Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 16, 1926, Image 2

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Locals and Personals
Published Every W ednesday,
(Continued from page 1)
B y H ubert L. A lmo »
A “Correct" Likeness of «Washington
The Nancy Palmer property in
East Halsey was sold last weefc by
the sheriff to the highest biduer.
J. F. Scbedtler of Jefferson was the
Wednesday, June 16, 1926
11 a year in advance
Arrearages. 12%c a month
A. M. Dalrymple ex-warden of
A dvertising, 20c an in c h ; no discount
(or tim e or space ; no charge (or com the state penitentiary, but now a
ooaition or changes.
deputy fire marshal was in town
“p a ie -fo r p a ra g ra p h s,” i o a line.
» • a d v a rtla .n g d isg u ise d aa new s.
a tew days ago looking things over.
C laus C. Jesse, 6!*, of Roy, w as in­
stan tly killed when his au to was
struck by a train of the U nited R ail­
Leland Bond, formerly of Halsey
but now residing in New York was
here between trains one day last
week and called on several old
Check over your harvesting machinery for needed repairs and
advise us at ouce <5f what is needed to put your harvesting ma­
chinery in good condition. The sooner your order is placed the
better service we will be able to render.
HILL & CO. Halsey
G overnor Pierce suffered a fractu r­
ed rib when be fell while inspecting
George Hoffman is one of the
the s ta te flax plant a t the Oregon peni­ atest Halsey people who have re­
cently installed radios in their
Andrew Johnson, of Portland, was |
drowned while b athing in the Wiliam- I
ette riv er a mile and a half above |
D S. McWilliams was here from
Albany Tuesday and Wednesday
The bridge over the W illam ette at ]
looking after some building itn-
H arrisburg was dedicated in honor of (
John II. Yeon a t an all-day celebration p ro v e u ie n ts otl h is fa rm north of
S aturday.
The house located on Dr. M. M.
Chas. Stralev and family motor­
Bull’s fish farm n ear L eaburg in Lane
County burned to th e ground w ith ed to Corvallis Thursday evening
m ost of Its contents.
bringing home Mrs. Esther Rikej
Halsey, Oregon
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
Building perm its w ere Issued In La who is now established for th e su u i-
G rande during May for new co n stru c­ im r in her home on first street.
tion valued a t $34,030. Nine perm its
Mrs. C. E. Smith and son Lin­
were for new residences.
Sixteen thousand yards of rock w -re
sh attere d n ear Lava butte, 10 m iler
south of Bend on The Dalles- Cali­
fornia highway, when six tons of pow­
d er w ere discharged. The blast wan
heard a t a distance of approxim ately
16 miles.
A pproxim ately 80 of th e 675 men
now in th e sta te p en iten tiary a re serv ­
ing term s for various form s of moon-
shining. according to a re p o rt by J.
W. Lillie, w arden of th e in stitution.
The ages of most of th e m oonshiners
range from 46 to 65 y ears of age.
R. R. T u rn er of Dallas, who was ap­
pointed state su p erin ten d en t of public
instruction to succeed J. A. C hurchill,
resigned, has assum ed th e duties of
his office. Mr. T u rn er announced th at
th ere would be no changes in th e
working staff of th e d ep artm en t.
J. C. Rlacklngton, 70. of Im bler, Is
held in the county Jail on an open
charge, while officers a re In vestigating
a fire which burned his w arehouse at
Imbler. E stim ates of loss Incurred In
*lhe burning of two w arebooses. a grain
elevator and its contents run as high
as $100,000.
Rev. John B. Coan of the Wesley
hospital at Marshfield made an ad­
dress morning and evening at the
M. E. Church Sunday. He spoke
io behalf of the work at the hos­
pital and a collection was taken to
aid it financially.
land Monday. Mrs. Nash visiting
it tho home of her parents, Mr.
a n d Mrs. Dan Haves and Mrs.
Wallace at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Rector.
Leighton Henderson an I wife
w nt to Brownsville Wednesday to
remain during the pioneer picnic.
Production of 106 saw m ills rep o rtin g He will work in his father’s barber
to the W est C oast L um berm ens asso­
shop during his stay.
ciation during the week ended May
29 totaled 114.141,620 feet, which was
Martin and F rauk Koontz and
only 870,669 feet less th a n 109 mills James Rector spent Sunday enjoy­
produced during the w eek ended May
ing the ocean breezes at Newport.
22. During the week the 106 mills
sold 108,498.670 feet an d shipped 112.-
T. J . Skirvin made a business
746.377 feet.
T he U. S. suprem e co u rt has re­
fused to in terfere for tlie presen t in
th e m otor tra n sp o rta tio n controversy
tn Oregon, but agreed to h ear argu
m ents on the subject on O ctober 4.
Pending the arg u m en ts, M orris &
L ow ther and o th er com panies carry in g
freight by m otor w ere denied a court
o rd er suspending a railing by th e Ore­
gon sta te highw ay com m ission fix­
ing the maximum w eight of loails.
