Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 16, 1926, Image 1

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- Local and Personal Mention -
Mrs. A. J. H ill has been very ill
the past week.
M isi Id a M itzner whose school
Miss Alberta Koontz arrived
duties at A lbany are over for the home from Salem today.
season is at home for the vacatiou. was a member of the ’26 g ra d u a t­
Mra. Nora Coleman and daugh­ in g class at W illam ette U niversity.
ter E rnestine went to Peoria S a tu r­
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pehrsson
day where they attended a picnio and daughter Miss Pearl of Pine
in honor of Mrs. Ralph W ade and Giove were in Salem M onday a t ­
children who leave soon to reside tending the graduation exercises at
at Kings Valley.
W illam ette U niversity. Miss Nora
Miss C larice W alton who has
been teaching in Bend the past
year has returned for the sum m er
and will spend part of her vacation
at home.
News Items From Entire State
The annual conference of Oregon
sla te truffle officials was held at
Mrs. C. P. Stafford went to P ort­
land T uesday where she will join
Mrs. R. R. M cAlpin on a ten days
visit at the home of Mrs. McAl-
p in ’s brother, R obert Henderson
her course
and wife a t San Francisco
D. E. Skirvin and family of Pehrsson com pleted
Jun ctio n City spent Sunday after­ this year.
Mr. and M rs. Chas. G a rre tt and
noon with T. J . Skirvin and wife.
Miss E nid Veatch returned S un­ daughter Miss Ith a G arrett ot Bend
The R ebekah’s held a big m eet­ day from a visit to Eugene. Miss Oregon, were week end guests of
Rev. Georg« T. K lein, Evangelist
ing a t the hall W ednesday tvenjng V eatcli will teach the coming school Mrs. G a rre tt’s brother and wife,
Seattle, W ashington who will
, i Mr. and Mrs. W. H. W alton and
with visitors from Springfield and year at Roseburg.
deliver two niessag«)» daily for ten
E ugene also present. Miss Grace
aubner fa 'n ’' y of Crawfordsville.
Mr. and Mrs. G W . L
lays at the cam p m eeting sta rtin g
K irk was initiate«! at this time, the and Mrs. L a u b n e r^ nephew, J. E.
H aying is in full blast in this Ih u rsd ay , Ju n e 17 in the Gourley
team from Springfield p u ttin g on Derry and fam ily of A lbany, en­ p a rt of the W illam ette valley. The
grove 1 4 mile east of the Pacific
th e degree work. A banquet was joyed a pleasant day Sunday at heaviest crop for m any years, old
highway on the Brownsville road.
served a t the close o f the meeting. Belknap springs.
tim ers say.
A fam ily reunion of the J. A
M iller fam ily was held at H arris.
b'<g Sunday. This was a very
much enjoyed occasion as the fam ­
ily had n6t beeu able to all meet
ttg e tb jr for twenty-five years.
T he p a rty gathered at the home ot
a son, Arch M iller of H arrisburg
and a bountiful d in n er was served
at noon. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. J . A. Miller of Halsey, C lay­
ton Miller of W oodburn. Roy Mil
k r of H arrisburg and Mrs. E. D.
Staw art and daughter I.ilas of O ak­
land, California.
Mr, and Mrs. B. M. Bond and
son W ellington are cam ping out at
th e ir ranch to enable Mr. Bond to
get work done in the absence of
L. _ J 1 .
. v
hlied help. 11«) drives back anil
forth however to be on hand dur
ing b anking hours.
Mrs. Ida Sm ith and her friend
¡Mrs. V alentine visited Mrs. J . W
^ r ’nkard T hursday evening as tht v
' wer8 m otoring from San Diego.
I , t . to - n P - o _a. rtlan
I . d 1 , where
C alif,,
they ex
pect to spend the summer.
D. F. Dean and granddaughter
Mrs. Inez Freeland and g rand­ Jean F ranklvn Dean of Baudoo
daughter, Iimz M erritt left S a tu r­ arrived in H alsey Saturday-* and
day for Ione where th ey will visit J will spend two weeks with Mrs.
Mis F i eelaud’s daughter Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Stafford.
