Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 30, 1926, Image 2

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nal or organization th a t can help.
A ll artielee are to be sent to the
Pablithed Every Wednesday,
W . C. T. U. Headquarters, 201 S.
B y H ü b b k t L. A lmo »
Commercial St. Salem, Ore., mark
ed “ fo r bazaar?' A ll comm uni*
cations about the bazaar or for the
Wednesday, Jon« 30, 1926
farm home and a ll money, should
sent to Mrs. Madge J. Mears,
I l a year io advance
A rrearages 12% c a m onth 501 Stock
B u ild in g ,
A d v e rtis in g , 3oc an in c h ; no discount ' Portland,
tor lim e or space ; no charge lo r ccan-
ooainon or c laiiges.
P a lo -fo i P aragraphs." le a line.
* - • a d v a rn a n g d is g u is e d as nsw a.
Children’s Farm Home News
A t the meeting of the ch ild re n ’s
home board recently it
i t w h s decided to continue the work
of the
F arm
Home office under
the same management u n til Janu­
ary 1, 1927. The committee con­
sists of J. A lien Harrison, Treasur­
er of the board, Mrs. M ary L. M al­
le tt, President of the W . C. T . U.
and Mrs. Madge J. Mears, office
We are glad to report th a t the
ho te is in tine condition. Our
big farm Iv of 115 children are very
happv and busy in m aking gar­
dens, raising chickens, caring for
the flowers and doing the many
things that delight children in
helping about a home. There is
no Hebt except the $10,000 on the
land and that is ad pledged to he
D »il <>v January 1927 w ith $5,600
in the treasuary ready fo r pay­
ment. We appreciate the splen­
did response from the churches
and Sunday Schools from tbr
M other's day offering, amounting
to date to $140098. W hile we
realize there are many churcher
not heard from yet, we hope all
w ill take an offering far the home
some tim e during the year if they
could not do so on M other’ s day.
The committee decided to coop­
erate and do a ll they can to fu rth ­
er the work of the campaigns for
the southern Oregon cottage, the
C"O» county cottage and any o th ­
er c.m paigns ttia t may bo carried
on for the home. We are in great
need o f more co'tages as we are
having to reins» very needy child-
p * i i ev»*ry
I he B « n n r for th« farm home
w II - tie ,| ms usual at the state
fa ir
>'e w ill be very glad to re­
ceive donations from any in d iv id j
Gay, light-hearted and debonair
though R obert bonis Stevenson was
daring most of his life, he held views
on the training of children that, com­
ing from him, seem astonishingly se­
vere. Mr. Lloyd Osbourne, his step­
son, w riting In Scribner’s Magazine,
described a conversation th a t occurred
when be and Stevenson, then thirty-
two years old and In poor health,
were sojourning a t Davos In the
Swiss Alps.
One conversation I heard him have
with a visitor a t th e chalet, says Mr.
Osbourne. Impressed me deeply. The
visitor was a fussy, officious person,
who after many pream bles ventured to
criticize Stevenson for the way he
was bringing me up. R. L. 8., who
wae the most reasonable of men In an
argum ent, and alm ost over-ready to
adm it any points against himself, sur­
prised me by his unshaken stand.
“Of course I let him read anything
he wants.” he said. “And If he hears
things yon say he shouldn’t, I am
glad of It. A child Should early gain
some perception of w hat the world
la really like—Its baseness. Its treach­
eries, Its thinly veneered b ru talities;
he should learn to Judge people and
discount human frailty and weakness
and be In some degree prepared and
armed for taking his p art la te r In the
b attle of life. I have no patience
with this fairy-tale training th at makes
Ignorance a virtue. T h at was how I
was brought op. and no one will ever
know except myself the b itter misery
It cost me."—Youth's Companion.
Visiting Pest Bane
o f Busy Office M an
The "Just-a-mlnute" man la a prod­
uct of modern times, and Is In no way
related to the Minute Man of Revolu­
tionary days. He Is the w orst pest
with whom D etroiters high In public
office and business life have to deal.
He alw ays appears to be In a hurry.
He (lashes Into the outer office of his
victim, pulls out his w atch, and
breathlessly asks the secretary If he
can see Mr. So-and-so for "Just a min­
ute.” He Is often successful In gain­
ing adm ittance, and he usually stays
about 30 minutes, or until long after
he has worn out his welcome.
The “Just-a-m lnute” man Is legion.
Ills visits sometimes take up several
hours a day of one busy m an's time.
One business man adm itted he could
dispense with his secretary If It were
not for th e "Just-a-mlnute" man. The
secretary's chief duty Is to Intercept
the pest and leurn his business.—De­
tro it News.
«y FLOOR PAINT has the quality of
toughness. It sturdily resists the scuffing
that kitchen, hall and bathroom floors get
and is easy to clean.
to serve—not merely to sell. Its unusual
spreading capacity makes it very econom­
ical. It works easily and dries over night
to a smooth even enamel-like finish. Also
makes an excellent finish for kitchen walls
and woodwork.