Sw eeping tow ard th « tim b er line
across the Oregon line In th e Poke-
gam a country, a huge brush fire with
a 16-mlle front was burning fiercely
In Siskiyou county, Cal., n ear th e sta te
line. The conflagration was n early 45
m iles south east of K lam ath F alls on
the north side of K lam ath river. T hree
hundred men from H ilt, H ornbrook
and from the C alifornia Oregon Pow­
e r company h ead q u arters as Copco
w ere trying to check th e onsw eeptng
is our ice cream.
trip to I’orllund Monday returning!
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chance spent
Sunday in Albany with Mrr.
Chance’s mother, Mrs 1>. 8. Davis!
who is io poor health.
It ¡6 delightfully
cooling aud refreshing aft-r a hard
shopping tour.
a plate.
Stop in and enj’oy
We have alt flavors.
It m akei an'ideal refreshment and
is nourishing and wholesome.
m i s heroic statu e
commander-ln ehlpf of the first arm ies Of tne
United S tates was made for the C^ty of Portland. Oregon, though not yet deliv­
ered th ere by the artist. The w estern m unicipality has loaned it to the
Sesqui-Centennial In tern atio n al Exposition, opening in Philadelphia June 1
and continuing until D ecember 1, to celebrate 150 years of A m erican Independ­
ence, At the foot of the sculpture Is »¡W”vn Pompeo Coppini, the sculptor.
Dr. H enry Waldo Poe, of Portland, declares tf«s face to be the most correct
likeness of W ashington ever modeled.
The M. E church will hold Sun- —
d ty school services at the camp, GRAIN PRACTICE IS DECRIED
meeting tent Sunday morning. '
C o u n try D ea le rs K ic k on S h ip p in g
Cars will be on baud at the church |
M etho ds.
t > take all persons out who wish to
Spoknne, W ash.
D eclaratlcn th at
attend. Cars will also be there io! th e S eattle and P ortland merchants*
readiness to take people out during exchanges should “d e a n house” and
stop th e p ractice of “certain of th eir
the week.
The Oregon sta te p en iten tiary May
1 had tlie largest population in Its
history, according to a rep o rt filed
by J. W. Lillie, w arden of th e Insti­
tution. T here w ere 673 Inm ates a t the
prison on th e n ig h t of May 1. It
Mrs. Hurley Wallace and Mrs.
has become n ecessary to put t v o
Nash drove down from Port­
men In m any cells.
A total of 166 citie s and tow ns In
Oregon were listed Ju n e 1 by th e state
Industrial accident com m ission as be­
ing protected by th e w orkm en's com­
pensation law as to a portio n of th eir
employes. On the sam e d ate 32 out
of the 36 counties of the s ta te had ap­
plied for protection for som e of th eir
As Cold as the Frozen N orth
coln from Chicago who have been
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis Veatch left for a vi«j.t
at Cottage Grove Wednesday.
Charity Grange held its arl’inal
picnic Saturday at Pence,s grove.
(. L. Patterson, republican noon-
nee for governor made an address
and a base ball game were fnatuies
of the entertainm ent.
A large
crowd was present and a hounle-
ous lunch for .all was eerved at
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
m em bers” of holding up retu rn s 'on
grain shipm ents from th ■ interior, wns
m ade by R ichard J. Stephens, presi­
dent of the N orthw est Grain D ealers'
association, at th e organization's an­
nual convention.
A. Eugene Kelley, Pullm an, W ash.,
ChargeO th a t country dealers were In
effect financing som e of the dealers
and brokers, to whom they ship grain
John McVay of Lewistow n, Mont., de
d a r e d th at M ontana shippers were in
d ignant nt th e practice.
“Somebody is w orking on our
money, or our b an k ers' money,” Mr.
K elley said. “We a re charged in te r­
est on th e d rafts until the e a r Is un
loaded, and we should draw interest
from th a t date until th e re tu rn s are
m ailed.”
R ichard J. S tephens, Spokane, was
re e le c te d president. Vice presidents
elected were S. B. F isher, Seattle, and
J. J. Lavin. P ortland. D irectors were
W. A. Ryer, S pokane: A J. V rquhart,
Lind; V. A. W. Eaves». Lewiston,
Idaho; It J. Stephens. S pokane; O T.
C ornw ell, W alla W alla; I.
T acom a; J J. Lavin. P o rtlan d ; Philip
B enedict. W. J. McDonald. I). N. Fish
er and E. A. Sutton. Seattle.
Clark’s Confectionery
Child's Health
Maintained By
tl holesomeDiet
m odern educators a re leaning more
each year to tlie old Greek idea of
rearing the citizens of the future.
They are working on tlie principle of
“a sound mind In a sound body.”
Good health Is built prim arily on
the foundation of right food.
sort of food the child has determ ines
to a large extent the fitness of the
man or woman.
Children have to be taught to like
the foods tiiat nre good for them much
in the sam e way tiiat they have to be
taught arithm etic and history. Boys
and girls a re not born with any p a r­
ticular desire for coreala or for bread.
