HURAL ENTERPRISE — y V A C A T IO N J THE VOICE OF THE LIBERTY BELL P ublished E v ery W ednesday, B v H lbekt I„. A lmon EDITOR ARD PUBLISHER Wedaesdry, June 23, 1926 New ♦♦ I I I ! year in advance A rrearag es I 2 X C a m outh Low Fares A dv ertisin g , 20c an in ch ; no d isc o u n t for tim e or apace ; no c h a rg e for com «x>* it ion o r c lauges. la *a • T a lO -fo i P a r a g r a p h » ." 6c a lin e a d v e r t is in g d is g u is e d a s n e w s —now in effect to your favorite summer playgrounds. R educed roundtrip tickets with return limits tofityour vacation plans. You can save money for pleasure uses; go by train. Modern Diahett That Got Name From Latin F ricisse Inis usually been derived from the I.atln word frlgere (to fry) through the French frier, hut It la John J. Fisher, who was nominated thought more probable now th at It 1» derived from the French fracnsser, for governor of Pennsylvania In the meaning to break Into pieces or the recent republican primaries. L atin frlcare, to rub. In French the word Is used to Indl cate any m eat fried In a pun, but the English meaning la a dish made from cutting chickens, rnhblt», anil other »mull anim als Into pieces and cook­ ing them In a frying or other pan with a gravy. Chicago.—Solemn and stately cere Molasses came through many medl urns from the Latin mellaceus, mean­ monies symbolizing with all the pomp ing honey like, which Is derived from and glory of the Roman Catholic faith fuel, honey. marked th e formal opening Sunday of Mushrooms get their name from the the 28th International eu rh aristig con­ sam e source as m o ss. gress. C ustard was a corruption of a mld- One of the m ightiest hosts of pil­ dle-Engllah word meaning n pie or tart, and was allied to the modern grim s ever assem bled in Christendom French word croustade of the same .o r th e purpose of m aking public pro­ meaning. All these words came from fession of faith in Jesu s C hrist inaug­ the Latin crusta, meaning a crust. urated th eir five-day festival which Salad literally means salted, and preceded m agnificent service» (jj the Is a direct descendant of the Latin C athedral of th e Holy Name in which word sal, or salt. The use of salad his em inence John, C ardinal Bonzano to mean the greens from which or on which a salad m ixture Is placed Is was formally Installed as the legal»' pi one of only recent origin. The Italian Pope Pius XI. C ardinal Mundelein, sponsor of th e lusalata and the Spanish salada, m ean­ ing salad In those languages, actually congress and host of its pilgrim s, ut­ Tills Is one of tha two new official posters of the Sesqul-Centennlal In ter­ mean salted. tered thanksgiving In his address to Tomato Is a word n t Mexican deri­ C ardinal Bonzano for th e spiritual h ar­ national Exposition. opening In Philadelphia June 1 to celebrate 150 years of American in d ep en d en ce. The Exposition will continue to D e c e m b e r' 1. vation from tom atl, the native name vest epitomized in the recoption of holy >an »’miih, the artist, has symbolized the epoch In history which the tolling In th at country for the vegetable. The communion by more than one million of the Liberty Bell in Independence Hall, July 4, 177«, m arked and has original tomato was the "love apple. depicted the grow th of the United States from the original th irteen states, souls In th e Chicago archdiocese. A rchbishops, bishops, abbots, priests represented by the thirteen sta rs which em erge from the mouth of the ind lay pilgrim s from the far flung Liberty J3ell. Bright Children Fail realm s of the earth bowed before the I to Develop in A bility resplendent cathedral sanctuary, | Miss Suzanne insisted upon speak­ Children who ure >nental giants at ing with Mr. Lewden apart. Lewden ten years old, are, ns a rule, no bet­ whence 11 cardinal priests, on prince- . nodded often, sm iling steadfastly as ter at tests of musical sensitiveness ly thrones, led in the adoration of the he