RURAL E N T E R P R IS E PACE 4 - COMING - CORRINE GRIFFITH ‘ Mile. Modiste” W IT H N o rm a n K e rry You’ve never seen Corrine bo wonderful before, so don't tniss her greatest picture! Next Sun.—Mon.—Tuee.— June 2 0 —21 -22 G L O B E A lb a n y 1ST AMERICAN YOUTH ENTR I Edith May Adams, eighteen-year-old B arrington, N. J , girl, presenting her . en try blank to Mayor K endrick In his office a t City Hall. Philadelphia. The A m erican Youth and T eacher Award was established as a trib u te to Amerl «an youth and teach ers by the Board of D irectors of the Sesqui-Centennlal International Exposition, through which the people of the United States and th e world a t large will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Declara- tlon of American Independence. Thf exposition will run from Ju n e 1 to De com ber 1. Miss A dam s’ en try blank cited h er for heroism displayed recen t­ ly when she rem ained Inside a burn lt.g building helping doctors rendet first aid to injured firemen. She Is candidate for the Golden E aglette, th f highest gift w lthiu th e hands of thf G irl Scouts. Each sta te will elect t Kiri and boy and one teac h er to rep re sen t them and the successful candl dates will be the gu est of th e Sesqu' officials from Juno 28 to July 5 at thf cxpoeition. T his will also Include r trip to W ashington w here th ey wit be received by P resid en t Coolidge an« presen ted w ith m edals. Paved roads used to be our chief concern in a good roads program. It is estimated th at this year we will have in excess of 500,000 miles of hard-surfaced roada in the U nit­ ed States. These improved roads hove brought au increase in traffic which no one even dreamed of 10 , vears ago. The problems we now I face is not only “ paved” roads but “ wider” roads. Wider roads are J necessary for two reasons. To en- i able traffic to speed up and to pre- vent accidents. On many of our crowded narrow roads a slow mov­ ing truck or other vehicle will block traffic, due to the fact that there is little opportunity to pass such obstructions from the rear. Many stales have already sta rt­ ed to remedy this situation, and in Southern Oregon 2-foot sbould- ;rs are being built on each side of th e road and a few inches higher ban the old surface. These «boulders are made of either asph­ altic concrete or cement and the ■ pace between them is resurfaced with asphaltic concrete. By this method, narrow pave­ ments are satisfactorily widen.d md thickened at a minimum ex­ pense. From now on, road widen­ ing will be as im portant as road paving. The tendency is to make all roads with less crown. N otice o f A n n u a l School M e e tin g Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 50, of Linn County, State of Ore­ gon, th at the Annual School meet ing of said D istrict will be held at the school house; to begin at the hour of four o'clock afternoon on the third Monday of June, being the 21st day of June, A. D. 1926. This meeting is called for the purpose of electing one director for 15 years; one clerk for one 1 year and to offer for sale warrants to raise money to build a new house and the transaction of business us­ ual at sucb meeting. Dated this 7th day of June, 1926. Attest: W . R. K irk , D istrict Clvrk M. B. Ila ritin g , Chairman of Bo m l ( f Diri ct trs BRAZIL WITHDRAWS FROM LEAGUE SEAT Resignation Is Result of Con­ troversy Over Permanent Seat in Council. When you think of used cirs, Geneva.—T he B razilian governm ent think «.I C ER TIFIED PUBLIC Mt&rOlt CAR MARKET. l!«ed Sunday announced Its form al w ith­ draw al from th e League of N attons In cirs 2»5 N. Church St . 1-2 telegraphic m essage to the league block l>o:th of post ollice, Salem, secretariat. <) egnn. Foreign M inister Pacheco announced For Sale: Loose elover hay. 15 mile« ""Utli ot JIiDey on highway. Write call or phone. W. Thom son. Phone 2x2. FOR SALE Oak, Maple and A»h wood. *1 cord. P. A. Pehreeon, Pin« Grove 11 1. Write or phone. (Continued from page 1) Wider Roads Next : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : High grade piano near Halsey w 11 be sold to reliable party at big siviog, *10 monthly will handle. A real buy, write nt once lor par t ’.culara. Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Oregon. Statewide News Items I t JUNE B razil's resignation in a cable to Sir Eric Drummond, secretary-general of the league. By th e term s of the league covenant, th e resig n atio n cannot be­ come effective for two years. Through th is step Brazil com pletes tho action begun last week when Senor Mello F rance, Brazilian delegate to th e ague, resigned from th e council. Brazil now has severed all connection with th e league. B razil's resignation was tho d irect result of th e controversy over seats in tho council, th e South American gov­ ernm ent Insisting on a perm anent seat In the face of opposition by all the o th er delegates, with the exception of Spain The oth er delegates, It was pointed out by observers, are determ ined to keep th e pledge made at Locarno to give G erm any a perm anent seat In th e league. As we have received permission, we will well Ring cherries locally at The enactm ent of a state Incom« lha Stratton farm 2 1-2 miles east tax. a more equal assessm en t of prop­ of Brownsville en the Crawfords* erty, federal legislation to provide a b etter price for farm products, en act­ v illa road. • Geo. A. Mit.-cli. m ent of a constitutional am endm ent for state and m unicipal developm ent Kentish oherriaa 3 1-2 cents a of w ater power and electric energy, read ju stm en t of the sta te autom obile pound. You pick. E. Russ. license fees so th at old m achines will pay less than new ones, the Improve­ P IA N O M UST BE SOLD ment of highw ays to serve rural d is­ W d l sa entice lngh-Jfade piano tricts Instead of large expenditures for imMurnge near here fo r imm ediate rebuilding main highw ays, form th e sale. W ill give easy terms to an program for grange activity outlined In tl# annual rep o rt of George A. eatab'iahed homi*. For fu ll par- Pnlm lter. state m aster, at th e 53d an ticular« and where it can be se e n , | n u ll session of the sta te grange st address Portland Musin Co., 227: Baker Approxim ately 500 d elegates were tu attendance. «LithSt. Portland, Oregon, JOSEPH G. CANNON m ent made by K. G. W arner, presi d en t of the Oregon W oolgrowers' asso­ ciation, although the price la géner- ally very unsatisfactory. Fire of undeterm ined origin d estroy­ ed the steam plant and fuel building of the Eugene F ru it G row ers’ associa tion at Eugene. The fire cam e a t a critical tim e In th e canning season, hundreds of tons of ch erries and berries being under process. O rders closing 100,000 acres of tlm h er land on Fall and W inberry creeks In the C ascade national forest to all persons during the rem ainder of the sum m er were received at the office of th e Cascade national forest in Eugene. The o rd er becam e effective Ju n e 15. N inety seven cases of m easles were reported in the state la st week, ac­ cording to th e weekly sta te m e n t of health conditions by Dr. Frederick D Striker, secretary of the sta te board of health. Fifty-seven cases of scarlet Uncle Joe Cannon, the veteran Illi­ fever were reported, 32 of them in nois statesman, photographed on the Portland. eve of hla ninetieth birthday, celebrat­ At A shland, Mrs. J. Z. W ing, sup­ ed recently. posedly in a mom ent of suicidal mania, shot her d au g h ter Eunice four tim es, killing h er instantly, and then shot h er­ self in the head n ear the left eye, but lived for alm ost two hours a fte r the bullet had pierced h er head. Eunice was 9 years of age. Bodies of betw een 30 and 50 deer Juneau, A laska. — Two m en w ere are to be seen lying along the railroad held In federal jail h ere suspected of right-of-way in Cow Creek canyon be­ being Roy and Hugh D 'A utrem ont, two tw een Reuben and W estfork, accord­ of th ree b ro th ers sought as robbers of ing to rep o rts received from Glendale. a Southern Pacific mail and passenger Spray used by the railroad company train n e a r Siskiyou, Or., O ctober 11, in killing g rass along the right-of-way ,923. A th ird man, whom officials Is believed responsible. said they believed to be R ay C harles Oregon m onthly pensions have been D’A utrem ont, th e o th er brother, es­ g ranted as follows: C harles A. Burns, caped as he was about to be arrested P ortland, 320; Ralph H. Illingsley, here. The tw o a rre ste d gave th e ir nam es P ortland, 330; Theodore M. Wilson, Portland, 325; Anna L. Reid, Portland, as A. E rickson of D etroit and J. M artin 330; Adolph G, M arkworth, Portland, of Los A ngeles. The third suspect 320; Jam es D. Davis, Springfield, 325; was known h ere as Dick Allen of and Joseph H. Carnahn, K lam ath S anta Fe, N. M. T he a rre s ts w ere m ade by W illiam F alls 330. One hundred head of high-grade Ore­ G arster, a deputy U nited S tates m ar­ gon-grown Jersey cows left F orest shal, and H arry A. Pryde, an ex­ G rove enroute to New York, w here deputy. A lbert W hite, U nited S tates th e y will be placed on th e fam ous m arshal here, declared th a t a com pari­ W alker Gordon dairy farm s. The ship­ son of pictures and handw riting in­ m ent, which rep resented a value of dicated the tw o men In jail to be the n early 325,060, is the first move in a D’A utrem ont brothers. 2 HELD IN JUNEAU AS CAUTREMONTS plan to replace th e p resen t cows of those farm s, of which th ere a re 4000, with purebred stock. Lum ber shipm ents out of the Colum­ bia riv er for May this year showed a to tal increase of 20,097,767 feet over sh ip m en ts for May, 1925, according to the m onthly rep o rt issued by John T, Dougail, m anager of th e Columbia riv e r loggers' inform ation bureau. The whole to tal of shipm ents for May this y ear w as 111.SS5.S7C feet com pared with a to tal of 91,788,109 feet for May last year. FARM BILL S SCOPE PRUNED Measure's Sponsors Agree to Change to Win Support, TWO DIE WHEN S tock toni C PLANE CRASHES Vancouver, W ash. —* L ieu ten an t H enry W alton Goode, of P ortland, was burned to death a t P earson flying field, V ancouver barracks, w hen Lieu­ te n an t O akley G. K elly's big DeHavl- land plane took fire while in th e air and crashed to th e field. L ieutenant Ju liu s C harles Syfford, H anford, W ash., q u a rte rm a ste r’s re­ serve corps, on tem porary duty a t Van­ couver barracks, o bserver w ith Goode, was throw n clea r of th e w reckage but died as a resu lt of his injuries. A loosened connecting rod tore through th e crank case of th e m otor, according to L ieutenant Kelly, who In­ vestigated, causing the accident. The plane, w hich had ju s t tak en off and was about 200 feet in th e air, b u rst tn flam es, which shot from th e crank­ case, L ieu ten an t K elley, who saw the accident from th e vicinity of hts of­ fice, said. "Goode ap p aren tly realized the dan­ ger and tried to land,” said L ieutenant Kelly. “He m ade a h airp in tu rn and then th e plane appeared to sink to the ground. The nose h it th e field and skidded a short distance.” Mrs. Goode w itnessed th e fall, be­ ing am ong the few sp ectato rs on the field. L ieutenant Goode was a second lieu ten an t of th e 321st observation air squadron. CHANGE IN MARINE ACT IS ADVOCATED W ashington, D. C.—C hairm an Jones of the senate com m erce com m ittee, who opposed th e sale by the shipping board of th e five vessels of th e A m er­ ican-O rient m ail ro u te out of S eattle to the D ollar Interests, introduced two am endm ents to the m erchant m arine act w hich he said would m ilitate ag ain st a recurrence of sim ilar tra n s­ actions. One would declare the policy of congress to be th e discouragem ent "of monopoly by th e A m erican m erchant m arine.” O pponents of the D ollar sale had contended It would encourage mono­ poly. The am endm ent would d irect the shipping board "to continue all ex­ isting steam ship routes and reg u lar services, to bring about th e perm a­ nent estab lish m en t of such routes and th e ir retention, so far as possible tn the hands of persons having th e sup­ port, financial and otherw ise, of the dom estic com m unities prim arily in­ terested tn such routes and services.” The o th er am endm ent would de­ fine dom estic com m unities prim arily in terested in the lines as th e geo­ graphical division of th e coast lines of the United S tates, to g eth er with the ports from which th e lines to be sold run o r are intended to run, and the regions n aturally trib u ta ry to the ports and coastal divisions. W ashington, D. C.