^/^íbany_^7)irectory Summons Neighborhood News In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon for Lina County. Dept. 2. Case P A I N T S - J Ç w è w f a t â f c ï V A R N IS H E S T h u is good adv ice: “ If you live No. 13,525. A lfo rd ArrOWS ^r,‘ **eoO' Seefeld li t« rettmud in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live , to her home after spending several G reenberry Splawn, Tlalntiff, va. in some other town trade in th at town , weeks nursing at the home oi her But in these autom obile d a js m a n y re­ Humphrey Carter; the unknown heirs of siding elsewhere find it advisable to do Humphrey Carter if he be deceased, (By an Enterprise Reporter) Carl Seefeld. at least part of th eir buying in the T h e J H. Rickard and Michael Miss Elleu v # u n ic, ?pent , „ t j larger town. T hose who go to Albany John Carter; the unknown heirs of tohn to transact business will find the firms Carter if he be deceased; Rosana Carter Rickard fa,mites and Guy Roberts week witb ber psrentg> Mr anJ named below ready to fill th eir require­ Shelley; John Doe Shelley her husband Vannice. Miw Van- ments with courtesy an t fairness. ija & the unknown heirs of Rosana Carter fam ily attended the Rtckard.Cal- Mrg j „ Shelley if she be deceased; Snsan Bole bert reunion ptcn.c near Junction nice ,ef, Sundl uyolad olus bulbs now. liams of Portland visited at the H. roast on the 50 and 75c per dozen. Allow for Chris Fields; John L.‘ Fields; Ella joyed a weiner Mrs. postage H all's Floral and Music Shop. Wicks, Lewis Wioks her husband ; Lillie banks of the creek at the home of L Straley borne Friday Westside greenhouse products. Keller and Mrs. Dttblaman return, Manning; Stella Jones; Gus Cole; Frank Carl and Beverly Isom Tuesday Cole; Chester Cole; Henry Cole; John ed to Portland Saturday. Mrs. 1KAL T IK E SH<)P Cole; A n n ajarv ey ; the unknown lieirs evening of last week. A business Williams, cousin of Mrs. Straley Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re­ of Nancy M inerva Fields deceased; meeting was held also. charging. 221 W. Second. will remain here for several days. Robert H. Fields, t’heby T. Fields his Ed Falk, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram drove wife; John Fields, J. E. Fields his wife astburn Bros.—Two big grocery Thomas J. Fields; M atilda Ann Hayden; to Kugend Sunday and brought stores, 212 W. First and 225 South E. A. Rhodes, Ella E. Rhodes his wife; Hrs. C. M. Williams and Children Main. Good m erchandise at the right Ora Rhodes, Jan e Roe Rhodes his wife of Rogue River home w'th them prices. Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife; for a visit. (By Special Correspondent) t ’lite Cafeteria and confectionery R. V. Jenkins, A’artha E. Jenkins his Coralea Moody of Halsey is The Misses Agnes Chandler Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ wife, John W. Jenkins, Lottie E. Jen k ­ ings. Courteous, efficient serviee spending the week with Beverly Grace and Nora I’ehtt>»ou returned OWE BROTHERS HARD DRYING ins his wife, Delbert C. Jenkins, Laura W e make our own candies. A. Jenkins, lus wife; David Barnard, Isom, J FLOOR PAINT has the quality of home Tuesday from their school W. S. D uncan . Ann Barnaul his wife, Jan e Kamstra, toughness. It sturdily resists the scuffing Miss Lillie Rickard spent Si n- work at Moumoutb and Salem. PORD SALES AND SERVICE L. K am stra her husband; Lizzie Jarvey, that kitchen, hall and bathroom floors get day and Monday in Saiem. Tires and accessories Mrs. M-te M arkham and Miss Lawrence Jarvey h er husband; Kidd Kepai rs and is easy to clean. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Holt and Eunice Sylvester went to Mon­ McDowell, M yrtle McDowell his wife; K ih k -P ollak M otor Co. H enry McDowell, William McDowell; J. daughter Maxine of Salem visited mouth Sunday to attend the sum ­ HARDDRYINGFLOORPAINTismade Zportroiller Furniture Co., f u t n i B. Sloan; Ruby Sloan; also all other 6t Lea Ingram ’s Saturday afttr- to serve—not merely to sell. Its unùsual mer term of normal school. A * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges persons or parties unknown claim ing noon. spreading capacity makes it very econom­ Funeral directors. 