It s up to th eir p aren ts to see th at
they learn the rudim ents of a bal­
anced diet anil the reason for such a
F irm ness and patience are
often necessary In the teaching, but
the Job m ust be done.
Many m others unconsciously put
iheir children under health handicaps
by allowing them to use th eir own
discretion in the m atter of eating
candy, fruit, nuts and cookies. By so
| Use Kerr’s
t h loping
J In
Kerr’s Scratch,
W ith
Liberal Discount on Ton Lots or More. The
Feed That (lives Results.
in & ESSEX
Good trades allowed
Two Cars for Sale or Trade
Reo six touring, will trade for cowa.
Wrecking Shop
1918 Buick six for sale.
I m i IJ m o n ey
P. P A P M A N
- —— ..
P u rchase by th e S outhern Pacific
R ailroad company of SI acre» of prop^
e rty adjoining its term in al site and
paralleling Its main line w ithin th e
city lim its of K luniaih Falls, from the
K lam ath Development com pany, was
Acquiring of th e land
w hich Increased Its holdings w ithin
the city lim its tn over 80 acres Is a
unit of the construction program which
conducted the exam ination which ail , Thu 1927 budget for th e M arshfield
the S outhern Pacific has sta rte d with amination in phartnicv s o l etn- |
p o stcfflie clerks in th e states mciw-d H anoi d istrict provides fur expeudi-
the building of an $600.000 term in al ployed by the Woodworth Drug j
;ures totaling $141 830.77
h a re to take at least once a rear.
In K lam ath Falls
Co. at Albany.
» O. W . F R U M
F arm ers' P estai A id B ill Passes S en a te
W ashington, 1). C. Postage rates on
all farm products m ailed directly from
the farm . ird en or orchard for deliv
ery from tho postoffice from whic'i
ro u te it sta rts , would lie cut to one
h alf th« reg u lar ra te on the same
route, u ad er term s of a bill i assed by
the senate. The reduced rat. under
th e bill, would expire June 30. 1929.
doing the}- set a precedent In the
m atter of other foods and make the
teaching of good nutrition harder.
One or two articles are not enough
Mrs. Effie Wesley and son Dan- |
to supply a child's needs for a meal.
In order th a t there be norm al devel­
¡el left Tuesday for an all summer
opment, there m ust be variety.
visit with relatives at M inbum, |
I F resh eggs, whole cereals, fru its In
Iowa. Mrs. Wesley will visit her
season and leafy vegetables should
u n le ss o th e rw ise provided.
patents who are both past eighty
occupy an Im portant p a rt In the grow­
ing child's dletnry. Then, too. a cer-
years of age but still hale and
P re s id e n t R esigns at Kimball School. tfli„ am ount of concentrated food Is
Salem. Or.
Dr. E C Hickman, necessary for children, because rapid
Robert Forster and family of p resident of Kimball school of theo­ growth w hets their appetites to a
logy. form ally handed In his resigns rasor edge, so th at they crave more
Tttjunara, Calif., arrived Sunday
tlon at the annual m eeting of the board food than their systems can wyll dis­
evening and are guests of the form­ of d irecto rs held in th is city.
pose of. E vaporated milk, diluted
with orange Juice as a drink, or tn
er's parents, Mr. and Mra. P. J.
custards or other h ated foods. Is es­
Forster. They took c trip out to POSTAL
RECORD BROKEN pecially beneficial for the growing
the Chas. Falk and H ermnn
child for the reason that It Is concen­
C o rv a llis M a n Tosses 642 C ard s in 17 trated to double the richness of o r­
Steinke homes Monday.
M in u te s ; N o E rro rs
dinary cow's milk and Is entirely
Wayne Roliertaon, one of o u r! Corvallis. Or. H o w a rd W . B ailey. sterile as well. The can o f evaporated
O. A. C. students lost no time it. | m alliug clerk In th e C orvallis poatot- tnllk solves the problem of obtaining
perfectly pure milk, as well as the
getting employment after school j i fice. broke a four-years' record for problem of lack of refrigeration facil­
ities. since this type of milk will keep
H” was employed the j
! ingtiSi. M ontana and Idaho, when In a
next day as time-keeper for a con­ case exam ination he threw 942 cards Indefinitely In the con.
re r m its a re o«w necessary to buna
struction company at .Corvallis.
w ithout e rro r In 17 m inutes. William
Kenneth Croee a graduate of the ; C. O tt. chief clerk of th e railw ay mail i m p fires In the C rater Lake national
O. A. 0 . has passed the state e x ­ service with h ead q u arters at Seattle, forest, it Is announced
To Obtain Healthy and Thriving Pullets
For the Poultry Department o f our Eugene
W arehouse.
Best Prices.
A Premium Paid for
Fancy Heavy Hens and Broilers
T. J. Skirvin Seed (o
Job Printing
Personal Service by an Experienced Printer
Bring Your Next Order to the Enterprise
Any Girl in Trouble
may communicate with Ensign I ce of the Salvation Army at the
White Shield Home, SM Mayfair avenue, Portland Oregon.