HACE 4 RURAL ENTERPRISE JUNE 23 S ta te w id e N e w s Ite m s FOLLOWS EMANCIPATOR (Continued from page 1) Now Comes the Gre»*«»t of •11 College Picture« with S tock toni C ia water rates proposed by the Port We have a very good stock of land Electric Power company. Mem Korineks and International hers of the commission said the pro W il li a m H a in e s Stock Foods aud Tonics posed new JSriif would he suspended M a ry B ria n pending an investigation. - also - J a c k F ic k for«] There is no prospect for additional KRESO DIP Washington, D. C.—The long arm of reclamation development for the next IN and a senate subpena reached out for half four or five years, Is a statement made ; a dozen'more of the principal figures ia a letter by Dr. Elwood Mead. United Oronite Animal Spray I In Pennsylvania’s recent >2,000,000 re­ States commissioner of reclamation, to for yourcows and other livestock publican primary. Joseph N. Teal ot Portland, chairman Those summoned before the cam of the executive committee of the J u tt chuck full of action and palgn fund Investigating committee for Umatilla Rapids association. next week Includes John S. Fisher A few hours after they had sawed college humor I successful candidate for the guber­ their way out of jail at Prineville, Joe J natorial nomination, and his opponent. Next S un,—Mon.—Tue».— Hunt and Pete Jordan were captured | Open Wed. and Sat, eve till E. E. Beldleman, and Albert N. Green­ in Juniper canyon by Sheriff F. W : June 27 28—29 field, Philadelphia capitalist and Yancey and posse. Four jailhreaks have , GLOBE Albany "angel" of the William 8. Vare for occurred during Sheriff Yancey’s term senate organizations. of office and in each instance the Others called to relate their part prisoners have been captured. in the Keystone state contest were Payment of federal income taxes by W. Harry Baker of Harrisburg, ex- individuals and corporations in Ore chairman and now secretary of the republican state central committee, gon from June 1 to 18 of this year State Senator Leslie of Pittsburg, de­ exceeded by >2283.54 the payments aybestos H ¡-speed scribed as the "boss" of Allegheny made of these taxes for the entire Harrisburg, Pa.—Expenses of the re­ county, and Joseph Armstrong and E. month June, 1925, according to an Brake; publican primary in Pennsylvania last V. Babcock, commissioners of Alle­ nouncement by Clyde G. Huntley, eel S E R V IC E S T A T IO N lector ot Internal revenue for Oregon month approached the >3,000,000 mark gheny county. 212 East F irst st., Albany in figures compiled here from accounts The Central railroad of Oregon, a Besides inquiring further Into the filed with the state bureau ef elec­ activities, political and financial, of 16mile line connecting Union and Phoue 379 tions. the national dry organization, the com­ Cove with the O.-W. R. R. & N. eon; The senatorial contest In which mittee has decided to inquire into the pany road at Union Junction, will re­ Representative Vare defeated Senator raising and expenditure of a large sum sume operations in time to move the Pepper and Governor Pinchot showed of money by the Woman’s Christian Cove cherry crop, accordiag to gn a total close to >2,500,000 with the Temperance Union of Pennsylvania nouncements by Manager Charles E computation Incomplete The accounts More, who has a number of workmen filed by gubernatorial candidates add busy repairing the line. OREGON TOTAL $100.534,90 ed more than >225,000 to this sum. The Benson Timber company, oper­ Expenditures in behalf Of the Vare S telw er’a Diabursetnsnts Lead Field, Milton R Moskow, twelve-year-old San Francisco schoolboy who since DAILY SERVICE ating a camp near Clatskanie, has four the age of Jive has patterned bis life utter that of Abraham Lincoln, gspireg candidacy, which has been estimated W ith Stanfield's Next. rafiB ready to be pent to the company's Routs gU freiglit, Auto Freight Ter. (.0 occupy the White House some day as his hero did. He has been nomi­ at >595,000 in testimony before the Salem, Or.