M i i n v colors from w hich to chooM
at —
Halsey, Oregon
S 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
G reat W rite r’ ■ Id eat
on C h ild Train ing
As Cold as the Frozen North
ia oar ice cream.
i / V
I t is d e lig h tfu lly
cooling and refreshing after a hard
shopping to ur.
Stop in and enjoy
a plate.
a ll
I t makes an ideal refreshment and
is nourishing and wholesome.
M il
Clark’s Confectionery
¿ T o Obtain Healthy and Thriving Pullets
W alter S. Gifford (left), p resident of th e A m erican Telephone and T ele­
graph Company, and Leonard H. K iunard (rig h t), president of the Bell T ele­
phone Company of P ennsylvania and A ssociated Companies, a re shown
stan d in g on th e ex act spot w here A lexander G raham Bell first talked over
his invention a t th e C entennial Exposition 50 years ago. In th e background
can be seen M emorial Hall, relic of the C entennial, and w hich (a paw being
used as a m useum . It was on th is spot th a t Dun Pedro, then E m peror of
Brazil, m et th e 29-y ear-old Inventor and exclaimed. “My God, It ta lk s !” when
he h eard B ell's voice come over the wire. The exhibits to be staged by the
organization th ese m en re p resen t will be one of th e g re a t featu res of the
Sesqul-C entennial In ternational Exposition, which opens in P hiladelphia June
and continues to D ecem ber 1 to celebrate the 150th an n iv ersary of (Ije
signing of th e D eclaration of Independence,
S a erp in g In v es tig a tio n of $ 3 5 ,-
COO.O0O Chest Begun By
S e n a to r Reed.
W ashington, D. C.—A sw eeping In­
vestigation of th e 135.000,000 "w ar
ch est” used by the Anti-Saloon League
of A m erica Io w rite prohibition into
the constitution was assured when the
senate “slush fund” com m ittee called
for t i n league's financial records for
every year since 1017.
The request was made of W ayne B.
W heeler, general counsel of th e league,
by S en ato r Reed, dem ocrat, of Mis­
souri, chairm an. The records, which
the com m ittee will examine, include
all contributions, subscriptions, the
payroll of th e national organization
and the cam paign and educational ex­
p enditures for th e last ten years.
"I w ant th e financial records for
every year since th e league began its
national cam paign to put the prohi­
bition am endm ent In the constitution,”
Reed said.
W heeler agreed to furnish th e doc­
um ents.
Besides th e Anti Saloon league. Reed
announced th a t funds of all organiza­
tions which p articip ated in prim ary
cam paigns would be investigated.
A nother broad vista of cam paign In­
vestigations. outrivaling even that into
the Pennsylvania prim ary, was opened
with the presen tatio n to the senate of
charges th at 13.000,000 was spent in
th e Illinois republican senatorial pri­
m ary In which P rank L. Sm ith, chair­
man of the sta te u tllith s commission,
defeated S eu ato r William B. .McKin­
Investigation of th e Illinois situa­
tion has been planned by the senate
compnign funds com m ittee as soon as
th e Inquiry Into th e Pennsylvania pri­
m ary and the activ ities of the Anti-
Saloon league is com pleted and con­
g ress has adjourned.
Crow Agency. Mont.—Hom age of the
nation was paid to th e heroes of the
Indian cam paigns when the body of an
unidentified soldier who lost his life
with G eneral George A rm strong C us­
ter w as given all th e honors of a Uni­
ted S tates m ilitary funeral a fte r 50
W ith him Into the grave went th e
tom ahaw k of W hite Bull, a su b c h ie f
tain of th e Brule Sioux under Gall,
d irecting genius of th e allied tribes
th at an n ihilated th e com m and of Cus­
te r at the b attle of the L ittle Big Horn,
Ju n e 25. 187C a symbol, the chief ex­
plained. of his d esire to show th at
enm ity betw een th e red men and the
w hite men was a t an end.
The body of th e unknown soldier
was uncovered a few days ago by a
road eonstruetion crew , the buttons of
an arm y uniform and the bullet which
ended his life being the only m eans
of identification.
Leader “V irtually C ertain" No Land
on Route Followed by Norge.
Seattle, W ash. — C aptain Roald
Amundsen and 15 others who flew
acr(>S8 the North Pole from Europe to
A laska last m onth arrived here Sun­
day from Nome.
“ My work is fulfilled.” the Norwe­
gian leader of th e expedition declar­
ed "All the big problem s are Bolveil.
The work that rem ains In polar explor­
ation Is a m atter of detail. Let others
handle It."
Amundson looked tired and worn.
Seven N orwegians, m em bers of the
party, said they would likely organize
another Arctic expedition, with the
aid of Lincoln E llsw orth, th e lone
Amerlcnn on the trip, who was Amund­
sen's financial backer.
A mundsen expressed him self as “vir­
tually certain " th at th ere was no land
on the route followed by the Norge
from Spitsbergen to A laska. Probably
100.000 square m iles of icy w aters,
occasionally broken hy open w ater,
w ere seen on the trip, th e leader said.
F ath er of Slain Girl Ask» T rial.
