Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 30, 1926, Image 1

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A g rc u ltu re
H o rtic u ltu re
L iv e s to c k
A Weekly Chropicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County
- Local and Personal Mention -
w . H . Beene, now of Long
B eich, California, found himself
too busy for him and Mrs. Beene
to m ake th a t proposed visit to
H alsey now and has postponed it
for a few m onths.
Mrs. Paul Popman left last week
fur a visit to her old home in Sas­
katchew an, Canada. Mr. Popm an
accom panied t e r as far as V an­
couver, B. C., returning borne the
last of th e week.
John W. Bressler will assume
charge of the Sweet Home mail
route out of H alsty July 1, sta rt­
ing a four year contract. H is son
H arry will drive the new truck.
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Sm ith of
Bandon, former residents of this
com m unity are here visiting triends
and relatives.
Harrisburg W ater Condemned
Sheep Stolen From Pasture
Dr, D. G -C la rk , city health of­
ficer of H arrisburg has issued a
w arning to the people of th a t town
th a t all the water used for d rin k ­
ing purposes should he boiled for a
period of tw enty m inutes, us the
w ater supply has become contam i­
The m anagem ent of the w ater
p lan t is doing all possible to
remedy the condition and say that
they have discovered and removed
the causi^—several rotten tim bers
th a t have been in use at the bottom
of the well since it was dug about
two decades ago.
News Items From Entire State
M att W ilhelm of Monroe is loser
from one of his pastures of 30
lambs which some one made away
E rn est Houck, 35. w as drowned
with sometime d u ring the week. while bathing in the riv er at Corvallis.
The loss was discovered Monday
Will Davis, about 15 years of age.
morning by Mr. H ibbs who is ta k ­ drowned in the Grand Ronde riv er in
ing care of them . The sheriff was west La Grande.
Sheriff Edtck reported at Hood
prom ptly notified and from last re­
j River th at the total of tax collections
ports no trace of the thieves had
tor the year had reached 3236,000.
been found.— Independent.
The first testin g of w heat In the Yo-
' kuru region Is 60 pounds to the bushel.
D. F. D ean, after a tw o weeks
Many Measures on Nov. Ballot * It is going 24 bushels to the acre.
stay at the home of Ilia daughter.
R egistration at the new southern
Oregon state norm al school a t Ashland
Mrs Stafford returned to his home
Income ta x , conservation of has reached alm ost 200 for the sum m er
Mis9 R uby Schroll went to New­ at B indon, Saturday.
water power, old age pension", li­ session.
port last Friday afternoon where
G randm a McNeil is reported as
censing of busses and trucks, regu­
The fifth annual reunion of the R
she will enjoy t ie ocean breezes seriously ill, suffering from pneu­
lation of fishing, capital p u n ish ­ C. G eer descendants was held in the
for a week or two.
Wm. Corcoran has accepted a
monia. Dr. Clark of H arrisburg
ment, taxing of cigarettes and to­ W aldo hills a t the original G eer dona-
as pharm acist in a drug
tlon claim.
Mrs. D. T aylor and son spent
bacco and the location of tubercu­
store at Sheridan and will sta rt
S ta rt of rail extension work south
the week end a t N ew port, going
losis hospitals and norm al schools
P. Buford Morris and Ralph on the job next M onday.
from Bend on the Oregon T runk will
over S atu rd ay and retu rn in g M on­ McNeil returned Tuesday evening
are some of the questions upon be m arked by an intercom m unity cele­
which the voters of Oregon will bration in Bend.
from a two weeks sojourn at Camp
have to pass a t the general election
The ninth annual convention of the
A stubburn little fire th a t would Stevens, where they had been as
the week end.
iu November, if all the initiative Oregon S tate E lks’ association was
have been beyond control in a few
measures now developing m aterial­ held a t Eugene with nearly 1500 visi­
m inutes more was discovered at of the 0 . N. G.
ize before the time for filing closes tors in attendance.
the blacksm ith shop about 7:00
Clate Sm ith and Bert Minkley
W hite Rocks rapids of Rogue river
at m idnight Ju ly 1.
claimed another victim when Bennie
T uesday
evening and were in attendance at the thresher-
Thresherm en of L inn county
Rehkoff, 15. of G rants P ass, was
prom ptly put to death by our citi- men s convention at Albany Sat-
met at the city hall in Albany last ferred to the voters by the last drowned while swimming.