—Jn an effort to win support for the M cNary farm hill, m anagers of the m easure agreed to elim inate ca ttle from its provision and to defer for tw o years operation of the equalization fee ag ain st cotton, at the sam e tim e providing 375,000,000 for use in m arketing th a t crop. Indications also were given th a t corn L eroy Ledgerw ood of the state game also would be rem oved as one of the com m ission took th e first steelhead com m odities affected by the proposal. eggs in L inn county on th e South The changes w ere agreed upon a t a Santiarn riv e r recently. The racks conference held a fte r th e bill had been w here th e steelh ead s a re caught are the subject of debate, w ith S enator located in both th e Soda and Quartz- L enroot, republican W isconsin, leading vllle forks of th e river n e a r Foster. the attack against it. and S en ato r Cap­ The eggs will be hatched at Roaring per, republican, K ansas, and Copeland, 10 DIE IN MIDWEST STORMS river, also In th is county. The run of dem ocrat. New York, rallying to Its Hundreds of Homes Flooded and chinook salm on has been disappoint­ defense. Bridges and Roads Washed Away. ing th is year, Ledgerwood reports. If ca ttle and corn are rem oved oqly C hicago, 111,—H u n d re d s of flooded T he follow ing appointm ents of w heat, cotton and hogs would be left fourth-class p o stm asters in Oregon a s th e basic agricultural com m odities homes, bridges, highw ays and railw ay track s w ashed out, electric and tele­ have been m ade: Mrs. Jeola J. Stod­ under the bill. phono service disrupted and scores of dard, B utte Falls, Jackson county, vice Mrs. A ileen M. Jackson, rem oved; Bryan's Daughter Loses Nomination. fires w ere In the wake of wind, elec­ trical and to rre n tia l rain storm s th at Mrs. E dna M arler, Maxville, W allowa Jacksonville, Fla.—W. J. S ears won sw ept the Middle W est, causing thous­ county, vice Mrs. E ttie L aird, resign­ the dem ocratic congressional nom ina­ ands of dollars In property dam age as ed; Mrs. E lla E. H iggins, Mtlo, Doug­ tion from th e F ourth Florida d istrict well as bringing relief to drought- las county, vice Mrs. Corn E. Buker, by a m ajority of 2120 votes. S ears' stricken areas. The num ber of dead resig n ed ; W illiam D. Toler, Rector, to tal vote w as 21.426 ag ain st 19,806 in week end storm s totaled 10. Tillam ook county, vice Alvin D. polled by Mrs. R uth B ryan Owen, Rockford, 111., experienced Its w orst Thom pson, resigned. d au g h ter of W illiam Jennings Bryan. flood In 36 years. H undreds were Canyon City w as w ithout electric forced to flee from th eir homes while lig h ts or pow er T h u rsday night be­ others took refuge on th e roofs and In cause of failure of the P rairie Pow er up stairs rooms. com pany, according to telegram s re­ B asem ents w ere flooded in Chicago ceived at the office of public service and w ater tn the stre e ts Interrupted com m ission a t Salem . A m essage was autom obile and stre e t car traffic. Two sen t to R. C. Reese, president of the men were killed. W ashington. D. C.—The house judi­ pow er com pany, to the effect th a t un­ Iowa, M innesota, W isconsin and ciary com m ittee, taking a hand In the d er th e law th e com pany would Ue N ebraska reported heavy rainfall, controversy over prohibition, refused liable to tre b le dam ages for any loss which In some sections did dam age to su stain ed by p atro n s ot th e plant If to approve a resolution to prohibit use crops previously th reatened by drouth. of sta te and local police as federal en­ th e service was not restored. forcem ent agents. A to tal of n early 300 coyotes w ere The proposal, sponsored by R epre­ Sen. Wadsworth Joins Wets' Forces. killed by U nited S tates biological su r­ W ashington, D. C.