7 /C NTERPRISE A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events aud Progress in Linn County H a ir y P o u ltry VOLUME 15 HALSEY, OREGON WEDNESDAY JU N E 2?. 1926 are planniug on a - Local and P ersonal M ention ■ tion If you at Newport or some NUMBER 8 W ool .»be, to si« eMaw sum.f |jçews Item s From E n tire S tate vaca other The ladies of the Peoria South beach you should notice the South­ Everybody lu sy these fine Junei Mrs. and Mrs. Wesley Holloway ern Pacific ad on another page of Methodist Missionary Society will The 12th annual sw eet pea anil gar (rom Pauntna. the Oregon T runk *i!J days and therefore everything is of near Brownsville spent Sunday this paper before engaging jo u r give a "spring chicken” s u p p e r at the Smitti grove, Friday evening ’ ''en show will be held at R aim tr. be in K iam ath Falls five or six m onths quiet and peaceable. at the.hom e of the latter’s parents, transportation. a fter construction work is started. W. after which a p ro g r a m will he g iv -i',uao 30 F. Turner, president of th e Oregon Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sbitvin and M< 'and. Mrs. O. W. Frum . Viv­ Bert S. Clark and family spent en by the Corvallis c h a m b e r of One ‘‘’»“’’red delegates attended the T runk announced at Bend Miss Dorothy Corcoran drove to | ian returned with tnem for a weeks Sunday at the borne of Mrs. C lark’s .. . .. , . anuual convention of the Oregon S tate commerce. Tou are invited to Pre„ asauciatton at PrlnevlUe. visit. U tilization of n atu ral storage reser­ Albany Spnday afternoon. brother at Lehauou. attend. voir sites along th e Coquille river In W ith an abundant yield th e farm ers -Oregon would make possible the pro­ Mr and Mrs. C. O. Dryden and Mrs. Frank Gray is home after J. W. Stephenson went to Albany and fruit grow ers of Linn county are duction of 86.000 continuous horsepow­ daughter Dickey of Oregon City, several weeks of visiting with rela­ tb t first of the week and returned Camp meeting Creating Interest working overtim e in harvesting their er. the geological survey has been in ­ Franklyn Dean of Bandon and Mr. tives iu Porllaud, with a auto that he had recently crops formed by engineers who conducted a and Mrs. Fred Peckover and purchased. Some very tine and inspiring Well balanced labor conditions pre power survey along that stream Mr. and Mrs. A J. Hill motor­ daughter Amy Lou of Oregon City at the __ ( * vail m Oregon, according to a report Charity Grange met in regular sermons are being given __ With the straw b erry Beason p rac­ ed to Eugene Sunday. Mrs. Gleu visited Mr. and Mrs D. F. Doan Holiness camp meeting at the °f the Pacific division of the United tically over F orest Grove canning com­ Hill of Eugene who has been visit­ session last Saturday afternoon. i S lates em ployment service. at the Stafford home Sunday after­ ing at their home and also at Reports from the delegates who Gourley grove. Though the asso­ I Succeeding H. L. Plum b, R. I- l’rom panies rep o rt that 250 tons of the berries have been packed in sugar and noon. Brownsville during the Pioneer attended the state convention at ciation is made up of seven de­ ’ me, now acting public relations officer barrelled for Ice cream m akers and Mr. and Mrs. W alter Smith and picnic, rtturued home with them. Baker were made. Hereafter d ur­ nominations, members from three • in iho d istrict office in P ortland, is to preservers, a larger am ount than ever ing the summer months the Grange others have been in attendance at , be supervisor of the D eschutes na­ before produced in w estern Washlty;- daughter Edith of' Bandon are Mrs. George Taylor was the ton county. visiting at the home of relatives will meet in the evenings instead the meetings. Rev. Klien gave tional forest. guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred Over- of the afternoon. three interesting sermons Sunday Miss E dith R tarrett of Salem, here. The county court of W ashington ton of near Brownsville one day with good crowds in attendance. county has offered a rew ard of $500 C harles Campbell of Dallas and Miss Bob Long, student from Albany Mrs. Wm H Wheeler went to last week and attended the Pioneer Some difficulty was had to find a for inform ation- leading to the arrest Leona L arrabee, head of the Latin de- college will spend the summer Eugene Friday for further throat picnic. cook to feed the crowds in attend­ M the dynam iter hl the W. H. Milne partuifni of Lincoln high school. P o rt­ land. will leave soon for Philadelphia working for Curtis Veatch on the ance, nnd Mrs. Parker assisted ly house in Forest Grove. treatm ent at the Gullion hospital. Mrs F rank Ackerm an and daugh­ farm. • The airplane forest fire patrol will where they will represent the sta te of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bramwell and ters of Stiver visited the former’s Amanda Mitzuer and Roberta Van- be started in a few days, according to Oregon at the S esqui-f'entennial ex­ children were dinner guests at the sister, Mrs. Arley 'Cummings last The Southern Pacific have had nice filled this place the