RURAL ENTERPRISE HACE 4 JUNE 9 k S W E D IS H CROW N P R IN C E tures will cost $75,000 Bend—Oregon Cattle and Horse Raiser»’ association says that cat- ' lie buimeee is improving. Milton - Freewater—Fruit crop should be 1500 cars apples, 100L cars prunes and 70 cars chesries. IN Klamath Fall»-B uilding per­ »» mits for three weeks of May, total­ ed >142,675. The greatest love role of hie ca­ Linn county has large force reer, where hie heart lead» him working on Santiacn highway. into a maze of conspiracy - COMING - OREGON NEWS ITEMS PANAMA CANAL IS OF SPECIAL INTEREST PAYING NICE PROFIT S tock toni C We have a very good stock of RUDOLPH VALENTINO The annual convention of the Ore­ Korineks and International gon State Fire Chiefs’ association will Washington, D. C. — With another Stock Foods and Tonics be held at Corvallis June 21 to 24. good year’s record ln sight, the Pan­ according to announcement. - also — ama canal apparently has reached a Wheat shipments from the Willam­ KKESU DIP ette and Columbia river district in basts that will yield Uncle Sam's treas­ and May to foreign and domestic markets ury >15,000,000 or more each year. The steady growth of traffic through | amounted to 3,026,227 bushels. Oronite Animal Spray the big ditch Joining the Atlantic and Major-General Hugh L. Scott, U. S. Pacific leads canal tone officials to for yourcows and other livestock A., retired, will represent the war de­ declare that in time the canal not partment at the dedication of the As­ only will pay for Itself but will rank toria column at Astoria on July 22. as one of the best Investments of the An eastern inventer says he ha» About 60 automobiles made the trip government. Sunday from Klamath Falls to Crater invented a new appliance that will Next Sun.—Mon.—Tue».— The business of the canal has In­ Lake lodge. The road to the rim is creased sixfold since the first fiscal Open Wed. and Sat. eve till 9 straighten bow legs. Better hurry June 13—14—15 passable, but not in good condition. year which ended June 30, 1915, the ... Brother and get the thing on the T. W. Morgan, prominent Douglas net tonnage passing through the canal A lb a n y before the styles change. GLOBE county farmer, was fined >200 at Rose­ rising from 3,792.572 to 22.855.151 tong. burg for moving a fence from a pio­ Intercostal shipping now constitutes Locals and Personals neer graveyard and occupying the almost half the entire business. Alexander out With New Book land. American shipping has gradually (Continued from page 1) One-third of Klamath’s output of gained ascendancy In transportation A collie dog, lost by bis master wool, 226,000 pounds, has been pur­ through the canal. During the first M rs. L. M Schouboe and two Crown Prince Gustavus Adolphus of chased for approximately >67,000 by year of the canal's operation, the ton­ while visiting relatives in Indiana, -mall sons of Portland have been Sweden, who with the crown princess, the J. Keshlan company of Boston, nage of United States commercial ves­ aybestos Hi-speed made bis way home 3,COO miles, t the borne of Mr. and came to the United States to partici­ sels using the canal only slightly top­ Mass. B rake) to Silverton, Ore., crossing the 1 * ped the British, while the latest re­ Mrs. Ernest Gourley. They went pate In the unveiling of a monument The body of Scott Goodall, 60 years S E R V IC E S T A T IO N continent and swimming rivers in to Albany Eunday for a further In Washington, D. C„ to John Erick­ old, was found In his home 15 miles port shows United States shipping the midst of the winter of 1925. 212 East First at., Albany son, inventor of the Monitor. from Telocaset. The condition of the more than double that of ships carry­ visit with relatives. Mrs. Scbou. ing the flag of Great Britain. Ton The story of his journey, together Phone 379 body indicated that he had been dead hoe will be remembered as Miss nage of commercial vessels of the with a map of the route he travel­ about a month. Minnie Gourley. lurgest users of the canal for the last ed has been published- It is said Fred Bennion, Umatilla county full year were: United States, 12,271,- The W. F. ii. S. of the M E by critics to be the greatest dog agent, has refused appointment as S87; British, 5,949,391; Japanese, 838,- Montana state leader of county agents. 869; Norwegian, 672,663; German, story ever published. The author church met with Mrs- J- H. Van- Mr. Bennion decided to remain in his 723.067. nice, Thursday. Mrs. Ruby ii Charles Alexander, of Albany. present position. The dog is also alive to tell the Standish bad charge of thd meeti ig Wets in Congress Propose to The O.