listened. Ilut when she w ent away, th an quite ordinary children of their euchartst. More than four hours elaps i he w histled—soundlessly—she had age. This Is shown by experim ents ed betwoen the sounding of the first ■ certainly set him a risky task. Then By MARTHA M. WILLIAMS with a group of superior children, con­ note of the processional and th e be- . days later, the town all but forgot the ducted by Dr. L ets 8. Holllngworth of slowing of the apostolic blessing by Elgin party due In two days more, be­ Columbia university. (C opyrigh t > C ardinal Bonzano as he descended ing too mazed and dazed by a newer R esults of the experim ents report­ from his throne, at the right of the WOULDN’T !” Lilian protested happening. ed In the Jdum al of Educational Psy­ sourly, trying hurd to turn up a Lee Barton had been summoned to chology, Indicate tluit superior chil­ m arble altar, at the conclusion of the nose already sufficiently snub. services. appear before the commissioner, to dren as a group make somewhat bet­ Old wet blanket I Go hang your­ answ er Lewden’s sworn charge of ob­ ter ratings In their Judgments of time self to dry, her cousin, Lee Burton, taining m erchandise under false p re­ than other children of their age, but flung hack at her, tossing her head. tenses. B R IE F G ENER AL N EW S R are m erchandise— running not In other musical Iest3, She held cards elaboratili)’ engraved. nltgether t o a value of thirty-four The children were tested on pitch, The Jugo-Slavia cham ber of deputies In her left hand—the right was busy dollars—she had pledged paym ent time, consonance and tonal memory. ratified the United S tates w ar debt 1 apparently with arithm etic—Ita tin- within a week—now th a t she was foui Since the brilliant children ns s gers made motions of counting. "The days a defaulter, her cred ito r appealed ag reem ent by a vote of 111 to 9. group were larger than unselected Lord Is good to me,” she ejaculated to the worshipful com m issioner to save Dr. H. S. Ptnckerton, 69. chief sur children of the same age, It hnd been Joyously. “Two weeks till the party expected that they might excel In geon for th e Oregon Short Line rail­ —my check Is sure to be here days him from loss. Lee felt all eyes In the packed such tests because of the advanced way. with h ead q u arters at Salt Lake ahead of it. So I’m going right courtroom burning upon her, but held development of the anatomical stru c­ City, died at Los Angeles. strnlght for—the frock of my desire. tures Involved In making musical Colonel Smith W. Brookhart, repub­ Lots of tim e to make it—will i»Ut her head high, adm itting everything. She hail bought the goods, hail given Judgments. This was not, however, lican nom inee for the United S tates scanting working hours.” found to be the case.—Science Serv­ senate from Iowa, spent a to tal of >1,- the pledge—had broken It through "It s wicked—or worse- -spendili* ic e Hulletiu. finding b etter use for the money. 179.88 In his prim ary campaign. money before you get It,” Lillian pro­ Everybody gasped th ere—save the American women tennis sta rs re ­ tested. Lee umile a face at her, and commissioner. "W hat w as that use?” ran away. As she pattered down the gained the W lgktnian cup, which they he demanded. Lee merely smiled. She IU /iaf She W a n t e d to K n o :u lost last sum m er by defeating th eir walk, and hopped into the shabby car, hnd asked Lewden to w ait till she got Munii) libili, mul ponderous, hail B ritish opponents in four out of seven Lilian suld bitterly to the a ir: "S h es her pay from the lunchroom. Then trouble w it h h e r te e th m o l was look­ m atches. set on trylu' to catch the Fairleigh fel­ o u t of the crush sprang a wiry fellow, ing over some iii.d p | ,, , , low. As If a poor girl had any chance roughly clad, who d arted In front of Farm bloc leader», in a closed con- against an heiress." "Fohlt! Ah cal wid 'em ns good ns her saying: "Lemme tell ye, Tim my— Ah