first day, H. C. Miller, lieutenant in the ajpny position July 4. home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert M il­ week and also attended the picnic a crew of 100 Mexicans working but Miss Ethel Bray of Albany reserves, who will be senior officer In The body, clad in a green bathing through here for the past week who came down to attend the charge of the patrol base a t Eugene. suit, which was washed ashore and ler Sunday. at Brow usville. found on the ocean beach at M arsh­ raising and re-ballasting the track. meetings was later prevailed upon E astern Oregon sheep are now on Mr. and Mrs. H arry Davis were field. lias been identified positively as Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Corcoran ex­ the U m atilla national forest range. The C. C. Jackson was a passenger to take the piace. guests of the latter’s mother, Mrs. that of W ilbur Elliott, 19, son of Mr. forest was opened to sheep grazing pect to bring their daughter home to Albany Monday. Mr. Jackson Much generosity by automobile and Mrs. M. I’. Elliott. of Newberg, Mary J. Carter Monday. from the state tuberculosis hospital has uot been feeling quite up to owners is being shown in carrying June 15. C attle and horses were per who was drowned while swim ming a t m itted to e n ter the forest for grazing Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin of Al---at Sahna Thursday, They have a Neskowin May 23 last. bis usual standard for some time pedestrians to and from the meet, May 15. bauy spent Sunday at the borne comfortable open air house built Hi spite reports from some quarter» ings. Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state, that tho operating lum ber eflmpanlea of Mr. aud Mrs. William Carter. for her and it is hoped that she a*nd has placed himself uuder the has advised S. C. Morton, secretary of Mrs. Baldwin is a sister of Mrs. will improve faster hare than al care of a county scat doctor. C lark , N ew H oard M em ber the St. Helens cham ber of commerce, were bent on a program of c u rta il­ ment. 108 mills for th e week ended Tbs daily papers came out Wed- Caller. the hospital. th a t St. H elena has been made a tune 12 produced 116.147,029 feet of 1 nesday evening with the news that At the autiual school meeting registration point for autom obiles from lumber. New business booked totaled D. F. Dean and his little grand­ H. C. Davis, wfio with his sister, ¡yjrs. Aimee McPherson had been 118,162,904 feet and shipm ents am ount­ daughter Franklyn Dean expect to Mrs. Shedd has been visiting his 1 “ found” after escaping from three held at the school house last Mon­ o th er states. The annual m eeting of the Oregon ed to 122.077.5J9 feet. day afternoon, Bert S. Clark was return to their home at Bandon Congress of P aren ts and T eachers wijl daughter in North Dakota and his , kidnapers who had held her as a The Oregon public service com m is­ elected as a member of the board be held a t Salem next October, ac Friday. Miss Dicksy Drydeu will son at Milwaukee, W ii., the past prisoner for the paBt five weeks in for the coining three years B. M. cording to a decision announced by sion has requested the Interstate com ­ go home with them for a visit. merce com m ission to reopen the caso three weeks, returned to Halsey , M exi,an village while demand- Bond was reelected clerk. the executive board of the elate par involving the proposed C entral O re­ M s. Robert Forster was a visit­ Monday. Their return trip was ¡ng $500,000 as ransom. ent-teacher body. gon lailroad developm ent program to or at the Herman Steinke home made through Kansas, Colorado, Camp fire perm its will be required the end th a t testim ony may be intro­ Martin Koontz and Jam s Rector Births Mocday. Mr. Forater was also Utah and California. While on in the C ascade and Umpqaa national duced looking to the construction of made a trip io Cottage Grove Sun­ there to help wiih the bay harvest­ this trip Mr. Davis made the ac­ day with the hopes of getting a .A seven pound girl was born to forests on and a fter July 1. according an east and west line across the sta te to Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor of the quaintance of some grandchildren ing. glimpse of Buster Keaton and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey of C ascade forest. The rule is already as sought in the original proceeding Mr. and Mrs. George Laubner tae h a d . never seen. He reports some of the movie queens who are Halsey, at the Pacific hospital in In force in the D eschutes and Santiam of the Oregon commission. The highest price paid for Oregon hotter weather at Halsey on his were Albany visitors Sunday. tem porarily located at* that place 1 Eogene last Thursday. Mr. Carey forests. range wool so far this season was a t return than at any other place he is the pastor of Ibe local Christian Salem hopmen, who have exam ined the Condon sale, when 31% cents was while filming a picture. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jacobson and visited on hie travels. , . , chuich. yards all over th e W illam ette valley, paid for ono clip. F ifteen keparate lots, Mrs. Gladys Lee all of Cushman, The Mountain States Power Co. , ,, o . agree th a t the fuggle hop crop, for aggregating 144,300 pounds, were d is­ Miss Ruby Schroll received word announce the 34th regular quarter­ 1 Mr. and Mis. Cecil Bilyeu of were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P, 1926 th re a te n s to he a failure due, posed of at this sale. of the sudden death of her uncle, ly dividend of $1.75 per share will southeast of tdwu also became the probably, to prem ature blooming cauF Moody Sunday and Monday. The 140 acre Irrigated peaM orchard parents of a seven pound girl b 'rn E. M. Sturgis of Boise, Idaho, be paid July 20. Several local ed by exceptionally fine w eather in four m iles southw est of Medford has The members of the Forster fam­ on the same day at the same hos­ the early spring. Monday morning. He is a brother people are stockholders in the been Sold to the Rogue River com pany ily picnicked on the Santiam river pital. The 39th session of (he Linn eoun for 1100.000, Dr. Clancy retaining this of J. IL Sturgis of Rex, Oregon. corporation. Sunday. All members of the fam­ The new arrivals are cousins and ly pioneers convened at Brownsville, year's crop, valued at 140,600. The ily were present excepting Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Corcoran spent Tues­ Gold bullion am ounting to more than new ow ners will take possession Octo­ il e e is a variation of only a few 1100 000 has been* brought out from ber 1. Mrs. Preston Newton of Portland. day at the home of her uncle Jack C ou n ty C o m m itte e to M eet ouuces in weight. the Robertson mine. 14 m iles w est of Cktizero of C ornelius anil Gaston Miss Maude Ackley who has Curtis near Peoria helping to cook The recently elected Linn county ( Galice, the scene of Joaephtne county's have sent petitions of the public serv- been employed at Eugene arrived for the liay harvest hands. Republican ceutral committee will Notl#®! latest gold strike. • o-o cotninlFsion protesting the incrXiae Tuesday to take a short rest at her If the Southern Pacific agrees to Miss Mona Bond arrived from meet at 2 o’clock in the court home iu south Halsey. new line south (Continued on page 4) Jerome, Arizona, Thursday where house at Albany next Saturday Notice is hereby given that all Joint n s» : Fhrfite of Gathering wild blackberries has she had been employed as dean of according to notices Fent out by property owners shall cut the gross been the order of the day for stver. girls aud physical education teach, A- W. Bowersox, secretary of the and briers along the street«, side walks, and on their vacant lots al weeks They are very plentiful er in the tclioo1. bhe will spend committee. Srcretrry Bowtraox desires all uot later than July 1st, 1926, To Ibis year and some housewives the vacation with her mother. members be prices for boys will have employment in snow Oil the ground. They return- threshing the different grains. You want inbuilt value, below the *’V” aud C alifornia for the summer. ,J b, d The m i te . - n J . . . . H , p B lm lt t e , Was Correct * _____ _ in the fashioning. Sm art lines. Deft tailoring The Brownsville pioneer picnic the Columbia highway and through failed to bring the usual rain this Portland. Ihej 1 it the The following query and answer of shoulders, cuffs ami sleeves. Sunday School 10. y eir. I t took the Halsey camp home of David and A. W Foote ai t . Re charg„ 0), re. Preaching 11. • meetiog to do that. ’ while . a re- wuuc here, uvi , going ► , e on home Satur- mailing papers appeared , ju See the style show of Neuetadter Christian Endeavor 7. Jam es Anderson of Ontario, Ore­ , cent issue of the Daily Oregonian : I Preaching 8. shirts at Our Store. Neustadt»r gon, and daughter Miss Vrba, a M r. and Mrs, Basil Wilzig and Portland, June 13 To the Editor ) Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. Brothers, Established 185.1, Porllaud student of O. A. C , also Compton family of Corvallis were guests at Yesterday I mailed a <• q>y id Sen Francisco, New York. Auderaon, leader of the boys and the home of Mr. and Mrs. George £'he Oregouiau from Halsey, Or., M. E. Church girls stock elub of Oregon City, Starr Sunday. Mrs. Wilzig i i a i ( 0 a California frier.d. I was Robert Parker pastor. were week end guests of Mrs. Win sister oi Mr. S tarr. , charged 6 cents. Is this the usual Sunday school, 10. McMahan. Mrs. W. B. Keesling and two charge f>r mailing a daily paper? Preaching, II. The congregation of the Christ­ sm^ll eons of Portland are spend» —Loustant Reader, Junior League, 2:30, ian church wili be favored by » mg the week as the guests of Mrs Epworth league, 7. The rale for second-class mail is special dust by Mr. and Mrs fc 1). Beetling's father, J. W. Morgan i cents for two otrncee or portions Preaching, 8, Isom at tbs services next Sunday end wife at their country home in thereof. The charge is therefure Prayer-meeting, Thurtday, 8, evening, Bible S tu ly Tuesday, 2. the Lake Creek district-. ’ correct. The ‘lowdown’ on S h ir ts FIN E SH IR T S j M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon i