylor, l.esta W e never close Taylor, the unknow n heirs of Fireby Mearle Straley ana Leroy S traley pital for two years. H is one ambition A real buy, w rite at once for p a r­ I Carter Taylor deceased, Elizabeth Nabv, agneto electric co . had a very pleasant trip to T il- was to live to be 110 years old. Col ticulars. T allm an l'luno Store, onel H ackett had been tn this d istrict I tile unknown heirs of Mary Fields lie (By Special Correspondent) PHILCO BA TTER I FS angle Lake F rid a y . Salem , Oregon. since 1866, coming here as an employe with the famous Diamond-Grid plates ceased, C hris Fields, John L. Fields L. E. E agy and fam ily were Al­ V isitors at the J . P. Tem pleton of the N orthern Pacific railw ay to In­ Ella Wicks, Lewis Wicks her husband, |« n and money are best when I Lillie Manning. Stella Jones, Gus Cole, bany visitors Thursday. home Sunday were George Tem ple vestigate mining possibilities of this busy. Make your dollars work in I Frank Cole. C hester Cole. H enry Cole, B ert H ayes and fam ily spent ton, and family, Mr. and Mrs region. He served In the Irish brigade of New York tn the civil war. our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate John Cole. Anna Jarvey, the unknown Sunday at the C yrus H ay nes home Robert T em pleton, Mr. and Mrs B ank . U nder governm ent supervision. lieirs of Nancy M inerva Fields deceased, near Coburg. R upert Leonard and Mrs. Ilu u ter. Washington State Funds Inoreaaed. Thomas J. Fields, M atilda Ann Hayden ly iA R lN E L L O PA RLO RS K enneth M inor is spending Miss M abel Lacey of P ortland was Olympia.—W ith receipts of $771,- (A beauty aid for every need) E. A. Rhodes. Ella E. Rhodes his wife St. Francis Hotel Ora Rhodes, Jan e Roe Rhodes his wife few days at the M artin home. also a guest at J. P. T em pleton's 209.11 and expenditures of $1.129,- Prop. W inifred Rose Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife 484.20 by w arrants paid, for the week At the school m eeting M onday several days last week. ending June 22, total sta te cash bal­ John W . Jenkins, Lottie E. Jenkins lii J^O S C O E AMES H A R D W A R E wife, D elbert C. Jenkins, I.aura A evening L. E. Eagy was re-elected M rs. R uth W illiam s of Los ance was $16,774,911.91, as shown by clerk and George C handler was Angeles, who has been a guest at report of S tate T reasu rer W. O. Potts. Jenkins his wife, David Barnard, Ann The W inchester Store Barnard his wile, Jane Kamstra, I elected director to succeed E. E. the S traley home the past week This m akes deduction of the over­ left for her home Monday m orning draft tn the capttol building construc­ The time for glasses —ia right a t T i l l ; MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP Kamstra her husband, Lizzie Jarvey Hover. tion fund of $434.029. The general Lawrence Jarvey her husband, also all by auto w ith her friend, Mrs. A. fund Is still going strong with $2,884 - the beginiug of the trouble with Geo. L. Hurley, Pr ipnetor and Floyd Nichols and fam ily were other persons or parties unknow n claim Manager. Warm air furnaces, plum bing your eves. Delays are dangerous. L. K ahrs of Long Beach. Calif 328. ing anv right, title, estate, lien or inter Sunday guests a t L. E. Eagys. and sheet metal work, tin a n t gravei The eye is the m ost delicate mem ­ They will stop a t C rater Lake and est in the real estate described in the Mr. and Mrs. N. E . C handler roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal ber of the hum an body and every THE MARKETS com plaint h erein —of the aliove defend other places of interest on th e ir were am ong those from th is neigh­ vanized iron work, m etal sk y lig h ts and ants. moment you delay after