-W. R. & N. coal chutes at tale. Mr. Alexander is a news­ ind about twenty members were Leave Portland at 5 p. m. S atu r­ Messner, 2*4 miles west of Boardman, Fight Enforcement of Law day, Tuesday and Thursday. paper man, and author of another present. Cars to take the ladies were burned to the ground. The Leave H arrisburg at 2:30 p. m. Hereafter. noted dog book, “ Fang of the For­ were furnished by Messrs Smith, chutes, pump house and all machinery Monday, Wednesday & Friday. were a total loss. est.’’ Zimmerman and Stevenson. Phone Portland 8226 Clifford Elfordt, 21, Is being held Halsey depot. Swift & Co. While picking cherries Wednes­ Washington, D. C.—Short shrift was Olympia, Wash. — On the grounds made by the senate prohibition com­ at Coquille in connection with the Radio it Popular With Farmers day P. H. Willis had the misfor­ mittee of the proposals for a national death of his uncle. William Whobrey, that, under recent decision of the Uni­ Portland, care Auto F reight Ter­ minus. tune to fall and break his arm referendum on the wet and dry issue 40, found beaten to death on the high­ ted States supreme court, the depart­ H A R O L D L U N D Q U IS T ment of public works had no Jurisdic­ One out of every six farmers in The break was in the upper arm and for modification of the eighteenth way near Powers. Will surely appreciate your tion ln cases seeking to compel rail­ amendment and the Volstead act. Receipts of the water and electrical the country now has a radio set. He went Albany to hava it set, patronage Three of the five members of the departments of the city of Eugene In roads to make physical connection of A good one too; a recent survey Mrs. Eliza Brandon is leaving committee, which recently held 1925 reached a total of >224,182.95 over tracks at common or crossing points, made by the department of agricul­ Thursday lor Portland to be pres­ lengthy public hearings on the meas­ all expenses, the biggest year in the and to put Into effect Joint rates, mo­ Halsey Railroad Time tion was filed by the Northern Pa­ ture shows that the average cost ent at the graduation of her grand, ures, quickly adopted a report recom­ history of the city. North South cific railway, to dismiss the so-called mending that the bills be indefinitely has been >175, and they can be daughter, Miss Helen Osburne from Estimates now placed on the Hood “gateway" cases against the Northern 32, ,3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. m. postponed. 16, 5:15 a. m. 15, 12;45 p. in. River valley apple tonnage for 1926 tuned ita for distant stations. Up high school. IS, 8:16 a. tti, flag .3.3, 8:12 p. in. flig A report holding that President by County Fruit Inspector Kocken Pacific. in Alberta and Saskatchewan, 34, 4:08 s. m. 31, 1:34 p. m. flag After lapse of several years from Mr. and Mrs. A. J Hill drove Coolidge's executive prohibition order forecasts a crop of 3000 to 3200 cars the time of first consideration, the de­ Nos. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers Canada, on the lonely wheat farms was of ''harmless" legal import— and to Corvallis to attend the baccalau­ and indicates a yield considerably partment recently notified the rail­ from south of Eugene. no more than an expression of policy the proportion of radio seta is No. 31, direct connnction for Marshfield reate services and graduating ex­ •—was submitted to the senate Judic­ less than in 1924. roads concerned to prepare for hear­ even larger. points. Construction has started on a new ing in the gateway cases sometime in ercises at O. A- C. iary subcommittee studying the ques­ Passengers for syuth of Eugene should power line from the California-Oregon September. Three separate connec­ take train No. 17. Mrs. Nora Coleman and daugh­ tion. FOR SALE Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves Hal­ The wets in congress have decided company giant power plant on Klam­ tions immediately concerned the Oak, Maple and Ash wood. 1 1 ter Ernestine expect to leave this to abandon their policy of co-operating ath river to Klamath Falls. The pro­ Northern Pacific: At Lind with the sey at 7 a. ni and 12:15 and 8:16 p. in. ject, which will cost >250,000, will in­ Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail­ Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. and eonl. I’. A. I’»hrs»on, Pine Grove week for Peoria where they will with the administration to adopt en 3.35 and 8:45 p. »1. visit at the homes of Floyd and forcement legislation, and