—S enator Jam es sen tativ e B ritten, republican Illinois, vey h u n ters In Oregon during May, would have nullified the recen t order W. W adsw orth, republican, of New according to th e m onthly report issued issued by P resident Coolidge, which, York tn a le tte r outlining his views by S tan ley Jew ett, leader of predatory although held legal by a m ajority of on the prohibition Issue, dispelled all anim al control for the survey. Twenty- the sen ate judiciary com m ittee, prob­ doubt as to bis position and declared eight bob cats, 223 porcupines. 126 bad­ ably will not be carried into effect, at his belief th a t the 18th am endm ent g ers and 15 sk u n k s were also killed least for the present. was a m istake and th a t the Volstead durin g th e m onth by 30 h u n ters w ork­ W adsw orth Coincident with the com m ittee's ac­ act should be modified ing a to tal of 944<4 hours, according tion, rep resen tativ es of a group of burned all his bridges behind him and to th e rep o rt. The big kill of the tem perance organizations, among them cam e forth as a frank and avowed wet. m outh was m ade by H. H. G ubser of the Anti-Saloon league and the board K lam ath Falls, who killed 21 coyotes of m orals of the M ethodist Episcopal Ex President of Hawaii Diet. and 5 bobcats, all adults. Honolulu. — Sanford Ballard Dole, church joined in a staten. nt proposing T he O regon s ta te p en iten tiary May united action against "futile and non- form er president of the republic of 1 had th e la rg e st population In Its binding referenda" on the prohibition Hawaii, died at his home here. Dole was born In the Hawaiian Islands, h istory, according to a re p o rt filed question. by J. W. Lillie, w arden of th e lasti-1 T he house com m ittee turned down April 23. 1844. was president of the tutlon. T h ere w ere 573 inm ates of tho th e B ritten proposal. 8 to 7. C hairm an Republic of Hawaii from 1894 to 1900 prison on th e n ig h t of May 1. It G raham casting the deciding vote, and was appointed governor of H awaii has becom e n ecessary to put tw o Specifically It would have forbidden tn 1900. emDloyment by tbe treasu ry turn In m any cells. COOLIDGE'S OROER ON LIQUOR UPHELD We have a very good stock of Korineks and International Stock Foods and Tonics -- also - KKESO DIP and Oronite Animal Spray for yourcows and other livestock • Halsey Pharm acy Open Wed. and Sat, eve till 9 TO RRANCE econditioning Shop R aybestos Hi-speed Brake i S E R V IC E S T A T IO N 212 Eaet F irst st., Albany Pboua 379 Portland-Brownsville » Truck Harrisburg 1 Line Leave Portland at 5 p. m. S a tu r­ day, Tuesday and Thursday. Leave H arrisburg at 2:30 p. m. Mouday, Wednesday & Friday. Pbone Portland 8226 Halsey depot. Swift & Co. Portland, care Auto F reight Ter­ minus. H A R O L D L U N D Q U IS T Will surely appreciate your patronage Halsey Railroad Time North South 32, 3:24 a. ni. flag 17, 16, 5; 15 a. m. 15, 12;45 p. tn. .13, 8:12 p. tn flig 13, 8:16 a. m. flag .14, 4:08 D. m. 31. 1:34 p. in. fi-tg Nos. 14 a mi1 16 stop to It front so u th of E ugene. No. 31, d ire c t com m otion for M arshfield points. P a ssen g e rs (or svuth of E u g e n e ’ sh o u ld tak e tra in No. 17. H alsey-B row nsville stag e leaves H a l­ sey a t 7 a. nt and 12:15 a n d 8:1b p. nt. L eaves B row nsville a t 7:40 a. in. am t 3.35 a n d 8:45 p. nt. Outgoing Mail At ttie Halsey postoQJce mail close going north at 11:59 a. ip and 5:20 p. tu. Going south, 11:10 a: m. an 5:20 p. m. To Brownsville, 0:20 a. m. an 12 m. Morning stage to Browrii ville goes on to Crawfordsville HoFey and Sweet Home. Your Home Paper H alsey Rural Enterprise *1 year for^ l dollar BARBER SHOP First-class J- W W o rk STEPHENSON. TUSSING & TUSSING LAWYERS Halsey and Brownsville Oregon A Modern Barber Shop Laundry sent Tuesdays Agency H ub C leaning W orks A BES PLACE DELBERT STA RR T uneral Directsr and License« Emhalmer L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon W . L. W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR Harriiburg, Ore.