Omar R eitm an. Inez M(jrritt will
Mrs. D. 8. Bowman went to P o rt­
be met there by her m other and land Monday to meet her mother,
return to her home in eastern O re­ Mrs. L aura Shaw who is coming
from Norris City, Illinois, to spend
gon- .
Mrs. Ogden C ham berlain came
the next few m onths with her
Mrs. J. J. Corcoran with her
from her home in P o rtlan d W ed­
daughter and fam ily,
nesday and visited at the home of uncle Jack C urtis, drove to Albany
Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
her uncle, H. W. Chance for a few T hursday.
and th eir friends Mr. and Mrs. A l­
She went from here to
H en u an S teinke and fam ily lan L in e motored from P ortland
Brownsville for a few days visit sp tu t Sunday with friends in Eu.
Saturday and visited until Sunday
w ith relatives.
evening w ith the Clarence Wil- I
A. W. Foote is bay m aking out
Several H alsey peopla went to liarns fam ily at Lake Creek.
Rev. F A u d le y B ro w n of B ro w n s ­
at his ranch east of town. His A lbany o r C orvallis S aturdav
Mr. ami Mrs. C- H Koontz and v ille . who w ill have charge of the
son W alter rem ained out with him evening to attend the theaters.
sons F ra n k and H erm an and Mrs. m usic and w ill lead the s in g in g al
for several days.
W. D rinkard drove to S a ’em th e firs t a n n u a l cam p m eeting of
W ayne Veatch, student at the
A p arty of m inisters and laymen
where they attended the the L in n C o u n tv H oliness Associn-
U. of O , returned home last week
com m encem ent exercises a t W il-|**on-
from H alsey and o th er places met
for a few days visit and th e first of
nt G ourlev’s grove F rid ay to clear the week left for Roy, W ashington lam ette U niversity, when Miss A l-1 --------------- —------------------------
up a place for the big cam p m eet­
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Veatch at-
where he has em ploym ent lor the berta Koontz graduated.
ing tent- Meadamea A. W. Foote sum m er.
the anim al reunion of (he
Dr. Marks and sou Roland re­
and Robert Parker drove out with
clan at Cottage Grove S un­
turned from a fishing trip ut East
J . B. Neff and wife of Los Ange­
baskets of lunch at noon and fed
Lake S atu rd ay . They reported
les. on th e ir annual tour of the a fair catch.
the workers.
C. C. Jackpon spent W ednesday
Mrs. E dith R obnett who with northw est, visited H alsey S a tu r­
A lbany.
Wm. Ackley and Leo and C. B.
day and stopped at the W heeler
her children, Louise and K enneth
home u n til the next day. Mr. Stevenson all of P o rtland returned
have been spending the school year
Neff made his fortune by turning home Sunday evening after a short
in Corvallis, moved back to their
a desert a t A naheim in to the finest
---------• ’
home at Halsey S atu rd ay .
w alnut orchard on the coast, and r,jey took w ith lheni G randm a
Notice is hereby given th
a t _..
Miss Buena Temple of Lebanon in his day
has been the guest of her uncle and in stitu te work. He ran over to ¡■her daughter, Mrs. F orster for a and briers along the streets, «side
au n t, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. g tu rte . Brownsville Sunday and took a num ber of weeks.
w alks, and on" th eir vacant lots
van t th e past few days.
later than Ju ly 1st, 1926. To
look a t the famous K irk w alnut
Frum and M inckley shipped a
who do not comply by the
Mrs. J. J. Corcoran visited her tree.
double-decked car and tw odoudle-
above stated tim e, ttie city will
daughter W illm ina at Salem Tues­
D. F. Dean of Bandon, founder
have same done and assessed to the
of the E nterprise, is spending a P ortland m arket M onday.
Miss Delma W ahl returned week or so with his wife' and
Mrs. E. A. P. L aF ollette ha-
By order of the Council.
borne Thursday from O. A. C., and daughter at the Stafford home in moved her household goods from
E. F. Cross, Recorder.
will be at home for a short vaca­ town.
| C orvallis to her house in Halsey
tiou before retu rn in g for the sum
Tne W omen’s Mipsionary Society and will leave T hursday for her Church of Christ
m er course.
of the C hristian church m et T ues­ home near Payette, Idaho, where
J. W . Moore was in town from day afternoon at the home of Mrs she will spend the sum m er with
L. V. Chance, N ineteen ladies | Mr. L aFollette. She expects to
H arrisburg Friday,
were present and listened to an in- j returu *bis fall in tim e for the col-
Mrs. Geo. W. L aubner was a teresting lesson b y Mrs. Wm. F. ^g e year when her son Georg«-
passenger to Salem S aturday.