S eattle, W ash. — W allace Cloyes
G aines dem anded here th at lie be tried
in stan tly before a ju ry “ if th ere be a
scintilla of evidence against me.” He
is the fath er of Sylvia H ow ard Gaines,
who was fiendishly killed near Green
Lake here June 1«. "T ha public mind.'
G aines declared, “ is rightfully inflam ­
ed over the b ru 'a l killing of my child.
S heriff Starw ich says th a t I w as the
killer. He m ust prove it now or ad­
mit th at he has done a grievous
w rong.”
Columbia River May be Surveyed.
W ashlnglon. D. C.—The deficiency
appropriation bill turned over to the
house by the appropriations comm it
tee. provides $26,000 for Investigating
the possibilities of the Colum bia river.
Dogs T h a t D o N o t B a rk
Siberian sled-dogs are reputed to be
the best in the world, a re short-haired
and generally a kind of gray—might
be called mouse-colored. They seem
to be more wolf than dog. and never
bark hut howl like a wolf.
Considering their short hair, I be­
lieve you will find them to average
larger than the Alaskan sled dog.
w rites Captain Oliver In A dventure
Team s generally average about eight
dogs and they pull sieda across the
tundra In sum mer as well as w inter.
H e r Id e a o f ' ‘A r t ”
A New York “artistic photographer.”
whose work adorns the pages of many
"art publications, has num erous re­
quests for private engagem ents. One
such came from the wife of a newly
rich man, who telephoned for an ap­
pointment. “And how much do yon
charge?" she naked. "One thousand
tollars, ” was the reply. The photogra­
pher beard a gasp, and then came,
"One thousand dollars I Why, how
la r te a picture do you taka?"
¡Use Kerr’s
¡H0’1"« j
J In
Kerr’s Scratch.
Zh Li bcral
W ith
Discount on Ton Lots or .More. The MZ
Feed That Gives Results.
O. W . F R U M
N e w V a lu e to A ld e r
Alder, which Is much used as a
M o u n tain P ay T o ll wood In m aking fu rn itu re In those
News of a mountain tragedy rings sections w here It grows on a com­
through Capetown like a funeral bell? mercial scale, may have another value
It becomes alm ost a personal tragedy fa r exceeding th a t for furniture. It
to everyone. T able m ountain looms la now believed th a t the little nodules
Into the clouds so close to the city or “bum ps” on the roots of alder have
th a t every detail of Its g re a t rock nitrogen fixation pro|>ertlen. The G er­
face can be seen from the main street, man chem ists have been w orking on
and th a t makes the fact of a death on th a t theory and American universities
have been attem pting to prove it with
Its slopes very close and vivid.
T able mountain has a dark history. some degree of success. If It Is true,
From the earliest days clim bers have the alder having the ability to take
met disaster, and there is one precipi­ nitrogen direct from the air would be
tous part, known as Skeleton gorge a g reat soil builder.
w here the bones of a num ber of long-
A w a y F ro m th e H e a t
dead men have been found.
Tlie rioted w hite cloth of clouds
Chef—Boss, 1'se sorry to tell you,
which settles over Tnble m ountain has but next S aturday night I’se q u lttlc ’.
been responsible fo r many fatalities.
M anager—I’m sorry, R a stu s; you
Inexperienced people lose th e ir way have been very faithful. Nothing un­
and, finding darkness approaching, pleasant has come up, I hope?
stum ble madly dow nw ard tow ard the
“No, boss.
I'ae plannln’ to go to
city lights. Falls of hundreds of feet Africa to live with mah bruthah. Why,
aw ult them.
boss, they tell me the sun does all
W henever a person Is reported miss­ their cookin’.
Dion't nobody use
ing parties composed of members of stoves. They Just set the food out In
the Mountain club leave th eir work the sun to cook.
T h at’s the place
and set out to search th e dangerous for me, wheah I w on't nevah have to
ledges and ravines. An appeal for a ztan’ over no mo’ hot stoves.”—C hris­
search party never falls. If the miss­ tian Science Monitor.
ing person Is not found by the week-1
end, hundreds of people Join In the
P e te r a n d P a u l
The old expression, "robbing P eter
Table m ountain a ttra c ts scores ef
new climbers on every public holiday, to pay P au l” Is said to date back to
At th a t time many of
and It Is then th a t the most tragedies about 1560.
occur. Often the body of a lonely the lands belonging to the cathedral of
clim ber Is not found for several weeks, S t P eter at W estm inster were ap­
so vast Is the area to be searched.— propriated to repair St. P aul’s cathe-
From the C ontinental Edition of the ‘Irak
Hence the expression togroh
I Peter to pay Paul.”—PathfiDder Mag-
Climbers of Table
Good trades allowed
Two Cars for Sale or Trade
Reo six to uring , w ill trade for cows,
Wrecking Shop
1918 Buick six for sale,
for less
m o n ey
P. P A PM A N Prop,
R e m e m b e r T h e E n te r p r is e fo r J o b P r i n t i n g
Tor the Poultry Department of our Eugene
Warehouse. Best Prices. A Premium Paid for
Taney Heavy Hens and Broilers
T. J. Skirvin Seed <o