—Candidates for all ot- mill at San Diego, Cal., this summer nated as a candidate for the American Youth Award established by the direo iniual, Door 39. Phone EAst 5004 United States senate committee in­ flees at the primary election held in and one more mill he completed as tors of the Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition, held In Philadelphia Leave Portland each day at4:00p. iu , vestigating campaign funds, were Oregon last month expended a total soon ss possible. .The Aunpany, since from June 1 to December 1 in celebration of 150 years of American Indepen­ Leave Halsey each day at 3;3u p. m. boosted >10,806. of >100,534.90 in conducting their cam­ it -first began operations there in 1906 dence. Under the plan of the American Youth Award and the Americaq. HalMy Depot, Swift A Co. Expenses totaling >1?631.242 were paigns, according to figures compiled has sent 74 of these gigantic rafts com­ Teacher Award, each state will select it boy and a girl and a woman teacher shown in reports filed by the large uho best represent American ideals, and they will be given trips to Phila­ Portland, Brownsville and by the secretary of state. posed of fir logs south. committees which spent money in sup­ delphia and to Washington, where they will receive medals from President The expenditures of republican can­ Harrisburg Truek Line Announcement that the Umatilla Ovolidg». port of the ticket headed by Senator didates aggregated >94.»92.46, while project In Oregon will be transferred Pepper. .he democratic expenditures totat«d to tfce water users shortly under a The expenditures of Governor Pin- >5613.45. contract already approved, was made chot's campaign, Including those of Halsey Railroad Time The largest individual expenditures at the office of Dr. Elwood Mead, com county committees, were estimated at North South >195,000 in testimony before the sena­ reported to the secretary of state were missloner of reclamation, shortly be­ 12, 3:24 a. zu. flag 17, 12:09 p. m. n connection with the republican con­ fore Dr. Mead left Washington, D, C., torial investigators in Washington. 16. 5:15 a. >u. 15, 12;45 p, tu. est for United States senator. Fred­ on a tour of the west. The cominis Id, 8:16 a. ni. flag 3.5, 8:12 p. in. flag erick Stolwer, successful candidate (or sioner does not plan to visit any Ore­ .54, 4:08 p, m. 31, 1:34 p. in. flag Washington, D. C. —Big collections \ q \ q (jp PrOD3Sal tO TlllTI PrOD« thia office, spent a total of >10,875.61. gon project on this trip. of income taxes for this quarter report ! r r Nos. 14 and 16 stop to lt>4 off passengers : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : while Robert N. Stanfield, laeumbchj from south of Eugene. Whether petitions circulated In 1924 ed to the treasury boosted the pros-! erty of ex-Rulers to Public No. .51, direct cunnnclion lor Marshfield and candidate for re-election, expend requesting that the question of abol­ pective surplus for the fiscal year, end Not Large Enough. points. When you think of used cars, ad >10,010.17. ishing the capital punishment law* in Ing June 30, to more than >300.000,- Passengers for syuth of Eugene’ should There was a total of 159.068 votes Oregon be referred to the voters at tl;e 000, far beyond the official estimate. take train No. 17. think of C K R TIFIED PUBLIC cast at the primary election, of which This is the largest surplus since Berlin. Germany's first national Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves Hal­ MOTOR CAR MARKET, Used number 125,077 were republicans and following general election can be ac­ cepted by the secretary of state and 1984. when the year was closed with referendum under the republican con- sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8:19 p. tn. c trs only. 2.55 N. Church St , 1*2 13,981 democrats. Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. ami used In referring the question tp Ihe a margin of >505,000,00i), and comes or, atitutlon, held to decide the question 3.35 and 8:45 p. in. block north of post office, Salem, the heels of a heavy reduction in ihe'of expropriating without compensation electorate at the general election in British Women Favor Peace. <) egon. November of this year, is the query income tax rate which was effective I the entire properties and estates of London.