u s e d to eat w ill in ali ihvb T" she ferviice» agreed to stand solidly behind Miss Suzanne Jones, heiress, would she never will'. I owed her Interest naked. th e McNary Haugen farm relief bill gladly have agreed with Lilian, ex money—th a t she counted on payin' "Oh. to lie sure," replied the den­ ami to accept none of (he su b stitu te cept th at facts forbade. F acts i naie w ith—I tried to see her, te r find out tist. "These pinte» are so scientifi­ m easures. and fem ale—to h ey x act, the Fairleigh m ightn't I keep back a bit of It. fellow, and Miss Lee Burton her car cally rubricated that m astication Is Missed her in' tow n—so she come oftt facilitated to a degree equal to. If not had Just obstinately given up the ter see ns—got th a r as we were eatin' Border Rum Dam Aim of Canadians. ghost, and he w as Joyously handing exceeding, N ature's own p r o d u c t . " supper—saw we had nothin' but corn O ttaw a, Ont.— Sweeping m easures "Vussuli, yusauh," from Mandy, still her Into his roadster. Lewden’s the hoecake—made out not to notice It vincouvliiccd, "hut Ah wants to to curb sm uggling on th e Canadian exclusive shop, was bolding a ale— though. Had brought M'rla, my wife, know Is kin yon chew will 'e m ns well border and to prevent th e clearance of to last th ree days only—and every­ things ter e a t—laughed, sayin’ they ns wld you' ownT"—P ittsburgh Chron ships carrying liquor from a Canadian body, old or young, w as flocking to it. wus samples. N ever let on she knowed lele Telegraph. port to th e United S tates w ere rec­ Suzanne Junes with the Elgin girls a r­ I'll been seektn’ her—but made me go ommended by a report handed down rived In tim e to see Fairleigh holding out to the kyar with her—I seen she Lee's hat'd, and tu hear Idm soy by a special house of com m ittee coni was fit ter cry. She's seen—hanging to E q u a l to t h e O c c a s io n "N ever mind about the c a r—I'll at dry—the baby things M 'rla had made mittee. Pending reorganization of the Frequently, during the dinner, the tend to th at." outen flour sacks—and washed an’ old sen captain liad strained th< custom s service, the com m ittee rec The Elgin» giggled In spite of them ­ washed an washed so's they'd be soft. credulity of th e guests, hut by the ex lunmended th at the royal Canadian selves at Miss Suzanne's sniff. Says she ter m e: ‘Jo«—w e're poor erelse o f his ready wil, hnd evaded u mounted pollc« be im m ediately d etail­ Amazed they met Lee dashing nut enough not ter mind helpin' one num ber of cuts de »nc. The supreme ed for patrol work on th e border. o f the shop, clutching a line rolled ‘nother—don't you dare nam e Intrust test came while he was describing n parcel, crying b reath lessly: "Don't ter me—1 give It to—that blessed baby voyage In the Mouth seas. "Crossing stop me— If you love uie.” then seemed like she couldn't say an­ along one morning," he began, "we Justice Mackintosh Decline» to Run. “Humph I Must a-niude up her mind other word, ef I'd knowed w hut she Olympia. — W ith an expression of easy," Mias Suzanne said acidly. passed an Island that was poultlrall w as darln ' I’d a-coine and paid her bill red with lobsters." "But," said one keen reg ret th at he cannot follow the “Had to, I reckon," Molly Elgin tw ice over—In money—and outen that course which hie friends would select of the guests, with unconcealed countered. "You know she works at feller’s hide." amusement, "lobsters are not red un for him, Ju stice K enneth M ackintosh the lunchroom m ornings half past The courtroom roared approval— til boiled.” “Of course not," replied of W ashington sta te suprem e court Is ten to one." M ajor Elgin bustled forward, money the old salt, undannted. "but this was sued a statem en t declining to e n te r the "Why n o - I h adn't heard," Miss Su In both hands, saying as he tossed a volcanic lsl nd dotted with hot race for th e republican nom ination zanne returned. “T h a Idea of Tim claim und