W hite. T his m eeting closed the Cross who is finishing Corvallis
Mrs. W. H W alton and Mrs. m issionary year and the following
«obool will enter O. A- C. •
John Lowe were A lbany visitor« officers were elected for the com ing
Mrs. A. A. M orrill and grand-
year: President, Mrs. -J E T rue; «laughter Mildred Morrill of Hills-
Mrs. S J- Chenoweth of O ak­
land, Oregon, m other of Mrs. L H .
A rm strong and Mrs. H- A. Bert-
ren of San Francisco, a sister of
Mrs. A rm strong spent p art of last
week hero. On Sunday they all
motored to Marshfield and visited
at the borne of another sister, Mrs.
H. O- Stalnaker.
vice president, Mrs. C, R. E vans; boto are guests a t the horn« of Mrr.
secretary, .Mrs. Wm. Robertson; M orrill's i*>n-in-law and d a u g h te r,
T reasurer, Mrs. W. L. W ells, a t Mr. ahd Mrs. Eldon Cross.
the close of the business m eeting
» „ .u
, .
, ,
A wild west round-up and pro-
r ",
w ,7 7 " T „
’ “ " ’ I « '* ” ’ »'■S i- " ? - “ «■)
Sunday School ¡0.
P reaching 11.
C hristian Endeavor 7.
Preaching 8
H adley. Mrs. R M. Ream and
western Oregon is being plamied
Airs. F ran k H adley were guests of
for the seventh an n u al Callapooia
the society.
round-up which will ba held at
Miss G race Kirk returned to the Crawfordsville Ju ly 2 and 8. B uck­
H ulbert school district Thurwlav ing and racing horses from many
and F rid ay to give tests to several sections of the W illam ette valley-
s'u d en ts who failed to pass.
aod from eastern Oregon are a I
gathering at the round-up
Mr. ami Mrs. H a r r y , Parka of
Brownsville attended services at grounds.
Mrs. Nora Coleman remained in
Ilalsey over T hursday and Frida*
to give tests to several pupils who
were absent from school on account
of illnesa. Two pupils from the
H arm ony district also took the
the M ethodist church here Sunday.
(Continued on page 2)
C liff-m i L. Carey, Pastor.
M. E. Church
R obert P ark er pastor.
Sunday school, 10.
. ’
P reaching, 11.
Junior League, 2:30,
E pw orth league, 7,
P reaching, 8.
Pr aver-m eeting. T h tifila y , 8.
Bible Stu ly I aesday, 2.
M anufacturers' association, produced
109,032,816 feet, booked orders for 103,-
228,035 feet and shipped 121,499,791
feet of lumber.
June, .m o n th of brides, got a bad
s ta rt in Bend. So far this month,
T he board of directo rs of the Eugene
divorces outdistance niurriages three
cham ber of com m erce voted to pledge
to one.
to the proposed A rt building at the
The clubhouse of the Meadow Lake
university of Oregon the sum of 625,-
F ishing club, 16 m iles w est of Carlton,
000, to be raised by a special cam paign
was destroyed by fire w ith a loss of to be conducted next fall.
about J4000.
Forty-seven forest fires were rep o rt­
Mrs Louise Daly of La G rande was
ed up to June 1 from the 22 national
reappointed by G overnor P ierce a forests In Oregon and W ashington, In­
m em ber of the s ta te board of cosm etics volving a total area of 2670 acres, ac­
therapy exam iners.
cording to a report from th e d istric t
L eander B artelm ay, 64, a bachelor fo rester's office In P ortland.
livlug betw een Sandy ridge and n o t ­
Tw enty five Indians from th e Uma­
ing, com m itted suicide by jum ping into
tilla reservation rep resen tin g th ree
a well on his place.
tribes, will attend the national Indian
T hree and a half acres on C lackam as congress to be held at Spokane, July
H eights a t Oregon City have been pur­ 21 to 27. It was announced by Major
chased by ClacknmaH county court for Om ar Babcock, Indian agent in charge,
a cem etery for paupers.