the trouble way. cornices, pumps of all kinds. borhood who attended the supper Portland I n the name oe the state oe ore sta rts you are getting ju st th a t O vernight guests at the E. S 136 F erry street, A lbany, Phone 127J W heat—Big Bend bluestem , hard G on , you and each of you are hereby re aud program at S m ith ’s grove F r i­ much tow ard possible blindness. M arsters home Friday were Rev, white, hard federation, soft white, quired to appear and answer the com day evening. A large crowd was he C ourtesy Shop Come in today and let ub exam ine A. E . M arsters, a brother of the w estern white, $1.41; hard w inter, Ready-to-wear and Millinery plaint of the above named plaintiff now present and enjoyed the evening yonr eyes. northern spring and w estern red, $1 35. former, and fam ily of M yrtle P oint Mrs. C. L. Fox on file in th e above entitled court and very much. H ay—Alfalfa, $17.60018 ton; valley 117 Broadalbin st., Albany cause w ithin six weeks from the 23rd O ur new address—313 West F irst and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Monroe Mrs. Inez Sm ith of A lbany visit­ tim othy, $19.019.50; eastern Oregon st., next door to W estern U nion. day of June, 1926. the date of the first were on their way to Mt. Hood and Fpo m ake room for our spring tim othy, $21 021 60. stock, will sell organs at alm ost I PubIicat,on of »»*•’ summons, and you ed Mrs. H over S a tu rd a y . to a convention at V ancouver. B u tterfat—41c shippers’ track. your own prices. W e m ust have m ore | are hereby notified th at if you fail to E verybody is busy these days Mrs. Monroe is a daughter of Mr. E ggs--R anch, 28027c. room. Davenport Music House. appear and answer said com plaint on o r hauling hay and some fall grain is C heese—P rices f. o. b. Tillam ook; J e w e le r * * , and Mrs. E . S. M arsters. before the 4th day of August, 1926, the aldo Anderson & Son. d istrib ­ last day of the tim e prescribed in the being cut and still the calander T riplets, 27H c; loaf, 28Hc per lb. O ptom etrists and Manufacturing utors and dealers for Maxwell, C hal­ order for th e publication of this sum ­ says its only Ju n e. C attle—Steers, good, $8 50 0 8 75. O pticians mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupinobile cars. H ogs— Medium to choice. $13.600 Accessories. & pnliea. 1st & Broadalbin. mons, the plaintiff will apply to said Mr. and Mrs. Pehrsson went to $15.60. ALBANY OREGON. court for the relief dem anded therein B elknap springs M onday for a Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice, tow it:—For a decree of s a id coart that $11012.35. the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple short vacation. 1923 C h ev ro let T o u r in g of the S. W. of the N. W of bee. Bert H aynes w ent to P ortland Oeattle. W ashington, D. C.—P resid en t Cool­ We serve r 11 makes W i l l a r d s 11 in Tp. 14, S. of R. 1 W. of th e W il­ with a truck load of sheep Tues- 1926 D o d g e S ed an W heat—Soft white, w estern white, idge's- appointees to the new railroad and sell lam ette Meridian in Linn County, O re­ day. Big Bend bluestem . $129; hard winter, board of m ediation were favorably re­ gon and th at you and each of you have U nder new m anagemen O lds C oach , 1925 Mr. and Mrs. E rnest H over and ported to the senate for confirm ation w estern red, $1.35; northern spring, L. M. Taylor, Prop. no rig h t, title, estate, lien or interest $1.37. in or to said real property or any part Robert visited M r. and Mrs. Joe by the in te rsta te comm erce com m ittee. 