427-433 west First large number of the people of this any rig h t, title, estale, lien or interest street, Albany, Oregon. ical. It works easily and dries over night Mrs. J. F. Isom oi Oakridge vis­ neighborhood attended the pioneer in the real estate described in the com­ to a smooth even enainel-like finish. Also ited at the E. D. Isom and A. E. picnic at Brownsville Thursday. CU LLER GROCERY, 285 Lyon plaint herein, defendants. A (Successor to Sten berg Bros.) makes an excellent finish for kitchen walls Whitbeck homes from Friday un- To Humphrey Carter, th e unknown Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hover of Groceries F ruits Produce and woodwork. il Monday evening. heirs of H umphrey Carter if he be de- Phone 2b3R Harrisburg visitecl at the E. E deased, John Carter, the unknow n heirs M any colors fro m w hich to choose Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Rickard and Hover home Sunday. olman & jackson of John Carter if lie be deceased, Rosana son Jesse are caring for their hay Grocery—Bakery Carter Shelley, John Doe Shelley her Art Haynes and family of Cor­ E v ery th in g in the line of eats crop at their ranch across the river. Opposite Postoffice husband, the unknown heirs of Rosana vallis spent Sunday with his broth- Carter Shelley if she be deceased, Susan The annual school meeting of IIALtEY IM P E R IA L CAPE, 209 W. First Boleman. John Doe Boleman her hus­ District 64 was held at the school­ er, Bert Haynes. A Harold G. M urphy Prop. band, the unknown heirs of Eva Carter W. G McNeil ami A. F. A lbert­ Phone 665 Funk deceased, Janies Taylor, Lesta. house Monday afternoon. A. E. W e never close son and thejr families attended the] Whitbeck was elected director and Taylor, the unknown heirs of Fireby camp meeting at the Gourley grove agneto electric co . Carter Taylor deceased, Elizabeth Naby, E. D. Isom was reelected clerk. PHILCO B A TTER IES Sunday. the unknown h eirs of Mary Fields d e­ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bickels and with the famous Diamond-Orid plate ceased, Chris Fields, John L. Fields, Mr. Bushnell and family who CONGRESS CHANGES DATE Priced to suit the consumer. 423 W Firs sons, Harold and Dale, of Albany Ella Wicgs, Lewis Wicks her husband, resided here some fifteen years ago were Sunday visitors at the E. D |en and money are best when Lillie Manning, Stella Jones, Gus Cole, A djournm ent H as Now Been Set for were at Pine Grove Sunday m orn­ busy. Make your dollars work Frank Cole. Chester Cole. H enry Cole. Isom home. • June 30 our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate John Cole, Anna Jarvey, the unknown ing and were somwhat diseopointed Jack Curtis of near Peoria visited W ashington, D. C.—The d ate for ad­ B ank . Under governm ent supervision heirs of Nancy M inerva Fields deceased, iji not finding more of th eir old journm ent of congress has been chang­ at the Chester Curtis home Sun­ Thomas J. Fields, M atilda Ann Hayden, akinello parlors friends. ed by republican leaders from Juno (A beauty aid for every need) E. A. Rhodes, Ella E. Rhodes his wife, day. 26 to Juno 30 with varying explana­ L. E. Eagys ware Corvallis cal­ St. Francis Hotel Ora Rhodes, Jane Roe Rhodes his wife, Mrs. Lee Ingram and daughter tions of the reason. Prop. W inifred Rose Alvin Jenkins, Lena Jen k in s his wife, Thelma, called on Mrs. A. E. lers several times last week, taking On the house side It was said addi­ John W Jenkins, I.otlie E. Jenkins his cherries to the caunery. tional tim e would be required for con­ OSCOK AMES HARDW ARE Whitbeck one afternoon last week. wife, Delbert C, Jenkins, Laura A, Mr. and Mrs. K, E Hover were sideration of the second deficiency Mr. and Mrs. George Godwin enkins bis wife, David Barnard, Ann The Winchester Store Albany visitors Monday afternoon. bill, which will carry funds for begin­ Ilie lime for glasses io right a t Barnard his wife, Jane Kamstra, L and children of Buena Vista spent ning work this sum m er on a num ber Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson and of postoffices and buildings through­ the begining of the trouble with fP H E MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP Kam stra her husband, Lizzie Jarvey Sunday at the John Rolfe home. your eyes. Delays are dangerous. son and