The Southern Pacific has started
A pproxim ately 660 m iles of state operating Its new tie creosotlng plnnt
highw ays in Oregon will be oiled dur­ at Eugene, w here approxim ately 40.000
ing th e present year, according to Roy tlr ties will be treated m onthly. This
Klein, s ta te highw ay engineer.
plnnt cost about 6350,000 nnd will also
Tw enty-four grazing perm its have tre a t ced ar poles to be used for piling.
beep issued to stock ow ners in the
Aftor 45.000 acres of brush und tlm-
C ascade national forest, according to licrlund were burned over, a forest fire
Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor of the which had been raging in the Siskiyou
m ountains In Oregon and northern
It. C. Coke of M arshfield was elected C alifornia was brought under control.
president of tho Oregon s ta te aerie of A pproxim ately 68 sections of land
Eagles at the closing session of the w ars ravaged.
annual convention of the order at
V ictor B racher of the B racher H ard­
ware comí any of Pilot Rock, unearth-
«I wliat is believed by m any to be an
B arbara, 6 m onths old d au g h ter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Hill of T elocaset elephant’s tusk. It is 6 feet long. 13
died a t Hot Lake, the victim of sw al­ Inch« s in 'd ia m e te r and resem bles old
lowing part of a can full of talcum ivory. It was buried lu 13 feet of vol­
canic ash soil.
Farm hom es In th e path of a forest
fire cast of Black butte, In th e Sis
te rs country, w ere saved from de
structlon when resid en ts of S isters
fought th e blaze.
S uffering from h eart trouble, and
said to have been despondent. E. E
B rienner, 40. of G ladstone, com m itted
suicide at Medford by firing a revolver
bullet through his heart.
A bsence of beneficial rainfall over
much of the sta te caused m aterial re ­
duction in Oregon grain crop pros­
pects during May, .sa y s F. L. K ent,
statistician, d ep artm en t of agriculture
C onstruction and im provem ent work
will bo suspended and personnel will
be reduced by th e sta te fish com m is­
sion In un effo rt to m eet a reduced
program caused by a deficit of about
The house passed a sen ate bill to
authorize purchase by th e city of Yam
hill for pow er purposes, of certain
lands form erly em braced in th e grant
to the O regon & C alifornia R ailroad
Two bills aw arding P ortland resi­
dents alm ost 670,000 were passed by
congress. One authorizes paym ent to
M. Barue & Sons of *32,600 as a re­
fund on liijuldated dam ages collected
on th«> eontract for raftin g the W elsh
Prince, a sunken steam er In the Co­
lum bia river, while th e o th er confirm s
paym ent of 634,434 to Dr. H enry W aldo
Coe for tho care of insane patien ts
from A laska a t M orningside hospital.
In o rd er to protect the w atershed
and supply on Salm on und Mliton
creeks irom which the city of hu
H elens obtains Its w ater supply, tho
council and w ater com m ission havo
decided to purchase about 1600 acres
of logged-off land.
R eductions runglng from 5 to 15 per
te n t in various com m odities used by
the slate, with th e exception of some
m eats, w ere reflected In bids Just re ­
ceived by the sta te board of control,
as com pared with those subm itted In
D ecem ber of last year.
About half of tho 500,000 pounds of
wool clipped In the Pilot Rock d istrict
bus been sold, according to a state-
During the c u rre n t week 107 mills
reporting to th e W est Coast Lum ber
(Continued on page 4)
The ‘lowdown’
S h ir ts
on want your shirt to look well, always.
I rue the only part th a t most folks see is the
little “V” above your vest. But that “V” be­
speaks the style, the quality of your entire
Y ou want inbuilt value, below the “V” and
in the fashioning. Sm art lines.
of shoulders, cuffs ar.d sleeves.
Deft tailoring
8ae th e style show of N ru sta d te r
sh irts at O ur Store.
B rothers, E stablished 185«, P ortland
San Francisco, New York.
Halsey, Oregon