Z inr, T h e blaze was underneath j urday afternoon,
Saturday afternoon and adopted legislature. T hree others passed
A nnouncem ent has been m ade of
th e floor and had quite a hold on
¡qr aI1(j ^jrg g D. Isom and
last year’s wage and threshing by the last session are to be on the Immediate com m encem ent of the Clay­
the joists an d tim bers when found d aughter Beverly went to New-
ballott by reason of the invocation ton Mark logging railroad in the
schedules for the coming season.
Agues C handler spent the week port S atu rday, Mr Isom returning
The schedule gives common la­ of the referendum by those oppos­ F rankport territo ry of Coos county.
Indications are th a t the M ilton-Free­
end n ear A lbany visitiug school j home Sunday but Mrs, Isom and borers $2 50 a day. man and team ed to these measures.
w ater d istrict will have a larg er fruit
friends. Jean Sm ith, her friend Beverly will rem ain for several 14.00 and sack men $3 00.
crop than in 1925. E stim ates are 1500
from B eaverton, retu rn ed with her days.
The charges for threshing by the High School Students Can’t Figure cars of apples, 1000 of prunes and 70
and sp en t Monday and Tuesday
p Taylor wu9 in attendance at sack is as follows: Oats 15c, bar­
of cherries.
visitin g at th e C handler hom e.
ltie R epublican central com m ittee ley 18c, w heat 22c. H our rates
A patron of the Cottage Grove
Fifty per cent of the C hinese pheas­
T he L inn County H oliness As- meeting a t the courthouse in Al- are $12 for six team s, $14 for eight S entinel, in discussing education, an ts hatched In the W illam ette valley
team s and $16 for a ten team o u t­ told of a senior in high school ask­ during May w ere killed by cold rains.
soci ttio n have changed the name hany S aturday,
Consequently, a poor hunting season
ing him to tell her how m any
of th e ir organization to W illam ette
Migg A ona D rinkard and her fit.
is expected.
A recently enacted 'aw m akes a square yards there were in a (1 tor
Holiness A ssociation and will era- Bister, Mrs. Jen k s o f T angent are
C herry trees In the C ottage Grove
threshing b ill a lien on the crop of given dim ensions. The senior section a re so loaded th a t high
brace three counties h ereafter in- spending two weeks a t Newport.
for ¡10 days after threshing, col­ explained, so the patron of the branches droop to th e ground and re­
stead of o n ly L iun.
I Lawrence W ells is p isto r of the lectable from the purchaser of the Sentinel said, Dial when she had a turns of 350 from a single tree are
O. W. F ru ro has a large force of 'C h ristian church at Newport for grain
A motion was adopted to ¡sim ilar exam ple in school a differ- not unusual.
men in his em ploy, harvesting, t j,e gUQluier
The vetch crop In th e vicinity of
this effect and declared that e n t size room was used. Editor
baling and otherw ise caring for
Junction City is 75 per cent short of
New baled hay is coming into “ whereas it is a sta te law th a t a ; Bad« was inclined to doubt the norm al on account of ravages of aphis
his im m ense hay and grain crops.
the warehouses a t a lively rate and threshing bill is a lien on a crop i statem ent and tried the exam ple and o th er things, coupled with unfavor­
Clay P. M oody, our genial and grain will be fiowing in soon as for 80 days after threshing, which on a num ber of freshies, sophs and able w eather.
ne-om odating
S outhern
Pacific I some of the threshers ex p ict to m ay be collected from the buyer , juniors. To make it easy he gave
Between 20 and 25 lookouts will be
agent is tak in g his an n n al vaca sta rt next week.
of the grain, th a t instead of setting the dim ensions of the room as on duty In the Slusiaw national forest
out the crop, we will co-operate nine feet by twelve feet. So far liy July 1. according to announcem ent
Miss Louise Robnett has been
at the office In Eugene ot R. S. Shel­
Mr. an d Mrs. M ilt S arg en t ac- ¡engaged to teach the Brandon with the warehouse men by notify- only one student has answered th e ley, supervisor.
question correctly and that ot e
¡ng them of doubtful bills.
cotnpanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hoff- PCbool the coming school year.