2 Ford C ou p es 121 W. Second, Albany. H ay—Alfalfa, $26; tim othy P 8., thereof, th at each of you tie forever P a in te r Near Fayetteville S unday The com m ittee decided to turn over $20; do, mixed. $26. the W estern M aryland railroad labor barred and enjoined from asserting any J e w e tt T o u r in g , 1926 If you enjoy a good meal, afternoon. B utter—C ream ery 38 0 40c. .»nd know a good meal when you get it, right, title, estate, lien or interest there dispute Involving s reported lockout y o u ’ll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. in or claim thereon adverse to such ti­ Eggs Ranch, 30 0 32c. I Ford T ru ck , 1 ton Wes. R ichard of C orning, Iowa and strik e ot engineers to the new O ur aim is to please vou. Hogs Prim e, $16 26015 50. tle ot plaintiff, and for such other and is visiting his sister, Mrs, Chas. board. O verlan d T o u rin g C a ttle —Choice steers. $7.7508 50, The nom inees are: Samuel E. Win further relief as may be equitable. Nichols and other relatives. C h e ese-O reg o n triplets, 26c; W ash­ slow, M assachusetts (five y ear te rm ); Service ot this Summons is made by ALBANY Mr. and Mrs. Chas Nichols, C arl Edwin P. Morrow, K entucky (four- ington triplets, 26c. publication thereof pursuant to an order Nichols and Mr. R ichard drove to year te rm ); Carl W illiams, Oklahoma G E O . M . G IL C H R IS T made by the Hon. B. M. Payne. County Spokane. F irs t aud Baker A lb a n y , Ore. (three-year term I ; O. W allace H anger. Judge of Linn Couaty, Oregon at Al­ Newport Sunday. Hogs -Good. $14 60014.76. W ashington, D. C., (two-year term ), bany, Oregon on and dated the 14th Day HOW ARD SRIGLEY C attle Steers, good, $6 50 0 7.75. and Hywel Davies, California, (one- of June. 1926. directing the publication at lowest rate of interest. year term ). thereof to be made in the Rural Enter Real Estate Insurance prise, a new spaper published at Halsey, Prom pt service, courteous treatm ent. Linn County, Oregon once a week for YANKEE MANNERS RAPPED (By an Bnterpiise Reporter) W m ' B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank six consecutive weeks. A. C. C hristenseu and fam ily Tussing St fu ssin g , Tourists Criticised for Flying Flag» builmng, Albany were dio n er guests at G. J. K ike’s A ttorneys for Plaintiff. on Cars Abroad. T h u rsday. Postoffice Address, Halsey, Oregon. S eattle, W ash.— J. J. Underwood, Lake Creek Locals San Francisco Southern Pacific Lines H Pine Grove Points M M T Meade & Albro W Willard SENATE COMMITTEE FAVORS APPOINTEES Station PA RA G O N CAFE Highway Garage FA R M LOANS Spoon River Sparks Job Printing W hy suffer from headache? H ave your eyes examined Dr. Ssìfi T. French F M. Frencn & Son Jewelers Optometrists, Albany Albany Creamery Association M anufacturers of L IN N BUTTER and Buyers of Eggs A F anners' Co-operative Creamery Anne H einrich and Pearl Pehrs­ son were guests of Mearle Straley Tuesday evening and W ednesday, Mrs, L. R. F alk and children were charry picking at the Weber orchard W ednesday. rep resen tativ e of the S eattle cham ber of com m erce in W ashington, D. C , in a statem en t published here, rem arked th a t the state d epartm ent would be gratified If tom e A m ericans traveling In foreign countries Improved th eir m anners. H e m entioned A m ericans who fly United S tates flags on th eir autom obiles in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. E E. Carey and family have been a tte n d in g the “This It a gross breach of Inter- cam p m eeting- held at the Gourley “ tlonal courtesy." he declared. "Since 1 grove. ,he B ritish d ebt settlem en t, Amer- m , ,. r. I Personal Service by an Experienced Printer Bring Your Next O rder to the Enterprise • • Any Girl in Trouble 5 may communicate with Ensign Lee oi Ihe Sxlvatioa Army at the • W hite Shield Home, 56.5 M ayfair avenue, Portland, '»rejfon. s X