Rosa Gibson were Eugene out the country. A Geo. L. Hurley. Pr iprietor and •aivrence Jarvey her husband, also all Work has started at the gravel Manager. W ann air furnaces, plum bing other persons or parties unknown claim S enate lead ers explained the d lay The eye is the m ost delicate m em . visitors one day last week. and sheet metal wosk, tin an 1 gravel ing anv right, title, estate, lien or inter pit again after a weeks lay-off for Several in this neighborhood are was due to the demand for a senate I ber i f the tinm an body and every roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal est in tlie real estate described in the baying. vote on the controversial rivers and ( moment you delay after the trouble having their vacations enlivened haibors bill vanized iron w6rk, metal skylights and com plaint herein—of the above defend It lias been approved by slarts you ure getting ju st th a t ar s. by a good case of whoop'tig cough. the house and for som e days haa been ] cornices, pumps of all kinds. much tow ard possible blindness. I n TUR NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE­ 136 Ferry street, Albany. Phone 1271 tbo subject of hearings held by the Come In today and let ue examine GON, you and each of you are hereby re Late Market Report senate com m erce com m ittee. quired to appear and answer the com­ he Courtesy Shop your eye». (By an Hnterpiise Reporter) Ready-to-wear and Millinery plaint of the above named plaintiff now A. Ft uric Todd C o n v cted by Jury. Our new address—318 West F its * Hiram Bierly was a caller at E u ­ Mr«. C. I.. Fox P ortland on file in the above entitled court and Kelso. W ash. — A Rurlc Todd, ex- st., next door to Western Union. 117 Broadalbin s t , Albany cause within six weeks from the 23rd gene Wednesday. W h eat—Big Bend bluest»«». hard m ayor of Kelso, w as convicted of W. A. Falk's were callers at the white, hard federation, soft white, malicious prosecution by a ju ry In o m ake-room for our spring lay of Jane, 1926, the date of the first w estern white, *1.43; hard w inter and publication of this summons, and you stock, will sell organs at almost rounty seat Tuesday. Cowlits superior court. The charge I n o rth ern spring, *138; w estern red, your own prices. W e must have more are hereby notified that if you fail to was based on T odd's having five form ­ Mearle Straley was among those *1.37. room. Davenport Music House. appear and answer said com plaint on or e r Kelso city officials a rre ste d on I Optometrists and Manufacturing H ay — Alfalfa, *17.50 ton; valley before the 4th day of August, 1926, the who attended the commencement conspiracy to em bezzle charge, the Y V aldn Anderson & Son. distrib- last day of the tim e prescribed in the Opticians exercises at W illamette University tim othy, *19.4x19.50; eastern Oregon cases being dism issed when Todd did ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai tim othy. *21@21.50. ALBANY OREGON. n.era. Essex, Hnilson & Hupmobile cars. order for the publication of th is sum ,n Salem. not appear to prosecute. B u ttcrfat—41c shippers' track. Accessories. S pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin. nions, the plaintiff w ill apply to said Mr. and M rs. Harry Gillette and Eggs—Ranch, 24@27c. court for the relief dem anded therein, Big Back Tax Paid by General Motor*. C heese—P rices f. o. b. Tillam ook; tow it:—For a decree of said court th at children of Cottage Grove »pert New York.—G eneral Motors corpora- | T riplets. 27% c; loaf, 28<4c per lb. the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple last week at Clarence G illette’s. Station of tlon paid the governm ent *3,500,000 , 1923 Chevrolet Touring C attle—Steers, medium *7.000825 the S. W. J , of the N. W J-a of sec. back Income and excess profits taxes Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bierly s n l H ogs—Medium to choice, *13.50® W e 8 and*eli“” k" W i l l a r d s 11 in Tp. 14, S. of R. 1 W. of the W il­ 1926 Dodge Sedan for w ar and im m ediate post-w ar years, lam ette Meridian in Linn County, Ore sons, and Rawleigh Rike and Alice *15.50. and will pay approxim ately *4.004,000 Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice, gon and th at you and each of you have Jones