from now crease the power service capacity In road; at Warden with the Milwaukee R 1. Write or phone. Klamath Falls from 15,000 to 25,000 road, and at Adrian with the Great Ralph Wade for a lime and later on they will fight. kilowatts. Outgoing Mail Northern. Since enactment of the 18th amend visit relatives at Taft and Foster. Weekly Industrial Review W. H Ferguson, machine shop fore­ At the Halsey postoffice mails ment, the wets have staged no serious Gilbert Carey filled the pulpit at protest against the expenditure of man of the Coos Bay Lumber com­ HOUSE RATIFIES DEBT DEAL close going north at 11:59 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. Eugene—New grade schools to the Christian church Sunday even- money or advancement of legislation pany, Marshfield, has been awarded the second prize of >600 in the Na­ Agreement Expected to Encounter Op­ Goiug south, 11:10 a. m. and cost $80,500. ing, his brother Clifford.being un­ to enforce the law. Their policy has 5:20 p. m. position in Senate. been to give enforcement all possible tional Lumber Manufacturers' associa­ Klamath county mills cut 400,- able to be present. tion's waste prevention contest. Fer­ Washington, D. C.—The French war To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and leeway. 000,000 feet of pine last year; pay­ Senator Edge, republican. New Jer­ guson’s Invention was a "line and debt settlement, which calls for the 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ roll was >700,000 a month. The contract for the 1927 motor ve­ sey, leader of the senate wet bloc, and delay graphic recording device ^ r payment to the United States of >6,- ville goes on to Crawfordsville, Silverton—Silver Falls Timber hicle license plates was awarded by Bruce, democrat, Maryland, his right­ sawmill carriages.** 847,674,000 In principal and interest Holley and Sweet Home. company cutting 10,000,000 feet a Ham A. Kozer, secretary of state, to hand man, announced that, in view of over a 61-year period, was approved by the Irwin-Hodson company of Port­ President Coolidge's executive order TO PROBE GASOLINE PRICE the house. • month. land on the basis of 12.81 cent» a pair. By a vote of 286 to 112 a bill to Umatilla county grow« s sell 70,- The contract calls for 238.909 pairs of and the drastic provisions of the pro­ Senate Resolution Asks Federal Trade posed Goff enforcement bill, the wets ratify acceptance of the agreement Commission to Investigate. 000 bushels new wheat,, at >1.12. plates for passenger c a n and other had decided that the time had come Washington, D. C. — A resolution worked out by the debt commission Oregon and W a sh in g to n p ru n e motor vehicles of legs than one-ton for resistance. directing the federal trade commission was sent to the senate, where it is crop for 1926, estim ated at 100,- capacity and 19,000 pairs of plates for to Investigate the increased price of expected to encounter greater oppo­ trucks and trailers. The colors for 000,000 pound». gasoline and other petroleum products sition. the 1927 plates are the same as those It was opposed on the house roll- has adopted by the senate without a Eugene—Southern Pacifis $500, mod In 1926. The back ground is record vote. call by 20 republicans, 88 democrats, year 000 creosoting plant open«, totrout black with while letters and figures. The resolution, Introduced by Sen­ two farmer-labor members, one inde­ 3,000 ties daily. Major Lee Moorhouse, one of Pen­ ator Trammell, democrat, Florida, re- pendent and one socialist, while 61 Baleni—$250.000 Klainore the- dleton's earliest residents, died In Pen quires the commission to report to the ¡democrats and one progressive social- Washington. D. C.—The navy ap­ dlaton following a four weeks’ illness atre opens. senate at the next session of congress 1st combined with the republican ma­ peared divided into two camps over Liun County prune growers pro- at his home. He had been one of the the strange case of Earl B. Zirkle, the whether the increases were "arbitrar­ jority ln voting for acceptance. . ... . \ outstanding citizen» of Pendleton since pose to build large cooperative coml„ ,here 1M1 #n(, probably young Kansan, who startled officials ily made and unwarranted.” The commission is further directed Engineers Decide to Ask Raise. prune dryer. was better acquainted with the his at the naval academy by refusing to to determine If there are any agree­ W ork accept his commission upon graduation Cleveland, O.