— Britain's women held a that has been referred to the attorney- on both quarterly payments this year the ex-rulers, with particular interest Outgoing M ail vast peaca demonstration, with "law, Despite the recent slash in raff’s, centering on the German ex-emporer At the Halsey postoffice mails High grade piano near Halsey not war," as their cry. It was esti­ general for consideration. income tax collections for the June and the Hohenzollern family, failed close going north at 11:59 a. m. The bureau of public roads will will hd sold to reliable party at big mated that 800V women who marejjed 15 installment already amount to more to poll an affirmative vote of half the and 5:20 p. in. giving, $10 monthly will handle. from Britain's provinces attended thu recommend that J. A. Terteling & than >2,000,000 above last June with eligible electors. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and Sons of JIoscow, Idaho, receive the A real buy, write at once for par­ demonstration, in addition to Ihe great contract to construct tfce Sox section indications that the total will be well The returns from 35 federal districts 5:20 p. m. , over the collection of >377,000,000 re­ were: Affirmative, 14,889,703, and ticulars. Tallm an Piano Store, crowds of ineo and woiutn from Lon­ ot the natlonul forest highway To Brownsville, 6:20 a. in. and don. ceived aj this quarterly payment a negative, 542,311. 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ Salem, Oregon. Giant county, known as the John Day- year ago. Fully CO 1er cent of the eligible vot­ ville goes on to Crawfordsville, Fllot Rock highway, the company’s In tho fac& of the prosperous con ers stayed away from the polls, while Holley and Sweet Home. N a v y D e p a rtm e n t Buys 100 P lan es. figures being the lowest submitted For Sale: Loose clover hay. 3 Washington. I). C. —A contract for when bids were opened at the offices dition of the treasury, high adminls 35 per cent indorsed unconditional miles south ot Halsey on highway. lot) navy pianos has been let by the trgtion officials refused to concede confiscation. Defective ballots and of the bureau ot public roads in Port­ Write call or phone. W. Thom- department to Ihe Glenn Martin com­ land. The bid of the Idaho men total­ that another early tax reduction Is negative votes constituted only a small in prospect. pany of Cleveland, O., which submitted ed >U/1.410. percentage. * aoift Phone 2x2. the lowest bid. While admitting that the advocates Oregon pensions have been granted of the expropriation made a respect­ 23 PLEAD NOT GUILTY FOR SALE able showing in the balloting, the gov­ Seattle Ex Mayor to Run for Senate. is follows: William O. Ash, Portland. >20; Thomas O. Sefton. Portland. >25; Oak. Maple anti Ash wood, $1 ernment leaders were visibly gratified Seattle, Wash. — Edwin J. Brown, Charge Against 31 Men Includes Use Fred F. Gossmau. Portland. >30; Elkin when final returns definitely presaged cord. P. A. Pahrsson, Pine Grove leniist and former mayor of this city, L. Quesenberry. Portland, >30; Minnie of M ails to Defraud. the measure's defeat. Their satisfac­ formally announced his candidacy for It I. Write or phone. Tacoma. Wash.—Twenty-three men Hemsworth. Portland, >30; Everett V. tion was prompted quite as much by U. 8. senator shortly before sailing for Borden. Portland, >20; Frank L. tam- secretly Indicted by the last federal internal political consideration as the Alaska grand Jury In connection with the trson, Portland. >25; Frank J Aistott, PIANO MUST BE SO U ) feeling that the definite rejection of Cottage Grove. >20; George M. Bur- Ruby Beach Mining company case such a radical law will impress the Will sacrifice high-grade piano Farm Aid Hope Low in House. ilngham. Kerry, >25; Jay G. Wood­ pleaded not guilty when arraigned be­ Washington, D. C.—Indicating It had ward. Chemawa. >30; Blandina Sand- fore Federal Judge Edward E Cush outside world with the conservative In atSfkg1' near here for immadiat« character of the German electorate, eale. W'H give easy lernis to an ao hope of further effort in the house ?rs, Scotts Mills, >30; Harry E. Shar- man In federal court. regardless of the fact that the personal to enact farm relief legislation this •ow. Milwaukie, >20. The indictments contain six counts but zblisbed hl»»1*». For full par­ lesaion unless the senate passes the First-class W o r k Interests of the ex princes were at One Instructor In botany and five on various charges against 31 men and stake. ticulars and where