were Sunday visitors at D. Under new managemen Olds Coach, 1925 a llc r fu rth er com putations have been *1101175. L. M Taylor, Prop. no rig h t, title, estate, lien or interest F. Burge’s of near Albany. com pleted by the bureau of internal 2 Ford Coupes in or to said real property or any part 121 W- Second, Albany. Mrs. Bvron Gage waS a guest at revenue. Back taxes were due for Beattie. thereof, th at each of yon be forever 1917, 1918 and 1919, Jewett Touring, 1926 If you enjoy a good meal, W heat -S o ft white, w estern white, barred and enjoined from asserting any A. L. F alk's Friday night. a n d know a good meal when you get it, Big Bend blueatem , *1.41; hard w inter, gilt, title, estate, lien or in terest there­ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bilyeu are Y ou'll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. I Ford Truck, 1 ton in or claim thereon adverse to suck ti­ the parents of a seven and one- w estern red, *1.38; northern spring, Retail Food Cost Gains D uring Year, O ar aim is to please vou. *1 40. W ashington, D. C The retail coat tle of plaintiff, and for such other and Overland Touring half pound baby girl. The little Hay—Alfalfa. *25; tim othy P. S , of food to the average fam ily jum ped further relief as may be equitable. lady haa been given the name o f *20; do, mixed, *26. over 6',4 per cent since Hay, 1925, Service of this Summons is made by ALBANY B u tter—C ream ery 38 0 40c. while th ere has been rn ijty s a s e of publication thereof pursuant lo a n order Janet Mary. GEO- M,.GILCHRIST E ggs—Ranch, 31033c ov^r * '« p ir cent since May 1925, made by the Hon. B. M. Payne, County Lyman M in ters left for C ali­ Albany, Ore. H ogs—Prim e, *1501565. d epartm ent of lab r a n n tiim o l A First and Baker Judge of Linn County, Gregon at Al­ fornia Saturday, C attle—Choice steers, *7.7508.50. slight dr p. am ouutit : lo hr , f o v n ’n HOW ARD SR1GLEY bany, Oregon on and dated the 14tli Day V. y. H jnrv Falk a id fu n ity were C heese—Oregon trip lets, 25c; W ash 1 o f I per i eat. was t -; r of June. 1926. directing the publication at lowest rate of interest. thereof to be made in the Rural Enter Sunday dtouor gu.-sts at R, E lngton trip lets, 25c. Real Estate Insurance prise, a new spaper pnblished at Halsey, Bierly’s. Spokane. Prom pt service. Courteous treatm ent. Linn County, Oregon once a week for Mrs. Florence Hale was a guest H ogs—Good, »18016 25. x consecutive weeks. W m ' B a in , Room 5, First Savings flank at E. K. Careys Thu sday evening C attle—S teers, good, *7 0 0 0 8 00. bnilning, Albany Tussing A Tussing. A ttorneys for Plaintiff. Kenneth Yannice who went with Pcstoffice Address, Halsey, Oregon. A n t’a T o ilet Equipm ent bis parents to W ashington and Ants are alw ays moving about In Idaho on an outing, retuaiued in Why Buffer from headache? close touch with the ground, and ye, Idaho where he will work this a dirty an t la practically unknown Have your eyes examined summer. for they are continually stopping ,« clean themselves. The ant la. In­ M. B. Harding and son Bruce deed. very well equipped In this re­ went to Corvallis Monday, Bruce Manufacturers of spect. having a most extensive toilet W 'tb • remained there for a course of s e t The an t's tongue serves, when <« wet, as a sponge. When dry, tough, junior summer school. it file like bands on the side make a « Anns Heinrich of Corvallis and splendM finish Four of Its legs are « and Buyers o f Eggs Jewelers Optometrists, o may communicate with Ensigu Leg of the Salvition Army at the Nora and Pearl Pehrsson were fitted with hairs which make clothe* Albany brushes, and the two forelegs are White Shield Home, 565 Mavfair avenue, Portland. Oregon. guests of Mearle Straley during each fitted with a fine and co-irso I E Pine Grove Points For P A IN T E D F L O O R S you need a T O U G H P A IN T I I H HILL & COMPANY M M R Spoon River Sparks T Meade & Albro Jeweler», T Willard PARAGON CAFE Highway Garage FARM LOANS Job Printing Dr. Seth T. French Albany Creamery Association F. M. Frencn & Son LINN BUTTER A Farm ers’ Co-operative Creamery Personal Service by an Experienced Printer Bring Your Next O rder to the Enterprise i a the pioneer picnic. •'xdhed comb. ♦ - • : Any Girl in Trouble :