The Mount Hood W oodlands com­
was unable to do the example iu pany. whose sum m er hom eslte prop­
man and J . W. Stephenson m otor,
The next school year will see but
Weekly Industrial Review
his head. To add a little v ariety , erty is two m iles beyond Brightwood,
ed to th e sum m it of th e McKenzie
one new face am ong the staff of
originated this exam ple: Sup- lias let a co n tract for th e construc­
pass and retu rn S unday.
Southern Pacific will sta rt train I pose th a t there are four feet in a tion of a 360,000 hotel.
teachers in the Ilalsey schools.
speedom eter registered 106 miles
Typhoid germ s w ere found In the
Mrs. Irm a Shotwell will he re­ service on E ugene-K lam ath Falls linear yard, how many square yards
from H algey to th e top.
H arrisburg city w ater and, by order
placed by Miss Maude Ferghson line, in Ju ly .
, a re there in a room twelve feet by
of th e city health officer, no w ater
Several of the fan n ers in this who tau g h t at R iddle last year.
G rants Pass— Robertson mine, sixteen Let? He Las not yet got- shall be used for consum ption until It
district have built new barns th is
The W omen of W oodcraft will on Silver Creek lias produced ten an answer to this, becau-'e has been thoroughly boiled.
Threshermen Fix Prices
season while others have enlarged
their old ones.
hold but two m eetings during the $100,000 gold bullion in six months
m onths of Ju ly and August. The Syndicate offers $1,000,000 for
A fter a liberal baptism
by J u ly meeting will be on July 7 and m ine.
S u th e rlin —Three big pepper­
sprinkling from above in its first the A ugust date will be on th e 4th.
m int stills will be built (or 800 acre
few days, the H alsey cam pm eeting
A. W. Bowersox was selected as pepperm int crop.
experienced w eather th a t made a
president, F. M. M itchell secretary
Salem —Payroll in local ca n n e r­
ten t in a grove an attractiv e place.
and D. Tayler treasurer of the Linn ies, run to nearly $50,0C0 a week.
W. A. Allen w ent to Eugene county R epublican C entral com ­
S utherlin—Three shifts will rush
S aturday for consultation with his mittee at the meeting held at the
completion of Lesper Dome oil
courthouse in A lbany Saturday
prospect well.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller afternoon.
JE ugene—G uaranty Oil Co. strikes
motored to Cottage Grove Sunday
Mrs. Em erson True was hostess oil and water in prospect well.
and went over the “ sets” th at Bus­ to the P u rity Past Noble G ra n d ’s
H eaviest berry crop ever grown
te r K eaton and his aggregation are club last F riday afternoon. The being harvested in W illam ette val­
using iu the m aking o f one of next m eeting of the club in July, ley.
K eato n ’s feature pictures, “ The will be a t the home of Mrs. E dith
H illsboro— Ray Mating cannery,
G en eral.”
with $80,0t’0 warehouse addition,
employs 800 people.
25 cents a pound is general price
offered for tic s year hop co ntracts
Southern Pacific will m ake E u ­
gene one of its greatest freight
In order to comply with uniform prices
term inal stations.
Bend — Brook-Scanlon Lumber
throughout the valley, it is agreed by O. W. Frum
shipping 15 cars lum ber a day.
and T. J. Skirvin that the following prices will
Oregon salmon in dustry brings
be charged for cleaning and chopping:
more than $10,000,000 a year t •
Cleaning grain, rye grass, vetch .10 cts per
sack for each sack run. Clover cleaning. .75 cts
M cM ionyille— Fifteen cars of
Lam bert cherries, shipped to e ast­
per 10b lbs. Mesquite seed .25 cts per 100 lbs.
ern m arket.