It Fa» he seen, McNary corn belt bill, the house agri charges that aside from using the J- W S T E P H E N S O N , An analysis of the vote shows that nddresa Portland M urij V()., 227 ! culture committee adjourned until itudents In agriculture and forestry mails to defraud, the company proniis from the Oregon Agricultural college the confiscation proposal was chisely I next December. Clh St. Portland, Oregon. will work In the Cascade mountains I ed unusually extravagant returns from supported by the big cities in the in­ T U S S IN G & T U S S IN G • this summer, studying the distribution Investments. dustrial sectors, as In the Ruhr and of white pine and Its relation to cur­ LAWYERS Saxony but In the Gat country, na­ rants and gooseberries One student The company was incorporated in tional strongholds, such as Bavaria, Halsey aud Brownsville will collect data from nurseries on cur­ Aberdeen in 1923. Stock was to be the Issue was rejected through re­ Oregon rants and gooseberry cultivation, as sold in >1 units, the first block to be stricted turnout of voters. these are host plants for white pine >250,000, and the grand total of all DIVIDEND NO. 34 blister rust which has now been found stock to be sold to total >600,000. The in this state. Inspection points will company claimed a process by which The 34th regular quarterly d>vhlwnd of 11.75 per share be located for the State board of horti­ gold, platinum and iridium were to be on Ihe 7 per cent Preferred Stock of this Company will be paid culture/ extracted from the "Ruby sands” on July (¡0, 1926, to shareholders registered on the books at the Laundry sent Tuesdays Official canvass ot the votes cast at a stretch of the Pacific ocean beach close o* business June 80, 1926, the recent primary election has been at the mouth of the Hoh river In Jef Agency Hub Cleaning Works Washington, D. C —Holding out the completed by Sam A. Kozer, secretary terson county, the indictment charges Subscription for share« on the cash plan receive!! prior to Probe Ordered of Defunct Bank. AB E S P LA C E promise for a new market for surplus of state Formal commissions have June 26th will entitle purchaser to the full dividend ol 11 75 per The Dalles. Or Full investigation American wheat, the French chamber been mailed to the successful candi­ ehart for the quarter beginning April Jst, dates. The official canvass showed into the affairs of the defunct French of deputies has passed unanimously Out .landing partial payment accounts upon jybich dual that Charles A Benson and Edward A- Co bank by an auditor was ordered a bill exempting foreign wheat from D ELBER T STARR Dunnigan tied for the democratic nom­ i by Circuit Judge Wllsotg In whose all Import duties until July 31. accord­ payment ia made before Juue JStb will receive dividend No. 64 Funeral Direct«- and Licensed ination tpr yppresentatlve in the leg­ * court the receivership stands as the ing to cable advices to the department oo July 20th. Embalmer of commerce. » result of the resignation of three local islature for Marlon county Laous prosecution by a jury in try 1» more than to cents a bushel, graduates received their diplomas at Cowlttg superior i iurt. The charge heavy enough to restrict drastically ex­ but payment may be made up to July 15, on cash sale». W . L, W R IG H T exercises hold in the state armory was based on Tt -U'i having flay form ports to that country Poatcfftce receipts In May this year »r Kelso city official* arrested on Lifting of the tariff wae attributed the to need for bread at lower prlcee. due at Eugene show a substantial increase ponsplrarv tc embezzle chirg P. O. B o x 1609, T a c o m a , W a s h in g to n H arrisburg, Ore, over those of the same month last re - >s being 'disuii -ed wheq Todd t! J B the h m r i purchasing Jot appear to crj- nt» year power To meet thia need. It was aa •' MORE FIGURES IN PRIMARY SUMMONED “Brown of Harvard” Halsey Pharmacy PRIMARY EXPENSES NEARLY $3,000,000 TO RRANCE econditioning Shop R Truck Line INCOME TAX RECEIPTS CONFISCATION BILL FAR OVER ESTIMATES FAILS IN GERMANY Your Home Paper Halsey Rural Enterprise 1 year for 1 dollar BARBER SHOP I Mountain States Power Company FRANCE LIFTS TARIFF ON WHEAT Mountain States Power Securities Co. A Modern Barber Shop FUNERAL DIRECTOR