—Decision to ask for Eugene Estimated cost of build­ tory and development of Umatilla ments between oil companies to raise J - W S T E P H E N S O N. . ®n increase in the wages of the 90.000 county and eastern Oregon than any because he "had no taste” for navy ings started in May, Is >240,000. or depress prices or if competition Is members of the Brotherhood of Loco- life. Hood River apple crop promises other person. Major Moorhouse was Secretary of the Navy Wilbur or­ restricted by conditions of ownership motive Engineers was reached at a regarded as an authority on Indian TUSSI NG & TUSSING 3,200 cars, against 2,033 cars last history and possessed a collection of dered Zlrkle’s arrest, and he is being of oil properties, refineries or market session of the 250 division chairmen. ing facilities. carried on the midsummer cruise ss a Members of the Brotherhood of Loco­ LAWYERS year. Indian relics regarded as the most The resolution ts effective without motive Firemen will cooperate with midshipman against his wishes, while Salem — First N ational hank fix- complete In this part of the state. Haleey and Browntville bouse concurrence or presidential ap- ether members of the graduating class the englners ln their demand, which Oregon scattered to their homes on annual provai. A majority of the commission wll, affect a total of 20„ 000 em , several months ago declared an un- ! o, rai,road8 lhe v d leaves. Wilbur's order was predicated on willingness to act on resolutions for and Canada. the now established policy of compel investigations adopted by only one ling academy graduates to serve at branch of congress, unless violations Idaho Will Uss 80.000 Car Plates. least two years before leaving the of the anti trust act were involved. Boise. Ida.—Eighty thousand motor service, by way of compensating the Laundry sent Tuesdays vehicle license plates for 1927 will be government for about >12,000 expense Federal Buildings to Cost >165.000.000. Xgeticy Hub Cleaning Works Washington. D. C.—Sixty federal purchased from the state penitentiary to send a boy through Annapolis. of Washington at Walla Walla, It was A B E S P LA C E Those who criticise the secretary's buildings will be started throughout announced by Commissioner F. A. Jet­ policy, however, pointed out that he the country this year under the auth­ er of the department of law enforce­ himself Is an academy graduate and orization in the public buildings bill ment. retired from the service upon receiv­ Just passed by congress, the federal D ELB ER T STARR ing his diploma, Just as Ztrkle tried building commission of the treasury and postoffice departments announced. Report on Panama Concsaaiena Asked. Funeral Director and Licensed A t the Gourley grove 1-4 mile east of Pacific to do. The measure provided >116.000.000 for Washington, D. C.—A resolution ask­ Embalmer highway on the Brownsville road. L A D Y A S S IS T A N T C. C. Sturtevant's store and home construction work outside Washington, ing for all official Information on the snd the United States postoffice at and >50.000.000 for buildings ln the retorted purchase by British Interests Brownsville, Oregon of rubber concessions in Panama was WORKERS Crow, 15 mites southwest of Eugene, district. Introduced ln the senate by Senator were destroyed by fire. Geo. T. Klein, Seattle, Washington, Evangelist Mouth Disease la Entirely Wiped Out. Borah of Idaho. Tourist travel to the Oregon Caves F. A. Brown, Brownsville, Oregon, Song Leader Washington, D. C.—Foot and mouth ts Increasing and already more than disease among livestock has been com­ Welker Cup Kept by Americans, Amanda Mitzner, Halsey, Y’ngPeople's \\ orker 09 people tjave registered at Grants w . L. W R IG H T pletely eradicated in the United States, l ass for a trop through. Scotland - T h e WtlkST Mrs. Dora Parker, Halsey, Children’s W orker and. effective June 10. alt domee.le M’#,eu,' Alfred Miller of Gold Beach, one of qnarantinee on foot and mouth disease g^i’t w ^ r ^ a m ^ n ^ ^ n the best known pioneers of Curry Everybody Invited Harrisburg, Ore. county, died suddenly while on a visit Jartiae auncmcct. American »tars having defeated the British •w to bis farm $n Rogue river, “The Eagle Halsey Pharmacy TO RRANCE econditioning Shop R COMMITTEE OPPOSES REFERENDUM ON RUM Portland-Brownsville > Truck Harrisburg 1 Line GATEWAY CASES DISMISSAL ASKED Ì our Home Paper Halsey REJECTS COMMISSION; MIDDY IS ARRESTEO Rural Enterprise 1 for ^ d o llar BARBER SHOP First-class First Annual Canip meeting Linn County Holiness Association A Modern Barber Shop HALSEY, OREGON, JUNE 17-27 FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1