costs to L ew den: "B et­ springs and geyser»." Fairleigh • 'scortln' round a valter- ter quit tow n—while the quitting Is for the seat In th e U nited 8 ta te s sen g irl—" ale now held by W esley L. Jones. good!” then In Lee's e a r: "You're 'Who happens to be a lady T h e B r ig h t I l i a d __ -w ith sentenced to be m arried to Timmy T here are few hooks which are fit Sons of Norway Elsct Quam Presldsnt money at Interest," Beck Elgin broke Fairleigh as soon as ever somebody In wlokedly. can get a license." to b? rem embered In our w isest hours Spokane, W a s h —A storia. O r, was A woman, tw enty five, sallow shrew but the Iliad Is brightest In the se elected as th s 1928 convention city Ish, rich, loue and eager to be m arried W h e e l b a r r o w L o n g in U t e renest days, and embodies still all the The wheelbarrow Is a good Illustra­ sunlight that fell on Asia Minor. No by the Sons of NorWhy of the Pacific has excuse for many tilings. Espe No convention d a ily If there 1» an added accent of tion of the old adage of fam iliarity modern Joy or eestaey of oura can coast, m eeting h ere lower Its height, or dim Its lustre, but will he held next year H alvor Quam Jealousy. Well, as Miss Suzanne loved breeding contempt, at least Indiffer­ her money, she w as by w ay of lovlug ence. IVe are so used io having one there It lies In the east of literature, of E v erett, was elected president. Tim Fairleigh a good bit batter. around the place tlu.l a few of us as It were the earliest and latest When th e comm unity of Berryhill stop to wonder when and where this production. . , . The rays of Greek Ends Iv o rs re Will Meet In Vaklma. useful article was Invented. Its be­ poetry struggle down to us, and S eattle, W ash — Yakima was aw ard­ advanced am bitiously to the commis­ mingle with the sunbeams of the re ed the 1927 convention, and Miss Mar­ sion form of governm ent. Tim F air­ ginning Is lost In antiquity, for thou­ leigh took over tha Job zestfully In­ sands of years ago It was known to <*»} day. The statu e of Memnon la ti Jin k in s of V ancouver wag unani­ deed—and was ra th e r m ere than rook- tbe Chinese, who put it to good use. ru st Mow n, but th e shaft of the Iliad mously re e le c te d president of the Ing good. Sleepy B erryhill waked The modern, steel, perfectly balanced still meets the sun In his r is in g - W ashtngtM S tate C hristian Endeavor | magically Lewden's emporium was vehicle Is but an Improved edition of T horeau. Union. a crude idea of ages ago. the c e * e sl Qiipg and the bear. Convenient, comfortable service to Newport, Coos Bay, Tillamook beaches; Oregon Caves, Crater Lake. You’ll arrive there rested and ready for vacation fun, with the maximum amount of time there. SPLENDOR MARKS EUCHARISTIC MEET Ask about the low summer fares to California and the East. Southern PacificLines Clay P. Moody, A je u t Phoue 226 HALSEY STATE BANK , Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 SU RPLUS Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited A Judgment in Equity As Cold as the Frozen North is our ice cream. \ V 1 k r I t is d e lig h tfu lly co°H ng »nd refreshing after a hard Z A. J/t ¡lit, “I chopping tour, atop enjoy atop in in and and enjoy a plate. have We all flavors'. I t makes an ideal refreshment and » is nourishing and wholesome. ./J i< - -a s w / jj To Obtain Clark s Confectionery Healthy and Thriving Pullets^ I Use Kerr’s * In Connection W ith | Kerr's Scratch. « ® Liberal Discount on Ton Lots or More. The J., Feed That (Jives Results. w O. \Y. F R U M ■ K iT „ HALSEY Dealer GARAGE 11 . , . HUDSON Oood trades allowed Lars Two Cars for Sale or Trade Reo six touring, w ill tr.d e for cows. Wrecking Shop 1918 six for sale. in connection P / i r t 10 c ■ fll f°r m o n ey P. P A PM A N Prop, WE WANT YOUR C H IC K E N S For the Poultry Department of our Eugene Warehouse. Best Prices. A Premium Paid for Fancy Heavy Hens and Broilers T. J. Skirvin Seed ■© I