Chopping a minimum charge of .10 cts
Forest G rove— Ixtcal p lants have
per 100 lbs. providing there shall he no charge
barreled 350 tons straw berries in
less than .25 cts.
sugar this year.
$8,500 worth of Jersay cows were
O. W . F ru m
from F orest Grove to New
T . J . S k lr v ln
there is no table in any arithm etic
telling how m any square fset there
are in th a t kind of a yard. He
would like to have other editors
try this in their towns as a test as
to w hether children are getting as
much out of school a s they should, '
and w hether they are retaining as
much as they should of w hat is
ta u g h t th e m .—Oregon Excanges.
Fire of undeterm ined origin destroy­
ed the plant of th e Menefee Lum ber
company a t R ainier. The loss was
estim ated at 3325,000 to 3250,000. T he
plant employed about 60 men.
B lueprints and estim ates of the new
grade to be built up Greasy creek val­
ley from P hilom ath to the foot of Al­
sea m ountain have been com pleted by
the sta te highw ay departm ent.
The annual m eeting of the th re sh e r
men and h ay balers of Linn county
was held Saturday, to fix th resh in g
and baling prices and establish w ages
to be paid during the harvest season.
The health clinics which have been
conducted a t Silverton under the direc­
tion of the Marion County H ealth asso­
ciation during th e w inter m onths will
be continued through the sum m er
Oiling of th e Old Oregon tra il be­
tween N orth Pow der and La G randa
la now virtually complete and oiling
will s ta rt very soon betw een N orth
Pow der and Baker, also betw een B aker
and Durkee.
More th a n 40 m iles ot road work
will be advertised In July by the state
highway comm ission. Of this, 20 m iles
will be surfacing on projects now be­
ing graded, and 20 more miles will he
let for grading.
The Oregon hop harvest will occur
this year a t the earliest date ever
known to hopm en of the state. From
present indications picking will sta rt
on August 25 and in some yards as
early as August 20.
T he fifth accidental death In three
weeks occurred at G rants Pass when
A rthur Connolley, a linem an of the
California-Oregon Pow er company, was
killed when he cam e In contact w ith
a high voltage wire.
Following experiences of from one
to five years with private casualty
Insurance com panies, a num ber ot
large Industries In Oregon are re tu rn ­
ing to the w orkm en’s com pensation
act with the beginning of the new fis­
cal year on July 1, according to a
statem ent Issued by the sta te Indus­
trial accident commission.
The people of Eugene at a special
city election July 6 will vote upon a
proposition of Issuing 330,000 bonds
for city w ater inafn extensions and a
one-mill special levy for an Improved
stre e t lighting system .
A com paratively sm all tim ber sale
was held a e Roseburg land office,
five tra c ts of land In Lane, Cooa and
Douglas counties being sold to as
m any tim ber ow ners, the total am ount
realized being 340,938.02.
C herry picking got under way In
Union county Munday. Picking a t first
Included only Royal Annes, but the
harvesting of the black cherries will
begin next Monday. Cove grow ers ex-
(Continued on page 4)
The ‘lowdown’
neusiadt SP
S h ir ts
Church of Christ
You want your shirt to look well, always.
True—the on I j part that most folks see is the
little “V above your vest. But that “V” be­
speaks the style, the quality of your entire
N O T IC E !
Jersey recently.
P a ir y
P o u ltry
W ool
Sunday School 10.
Preaching 11.
Christian Endeavor 7.
Preaching 8.
Clifford L. Carey, Pastor,
M . E. Church
R obert Parker pastor.
Sunday school, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 2:30,
E pw orth league, 7.
Preaching, 8.
Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 8.
Bible Stuly Tuesday, 2.
You want inbuilt value, below the “V” and
in the fashioning. Smart lines. Deft, tailoring
of shoulders, cuffs and sleeves.
See th e style show of N euatadler
shirts at Otir Store.
N eu itad ter
Brothers, E stablished 1858, P ortland
San Francisco, New York.
Halsey, Oregon